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Automatic Transmission System


Automatic transmission system shifts the gears without assistance from the driver. They start the car moving in first and then shift into higher gears as the car speed increases and engine oad decreases. The shifts are produced !y hydrau ic pressure acting through the transmission f uid. The contro system ta"es into account the engine oad and in genera produce changes up when the engine oad is ight and changes down when the engine oad is heavy. The main components that make up an automatic transmission include:

The Torque Converter: This acts i"e a c utch to a ow the vehic e to come to a stop in gear whi e the engine is sti running. Planetary Gear Sets: They are the mechanica systems that provide the various forward gear ratios as we as reverse. The Hydraulic System: It uses a specia transmission f uid sent under pressure to contro the transmission

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Automatic Transmission System

2.1 I T!"#$CTI" : On automatic transmissions(

the tor)ue converter ta"es the p ace of the c utch found on standard shift vehic es. It is there to a ow the engine to continue running when the vehic e comes to a stop. 2.2 C" ST!$CTI" : A tor)ue converter is a arge doughnut shaped device that is mounted !etween the engine and the transmission. As shown in the fig.1( there are four components inside the very strong housing of the tor)ue converter* Impe er or pump +driving e ement, Tur!ine +driven e ement, -tator +reaction mem!er, The one way c utch

The housing of the tor)ue converter is !o ted to the f ywhee of the engine( so it turns at whatever speed the engine is running at. The pump of the tor)ue converter is attached to the housing( so it a so turns at the same speed as the engine. The pump inside the tor)ue converter is a type of centrifuga pump. The pump has many curved vanes( a ong with an inner ring( which form passages for the f uid to f ow through. The tur!ine is inside the housing and is

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Automatic Transmission System

connected direct y to the input shaft of the transmission providing power to move the vehic e. To get ma.imum force on the tur!ine vanes when the moving f uid stri"es them( the vanes are curved to reverse the direction of f ow. The stator is mounted on a one/way c utch so that it can spin free y in one direction !ut not in the other. 2.% &"!'I G: As the pump spins( f uid is f ung to the outside due to centrifuga force. As f uid is f ung to the outside( a vacuum is created that draws more f uid in at the center. The f uid then enters the ! ades of the tur!ine. -ince the ! ades of the tur!ine are curved( the f uid( which enters the tur!ine from the outside( has to change direction !efore it e.its the center of the tur!ine. It is this directiona change that causes the tur!ine to spin. The f uid e.its the tur!ine moving opposite the direction that the pump +and engine, is turning. This is shown in fig. $. If the f uid were a owed to hit the pump( it wou d s ow the engine down( wasting power. The stator resides in the very center of the tor)ue converter. Its 0o! is to redirect the f uid returning from the tur!ine !efore it hits the pump again. The stator has a very aggressive ! ade design that a most comp ete y reverses the direction of the f uid. 1ecause of the one/way c utch( the stator cannot spin with the f uid +it can spin on y in the opposite direction,( forcing the f uid to change direction as it hits the stator ! ades. 2.( )*$I# C"$P*I G PH+S,: As the speed of the tur!ine catches up with the pump( the f uid the tur!ine in the same direction as the pump is turning( so the stator is not needed. At these speeds( the f uid actua y stri"es the !ac" sides of the stator ! ades( causing the stator to freewhee on its one/way c utch so it doesn2t hinder the f uid moving through it. A three now e ements !egin to turn at appro.imate y the same speed.

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Automatic Transmission System

2.- T"!.$, C" /,!T,! ,))ICI, C0: It is seen that the efficiency of the tor)ue converter is reasona! y good at on y narrow range of tur!ine speeds. The fa /off of efficiency at ow speed end of the range can !e to erated !ecause those speeds are used for short periods. 1ut the fa /off of efficiency at high speeds cannot !e to erated and must !e circumvented. The efficiency can !e increased( !y su!stituting a direct drive for the tor)ue converter at higher speeds. 2.1 TH, *"C'$P I T"!.$, C" /,!T,! 2#I!,CT #!I/,3: 1ecause the on y connection !etween two sides of a tor)ue converter is a f uid connection( there is a ways a itt e s ippage( running from a!out $/45. To increase efficiency and mi eage( most modern automatic transmissions a so have something ca ed a oc"up c utch. It wor"s i"e this. As the two speed of the car reaches 67 to 87 "ph( the high y pressuri9ed transmission f uid is channe ed through the transmission shaft and activates a c utch piston. This meta pin oc"s the tur!ine to the pump( in effect !ypassing the tor)ue converter and giving a direct drive. It remains this way unti the vehic e s ows !e ow 67 "ph( at which point the c utch piston disengages and the tor)ue converter "ic"s in again.

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Automatic Transmission System

3. -I;<=& <=AN&TAR> ?&AR -&T

fig. 3 The !asic p anetary gear set as shown in fig. 3 consists of a sun gear( a ring gear and two or more p anet gears( a remaining in constant mesh. The p anet gears are connected to each other through a common carrier. &ach of these three components can !e the input( the output or can !e he d stationary. Choosing which piece p ays which ro e determines the gear ratio for the gear set. @o owing ta! e shows the different gear ratios possi! e*
Input -un +S, < anet Carrier +C, -un +S, "utput < anet Carrier +C, Ring +!, Ring +!, Stationary Ring +!, -un +S, < anet Carrier +C, Gear !atio 1 A RB1 B +1 A -BR, /RB-

Ta! e 1

:. CO;<OUND <=AN&TAR> ?&AR -&T

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Automatic Transmission System

(.1 I T!"#$CTI" : The compound p anetary gear set oo"s i"e a simp e p anetary gear set !ut actua y !ehaves i"e two p anetary gear sets com!ined. It has one ring gear that is a ways the output of the transmission( !ut it has two sun gears and two sets of p anets. (.2 C" ST!$CTI" : @ig. : shows the e.p oded view of the compound p anetary gear set. The fig. 6 shows the p anets in the p anet carrier. The p anet on the right sits ower than the p anet on the eft. The p anet on the right does not engage the ring gear( it engages the other p anet. On y the p anet on the eft engages the ring gear. The shorter gears are engaged on y !y the sma er sun gear. The onger p anets are engaged !y the !igger sun gear and !y the sma er p anets. In such gear sets( the sum of num!er of teeth on sun gear and ring gear divided !y the num!er of p anets must !e a who e num!er. Otherwise certain com!ination of tooth num!ers cannot !e assem! ed !ecause of need of e)ua spacing on the p anets. (.% G,+! !+TI"S: Consider a p anetary gear set with ring gear having C$ teeth the sma er sun gear having 37 teeth and the arger sun gear having 38 teeth.

)irst Gear:

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Automatic Transmission System

In first gear( the sma er sun gear is driven c oc"wise !y the tur!ine in the tor)ue converter. The p anet carrier tries to spin counterc oc"wise( !ut is he d sti !y the one/way c utch +which on y a ows rotation in the c oc"wise direction, and the ring gear turns the output. Referring to ta! e 1( the gear ratio is* 4!5S 6 4 725%8 6 42.(:1 -o the rotation is negative $.:*1. 1ut the output direction is rea y the same as the input direction. This is due to the two sets of p anets. The first set of p anets engages the second set( and the second set turns the ring gearD this com!ination reverses the direction. This wou d a so cause the !igger sun gear to spinD !ut !ecause that c utch is re eased( the !igger sun gear is free to spin in the opposite direction of the tur!ine +counterc oc"wise,. Second Gear: This acts i"e two p anetary gear sets connected to each other with a common p anet carrier. The first stage of the p anet carrier actua y uses the arger sun gear as the ring gear. -o the first stage consists of the sun +the sma er sun gear,( the p anet carrier( and the ring +the arger sun gear,. The input is the sma sun gearD the ring gear + arge sun gear, is he d stationary !y the !and( and the output is the p anet carrier. @or this stage( with the sun as input( p anet carrier as output( and the ring gear fi.ed( referring to ta! e 1 the gear ratio is* 1 9 !5S 6 1 9 %15%8 6 2.2:1 The p anet carrier turns $.$ times for each rotation of the sun gear. At the second stage( the p anet carrier acts as the input for the second p anetary gear set( the arger sun gear +which is he d stationary, acts as the sun( and the ring gear acts as the output( so referring to ta! e 1( the gear ratio is* 1 5 21 9 S5!3 6 1 5 21 9 %15723 6 8.17:1 To get the overa reduction for second gear( we mu tip y the first stage !y the second( $.$ . 7.8C( to get a 1.:C*1 reduction.

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Automatic Transmission System

Third Gear: ;ost automatic transmissions have a 1*1 ratio in third gear. A we have to do is engage the c utches that oc" each of the sun gears to the tur!ine. If !oth sun gears turn in the same direction( the p anet gears oc"up !ecause they can on y spin in opposite directions. This oc"s the ring gear to the p anets and causes everything to spin as a unit( producing a 1*1 ratio. "verdrive: 1y definition( an overdrive has a faster output speed than input speed. It2s a speed increase. Ehen overdrive is engaged( a shaft that is attached to the housing of the tor)ue converter +which is !o ted to the f ywhee of the engine, is connected !y c utch to the p anet carrier. The sma sun gear freewhee s( and the arger sun gear is he d !y the overdrive !and. Nothing is connected to the tur!ineD the on y input comes from the converter housing. Eith the p anet carrier for input( the sun gear fi.ed and the ring gear for output( referring to ta! e 1 the gear ratio is* 1 5 21 9 S5!3 6 1 5 21 9 %15723 6 8.17:1 !everse: Reverse is very simi ar to first gear( e.cept that instead of the sma sun gear !eing driven !y the tor)ue converter tur!ine( the !igger sun gear is driven( and the sma one freewhee s in the opposite direction. The p anet carrier is he d !y the reverse !and to the housing. -o( referring to ta! e 1( the gear ratio is* 4!5S 6 4725%1 6 42.8:1 -o the ratio in reverse is a itt e ess than first gear.

6. F>DRAU=IC ->-T&;

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Automatic Transmission System

-.1 I T!"#$CTI" : The hydrau ic system provides the pressuri9ed f uid to operate an automatic transmission. ;a0or components of the hydrau ic system inc ude the !ands( c utches and oi pump. Other ma0or components are the governor( thrott e va ve( modu ator and the va ve !ody. -.2 )$ CTI" S ") TH, H0#!+$*IC S0ST,:: The effective operation of an automatic transmission re ies upon a hydrau ic contro system to actuate the gear changes re ative to vehic eGs road speed and acce eration peda demands with engine de ivering power. The system performs the fo owing functions( -upp ies f uid to the tor)ue converter. Directs pressuri9ed f uid to the !ands and c utches. =u!ricates the interna parts. )*$I#:

-.% T!+ S:ISSI"

Transmission f uid serves a num!er of purposes inc uding* -hift contro . ?enera u!rication Transmission coo ing.

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Automatic Transmission System

Un i"e the engine( which uses oi primari y for u!rication( every aspect of a transmission2s functions is dependant on a constant supp y of f uid under pressure. This is not un i"e the human circu atory system where even a few minutes of operation when there is a ac" of pressure can !e harmfu or even fata to the ife of the transmission. A typica transmission has an average of ten itres of f uid !etween the transmission( tor)ue converter( and coo er tan". In fact( most of the components of a transmission are constant y su!merged in f uid inc uding the c utch pac"s and !ands. The friction surfaces on these parts are designed to operate proper y on y when they are su!merged in oi . -.( C""*I G TH, T!+ S:ISSI" )*$I#:

In order to "eep the transmission at norma operating temperature( a portion of the f uid is sent through one of two stee tu!es to a specia cham!er that is su!merged in the radiator. @ uid passing through this cham!er is coo ed and then returned to the transmission through the other stee tu!e.

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Automatic Transmission System

8. <ART- O@ TF& F>DRAU=IC ->-T&;

1.1 I T!"#$CTI" : @or the change of gears( ots of things have to !e connected and disconnected. The c utches connect different mem!ers to !e driven and the !ands ho d the re)uired mem!er stationary. The hydrau ic system contro s which c utches and !ands are energi9ed at any given moment. The hydrau ic system receives information from the governor and thrott e ca! e or vacuum modu ator. 1.2 C*$TCH,S: A c utch consists of a ternating dis"s that fit inside a c utch drum. As shown in fig. 8( ha f of the dis"s are stee and have sp ines that oc" on the inside of the drum. The other ha f have a friction materia !onded to their surface and have sp ines on the inside edge that oc" onto one of the gears. There is a piston inside the drum that is activated !y oi pressure at the appropriate time to s)uee9e the c utch pac" together so that the two components !ecome oc"ed and turn as one.

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Automatic Transmission System

1.% ;+ #S: A !and is a stee strap with friction materia !onded to the inside surface. @ig. C shows the !and and its servo. One end of the !and is anchored against the transmission case whi e the other end is connected to a servo. At the appropriate time hydrau ic oi is sent to the servo under pressure to tighten the !and around the drum to stop it from turning( thus oc"ing that part of the gear train to the casing.

1.( "I* P$:P: The automatic transmission systems use a gear pump. The gear pump is responsi! e for producing a the oi pressure that is re)uired in the transmission. The oi pump is mounted to the front of the transmission case and is direct y connected to a f ange on the tor)ue converter housing. -ince the tor)ue converter housing is direct y connected to the engine cran"shaft( the pump wi produce pressure whenever the engine is running as ong as there is a sufficient amount of transmission f uid avai a! e. The oi enters the pump through a fi ter that is ocated at the !ottom of the transmission oi pan and trave s up a pic"up tu!e direct y to the oi pump. The oi is then sent( under pressure to the pressure regu ator( the va ve !ody and the rest of the components( as re)uired.

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Automatic Transmission System

1.- P!,SS$!, !,G$*+T"!: The pumpGs output pressure wi increase rough y in proportion to the engineGs speed. Fowever( the pressure necessary to actuate the various va ves and to energise the c utch and !and servo pistons wi vary under different wor" conditions. Therefore the f uid pressure generated !y the pump( is un i"e y to suit the many operating re)uirements. To overcome these difficu ties( a pressure regu ating va ve is used which automatica y ad0usts the pumpGs output pressure to match the wor"ing re)uirements at any one time. The pressure regu ating va ve is norma y a spring/ oaded spoo type va ve. As pump pressure !ui ds up with rising engine speed( ine pressure is conveyed to the rear face of the p unger and wi progressive y move the p unger forward against a contro spring( causing the e.haust port to !e uncovered( which feeds !ac" to the pump inta"e. Fence as the pump output pressure tends to rise( more f uid is passed !ac" to the suction inta"e of the pump( thus regu ating the f uid pressure. To ena! e the ine pressure to !e varied to suit the operating conditions( a thrott e pressure is introduced to the spring end of the p unger( which opposes the ine pressure. 1.1 G"/,! "!: The governor te s the transmission how fast the car is moving. The governor is connected to the output shaft and regu ates hydrau ic pressure !ased on vehic e speed. It accomp ishes this using centrifuga force to spin a pair of weights against pu /!ac" springs. As the weights pu further out against the springs( more oi pressure is a owed past the governor to act on the shift va ves that are in the va ve !ody which then signa the appropriate shifts.

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Automatic Transmission System

1.7 TH!"TT*, C+;*, + # /+C$$: :"#$*+T"!: 'ehic e speed is not the on y thing that contro s when a transmission shou d shift( the oad that the engine is under is a so important. The more oads you p ace on the engine( the onger the transmission wi ho d a gear !efore shifting to the ne.t one. The thrott e va ve and modu ator serve the purpose of monitoring engine oad. A transmission wi use one or the other !ut genera y not !oth of these devices. &ach wor"s in a different way to monitor engine oad. The Thrott e Ca! e simp y monitors the position of the acce erator peda through a ca! e that runs from the gas peda to the thrott e va ve in the va ve !ody. The further the gas peda is pressed( the more pressure is put on the thrott e va ve. &ngine vacuum reacts very accurate y to engine oad with high vacuum produced when the engine is under ight oad and diminishing down to 9ero vacuum when the engine is under a heavy oad. The vacuum modu ator is attached to the outside of the transmission case and has a shaft which passes through the case and attaches to the thrott e va ve in the va ve !ody.

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Automatic Transmission System

C. 'A='& 1OD>

7.1 I T!"#$CTI" : The va ve !ody is the !rain of the automatic transmission. It contains a ma9e of channe s and passages that direct hydrau ic f uid to the numerous va ves which then activate the appropriate c utch pac" or !and servo to smooth y shift to the appropriate gear for each driving situation. &ach of the many va ves in the va ve !ody has a specific purpose and is named for that function. @or e.amp e the 1/$ shift va ve activates the 1st gear to $nd gear up/shift. 7.2 TH, :+ $+* /+*/,: The manua va ve is direct y connected to the gear shift hand e and covers and uncovers various passages depending on what position the gear shift is p aced in. If the gear shift ever is moved in the 1 st gear or $nd gear position( the up/shift and down/shift are inhi!ited !y the manua va ve. 7.% SHI)T /+*/,S: -hift va ves( as shown in fig. 4 supp y hydrau ic pressure to the c utches and !ands to engage each gear. The va ve !ody of the transmission contains severa shift va ves. The shift va ve determines when to shift from one gear to the ne.t. The shift va ve is pressuri9ed with f uid from the governor on one side( and the thrott e va ve on the other. The shift va ve wi de ay a shift if the car is acce erating )uic" y. If the car acce erates gent y( the shift wi occur at a ower speed.

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Automatic Transmission System

Ehen the car acce erates gent y( as car speed increases( the pressure from the governor !ui ds. This forces the shift va ve over unti the first gear circuit is c osed( and the second gear circuit opens. -ince the car is acce erating at ight thrott e( the thrott e va ve does not app y much pressure against the shift va ve. Ehen the car acce erates )uic" y( the thrott e va ve app ies more pressure against the shift va ve. This means that the pressure from the governor has to !e higher +and therefore the vehic e speed has to !e faster, !efore the shift va ve moves over far enough to engage second gear. &ach shift va ve responds to a particu ar pressure rangeD so when the car is going faster( the $/to/3 shift va ve wi ta"e over( !ecause the pressure from the governor is high enough to trigger that va ve.

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Automatic Transmission System


<.1 +#/+ T+G,S: 1. It minimi9es driver fatigue( especia y in heavy traffic !y e iminating the need to operate the c utch peda and gear ever for starting from rest and changing gear. $. It contri!utes to safer driving !ecause the concentration of the driver is not distur!ed !y the need to change gearD a so( !oth hands can remain on the steering whee . 3. <rogress can !e smoother under norma driving conditions( !ecause gear changes wi occur at the theoretica y correct moment in terms of road speed and thrott e opening. <.2 #IS+#/+ T+G,S: 1. Cars with automatic transmission are cost ier than those having manua transmission. $. @ue economy of cars with automatic transmission is not very good.

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Automatic Transmission System


The automatic transmission with its tor)ue converter and p anetary gear set( can successfu y rep ace the c utch and the manua transmission gear !o..

The p anetary gear set gives the re)uired gear ratios and the hydrau ic system contro s the p anetary gear set.







automatica y(

depending upon !oth( speed of vehic e and oad on the engine. Fowever in cases i"e( descending hi s( when it is desira! e to emp oy a ower gear( though the oad on the engine may!e ni or the engine may!e acting as a !ra"e( the human e ement has to !e retained in contro .

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Automatic Transmission System


1. Ei iam F. Crouse I Dona d =. Ang in( JAutomotive Automatic TransmissionsK( Tata ;c?raw Fi <u! ishing Co.( &dition( 1HH8. $. Lohn @enton( JFand!oo" of Automotive <owertrains and Chassis DesignK( <rofessiona &ngineering <u! ishing =td.( @irst <u! ished 1HH4. 3. Fein9 Feis er( JAdvanced 'ehic e Techno ogyK( 1utterworth/

Feinemann <u! ishers( -econd &dition $77$. :. www.fami 6. www.howstuffwor" 8.

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