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The movie begin with action like cowboy film where Woody, Buzz, and Jassy were joined

( make a unite to o!!osite "amm, #r$ and #rs$ %otato "ead, and the &liens, that the real, it just visualization of little &ndy's imagination$ &nd the ne(t action ( scene , show about &ndy's child time ( at the time of &ndy's child with his toys$ When &ndy was seventeen years old, he was outgrown$ "e is !re!aring to move to collage$ "e little forgets his old toys, but he decides to take Woody with him, and !acking the other old toys to garbage bag, and attending !ut them to a little room$ But &ndy's #om mistakenly, estimating that &ndy no wants them ( the toys againt, she sneaking the toys into a bo( to be donated to )unnyside *aycare$ &t the time, only Woody who know what ha!!ened$ "e tries to clear u! the misunderstanding$ But they ( the toys are driven to )unnyside *aycare before he can do it$ &t different time , Woody tries to e(!lain to the toys that &ndy isn't intend to discard them$ But the toys feel interest to go to )unnyside *aycare$ The toys story is begin+, When the toys arrived at )unnyside, they are receive with a warm welcome by the toys's )unnyside, that led by -otso ( a big bear $ &t the first, the toys feel ha!!ier and more comfortable to live at )unnyside$ .n that !lace, the toys can meet and introducing other toys, for e(am!le, Barbie, Big Baby, e(t$ &s the toys, they are usually !layed offcourse$ &t last, the toys, es!ecially Buzz feel strange with -otso !osture that !ut them ( the toys in children !lace who have the crude !osture/, com!ared with -otso's gang/ that !layed by slowly !osture children/$ &t different !lace, Woody ( as the asca!es )unnyside , is found and taken in by a little girl from )unnyside named Bonnie$ 0rom that !lace, by introduce with other Bonnie's toys, he know why -otso's attitude be so unem!athic and a few resentment$ That because, at last time, -otso felt discarded by his owner, that the real isn't like that$ -otso and the gang just miss ( left behind at a !lace$ Woody comeback to )unnyside$ "e wants to rescue and invite the toys to out of )unnyside and back to &ndy$ The com!licated e(!erience+, But, what ha!!ened11 Because of -otso's slyness that confusing Buzz's work system/, Buzz has a different attitude, he is on side with -otso$ But, Woody and the other toys are not surrender to return Buzz's basic attitude, and also to freedom from )unnyside side and -otso's slyness$ &bsolutely+,

By their friendshi! ,their brave, and their coo!eration that their show, finally the toys family can go out of )unnyside$ &!art from that, the toys ( es!ecially by Woody's intellegent , can make one realize the Big Baby to do not sly againt, and return to be nice toys baby againt$ But, the toys can't changing -otso's attitude to has a good attitude and not be -otso's that resentment$2es, -otso still slyness, although he ever saved by Woody when he will dead$ Bla$$bla$$bla$$ &fter the family toys freedom, they back to &ndy, ho!ely &ndy still wants them$ But, the toys be aware, that &ndy was teenager, and doesn't need them againt$ But, Woody remembering something$ 2eah$$Bonnie$ The little girl that ever save him$ With his clever, Woody wrote a massage to &ndy, where the contents is re3uest to bring ( take to him and the other toys to Bonnie's home$ 0inally, &ndy went to Bonny's home$ "e given the toys to her$ &ndy and Bonnie !laying them together$ &ndy was leaved a massage to Bonnie, to save, kee!, and love the toys$ Bonnie felt so ha!!y, and !romised to love the toys, always$

TUGAS 1 MATA KULIAH BAHASA INGGRIS KESIMPULAN SUATU CERITA #s$ -aila *isusun oleh 4 5ama 4 Tia 6ahmawati 5.# 4 7889:98


)ome figures on T;2 )T;62 < movie that . knew 4 = Woody 4 the genius >cowboy' = Buzz -ightyear 4 = Jessy 4 the wonder >cowgirl' = #r$ and #rs$ %otato "ead = 6e( 4 a funny dino = &liens = -otso 4 the sly big bear = &ndy 4 a nice boy ( teenager who save and kee! the toys = &ndy's #om = Bonnie = Big Baby = Barbie = )linky dog The moral value of T;2 )T;62 < 4 = always kee! a friendshi!, save the family, and love for every one = never forget someone or something that ever make us feel valuable = !ositif thinking to be a !ositif !erson = never think what can !eo!le do for me, but think what can . do for !eo!le = always hard work, to get the ha!!y ending

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