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WEEK 01: INTRODUCTION Alonso Quijano, a lean, less-than-affluent man of 5 , li!es mo"estl# in a !illa$e in La %an&ha 'ith his nie&e an" housemai"( An a!i" )ea"e), he $)a"uall# *e&omes o*sesse" 'ith *oo+s of &hi!al)# an" sells off a&)es of his fa)mlan" to e,-an" his *oo+ &olle&tion( E!entuall#, .f)om little slee- an" too mu&h )ea"in$., his *)ain /")ies u-0 an" he loses his 'its( 1e "e&i"es to .tu)n +ni$ht-e))ant an" t)a!el th)ou$h the 'o)l" 'ith ho)se an" a)mou) in sea)&h of a"!entu)es. 'ith the -u)-ose of .)e")essin$ all manne) of ')on$s.( WEEK 02: FIRST ADVENTURE Quijano &hooses a lo&al fa)m $i)l, 'hom he )enames /Dul&inea0, as the fai) la"# to 'hose se)!i&e he is s'o)n( Du**in$ himself .Don Qui,ote "e La %an&ha. an" outfittin$ himself in )ust# a)mou) an" a &a)"*oa)" helmet, DQ mounts his ol" na$ Ro&inante 2)oh-see-NAEN-teh3 an" sets out in sea)&h of a"!entu)es( The )as&all# lan"lo)" of an inn 4 'hi&h DQ *elie!es to *e a &astle - &onsents to +ni$ht him, an" the t)ansfo)mation is &om-lete( Th)ee "a#s into his e,-e"ition, DQ is *a"l# *eaten *# the se)!ant of a $)ou- of t)a!ellin$ me)&hants 'ho )efuse to a&+no'le"$e Dul&inea5s $)eat *eaut#( A nei$h*ou) )es&ues the a"!entu)e) an" &a))ies him home on the *a&+ of a "on+e#( WEEK 03: THE ADVENTURE BOOK BURNING AND THE NEW

6hile )e&o!e)in$ f)om his inju)ies, DQ5s nie&e an" house+ee-e) 4 'ith his f)ien"s the -)iest an" the *a)*e) - *u)n his *elo!e" *oo+ &olle&tion in an attem-t to &u)e him of his ma"ness( 6hen DQ "is&o!e)s this he $ets !e)# an$)# an" *e&omes &on!in&e" that an e!il 'i7a)" has stolen all of his *oo+s( %o)e "ete)mine" than e!e), DQ -e)sua"es San&ho 8an7a, a -lum- lo&al la*ou)e), to *e his s9ui)e( DQ -)omises S8 his o'n islan" to $o!e)n at the en" of the e,-e"ition( Un"e) &o!e) of "a)+ness, DQ an" S8 snea+ off : WEEK 04: THE WINDMILLS On the -lains of %ontiel stoo" a s&o)e of *i$ 'in"mills( DQ mista+es them fo) out)a$eous $iants an" -)e-a)es to "o *attle a$ainst them, an", "es-ite S8;s -)otests that thei) hu$e a)ms 'e)e onl# !anes( As the 'in" *lo's !iolentl#, DQ an" his stee" a)e 'hi)le" a'a# into the fiel", 'he)e the# lie motionless as if "ea"( S8 hastens to the ai" of his maste) an" fin"s him una*le to sti)( <ut DQ is soon )ea"# to $o on a$ain( WEEK 05: THE MONKS Ne,t, DQ an" S8 &ome a&)oss t'o mon+s )i"in$ on mules as *i$ as ")ome"a)ies, in &om-an# 'ith a &oa&h in 'hi&h sits a la"# es&o)te" *# men on ho)se*a&+( DQ ima$ines that a"!entu)e)s ha!e &a-tu)e" a -)in&ess an" "eman"s he) )elease( Then, 'ithout 'a)nin$, DQ atta&+s the mon+s =one )uns a'a#, one falls off his mule>( DQ en$a$es in &om*at 'ith one of the la"#;s $ua)"s, 'ho sli&es off half of DQ5s helmet : an" one of his ea)s( WEEK 06: THE SHEEP A fe' "a#s late), *)uise" an" *atte)e" in unto'a)"

a"!entu)es, DQ an" S8 &ome u-on a flo&+ of shee-( DQ *e&omes &on!in&e" that the# a)e in fa&t an a)m# &om-ose" of an infinite num*e) of nations le" *# mi$ht# +in$s( Des-ite S85s -)otests, DQ &ha)$es "o'n the hill an" sta)ts atta&+in$ the shee-( 6hen the she-he)"s )eali7e 'hat is ha--enin$, the# )all# an" sa!e thei) shee-( DQ loses nea)l# all of his teeth( WEEK 07: THE WINE SACKS The ne,t mo)nin$ DQ an" S8 meet a *a)*e) )i"in$ on an ass an" 'ea)in$ his *)ass *asin on his hea" to sa!e his hat f)om the )ain( DQ )e&o$ni7es this as the $ol"en helmet of %am*)ino, an" flies at this /enem#0( The *a)*e) flees, lea!in$ his /helmet0( This $)eatl# -leases DQ, althou$h S8 thin+s it is me)el# a &ommon *o'l( The# a))i!e at anothe) inn( In the ni$ht DQ, 'hile soun" asleean" ")eamin$, enjo#s the most famous *attle of his &a)ee)( D)esse" in just his un"e)-ants, 'ith a *lan+et ')a--e" a)oun" his left a)m fo) a shiel", DQ -lun$es his s'o)" into the -lum*o"ies of se!e)al $iants( Thei) *loo" flo's a&)oss the floo) an" DQ stan"s !i&to)ious( The follo'in$ mo)nin$, the inn-+ee-e) "is&o!e)s that his $uest has "isem*o'ele" all his 'ine-sa&+s, 'hi&h 'e)e ma"e of $oat-s+ins 'ith the hea"s left on( WEEK 0 : MONTESINO!S CAVE DQ an" S8 lea!e fo) %ontesinos5s Ca!e( 6hen the# a))i!e at %ontesinos5s Ca!e, S8 lo'e)s DQ into the &a!e *# a )o-e( 1e 'aits fo) a half hou) an" then -ulls DQ u-, onl# to fin" him aslee-( DQ tells S8 that 'hen he 'ent into the &a!e he foun" a small noo+ an" fell aslee- the)e( 6hen he 'o+e u- he 'as in a *eautiful fiel"( DQ sa#s he 'as the)e fo) th)ee "a#s an" th)ee ni$hts an" sa' the *eautiful Dul&inea( S8 thin+s DQ is &)a7#, an" )eali7es that he ma# ne!e) $et his -)omise" islan"( WEEK 0": MASTER PETER!S PUPPET SHOW At anothe) inn, %aste) 8ete) -uts on a -u--et sho' fo) DQ( The -u--et sho' "e-i&ts a +ni$ht 'ho $oes to )es&ue his 'ife f)om fo)ei$n lan"s( DQ *e&omes so &on!in&e" that the sho' is )eal that he atta&+s an" "est)o#s the enti)e set( 1e e,-lains that his %aste) 8ete) *ea)s )es-onsi*ilit# fo) DQ5s a&tions *e&ause he ma"e DQ *elie!e that the -u--ets 'e)e )eal( DQ -a#s %aste) 8ete) fo) his t)ou*les nonetheless( 1e also t)eats the $uests to a meal an" -a#s the inn+ee-e)( S8 en&ou)a$es DQ to )etu)n to La %an&ha( WEEK 10: RETURN TO LA MANCHA AND DEATH DQ falls ill 'ith a t)emen"ous fe!e) an" lies in *e" fo) si, "a#s, "u)in$ 'hi&h S8 ne!e) lea!es his si"e( 6hen he 'a+es on the se!enth "a#, DQ has )etu)ne" to sanit# an" )e&o$ni7es that his )eal name is Alonso Qui,ano( 1e "isa!o's all *oo+s of &hi!al)# an" )e-ents his -ast a&tions( The -)iest an" the *a)*e) !isit DQ, *ut all he 'ants to "o is ma+e his final 'ill( DQ lea!es e!e)#thin$ to his nie&e, his house+ee-e), an" S8, an" u-on a*an"onin$ his e))ant 'a#s as a so-&alle" /+ni$ht0, DQ -ea&efull# -asses a'a#(

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