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The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) About OIC The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) (formely Organization of the

Islamic Conference) is the second largest inter-governmental organization after the United ations !hich has membership of "# states spread over four continents$ The Organization is the collective voice of the %uslim !orld and ensuring to safeguard and protect the interests of the %uslim !orld in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony among various people of the !orld$ The Organization !as established upon a decision of the historical summit !hich too& place in 'abat( )ingdom of %orocco on *+th 'a,ab *-./ 0i,ra (+" 1eptember */2/) as a result of criminal arson of Al-A3sa %os3ue in occupied 4erusalem$ In */#5 the first ever meeting of Islamic Conference of 6oreign %inister (IC6%) !as held in 4eddah !hich decided to establish a permanent secretariat in 4eddah headed by the organization7s secretary general$ 8rof 9&meleddin Ihsanoglu is the /th 1ecretary :eneral !ho assumed the office in 4anuary +55" after being elected by the -*st IC6%$ The present Charter of the Organization !as adopted by the 9leventh Islamic 1ummit held in ;a&ar on *--*< %arch +55. !hich laid do!n the ob,ectives and principles of the organization and fundamental purposes to strengthen the solidarity and cooperation among the %ember 1tates$ Over the last <5 years( the membership has gro!n from its founding members of +" to "# states$ The Organization has the singular honor to galvanize the Ummah into a unified body and have actively represented the %uslims by espousing all causes close to the hearts of over *$" billion %uslims of the !orld$ The Organization has consultative and cooperative relations !ith the U and other inter-governmental organizations to protect the vital interests of the %uslims and to !or& for the settlement of conflicts and disputes involving %ember 1tates$ In safeguarding the true values of Islam and the %uslims( the organization has ta&en various steps to remove misperceptions and have strongly advocated elimination of discrimination against the %uslims in all forms and manifestations$ Under the Charter, the Organization aims( inter alia( to=

9nhance and consolidate the bonds of fraternity and solidarity among the %ember 1tates; 1afeguard and protect the common interests and support the legitimate causes of the %ember 1tates and coordinate and unify the efforts of the %ember 1tates in vie! of the challenges faced by the Islamic !orld in particular and the international community in general> 'espect the right of self-determination and non-interference in the domestic affairs and to respect sovereignty( independence and territorial integrity of each %ember 1tate> 9nsure active participation of the %ember 1tates in the global political( economic and social decision-ma&ing processes to secure their common interests> 'eaffirm its support for the rights of peoples as stipulated in the U Charter and international la!> 1trengthen intra-Islamic economic and trade cooperation> in order to achieve economic integration leading to the establishment of an Islamic Common %ar&et>

9?ert efforts to achieve sustainable and comprehensive human development and economic !ell-being in %ember 1tates> 8rotect and defend the true image of Islam( to combat defamation of Islam and encourage dialogue among civilizations and religions> 9nhance and develop science and technology and encourage research and cooperation among %ember 1tates in these fields>

In order to realize these ob,ectives( %ember 1tates shall act( inter alia( in accordance !ith the follo!ing principles=

All %ember 1tates commit themselves to the purposes and principles of the United ations Charter> %ember 1tates are sovereign( independent and e3ual in rights and obligations> All %ember 1tates shall settle their disputes through peaceful means and refrain from use or threat of use of force in their relations> All %ember 1tates underta&e to respect national sovereignty( independence and territorial integrity of other %ember 1tates and shall refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of others> %ember 1tates shall uphold and promote( at the national and international levels( good governance( democracy( human rights and fundamental freedoms( and the rule of la!$

The Organization is composed of the follo!ing main bodies= The Islamic 1ummit( composed of )ings and 0eads of 1tate and :overnment of %ember 1tates( is the supreme authority of the Organization$ It convenes once every three years to deliberate( ta&e policy decisions and provide guidance on all issues pertaining to the realization of the ob,ectives and consider other issues of concern to the %ember 1tates and the Ummah$

The Council of Foreign Ministers( !hich meets once a year( considers the means for the implementation of the general policy of the Organization by( inter alia= a$ Adopting decisions and resolutions on matters of common interest in the implementation of the ob,ectives and the general policy of the Organization> b$ 'evie!ing progress of the implementation of the decisions and resolutions adopted at the previous 1ummits and Councils of 6oreign %inisters> The General Secretariat( !hich is the e?ecutive organ of the Organization( entrusted !ith the implementation of the decisions of the t!o preceding bodies$ 1o far eleven Islamic 1ummit Conferences and -. Councils of 6oreign %inisters (C6%) have been held$ The 9leventh Islamic 1ummit Conference held in ;a&ar on *--*< %arch +55. elected 1enegal as the current Chairman of the Organization$ The 1ecretary :eneral of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation( 8rofessor 9&meleddin Ihsanoglu( !as re-elected for a ne! term of office at the closing meeting of the **th 1ession of the Islamic 1ummit Conference$ The ne! OIC Charter !as adopted at the ;a&ar 1ummit$ The 1ummit also !itnessed the setting up of the 1pecial 8rogramme

for the ;evelopment of Africa (18;A)$ An agreement bet!een 0$9$ 8resident Omar 0assan Al @ashir and 0$9$ 8resident Idriss ;eby( 8resident of the 'epublic of Chad( under the auspices of 0$9$ %aitre Abdoulaye Aade( 8resident of the 'epublic of 1enegal( !as signed on the sidelines of the **th Islamic 1ummit Conference( on *%arch +55.$ @efore the 1ummit Conference( at 0is 9?cellency 8resident Abdoulaye Aade7s initiative( the first conference of humanitarian and charity organizations !as held in 1aly 8ortudal from # to / %arch +55.$

In order to coordinate and boost its action( align its vie! points and stands( and be credited !ith concrete results in various fields of cooperation -political( economic( cultural( social( spiritual and scientific- among %ember 1tates( the Organization has created different committees( nearly all( at ministerial level( a number of !hich are chaired by 0eads of 1tate$ The Al-Buds Committee( the 1tanding Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs (CO%IAC)( the 1tanding Committee for 9conomic and Trade Cooperation (CO%C9C)( and the 1tanding Committee for 1cientific and Technological Cooperation (CO%1T9C0) are the ones Chaired by 0eads of 1tate$ The number and types of secondary organs and institutions( !or&ing to!ard the achievement of the OIC ob,ectives( have been steadily increasing( and cover various areas of cultural( scientific( economic( legal( financial( sports( technological( educational( media( as !ell as vocational( social and humanitarian$ ;epending on their degree of autonomy vis-C-vis the parent organization( they are classified as subsidiary organs and specialized or affiliated institutions$

%embership of "# states *$'epublic of AD9'@AI4A %ember 1ince *//+

+$ 0ashemite )ingdom of 4O';A %ember 1ince */2/ -$ Islamic 'epublic of A6:0A I1TA %ember 1ince */2/ <$'epublic of I ;O 91IA %ember 1ince */2/ "$Islamic 'epublic of I'A %ember 1ince */2/ 2$ @'U 9I-;A'U11AEA% %ember 1ince */.< #$@U')I A-6A1O (then Upper Folta) %ember 1ince */#< .$Tur&menistan %ember 1ince *//+ /$'epublic of TU I1IA %ember 1ince */2/ *5$)ingdom of 1AU;I A'A@IA %ember 1ince */2/ **$1G'IA Arab 'epublic %ember 1ince */#+ *+$'epublic of 1O%AEIA %ember 1ince */2/

*-$'epublic of :A@O

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-5$'epublic of 1I9''A E9O 9 %ember 1ince */#+ -*$1ultanate of O%A %ember 1ince */#+

-+$'epublic of :UGA A %ember 1ince *//. --$1tate of 8AE91TI 9 %ember 1ince */2/ -<$1tate of BATA' %ember 1ince */#+ -"$'epublic of COT9 ;HIFOI'9 %ember 1ince +55* -2$Eibya %ember 1ince */2/ -#$%AEAG1IA %ember 1ince */2/

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""$'epublic of %AEI %ember 1ince */2/ "2$)ingdom of %O'OCCO %ember 1ince */2/ "#$'epublic of I:9' %ember 1ince */2/

9FOEUTIO O6 %AEAG1IA71 6O'9I: 8OEICG 6oreign policy is not static$ Its formulation is essentially a dynamic process$ 0ence( over the years( our foreign policy has evolved( ta&ing account of the change in leadership as !ell as developments in the ever-changing global political and economic landscapes$ %oreover( the advent of globalization and the transformation of interstate relations brought about by ne! and rapid changes in information technologies( necessarily means that our foreign policy has to be ad,usted and fine tuned to meet ne! challenges in a globalised !orld$

The style and approaches in enunciating %alaysiaHs foreign policy may differ in &eeping !ith the personality of each past and present prime minister of %alaysia$ A critical e?amination of %alaysiaHs foreign policy since */"# !ould sho! its steady evolution characterised by notable changes in emphasis( !hich too& place !ith the change in %alaysiaHs political ste!ardship$ @riefly= a) In the period */"#-*/2/( our country has ,ust gained its independence$ ;uring this post independence period( under our first prime minister( Tun&u Abdul 'ahman 8utra Al-0a,( our foreign policy !as geared to!ards the survival of our ne!ly independent nation$ Our foreign policy then !as mar&edly anti-Communist and pro-!estern in posture !ith close lin&s to the Common!ealth$ Ae !ere also a strong opponent of apartheid$ Our posture to!ards regional cooperation also began to ta&e root !ith the birth of A1A (*/25)( %A80IEI ;O (*/2-) and A19A (*/2#) b) In the period */#5 -*/#2( under Tun Abdul 'aza&( as a member of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC)( %alaysia began to identify itself as a I%uslim nation$I The search for ne! friends substantially increased the importance of A% to %alaysia$ Ae became mar&edly non-aligned and postured to!ards neutrality( peaceful co-e?istence and independence$ Ae also began to distance ourselves from ma,or po!ers( put strong emphasis on regionalism and developed contacts and diplomatic relations !ith communist countries$ Investments from other than @ritish sources began to be also !elcomed$ c) A period of consolidation ensued under Tun 0ussein Onn (*/#2-*/.*) !ith A19A becoming the cornerstone of %alaysiaHs foreign policy follo!ing the collapse of 1aigon (no! 0o Chi %inh City) in */#"( the !ithdra!al of the U1 military presence from 1outheast Asia and the invasion of )ampuchea (no! Cambodia) by Fietnam$ The 6irst A19A 1ummit !as held and %alaysia signed the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in @ali in */#2$ 6urther emphasis on independence( non-alignment and e3uidistance from the ma,or po!ers !as also made$ d) A more dramatic shift in emphasis occurred !hen Tun ;r$ %ahathir %ohammad too& over as the fourth 8rime %inister in */.*$ %alaysiaHs foreign policy stance began to ta&e a much greater economic orientation than ever before( coupled !ith a strong and nationalistic defence of the rights( interests and aspirations of developing countries and the advocacy of south-south co-operation$ Tun ;r$ %ahathirHs premiership sa! the pursuit of numerous ne! initiatives The evolution of the countryHs foreign policy under successive prime ministers reflects a pragmatic response to the geopolitical and economic changes of their times$ To be continually relevant to the countryHs needs( foreign policy cannot remain static$@ut !hilst changes in emphasis have become a general feature of %alaysian foreign policy( continuity has also been evident$ @oth the change and continuity mar& a higher level of confidence and maturing of the country in the conduct of its international affairs$ Indeed( in many !ays %alaysiaHs leadership role has been recognised on several issues of deep interest to the developing !orld$

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