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Sales Jobs Market Outlook 2013 across UK

Based on the employment market data of September 2013 from Adzuna, it seems that the dark clouds lingering over the struggling economy of the Great Britain have been going slo ly and steadily due to fast increase in the !ob vacancies across different sectors including "#$ construction$ marketing and sales% The Key drivers of the growi g sales i dustry i the UK

&' retail business has achieved a milestone of (321 billion turnover per year and according to the )*S data$ retail has become the largest private sector employer ith the highest number of orkforce$ around 2%+ million According to the *ational ,areer services &'$ the ne emerging trend of online shopping i%e% e-commerce has created many !ob opportunities for sales professionals$ marketers and store managers #he current economic scenarios are impacting almost all areas of the retail business industry$ but eb based retailers or e-businesses are sho ing the highest signs of gro th$ added a study by the *ational career services% #he study has forecasted 21.$000 ne retail !obs in the country till 201/% As reported by the #elegraph &'$ the sales !ob market is flourishing at a constant pace due to a strong emphasis in ne business ventures% 0eb based retailers$ holesalers and other businesses seem very active in the recruitment process of sales e1ecutives$ sales assistance and sales manager #he hiring of sales and marketing professionals is anticipated to remain high in the second half of the current year 2013$ says a study by a leading !ob search engine%

!ho are "iri g# As recently published in a post of 2ailymail &'$ !ob vacancies for fresh graduates have risen by .%34 in 2012$ hich is the highest level since the economic crisis of 2005% Almost every !ob market sector of the &' is gradually sho ing signs of recovery in the second half of the present year$ and sales is definitely not an e1ception to this% 6et7s have a look at some of the reno ned$ big employers ho are thinking

of hiring candidates from the sales or retail industry of the &'8 Audi$ one of the orld7s top automotive brands$ is seeking candidates for the positions of Sales 91ecutives$ General Sales :anagers and many other positions for their outlets all across the country% "n a time span of 3 centuries$ Barclays have traveled a !ourney from a &' bank to a large-scale international financial services provider company% #hey have more than 1/20 branches in the &' alone and are currently seeking candidates for retail banking% 99$ one of the country7s top digital communication companies$ is also not left behind the recruitment race% #he company is looking candidates for various positions like Sales Advisors and Store :anagers% :orrisons$ the .th biggest food retailer of the &'$ is looking for candidates for roles such as Store :anagers$ ,atering Supervisors$ and Supply ,hain and 6ogistics positions% *ike is also giving a great opportunity to young candidates to become a part of its brand as a Sales Associate or Store :anager in its many store locations in the &'% A leading entertainment company of the &' and "reland$ Sky$ is recruiting for the positions of sales advisors throughout the &'%

;urthermore$ the #elegraph &' reveals that Bristol and Glasgo are amongst the top ten cities of the country seeing the highest number of !ob openings in various disciplines% 6ooking for a bright career in sales< =ou should contact Bristol >ecruitment ,onsultants to en?uire about the latest openings% *o matter hat part of the country you live in$ if you are looking for a great start to your career in sales$ it is a great idea to hire the services of one of the Sales >ecruitment Agencies in your city% #hey ill kno here you can start and ho to make the right career choices%

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