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8iology ] [ MHT-CIT 8lOIOG MODII PAPIR-1

1. Who developed the hot spots concept to

designate priority areas for in situ conservation
(a) Odum (b) Sutton
(c) Dobzhansky (d) Myers
2. Depleted populations in wild can be restocked
(a) Using animals and plants conserved in botanical
gardens and zoo
(b) Mass production of species in laboratory by
(c) Embryo culture and embryo transfer
(d) All of the above
3. Conservation of biodiversity is possible by
(a) Seed banks (b) Tissue culture
(c) Ex-situ technologies (d) All of the above
4. Ecological diversity describes the number of
niches that sustain
(a) Energy flow (b) Food web
(c) Recycling of nutrients
(d) All of the above
5. What is the internationally suggested norm for
forest cover for a countrys land mass?
(a) 25 % (b) 5 % (c) 10 % (d) 30 %
6. How many biosphere reserves exist in India?
(a) 408 (b) 13 (c) 25 (d) 120
7. Bacterial DNA replication is
(a) Conservative and bi-directional
(b) Semiconservative and bi-directional
(c) Semiconservative and unidirectional
(d) Conservative and unidirectional
8. E. coli DNA polymerase requires for DNA
(a) Four dNTPs (b) A DNA template
(c) Mg
and a primer with a 3OH end
(d) All of the above
9. DNA synthesis occurs in
(a) 5

3 (b) 3

(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) All directions
10. E. coli DNA polymerase-I has
(a) 3

5 exonuclease (proof-reading) activity
(b) 5

3 exonuclease activity
(c) 5 3 polymerase activity
(d) All of the above
11. The region of replicating DNA associated with
the single origin is called a replication bubble
or replication eye which consist of
(a) One replication fork
(b) Two replication forks
(c) Three replication forks
(d) Four replication forks
12. DNA synthesis proceeds in a 5 3
direction on each strand of the parental DNA.
The strand with 3

5 orientation is called
(a) Leading strand (b) Lagging strand
(c) Template strand (d) Primer strand
13. *Blue-green algae shows
(a) Chlorophyll 'a' (b) Chlorophyll 'b'
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
14. *What will be the effect when very high intensity
of light is supplied to a photosynthesis system
(a) Process will increase
(b) Process will decrease
(c) Process will stop due to solarization
(d) None of the above
15. *Pigment system-11 is concerned with
(a) Photolysis of water (b) Reduction of CO
(c) Flowering (d) None of the above
16. *Leaves appear green because they
(a) Reflect green light (b) Absorb green light
(c) Both reflect and absorb green light
(d) None of the above
17. *The process of taking CO
by plants and
releasing O
is termed as
(a) Endosmosis (b) Photosynthesis
(c) Transpiration (d) Respiration
18. CO
is formed in all of the following except
(a) Burning of sugar
(b) Respiration in plants
(c) Photosynthesis by plants
(d) On heating of limestone
19. Stomata in angiosperms does not open during
(a) Noon (b) Twilight
MHT-CIT 8iology Pratlite Paper
[ 8iology MHT-CIT 8lOIOG MODII PAPIR-2 ]
(c) 11 O'clock (d) At midnight
20. Which of the following wall of guard cells is
(a) Outer (b) Inner
(c) Side wall (d) All the three
21. Wheat grains before germination absorb water
(a) Endosmosis (b) Exosmosis
(c) Plasmolysis (d) Imbibition
22. When a plant cell is placed in a solution which
is hypotonic to the cell sap, which of the
following conditions will not apply
(a) The water potential of the cell sap will rise
(b) The suction pressure of the cell sap will fail
(c) The cell will become turgid
(d) The wall pressure of the cell will fail
23. Transpiring organ in plants is
(a) Epidermis (b) Xylem
(c) Cortex (d) Phloem
24. Upon the oxidation of one mole of pyruvate
by mitochondrial respiration, the moles of
ATP generated are
(a) 38 (b) 30
(c) 8 (d) 15
25. The number of steps required for oxidation
of one molecule of pyruvic acid is
(a) 5 (b) 6
(c) 3 (d) 12
26. First stage in respiration is
(a) Aerobic oxidation of pyruvic acid
(b) Liberation of CO
(c) Glycolysis
(d) Electron transport system
27. R.Q. is defined as
(a) Ratio between CO
liberated and O
(b) Volume of oxygen taken
(c) Volume of carbon dioxide liberated
(d) Ratio between oxygen taken and fat utilized
28. ATP i s synthesi zed i n whi ch par t of
(a) F
(b) F
(c) Cristae
(d) Inner membrane of mitochondria
29. R.Q. is highest when respiratory substance
(a) Fat (b) Maleic acid
(c) Glucose (d) Protein
30. The ovule in pea are
(a) Anatropous (b) Hemianatropous
(c) Campylotropous
(d) Amphitropous
31. The megasporangium of the angiosperms on
maturation gives rise to
(a) A fruit (b) Seed
(c) An embryo (d) Cotyledons
32. Microsporogenesis is a synonym for
(a) Spermatogenesis
(b) Development of pollen
(c) Development of male gametophyte
(d) Development of female gametophyte
33. By tissue culture, indefinite number of plants
from a small amount of parental tissue can be
obtained. This technique is of great economic
importance as
(a) New species can be generated
(b) Through somaclonal variation, a large number
of variants can be isolated
(c) It is a useful method to multiply genetically
uniform population of elite species
(d) Homozygous diploids can be obtained
34. In plants, in nature, autogamy is avoided since
the seeds produced
(a) Are fewer in number
(b) Do not germinate successfully
(c) Do not produce healthy plants
(d) All of the above
35. Seeds develop from
(a) Ovules (b) Ovaries
(c) Anthers (d) Pistils
36. The biological activity of 1AA is tested by
(a) -amylase test
(b) Avena curvature test
(c) Soyabean callus test
(d) Xanthium leaf disc test
37. Cell elongation in plants is caused by
(a) Auxin (b) Gibberellin
(c) Florigen (d) Traumatin
38. Who among the following discovered the Avena
curvature test to find out the concentration of
(a) F. W. Went (b) L. J. Audus
(c) K. V. Thimman (d) F. Skoog
39. With which of the following process Cholodny-
Went theory is concerned
(a) Phototropism
(b) Photomorphogenesis
(c) Photorespiration
(d) Photoperiodism
40. Which of the following movements is not
related to change in auxin levels
(a) Nyctinastic leaf movement
(b) Movement of roots towards soil
(c) Movement of sunflower tracking the direction
of the sun
(d) Movement of shoot towards light
41. The elongation of genetically dwarf plants is
brought about by the application of
(a) Cytokinin (b) Gibberellins
(c) X-rays
(d) Vitamin C
42. During the development of embryo which of
the following occur first
(a) Differentiation of tissue
(b) Differentiation of cells
(c) Differentiation of organs
(d) Differentiation of organ system
43. In embryonic stage RBC develops in
(a) Liver and kidney
(b) Liver and spleen
(c) Spleen and kidney
(d) Liver and pancreas
44. Relative sizes of an egg cell, morule, blastula
and gastrula are
(a) Egg cell is largest and morula is smallest
(b) Egg cell is smallest and gastrula is largest
(c) Egg cell is largest and gastrula is smallest
(d) All are of equal size
45. In the development of man which structures
are formed from splenchnopleure.
(a) Muscles and connective tissue of digestive tube
(b) Vertebral column and spinal cord
(c) Brain and its coverings
(d) Urinogenital organs
46. During the course of development, cells in
various regions of embryo become variable in
morphology and eventually perform diverse
functions. This process is known as
(a) Rearrangement (b) Differentiation
(c) Metamorphosis (d) Organisation
47. If the ectoderm from neural tissue area is
removed from the embryo and transplanted in
place of presumptive belly ectoderm embryo
will develop
(a) Without a neural tube
(b) With a neural tube
(c) With two ectodermal coats
(d) With two neural tube
48. Thyroxin was isolated by
(a) Kocher
(b) Best and Sterling
(c) F. Senger
(d) None of the above
49. Which of the following disease results from
endocrine disorder
(a) Pneumonia (b) Typhoid
(c) Goitre (d) Jaundice
50. Hypothyroidism has one of the following
(a) Weight loss
(b) Increased metabolic rate
(c) Accumulation of albumin protein and poly
saccharides below skin
(d) Irritability
51. When the thyroid secretion is too much, the
gland itself gets enlarged, conversely, if the
secretion is too little, the gland gets
(a) Enlarged
(b) Reduced
(c) Disappeared
(d) None of above
52. Energy releasing process in the body cells is
initiated by
(a) Pituitary (b) Thyroid
(c) Parathyroid (d) Adrenal
53. Human genome database has been of great
importance in research on
(a) Gene therapy (b) Genetic engineering
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
54. Women who consumed the drug thalidomide
for relief from vomiting during early months of
pregnancy gave birth to children with
[ 8iology MHT-CIT 8lOIOG MODII PAPIR-4 ]
(a) No spleen (b) Hare lip
(c) Extra fingers and toes
(d) Underdeveloped limbs
55. Which one of the following is a stimulant
(a) LSD (b) Cocaine
(c) Opium (d) Heroin
56. Which one of the following depresses brain
activity and produces feelings of calmness,
relaxation and drowsiness
(a) Valium (b) Morphine
(c) Hashish (d) Amphetamines
57. When a person dies after stung by a bee
following by the administration of penicillin,
death may be due to
(a) Prophylactic shock (b) Anaphylactic shock
(c) Autouimmunity (d) Sedation
(e) None of these
58. The synthetic drug structurally similar to
adrenalin are
(a) Amphetamines (b) Barbiturates
(c) Hallucinogens
(d) Nicotinic derivatives
(e) Analgesics
59. In heavy smokers the alveoli of the lungs are
enlarged and damaged which reduces the
surface area for the exchange of respiratory
gases. This condition is called
(a) Asthma (b) Silicosis
(c) Emphysema (d) Anosmia
(e) Bronchitis
60. 'Dengue fever' is caused by
(a) Bacteria (b) Plasmodium
(c) Virus
(d) Entamoeba histolytica
61. Filarial larva can be collected from man's
(a) Smears of intestinal contents
(b) Peripheral blood at midnight
(c) Smears of spleen
(d) Biopsy of liver
62. Deficiency of adrenal cortex activity leads
(a) Addison's disease
(b) Conn's disease
(c) Cushing's disease
(d) Simmond's disease
63. Study of i nteracti on of anti gens and
antibodies in the blood is
(a) Cryobiology (b) Serology
(c) Haematology (d) Angiology
64. Bl ack water fever' i s a very seri ous
(a) P. ovale (b) P. falciparum
(c) P. malariae (d) P. vivax
65. 'Encephalitis' in man is a viral disease and
is transmitted by
(a) Anopheles (b) Culex
(c) Aedes (d) Culex and Aedes
66.* Which of the following displays immune
(a) Bcells (b) Tcells
(c) cells (d) Both (a) and (b)
67. The term antibiotic was coined by
(a) Alexander Fleming (b) Edward Jenner
(c) Louis Pasteur (d) Selman Waksman
68. A person is injected with immunogen against
hepatitis. This is
(a) Artificially acquired passive immunity
(b) Artificially acquired active immunity
(c) Naturally acquired active immunity
(d) Naturally acquired passive immunity
69. The AIDS test is known as
(a) Elisa (b) Australian Antigen
(c) HIV test
(d) None of these
70. Zidovudine drug is used for
(a) Cancer (b) Hepatitis
(c) AIDS (d) Malaria
71.* Triple antigen vaccine is not used for
(a) Diphtheria (b) Pertussis
(c) Typhoid (d) Tetanus
72. Ganja and LSD are classified in
(a) Narcotic (b) Hallucinogens
(c) Stimulants (d) Depressent
73. Which alkaloids are present in opium.
(a) Codeine (b) Morphine
(c) Thebaine (d) All of these
74. Family of Atropa balladonna is
(a) Malvaceae (b) Solanaceae
(c) Bracicaceae (d) Liliaceae
75. LSD is
(a) Sedative (b) Stimulant
(c) Tranquilizer (d) Hallucinogenic
76. The study of the action of drugs is known as
(a) Pharmacognosy (b) Pharmacology
(c) Physiology
(d) Pharmaceutical chemistry
77. Which one of the following is a medicinal plant
(a) Jatropha curcas
(b) Calendula officinalis
(c) Tagetus petula
(d) Sesbania aegyptiaca
78. Drugs which induce dreamy state of
consciousness is
(a) Sedative (b) Stimulant
(c) Depressant (d) Hallucinogen
79. Common name of 'Wallago attu' is
(a) Indian shark
(b) Blue shark
(c) Fresh water shark
(d) Saw fish
80. Isin glass a type of by product of fish industry
is principally used for
(a) Feeding cattle, pigs and poultry
(b) Preparation of paints and varnishes
(c) Clarification of vinegar, wines and beer
(d) Production of insulin
81. Inland fisheries' is referred to
(a) Culturing fish in fresh water
(b) Trapping and capturing fishes from seacoast
(c) Deep sea fishing
(d) Extraction of oil from fishes
82. Isin glass is prepared from
(a) Ichthyophis (b) Musk deer
(c) Fishes (d) Lizards
83. Fish flour is used in manufacturing of
(a) Biscuits (b) Breads
(c) Cakes (d) all of the above
84. Insulin is obtained from the
(a) Pancreas of a shark (b) Liver of shark
(c) Pancreas of Rohu
(d) None of these
85. The parts of the neurons that perform basic
cellular functions such as protein synthesis
are the
(a) Axons (b) Dendrites
(c) Synaptic knobs (d) Soma
86. Which of the following is a richly vascular
layer with lots of blood capillaries
(a) Duramater of brain
(b) Piamater of spinal cord
(c) Epidermis of skin
(d) Epithelial lining of trachea
87. All spinal nerves are
(a) Motor (b) Sensory
(c) Mixed (d) None of the above
88. The nerves leading to the central nervous
system are called
(a) Afferent (b) Efferent
(c) Motor (d) None
89.* Cell bodies of neurons bringing afferent
information into the spinal cord are located
(a) Grey matter of spinal cord
(b) White matter of spinal cord
(c) Dorsal root ganglia
(d) Ventral root ganglia
90. Which of the following is not correctly
(a) Rhinon cephalon - Olfaction
(b) Hypothalamus - Pituitory
(c) Cerebellum - Balance
(d) Medulla oblongata - Temperature regulation
91. Difference between glomerular filtrate and
plasma is of
(a) Proteins (b) Potassium
(c) First is white where as later is yellow
(d) First is yellow whereas later is white
92. Excretory products of mammalian embryo are
eliminated by
(a) Placenta (b) Amniotic fluid
(c) Allantois (d) Ureters
93. A condition of failure of kidney to from urine
is called
(a) Creatinine (b) Hematuria
(c) Anuria (d) Ketonuria
94. Effective filtration pressure in the glomerulus
in kidney of man is about
[ 8iology MHT-CIT 8lOIOG MODII PAPIR-6 ]
(a) +75 mm Hg (b) +80 mm Hg
(c) +25 mm Hg (d) +50 mm Hg
95. Kidney is involved in excretion of
(a) Urea, Extra salts and excess water
(b) Extra urea salts and extra water
(c) Extra urea, extra water and extra amino acids.
(d) Extra urea, extra and carbohydrates
96. Active transport takes place in absorption of
(a) Sodium chloride (b) Bicarbonate ions
(c) Amino acids (d) All of the above
97. Urine becomes cloudy when
(a) Alkalinity increases
(b) Alkalinity decreases
(c) Their is an bacterial infection
(d) Both (b) and (c)
98. High blood pressure is maintained in
glomeruli than in other capillaries because
(a) The variability of the diameters of arterioles
causes higher resistance to blood flowing out
of the glomeruli than to out of the capillaries
(b) Glomeruli has low hydrostatic pressure than
(c) Capillary has less diameter than glomeruli
(d) All of the above
99. Pressure gradient is determined by
(a) Glomerular hydrostatic pressure
(b) Blood osmotic pressure
(c) Capsular hydrostatic pressure
(d) All of the above
100. Passive transport occurs in the case of
(a) Cations (b) Chloride ions
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
101. Ornithine is converted into citrulline by an
(a) Glutamic dehydrogenase
(b) Aspartic glutamic transaminase
(c) Carbamyl phosphate synthetase
(d) Ornithine carbamyl transferase
102. An ECG gives information of
(a) Brain (b) Ventricle
(c) Auricle
(d) Both (b) and (c)
103. Which of the following reveals the muscle
(a) ECG (b) EEG
(c) EMG (d) All of these
104. Who was first to record EEG of man
(a) Hans Berger (b) Galileo Galilei
(c) Willem Einthoven (d) Sanctorius
105. EEG can hel p i n di agnosi ng certai n
conditions like
(a) Epilepsy (b) Encephalitis
(c) Dementia (d) All of these
106. Which type of the following heart valves are
generally damaged
(a) Tricuspid valve
(b) Eustachian valve
(c) Bicuspid valve
(d) Aortic semilunar valves
107. The employing of artificial arteries is termed
(a) Autograft
(b) Allograft
(c) Vascular graft
(d) Xenograft
108. Bioinformatics involve the use of techniques
of........ to solve biological problems.
(a) Applied mathematics
(b) Informatics
(c) Statistics and computer science
(d) All of the above
109. Genome annotation is the process of
(a) Marking the genes and other biological features
in a DNA sequence
(b) Synthesis of genomic DNA
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
110. Genome Database is
(a) Information about computer programming
(b) Information about genome of a par ticular
organism or the species is stored
(c) Information about protein synthesis
(d) All of the above
111. Bioinformatics is useful in
(a) Protein structure prediction
(b) Phylogeny
(c) Medical informatics
(d) Pharmacogenomics
(e) All of the above
8iology ] [ MHT-CIT 8lOIOG MODII PAPIR-7
112. The retrieval of information from the computer
is defined as
(a) Collection of data
(b) Data retrieval operations
(c) Output
(d) Data output collection
113. Human beings are referred to as Homosapiens.
Which device is called Silico sapiens ?
(a) Monitor (b) Hardware
(c) Robot (d) Computer
114. The CPU of a computer transfers print output
to a temporary disk memory at high speed and
then gets back to processing another job
without waiting for the output to go to the
printer. In this way, the CPU does not remain
idle due to its own high speed as compared to
the low speed of the printer. What is the name
of this memory?
(a) External memory (b) I/O memory
(c) ROM (d) Buffer memory
115. Which of the following isnt used in the storage
phase of a computer-based information
(a) Magnetic (b) Keyboard
(c) Diskette (d) Hard disk
116. The basic components of a modern digital
computer are
(a) Central processor (b) Input device
(c) Output device (d) All of the above
117. No computer can do anything without a
(a) Program (b) Memory
(c) Chip (d) Output device
118. What is meant by the term RAM?
(a) Memory which can only be read
(b) Memory which can be both read and written to
(c) Memory which is used for permanent storage
(d) Memory which can only be written to
119. The two kinds of main memory are
(a) Primary and secondary
(b) Random and sequential
(c) ROM and RAM
(d) Central and peripheral
120. Data System management has long-term
viability as a separate business function
(a) It requires much technical knowledge
(b) It requires large investments
(c) Speci al i sts i n data systems cannot be
integrated into a marketing or manu-facturing
(d) An i ntegrated database accessi bl e to al l
requires independent management
1.(d) 2.(a) 3.(d) 4.(d)
5.(c) 6.(b) 7. (b) 8. (d)
9. (a) 10. (d) 11. (b) 12. (a)
13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (a) 16. (a)
17. (b) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (b)
21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24. (d)
25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (a)
29. (b) 30. (a) 31. (b) 32. (c)
33. (c) 34. (d) 35. (a) 36. (b)
37. (a) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (b) 42. (b) 43. (b) 44. (d)
45. (a) 46. (b) 47. (c) 48. (a)
49. (c) 50. (d) 51. (a) 52. (b)
53. (c) 54. (d) 55. (b) 56. (a)
57. (b) 58. (a) 59. (c) 60. (c)
61. (b) 62. (a) 63. (b) 64. (b)
65. (b) 66. (d) 67. (d) 68. (b)
69. (a) 70. (c) 71. (c) 72. (b)
73. (d) 74. (b) 75. (d) 76. (b)
77. (b) 78. (d) 79. (c) 80. (b)
81. (a) 82. (c) 83. (d) 84. (a)
85.(d) 86.(b) 87.(c) 88.(a)
89.(c) 90.(d) 91.(a) 92.(a)
93.(c) 94.(c) 95.(a) 96. (d)
97. (a) 98. (a) 99. (d) 100. (b)
101. (d) 102. (d) 103. (c) 104. (a)
105. (d) 106. (d) 107. (c) 108. (d)
109. (a) 110. (b) 111. (e) 112. (c)
113. (d) 114. (d) 115. (b) 116. (d)
117. (a) 118. (b) 119. (c) 120. (d)

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