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The District of Columbia Public Library

FY 2009 Year-to-Date Report

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Document #8B
Board of Library Trustees Meeting
FY 2009 Budget Status
• The District remains under Continuing Resolution (CR) (P.L. 110-329).
• Recently, the OCFO reported an additional $127.1M revenue shortfall over
and above the $131M shortfall reported in the September revenue estimate.
• As a part of the citywide effort to offset the September decrease in FY 2009
revenues, DCPL’s FY 2009 budget now reflects the two adopted reductions:
1) $89K in telecommunications; and 2) $442K from furniture, fixtures and
equipment (FFE). The $442K cut may be restored should revenues, based
on the February 2009 revenue projection, get back on track.
• With 26% of the fiscal year elapsed, 24% of the personnel services (PS)
budget and 59% of the non-personnel services (NPS) have been obligated.
• DCPL’s PS spending is projected within budget, with a 1.5% forecasted
surplus. To expend these funds, additional matching FTE authority will be
• The increase of $424K in federal budget authority reflects the carryover
balances of the Library Services Construction Act (LSCA) Grant and the
National Endowment for the Humanities Grant.
FY 2009 Budget Results
(YTD December 31, 2008 - All Sources)
Cost Categories Budget Obligations Variance ($) % Oblig
Personnel Service
11 Regular Pay- Cont Full Time 20,583,909 4,973,188 15,610,720 24.2%
12 Regular Pay- Other 3,635,065 765,174 2,869,892 21.0%
13 Additional Gross Pay 572,426 143,668 428,757 25.1%
14 Fringe- Benefits- Curr Personnel 4,499,649 1,113,101 3,386,549 24.7%
15 Overtime 617,970 176,997 440,973 28.6%
Total Personnel Service (PS) 29,909,019 7,172,127 22,736,891 24.0%

Non-Personnel Service
20 Supplies and Materials 866,683 256,734 609,949 29.6%
30 Energy and Utilities 2,177,063 2,133,968 43,096 98.0%
31 Telephone, Telegraph, Telegram & Etc 540,871 526,433 14,437 97.3%
32 Rentals - Land & Structure 125,059 245,059 (120,000) 196.0%
33 Janitorial Services 8,000 8,000 0 100.0%
34 Security Services 4,000 4,000 0 100.0%
35 Occupancy 18,000 18,000 0 100.0%
40 Other Services and Charges 4,692,141 2,756,630 1,935,511 58.7%
41 Contractual Services & Other 1,855,814 1,255,537 600,277 67.7%
50 Subsidies and Transfer 55,600 52,048 3,552 93.6%
70 Equipment & Equipment Rental 6,785,769 2,869,723 3,916,046 42.3%
Total Non-Personnel Service (NPS) 17,129,000 10,126,133 7,002,868 59.1%

Grand Total: PS + NPS 47,038,019 17,298,260 29,739,759 36.8%

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