Instructions To The Centre Superintendents of Examination Centres

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In view of the forthcoming even semester examination commencing in June 2012, the Centre Superintendents of all examination Centers are hereby requested to adhere to certain examination rules as stated here under. 1. Before commencement of examination the authorized representative of the colleges shall collect all examination connected materials such as Barcoded OMR Answer Books, Question Papers. Attendance Sheets etc as per website notice. 2. The admit card of their Students shall be downloaded by the respective colleges by logging in their college Id. in BPUT UMS, after getting notification from the University web site and shall be distributed to the students after printing. 3. While admitting students to the examinations utmost caution should be taken so that candidates without admit card for the subject are not allowed to appear the examination. 4. The Bar coded OMR answer books contain information such as name, registration no, subject, subject code, semester and date of examination, College name. Hence the invigilators should distribute the answer books after proper verification of the identity of the students from the Registration no. issued by the University, College identity card and downloaded Admit card issued by the University. The candidate has to fill up the name of the centre in the part-I of the answer book. 5. The candidates should be informed by the concerned invigilators to verify their particulars in the OMR Answer Books before signing in the appropriate box. 6. The late registered students whose printed bar coded answer books are not available shall be given a manually filled (blank) Answer Book where in he/she is required to write all particulars. Invigilators are required to check all the details filled by the student meticulously for proper processing of those manually filled (blank) Answer Book. Manually filled (blank) Answer Book previously supplied cannot be used for this coming May-2013 even semester examination. All Center superintendents are requested to return all those answer sheets immediately to University if at all it is with them. 7. In no circumstances, unregistered students shall be allowed to appear the Examinations. If at all any without registration cases will arise then prior approval must be taken from Director Examinations. Prior approval is the look out of the college officials. Please dont send any student to the University in this regard. 8. The invigilators are required to properly verify the particulars of the candidates and sign in the appropriate box. 9. All daily attendance sheets of the students must be photo copied and be kept at college level for future reference. It is now mandatory for all centers. 10. If candidate remains absent, the invigilator has to mark A B in the appropriate box in the answer book. After completion of examination 11. The Part-I of OMR Answer Books shall be detached from the OMR sheet at the perforation line and shall be packed with the respective answer book packet.

12. Everyday Answer scripts will be packed subject wise and branch wise irrespective of common subject name and code. 13. While packing the Answer Books they must be packed in four separate packets for every subject / branch. Packet A Packet B Packet C Packet D - Printed Answer Books of all registered students of a subject placed in small packets of maximum 40 in each packet.. - Answer Books of all absent candidates. - Answer Books of candidates booked under Mal Practice along with the incriminating materials and report form duly filled in. - Manually filled Answer Books of all students in a subject. 14. While packing the Answer Books of the registered students in packet - A, the answer book of the candidates present must be packed in bundles of maximum 40 as per the names appearing in every page/ sheet of attendance sheet. All such small packets should be numbered as A/1, A/2, A/3, .., A/n and shall be contained in a large packet super scribed as Packet -A. For example if in a particular branch 66 students are there then there will be two sub bundles of 40 and 26 numbers. These two sub bundles, attendance sheets duly signed by the candidates/invigilators, Part-I of OMR Answer Books and Question paper of that particular subject must be wrapped in a brown sheet. A declaration in a A4 size paper in the given format must be pasted on that particular packet (i.e. Packet-A for a subject for a particular branch). This packet however will not contain the absent candidates answer books. Format for Declaration: Attached separately 15. The answer books of the all absent candidates shall be packed in Packet- B subject wise and Answer Books of all MP candidates shall be packed in Packet-C. 16. Similarly the manually filled answer Books of all students shall be packed subject wise in Packet-D 17. A declaration in the format as per ANNEXURE I must be pasted on each packet (Packet A/ B/ C/ D) 18. They are also required to make online entry of all the relevant fields in respect of the following by logging in their college Id. (i) (ii) (iii) Registration Nos of candidates absent subject wise. Registration Nos of the candidates appearing in manually filled (blank) Answer Book. Registration no of the candidates booked under MP.

19. Besides entering the attendance details of students online for the Even Semester Examination 2013 as mentioned above they are further advised to scan copy of the attendance sheet of all the sittings of examinations in .jpeg format make it store in a CD and to submit positively without fail during submission of Answer Scripts. 20. As per the Notice issued by the Director, Exam, the colleges are required to submit the box/ Packets of Answer Books at the designated venue with the Answer Book Account (to be handed over separately in duplicate at the collection center).

21. The proforma of the Answer Book Account shall be as follows: ANSWER BOOK ACCOUNTS Name of the Centre Date of Examination Subject with code Semester Branch : : : : : :

No of students as per attendance sheet

Sl.No Particulars

No. of Scripts

Total No. of Answer Books in Packet A (Printed)

Total No. of Answer Books in Packet B (Absent )

Total No. of Answer Books in Packet C (MP)

Total No. of Answer Books in Packet D (Manually filled)


Signature of Center Supervisor

Signature of Center Superintendent




Name of the Centre :

Date of Examination :

Sitting : 1st / 2nd

Subject Code :

Name of the Subject :

Programme (B.Tech / B.Pharm / B.Arch / MBA / MCA) :

Branch of Engineering (B.Tech) :

Total No. of Answer Scripts

If any information found wrong we will be held responsible for the same.

Signature of Center Supervisor

Signature of Center Superintendent

College Seal

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