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Some hidden facts about the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty

The Nehru-Gandhi dynasty starts with the Mughal man named Ghiyasuddin Ghazi. He was the City Kotwal i.e. olice officer of !elhi rior to the u rising of "#$%& under the Mughal rule. 'fter ca turing !elhi in "#$%& in the year of the mutiny& the (ritish were slaughtering all Mughals e)erywhere. The (ritish made a thorough search and *illed e)ery Mughal so that there were no future claimant to the throne of!elhi. The Hindus on the other hand were not targeted by the (ritish unless isolated Hindus were found to be siding with the Mughals& due to ast associations. Therefore& it became customary for many Mohammedans to ado t Hindu names. So& the man Ghiyasuddin Ghazi +the word means *afir-*iller, ado ted a Hindu name Gangadhar Nehru and thus sa)ed his life by the subterfuge. Ghiyasuddin Ghazi a arently used to reside on the ban* of a canal +or Nehr, near the -ed .ort. Thus& he ado ted the name /Nehru0 as the family name. Through out the world& we do not find any descendant other than that of Gangadhar& ha)ing the surname Nehru. The "1th )olume of the 23ncyclo edia of 4ndian 5ar of 4nde endence6 +4S(N7#"-89"-1%:$-;, by M.K. Singh states it elaborately. The Go)ernment of 4ndia ha)e been hiding this fact. City Kotwal was an important post like todays Commissioner of Police. It appears from Mughal records that there was no Hindu Kotwal employed. It was extremely unlikely for a Hindu to be hired for that post. Compulsorily only Mohammedans of foreign ancestry were hired for such important posts. awaharlal !ehru"s second sister Krishna Hutheesing also mentions in her memoirs that her grandfather was the city Kotwal of #elhi prior to $%&'s uprising when (ahadur )hah *afar was still the sultan of #elhi. awaharlal !ehru+ in his autobiography+ states that he ha,e seen a picture of his grandfather which portrays him like a Mughal nobleman. In that picture it appears that he was ha,ing long ,ery thick beard+ wearing a Muslim cap and was ha,ing two swords in his hands. awaharlal !ehru also states in his autobiography that on their way to.gra /a seat of Mughal influence0 from #elhi+ the members of his grand fathers family were

detained by the (ritish. 1he reason for the detention was their Mughal features. 1hey howe,er pleaded that they were Kashmiri Pandits and thus got away. 1he 2rdu literature of the $3th century+ especially the works of Khwa4a Hasan !i5ami+ are full of the miseries that the Mughals and Mohammedans ha,e to face then. 1hey also describe how Mughals escaped to other cities to sa,e their li,es. In all probability+ awahar !ehru"s Mughal grandfather and his family were among them. 67676767676 awaharlal !ehru was a person that Indiaadores. He was undoubtedly a ,ery sound politician and a gifted indi,idual. (ut+ the 8o,ernment of India has not built a memorial of awaharlal !ehru at his birth place '' Mirgan4 in .llahabad+ because it is a brothel. 1he entire locality is a well known red light area since long. It has not become a brothel recently+ but it has been a brothel e,en before awaharlal !ehrus birth. . portion of the same house was sold by his father Motilal !ehru to a prostitute named 9ali aan and it came to be known asImambada. If you ha,e some doubt+ you may ,isit the place. )e,eral dependable sources and also - :ikipedia say this. Motilal !ehru along with his family+ later shifted to .nand (hawan. ;emember that .nand (hawan is awaharlal !ehrus ancestral house and not his birth place. M. <. Mathai of Indian Ci,il )er,ice ser,ed as the Pri,ate )ecretary to Prime Minister awaharlal !ehru. Mathai has written a book =;eminiscences of the !ehru .ge> /I)(!?$@A 3'%B'BC3BCD$30.In the book Mathai re,eals that there was intense lo,e affair between awaharlal !ehru and Edwina Mountbatten /wife of the last Ficeroy to India+ 9ouis Mountbatten0. 1he romance was a source of great embarrassment for Indira 8andhi+ who used to seek Maulana .bul Kalam .5ads help in persuading her father to be little discreet about their relationship.

!ehru with lady Mountbatten .lso !ehru had lo,e affair with )aro4ini !aidus daughter Padma4a !aidu+ whom !ehru got appointed as the 8o,ernor of (engal. It is re,ealed that he used to keep her portrait in his bed room+ which Indira would often remo,e. It caused some tension between father and daughter. .part from these ladies+ Pandit !ehru had an affair with a sanyasin from (enares named )hraddha Mata. )he was an attracti,e )anskrit scholar well ,ersed in the ancient Indian scriptures and mythology. :hen she concei,ed out of their illicit relationship+ in $3G3+ in a con,ent in (angalore+ she insisted that !ehru should marry her. (ut+ !ehru declined that because it could affect his political career. . son was born and he was kept at a ChristianMissionary (oarding )chool. His date of birth is estimated to be @Bth May+ $3G3. He may be in his early sixties now. Con,ents in such matters maintain secrecy to pre,ent humiliation of the child. 1hough Mathai confirmed the existence of the child+ no efforts ha,e e,er been made to locate him. He must ha,e grown up as a Catholic Christian blissfully ignorant of who his father was.

)raddha mata !eta4i )ubhash Chandra (ose and #r. )hyama Prasad Mukher4ee were competitors of awaharlal !ehru for the post of Prime Minister of India and both of them died under mysterious circumstances. Knowing all these facts+ is there any meaning of celebrating !ehrus birthday as Childrens #ayH Presenting him as a different person to our children and hiding the truth+ amounts to denying education to them. 67676767676 .s per the book =1he great di,ideA Muslim separatism and partition> /I)(!? $@A3'%%$D$DB&3$'0 by ).C. (hattI awaharlal !ehrus sister Fi4aya 9akshmi eloped with her fathers employee )yud Hussain. 1hen Motilal !ehru forcefully took her back and got her married with another man named ;an4it Pandit.

67676767676 Indira Priyadarshini perpetuated immorality in the !ehru dynasty. Intellectual Indira was admitted in <xford 2ni,ersity but dri,en out from there for non?performance. )he was then admitted to )hantiniketan 2ni,ersitybut+ 8uru #e, ;abindranath 1agore chased her out for bad conduct. .fter dri,en out of )hantiniketan+ Indira became lonely as father was busy with politics and mother was dieing of tuberculosis in)wit5erland. Playing with her loneliness+ Jero5e Khan+ son of a grocer named !awab Khan who supplied wines etc to Motilal !ehrus household in .llahabad+ was able to draw close to her. 1he then 8o,ernor of Maharashtra+ #r. )hriprakash warned !ehru+ that Indira was ha,ing an illicit relation with Jero5e Khan. Jero5e Khan was then in England and he was Kuite sympathetic to Indira. )oon enough she changed her religion+ became a Muslim woman and married Jero5e Khan in a 9ondon mosKue. Indira Priyadarshini !ehru changed her name to Maimuna (egum. Her mother Kamala !ehru was totally against that marriage. !ehru was not happy as con,ersion to Muslim will 4eopardi5e her prospect of becoming Prime Minister.

)o+ !ehru asked the young man Jero5e Khan to change his surname from Khan to 8andhi. It had nothing to do with change of religion from Islam to Hinduism. It was 4ust a case of a change of name by an affida,it. .nd so Jero5e Khan became Jero5e 8andhi+ though it is an inconsistent name like (ismillah )arma. (oth changed their names to fool the public ofIndia. :hen they returned to India+ a mock ,edic marriage was instituted for public consumption. 1hus+ Indira and her descendants got the fancy name 8andhi. (oth !ehru and 8andhi are fancy names. .s a chameleon changes its colour+ this dynasty ha,e been changing its name to hide its real identity. Indira 8andhi had two sons namely ;a4i, 8andhi and )an4ay 8andhi. )an4ay was originally named as )an4i, that rhymed with ;a4i,+ his elder brother"s name. )an4i, was arrested by the (ritish police for a car theft in the 2K and his passport was sei5ed. <n Indira 8andhis direction+ the then Indian .mbassador to 2K+ Krishna Menon misusing his power+ changed his name to )an4ay and procured a new passport. 1hus )an4i, 8andhi came to be known as )an4ay 8andhi. It is a known fact that after ;a4i,"s birth+ Indira 8andhi and Jero5e 8andhi li,ed separately+ but they were not di,orced. 1he book =1he !ehru #ynasty> /I)(! $BA%$%CB3DBB&0 by K. !. ;ao states that the second son of Indira /or Mrs. Jero5e Khan0 known as )an4ay 8andhi was not the son of Jero5e 8andhi. He was the son of another Muslim gentleman named Mohammad Lunus. Interestingly )an4ay 8andhi"s marriage with the )ikh girl Menaka took place in Mohammad Lunus house in !ew #elhi. .pparently Lunus was unhappy with the marriage as he wanted to get him married with a Muslim girl of his choice. It was Mohammad Lunus who cried the most when )an4ay 8andhi died in plane crash. In Lunus book+ =Persons+ Passions - Politics> /I)(!?$BA B'BC3$B$'C0 one can disco,er that baby )an4ay was circumcised following Islamic custom. It is a fact that )an4ay 8andhi used to constantly blackmail his mother Indira 8andhi+ with the secret of who his real father is. )an4ay exercised a deep emotional control o,er his mother+ which he often misused. Indira 8andhi chose to ignore his misdeeds and he was indirectly controlling the 8o,ernment.

:hen the news of )an4ay 8andhi"s death reached Indira 8andhi+ her first Kuestion was =:here are his keys and his wrist watchH>. )ome deep secrets about the !ehru?8andhi dynasty seems to be hidden in those ob4ects.1he plane accident was also mysterious. It was a new plane that nosedi,e to a crash and yet the plane did not explode upon impact. It happens when there is no fuel. (ut the flight register shows that the fuel tank was made full before take?off. Indira 8andhi using undue influence of PMs office prohibited any inKuiry from taking place. )o+ who is the suspectH

4ndira and San<ay Gandhi

1he book =1he 9ife of Indira !ehru 8andhi> /I)(!A 3'%BBB'D&3@BG0 by Katherine Jrank sheds light on some of Indira 8andhis other lo,e affairs. It is written that Indiras first lo,e was with her 8erman teacher at )hantiniketan. 9ater she had affair with M. <. Mathai /fathers secretary0+ then #hirendra (rahmachari /her yoga teacher0 and at last with #inesh )ingh /Joreign Minister0. Jormer Joreign Minister K !atwar )ingh made an interesting re,elation about Indira 8andhi"s affinity to the Mughals in his book =Profile and 9etters> /I)(!A %$D3$BD@&%0. It states that? In $3C% Indira 8andhi as the Prime Minister of India went on an official ,isit to.fghanistan. !atwar )ing accompanied her as an IJ) officer in duty. .fter ha,ing completed the day"s long engagements+ Indira 8andhi wanted to go out for a ride in the e,ening. .fter going a long distance in

the car+ Indira 8andhi wanted to ,isit (abur"s burial place+ though this was not included in the itinerary. 1he .fghan security officials tried to dissuade her+ but she was adamant. In the end she went to that burial place. It was a deserted place. )he went before (abur"s gra,e+ stood there for a few minutes with head bent down in re,erence. !atwar )ingh stood behind her. :hen Indira had finished her prayers+ she turned back and told )ingh =1oday we ha,e had our brush with history.> :orth to mention that (abur was the founder of Mughal rule in India+ from which the !ehru?8andhi dynasty ha,e descended. 67676767676 It is difficult to count how many institutes of higher education are named after ;a4i, 8andhi but+ ;a4i, 8andhi himself was a person of low calibre. Jrom $3CD to $3C&+ he was enrolled for a Mechanical Engineering course at1rinity College+ Cambridge. (ut+ he leftCambridge without a degree because+ he could not pass exams. !ext year in $3CC+ he 4oinedImperial College+ 9ondon but+ again left it without a degree. K. !. ;ao in the abo,e said book alleges that ;a4i, 8andhi became a Catholic to marry )ania Maino. ;a4i, became ;oberto. His son"s name is ;aul and daughter"s name is (ianca. Muite cle,erly the same names are presented to the people of India as ;ahul and Priyanka. In personal conduct ;a4i, was ,ery much a Mughal. <n $&th .ugust $3%% he thundered from the ramparts of the ;ed JortA =<ur endea,or should be to take the country to heights to which it belonged about D&B?@BB years ago. It was then the reign of .urang5eb+ the N4e5iya master and number one temple destroyer.> 1he press conference that ;a4i, 8andhi ga,e in 9ondon after taking o,er as prime minister of India was ,ery informati,e. In this press conference+ ;a4i, boasted that he is not a Hindu but a Parsi. Jero5e Khans father and ;a4i, 8andhi"s paternal grandfather was a Muslim gentleman from the unagadh area of8u4arat. 1his Muslim grocer by the name of !awab Khan had married a Parsi woman after con,erting her to Islam. 1his is the source where from the myth of ;a4i, being a Parsi was deri,ed. Mind that he had no Parsi ancestor at all. His paternal

grandmother had turned Muslim after ha,ing abandoned the Parsi religion to marry !awab Khan. )urprisingly+ Parsi ;a4i, 8andhi was cremated as per Fedic rites in full ,iew of Indian public. 67676767676 #r. )ubramanian )wamy writes that )onia 8andhis name was .ntonia Maino. Her father was a mason. He was an acti,ist of the notorious fascist regime of Italy and he ser,ed fi,e years imprisonment in ;ussia. )onia 8andhi ha,e not studied beyond high school. )he learnt some English from a English teaching shop named 9ennox )chool at the Cambridge2ni,ersity campus. Jrom this fact she boasts of ha,ing studied at the prestigious Cambridge2ni,ersity. .fter learning some English+ she was a waitress at a restaurant in Cambridge town.

)onia 8andhi had intense friendship with Madha,rao )cindia in the 2K+ which continued e,en after her marriage. <ne night at D .M in $3%D+ Madha,rao )cindia and )onia 8andhi were caught alone together when their car met an accident near II1 #elhi main gate.

:hen Indira 8andhi and ;a4i, 8andhi were Prime Ministers+ PMs security used to go to !ew #elhi and Chennai international airports to send crates of Indian treasures like temple sculptures+ antiKues+ paintings etc to;ome. .r4un )ingh as CM and later as 2nion Minister in charge of Culture used to organi5e the plunder. 2nchecked by customs+ they were transported to Italy to be sold in two shops named Etnica - 8anpati+ owned by )onia 8andhis sister .lessandra Maino Finci. Indira 8andhi died not because her heart or brain were pierced by bullets+ but she died of loss of blood. .fter Indira 8andhi was fired upon+ )onia 8andhi strangely insisted that bleeding Indira 8andhi should be taken to #r. ;am Manohar 9ohia Hospital+ in opposite direction to .IIM) which had a contingency protocol to precisely deal with such e,ents. .fter reaching #r. ;am Manohar 9ohia Hospital+ )onia 8andhi changed her mind and demand that Indira 8andhi should be taken to .IIM)+ thus wasting DG ,aluable minutes. It is doubtful whether it was immaturity of )onia 8andhi or a trick to speedily bring her husband to power. ;a4esh Pilot and Madha, ;ao )cindia were strong contenders to the Prime Ministers post and they were road blocks in )onia 8andhis way to power. (oth of them died in mysterious accidents. 1here are circumstantial e,idences pointing to the prima facie possibility that the Maino family ha,e contracted 911E to kill ;a4i, 8andhi. !owadays+ )onia 8andhi is Kuite unabashed in ha,ing political alliance with those like M#MK+ PMK and #MK who praise ;a4i, 8andhis killers. !o Indian widow would e,er do that. )uch circumstances are many+ and raise a doubt. .n in,estigation into )onias in,ol,ement in ;a4i,s assassination is necessary. Lou may read #r. )ubramanian )wamys book =.ssassination <f ;a4i, 8andhi I 2nasked Muestions and 2nanswered Mueries> /I)(! A %$?DDB?B&3$?%0. It contains indications of such conspiracy. 67676767676 In $33D+ )onia 8andhi re,i,ed her citi5enship of Italy under .rticle $' of the Italian Citi5enship 9aw. 2nder Italian law+ ;ahul and Priyanka are Italian citi5ens because )onia was an Italian citi5en when she ga,e birth to them. ;ahul

8andhis Italian is better than his Hindi. ;ahul 8andhi is an Italian citi5en is rele,ant from the fact that on D'th )eptember DBB$ he was detained by the J(I at (oston airport+ 2).for tra,eling on an Italian passport. If a law is made in India that important posts like that of President and Prime Minister should not be held by a person of foreign origin+ then ;ahul 8andhi automatically disKualifies to contend for the post of Prime Minister. 67676767676 .fter finishing school education+ ;ahul 8andhi got admission at the )t. )tephensCollege in !ew #elhi+ not on merit basis but on sports Kuota of rifle shooting. .fter a brief stay there in $3%3?3B+ he did his (. from ;ollins College+ Jlorida in $33G. ust for doing (. one need not go to the 2). 1he ,ery next year+ in $33& he got M.Phil. degree from 1rinity College+Cambridge. 1he genuineness of this degree is Kuestioned as he has done M.Phil. without doing M.. .maratya )ens helping hand is thought to be behind. Many of you might ha,e seen the famous mo,ie =Munna (hai M(()>. In DBB% ;ahul 8andhi was pre,ented from using an auditorium of the Chandra)hekhar .5ad 2ni,ersity in Kanpur for a students rally. )ubseKuently+ the Fice?Chancellor of the uni,ersity+ F.K. )uri+ was ousted by the 2P 8o,ernor. #uring DCO$$ when the whole country was tense about how to tackle the Mumbai terror+ ;ahul 8andhi was la,ishly partying with his friends till & .M. ;ahul 8andhi ad,ises austerity for all Congress members. He says it is the duty of all politicians to be austere. <n the other hand he has a ministerial bungalow with a fully eKuipped gym. He is a regular member of at least two of the#elhis poshest gyms+ one of which is &?star rated. ;ahul 8andhis trip to Chennai in DBB3 to campaign for austerity cost the party more than ;s $ Crore. )uch inconsistencies show that initiati,es taken by ;ahul 8andhi are not his own but+ workout of his party men only. #uring the DBB' election campaign in 2ttar Pradesh+ ;ahul 8andhi said that =if anyone from the !ehru?8andhi family had been acti,e in politics then+ the (abri Mas4id would not ha,e fallen>. It doubtlessly shows his Mohammedan

affiliation as a loyalty to his ancestors. <n #ec @$+ DBBG+ ohn M. Itty+ a retired college professor in .lappu5ha district of Kerala+ contended that action should be taken against ;ahul 8andhi and his girlfriend u,enitta alias Feronica for staying together for three days at a resort in Kerela. It is a criminal offense under Immoral 1rafficking .ct as they are not married. .nyway+ one more foreigner daughter?in? law is waiting to rule the tolerant Indians.

-ahul Gandhi with=eronica

67676767676 1he )wiss maga5ine )chwei5er Illustriertes $$th !o,ember $33$ issue re,ealed that ;ahul 8andhi was the beneficiary of accounts worth 2) PD billion controlled by his mother )onia 8andhi. . report from the )wiss (anking .ssociation in DBBC re,ealed that the combined deposits of Indian citi5ens are far greater than any other nation+ a total of 2) P$.G trillion+ a figure exceeding the 8#P of India. 1his dynasty rules greater than half of India. Ignoring the center+ out of D% states and ' union territories+ more than half of them ha,e Congress go,ernment at any point of time. 2pto ;a4i, 8andhi there was Mughal rule in India+ with )onia 8andhi+ the ;ome rule on India ha,e started. 67676767676

1he ob4ecti,e behind writing this article is to acKuaint the citi5ens of India with their national leaders and show how a dynasty has misused the democracy of this country. )e,eral prestigious national assets and schemes are named after these lose?character people to immortali5e them. Many other shocking facts are not presented in this article because of lack of supporting e,idence. Fande mataram.

Extracts from other sources? 1here are allegations that in the night of @rd #ecember DBBC+ ;ahul 8andhi along with his foreigner friends gang raped then twenty four year old )ukanya #e,i at a FIP 8uest House in .methi. )he is the daughter of (alram )ingh - )umitra #e,i of D@?$D Medical Choke+ )an4ay 8andhi Marg+ .methi+ ;aebareli+ 2ttar Pradesh. Police refused to register complaintR the !ational Commission for :omen headed by #r. 8iri4a Fyas acted as a Congress party office. 1he ,ictim and her family is missing since then. 67676767676 M<1I9.9 married and his first wife and son died at childbirth. M<1I9.9 and his second wife 1H2))2 /name changed to ):.;<<P ;.!I0 had three children 1H2))2 with M<(.;.K .9I /Motilal"s (oss0 was the first son .:.H.; 9.9 !EH;2 /he was circumcised0 M<1I9.9 .!# 1H2))2 had two daughters by name !.! /also called Fi4aya 9akshmi0 -K;I)H!.

M<1I9.9 had also two bastard sons out of Muslim women by name )HEIK .(#299. -)L2# H2)).I! QQQQQQQQQQ FI .L. 9.K)HMI eloped with )L2# H2)).I! /half brother and sister0 and had a girl CH.!#;.9EKH. FI .L.9.K)HMI M.;;IE# ;.). P.!#I1 and had two more girls !.L.!1.;. - ;I1. .:.H.;9.9 !EH;2 married K.M.9. K.29 /marriage ne,er consummated0 .:.H.;9.9 had an affair with ).;.##H. M.1. /assumed name0 and had a son gi,en away to an orphanage in (.!8.9<;E .:.H.;9.9 had an affair with 9.#L M<2!1(.11E! but no children .:.H.;9.9 H.# M.!L .JJ.I;) and in the end died of )LPHI9I) K.M.9. K.29 had an affair with M.!*2; .9I /who is son of Mobark .li who fathered !ehru also0 and their daughter is I!#I;. P;IL.#.;)I!I !EH;2 K.M.9. K.29 had an affair with JE;<* KH.! /son of !awab Khan who supplied liKuor to their house0 but no children QQQQQQQQQQ I!#I;. was found in the bed with her 8E;M.! 1E.CHE; at )hantiniketan I!#I;. P;IL.#.;)I!I nikhahed as per Islamic rites JE;<* KH.! after con,erting herself to Islam. Her new name was M.IM2!. (E82M and both had changed their name to fool the public of India on the ad,ice of 8handi by an affida,it in a court to I!#I;. 8H.!#I and JE;<* 8.!#HI

I!#I;. and JE;<* had one son by name ;. IF 8H.!#I /as per Islamic rites he was circumcised0 I!#I;. had an affair with M<H.MME# L<2!2) and had a second son ).! IF 8H.!#I /later the name changed to ).! .L 8H.!#I to escape prosecution in 2K for car theft. He was circumcised as per Islamic rites0 I!#I;. had an affair with M.<. M.1H.I /!ehru"s steno0 and a son was aborted I!#I;. had an affair with #HI;E!#;. (;.MM.CH.;I but no children I!#I;. had an affair with #HI!E)H )I!8H but no children JE;<* had an affair with 1.;.KE):.;I )I!H. JE;<* had an affair with MEHM2!. )291.!. JE;<* had an affair with )2(H.#;. <)HI and many others.

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