Meditation Preschool

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Exraced from Saha_a Yoga Wor'shop (www.saha_ayogawor'shop.

Children can meditate
And here is somehing more: chi1dren can do Saha_a Yoga Mediaion
_us as we11 or beer han adu1s. They can meditate, feel vibrations
and they can fix themselves. How is ha for equa1iy and simp1iciy?
Anywhere in he wor1d, when we hear of a chi1d is in peri1, we sop.
We ra11y. In he space beween our hearbeas, we pray for heir
safey. Chi1dren do ha o us, don' hey? They a'e us ouside our
own 1ives. They show us he fuure. They give us hope. They are our

A imes in our 1ives, we may fee1 ha we have 1os our way, ha we

have 1os our puriy ha our innocence has been covered over. Bu
hen, we 1oo' a a chi1d - and we remember. We can be many, many
hings in he span of our 1ives, bu one hing remains he same for
a11 of us: we were a11 once a chi1d. And, as a chi1d, we were a11
somewha c1oser o our rue Se1f.
Simp1y pu: the innocence of children dissolves our ego.
Here are some sessions
1) 0-2 years meditation
2) 2-4 years meditation
3) 4-6 years meditation
1) 0-2 years meditation
**How can a mother transfer to her newborn baby the love of the Mother
0-2 years o1d is he ransiion ime beween he sae of he womb o
he sae of he wor1d. The baby is fo11owing he rhyhm and naura1
characerisics of his moher, who is he mos imporan person during
heir firs wo years. She is he one who is puing him on he pah
o a we11-grounded foundaion.
The baby's characer, persona1iy and percepiveness are deve1oped
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during he firs 2 years of age. Therefore his is an idea1 ime o
suppor heir growh and creae a bond of securiy beween he
maerna1 power of he Kunda1ini and he wor1d ha he baby is growing
up in.
**Raising Baby's Kundalini
If your 1i1e one canno si by himse1f, 1ay him down on his bac' and
raise his Kunda1ini over him. Oherwise, si behind him as in he
picure be1ow and raise his Kunda1ini from behind. You can sing he
fo11owing song o ma'e i more fun for baby.
Uppy Uppy Moher Kunda1ini
Uppy, uppy, uppy Mother Kunda1ini, one.
Uppy, uppy, uppy Mother Kunda1ini, one, two.
Uppy, uppy, uppy Mother Kunda1ini, one, two, three
(The Kunda1ini is a1so referred o as a Moher energy because she
a'es care of us and give us _oy and peacefu1ness).

**Giving Rrotection to baby

The second sep is o give a baby a 1ayer of vibraions ha wi11
provide him proecion. This proecion is 'nown as "bandhan. Imagine
drawing a rainbow wih your righ hand from he baby's 1ef hip, over
he op of his head and down o his righ hip and bac' again. Bac' and
forh is considered one ime. Jus as here are seven co1ours in he
rainbow and seven cha'ras in he sub1e sysem, you do his seven
imes o give baby a fu11 bandhan. You can sing he names of each
cha'ra if you 1i'e:
Moo1adhara, Swadhisana, Nabhi &Void, Anaha, Vishuddhi, Agnya,
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**Daily Massage

In his session you wi11 1earn how o massage baby's cha'ras. I is
very imporan o sar baby's day wih a nice and gen1e massage of
his cha'ras. There are 7 cha'ras ha are 1ocaed in he spina1 cord.
Each of hem has a specia1 qua1iies ha are acivaed when you
massage hem he proper way.
1) Baby should be lying on his tummy:
- Rour a few drops of baby oi1 over his bac'
2) Steps to massage each chakra:
Each of he cha'ras is 1ocaed a differen poins a1ong he spina1
cord. See he diagram on he righ o ge an idea of heir re1aive
1ocaions. When you are massaging a cha'ra, press on i gen1y on
baby's bac' wih your righ hand and rub in couner c1oc'wise circ1es.
1. Eirs cha'ra (Moo1adhara or roo) massage: repea 4 imes.

2. Second cha'ra (Swadhisana) massage: repea 6 imes.

3. Third cha'ra (Nabhi or somach) massage: repea 10 imes

4. Eourh cha'ra (Anaha or hear) massage: repea 12 imes

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5. Eifh cha'ra (Vishuddhi or hroa) massage: repea 16 imes

6. Sixh cha'ra (Agnya) massage: Massage he righ and 1ef emp1es

wih couner c1oc'wise circ1es o bring down he ego and super ego.

7. Sevenh cha'ra (Sahasrara or crown) massage: Massage he fonane1

bone area wih 1ibera1 amouns of baby oi1.
A dai1y habi of raising baby's Kunda1ini, giving bandhan and
massaging each cha'ra is a beauifu1 and en_oyab1e way o esab1ish a
bond beween you and him. Afer his session you wi11 noice your baby
is more re1axed and ranqui1. He wi11 sar o deve1op vibraory
awareness as his Kunda1ini ges sronger. You may a1so noice improved
b1ood circu1aion, 1ess co1ic and gas and beer s1eep paerns. We
recommend giving baby a cha'ra massage in he morning and again in he
evening every day. The evening massage wi11 he1p baby se1e down for
he nigh and have a resfu1 s1eep.
Here is a fun story you can te11 baby whi1e giving him a chakra
When he Moo1adhara cha'ra is being massaged, you are drawing a s'y-
roc'e on p1ane Earh. This roc'e wi11 be 1aunched owards he
farhes p1ane in he Universe.
As you massage he Swadhisana cha'ra, he s'y-roc'e is being
1aunched owards he p1ane Mercury. As for each successive cha'ra he
roc'e is visiing Jupier (for he Nabhi), Venus (for he Anaha),
Saurn (for he Vishuddhi), he Sun (for he Agnya) and fina11y R1uo
(for he Sahasrara).
Rarents and infants build good habits
In his session we wi11 show you an examp1e of a dai1y spiriua1
rouine using he magic of 1ove.
**Morning meditation
Si on he ground in a comforab1e posiion. Raise your own Kunda1ini
and give yourse1f bandhan. Then raise baby's Kunda1ini and give him
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Mediae by 'eeping your aenion on your Sahasrara cha'ra. If any
houghs come ino your aenion, _us 1e hem go. Your mediaion
may be shor because sma11 chi1dren are acive and hey can on1y o
pu aenion on one hing for a few minues. You can ho1d baby's
aenion 1onger by singing some songs o him. Here are some songs you
can sing:

1) Wake up song
Wake up 1itt1e boy.
Wake up 1itt1e gir1.
Its time for meditation.
We hope you have s1ept very we11 through the night.
Its morning meditation.
Our Mother is waiting - oyfu1 and bright - to give everyone of us her
morning 1ight.

2) Mother Kundalini
ear Mother Kunda1ini, Kunda1ini, p1ease come up, p1ease come up,
p1ease come up.
Mother Kunda1ini, Kunda1ini, p1ease come up, and open up my Sahasrara.

**Experience the benefits of the bandhan

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I is very auspicious ha you proec your baby and yourse1f by
raising your Kunda1inis and giving yourse1ves bandhans before 1eaving
your home. oing his wi11 srenghen your vibraions and wi11 arac
posiive energy o yourse1f when you are ouside your home.
**Enjoying time in nature
When you go for a wa1' ry o expose baby o naure and be sure o
exp1ain he imporance of Moher Earh for us.
**Sing short melodies and dance together
We hope you en_oyed 1earning abou Saha_ mediaion for babies.

2) 2-4 years meditation

We are going to guide you through basic and simple meditation techniques that you can
practice with your child. Very soon he/she will become content and will look forward
to meditating each day. Let's start with a five-minute meditation that you can do
anytime of the day. However we advised to meditate twice a day in the morning and in
the evening.
**Daily meditation steps for your child

Eirs si down comforab1y wih your chi1d on he f1oor. We
sugges you si behind your chi1d so i is easier o guide him.
Then raise your own Kunda1ini. Now fo11ow his same procedure on your
chi1d o raise his Kunda1ini. Whi1e you do so, you can sing he
Kunda1ini song o ma'e i more fun:
** Bandhan
The next step is to give to your child a layer of vibrations that will provide him
protection. This protection is known as "bandhan". Imagine drawing a rainbow with
your right hand from the child's left hip, over the top of his head and down to his
right hip and back again. Back and forth is considered one time. Just as there are
seven colours in the rainbow and seven chakras in the subtle system, you do this
seven times to give your child a full bandhan. You can sing the names of each chakra
if you like: Mooladhara, Swadhistana, Nabhi &Void, Anahat, Vishuddhi, Agnya and
Sahasrara or you can sing a colour of the rainbow for each bandhan: "orange rainbow",
"yellow rainbow", "green rainbow", "red rainbow", "blue rainbow", "white rainbow",
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"all the rainbows"! (These colours are the actual colours of each chakra).
Now you are ready to start meditating. Rlease ask your child to close his eyes for a
little bit.
Then say ou-1oud "Kunda1ini p1ease 1e me fee1 your magic power.
This magic power refers o he energy and happiness your chi1d can
fee1 when you repea he affirmaion.
To srenghen your chi1d's Kunda1ini, pu your righ hand over your
chi1d's sacrum bone area and hen raise your hand up a1ong his spine
uni1 you reach he op of his head. Wih his moion you are 1ifing
he Kunda1ini energy o he1p i sand a11 he way up. o his seven
You can sing his song as you 1if your chi1d's Kunda1ini:
ear Mother Kunda1ini, Kunda1ini, p1ease come up, p1ease come up,
p1ease come up.
Mother Kunda1ini, Kunda1ini, p1ease come up, and open up my Sahasrara.
Once you have finished singing he song, p1ease as' your chi1d o be
quie for a bi and in his shor ime he wi11 fee1 he manifesaion
of he Kunda1ini and experience he _oy of i.
To finish off wih he mediaion p1ease raise you and your chi1d's
Kunda1ini and give yourse1ves a bandhan.
**Learning the 3 channels of energy.

In his chaper you wi11 1earn abou he channe1s of energy ha
are inside of us. R1ease read his 1in' he hree channe1s of energy
o undersand how he hree channe1s wor' and how hey can be
1. Moon Channel

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The Moon Channe1 is b1ue and i rises a1ong he 1ef side of our body.
I a'es care of how we fee1 abou ourse1ves and how much we 1ove our
mommy and daddy and our friends.

2. Sun Channel

The Sun Channe1 is ye11ow and i rises a1ong he righ side of our
body. I a'es care of our aciviy, for examp1e when we move our
hands and 1egs, p1ay wih pos and pans and run around!

3. Lotus Channel

The Lous Channe1 is whie and i rises a1ong he cener of our body.
I 'eeps us in he presen momen, so we can fee1 happy and be
sponaneous no maer wha we are doing, 1i'e p1aying, singing,
reading and going down he s1ide a he p1ayground.
**Learn how to balance the channels of energy
Now i is ime for us o 1earn how o ba1ance he channe1s. Bu before
a'e your ime o read he fo11owing 1in' ba1ancing he channe1s , i
wi11 he1p you o have a beer undersanding of his session.
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Balancing the Moon Channel:

Sometimes the channels go up and down, like a seesaw. You know the Moon Channel is a
little down when you feel a bit of a warm breeze on your left hand. To help steady
the Moon Channel you can put your left hand on our lap and your right hand on the
ground and meditate like that for a few minutes.
Balancing the Sun Channel:

If you feel a little bit of a warm breeze on your right hand that means the Sun
Channel is a bit down. To steady the Sun Channel meditate for a little while with
your right hand on your lap and your left hand up and towards the air behind you. The
air will pull all the not nice things out of your Sun Channel.
Balancing the Lotus Channel:

If you feel both hands are a little bit warm, then you can put both hands on the
ground when you meditate. Mother Earth will help you by sucking out all the yucky
things from your Lotus Channel.
Open up your hands and feel the cool.
Open up your hands and feel the cool vibrations.
Open up your hands and feel the love.
Our Mother's love is there for all of us.
Open up your hands and feel the cool.
Open up your hands and feel the cool vibrations.
Open up your hands and feel the love.
Our Mother's love is there for you
and you and you and you and you
And aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall of us.
Divine inspiration
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Reading a poem o your chi1d a any ime of he day wi11 up1if his
sou1. Here is an inspiring poem wrien by Shri Maa_i Nirma1a evi,
he founder of Saha_a Yoga:
I wan o be sma11er,
Li'e a dus paric1e
Which moves wih he wind
I goes everywhere,
can go,
Si on he head of a 'ing
Or can go
And fa11 a he fee of someone
And i can go
And si everywhere
Bu I wan o be a paric1e of dus
Tha is fragran,
Tha is nourishing
Tha is en1ighening.
We hope you en_oyed 1earning abou Saha_ mediaion for babies. In he
nex chaper you wi11 1earn abou how o coninue mediaion wih 4-6
years o1d.
3) 4-6 years meditation
Awakening Your Child's Kundalini

Afer you have experienced he Kunda1ini awa'ening, i wi11 be

fabu1ous o share his experience wih your chi1d and give him he
chance o awa'en his Kunda1ini oo.
What is the Kundalini?
You can e11 your chi1d ha everybody has a spira1 energy ca11ed
Kunda1ini ha 1oo's 1i'e a go1den sar inside of us and i is 1ocaed
in he 1ower par of his ummy. The Kunda1ini is very friend1y and
ine11igen because i 'nows us very we11 and a'es care of us 1i'e
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daddy and mommy do. Mediaing wih he Kunda1ini is he mos
beauifu1 experience ha Moher Naure can give us.
Rlease follow these steps in order to awaken your child's Kundalini:
Once you have exp1ained wha he Kunda1ini is, p1ease invie your
chi1d o si quie1y near you on he ground (or in a comforab1e chair
if you prefer) and as' him o pu is pa1ms on his 1ap.
Ask your child to put his right hand on his heart and say this wish out-loud 3 times:

"I am he spiri

Now ask him to put his right hand on the top on his head and move his right hand
clock-wise seven times and say the following wish out-loud 7 times:

"Moher Kunda1ini, p1ease wa'e up and a'e care of me.

When you finish ask him to put back his right hand on his lap and be quiet for
a bit so the Kundalini can start rising.
To finish ask your child to put his left hand on the top of his head keeping some
distance from the head and ask him if can feel a cool breeze coming out from the top
of his head. Then ask him to try with his right hand. Does he feel a cool breeze
there too?
Now your chi1d's Kunda1ini has awa'ened. If you wan o repea he
exercise you are we1come o, however i is no necessary once i has
been done once. You need o mediae dai1y o nourish he Kunda1ini
and 'eep i hea1hy.
**Daily Meditation
In his session you wi11 1earn how o mediae wih your chi1d. Bu
firs we invie you o read hese wo 1in's firs: Wha is Mediaion?
and Saha_a Yoga Mediaion.
Here is how you can exp1ain o your chi1d wha Saha_a mediaion is

It is time to play with my spirit
Mediaion is he ime o be wih your spiri and nourish he energy
you have inside of you. Eor examp1e, when we are hungry our ummy is
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e11ing us o ea food. So we ea and we fee1 happy, saisfied and
have energy o p1ay. We need o do he same hing for our spiri. We
need o nourish i and feed i wih a dai1y mediaion.
How to do it?
In he morning when you are ca1m and quie you can si down wih your
mommy or daddy o en_oy he spiri inside you. Eor ha 1e's sar
wih a 7-minue mediaion. You can o he mediaion any ime of he
day however we advise you do i soon afer you wa'e up in he morning,
and again before you go o bed a nigh.

Sit quietly on the floor or in a comfortable chair. Then put both palms on your
Then raise your own Kundalini. Now follow this same procedure on your child to raise
his Kundalini. While you do so, you can sing the Kundalini song to make it more fun:
The next step is to ask your child to do layer of vibrations that will provide him
protection. This protection is known as "bandhan". Imagine drawing a rainbow with his
right hand from his left hip, over the top of his head and down to his right hip and
back again. Back and forth is considered one time. Just as there are seven colours in
the rainbow and seven chakras in the subtle system, your child should do this seven
times to do a full bandhan.

You and your chi1d can sing he names of each cha'ra if you 1i'e:
Moo1adhara, Swadhisana, Nabhi &Void, Anaha, Vishuddhi, Agnya and
Sahasrara or you can sing a co1our of he rainbow for each bandhan:
"orange rainbow, "ye11ow rainbow, "green rainbow, "red rainbow,
"b1ue rainbow, "whie rainbow, "a11 he rainbows! (These co1ours
are he acua1 co1ours of each cha'ra).
Now both can close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths and if any thoughts come in your
attention, just let them go by saying "Kundalini, please take these thoughts away for
me". Enjoy this silence for a few minutes.
Now you can ask your child to say the following wishes out-loud:
"Moher, p1ease he1p me 1ove everybody.
When you are ready open your eyes and finish the meditation by raising your
Kundalinis and giving yourselves bandhans.
**The Subtle System - My body and me
In his session your chi1d is going o discovery he magnificen of
his sub1e body. Eor ha we are going o guide you hrough each
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componen of he sub1e sysem. Eirs we recommend you read he
fo11owing webpage ca11ed The Sub1e Sysem.

Here is an exp1anaion of he sub1e sysem for your chi1d.

**My Tree of Truth
Inside your body is an invisib1e ree ha we canno see wih our eyes
bu ha we can fee1. This ree is ca11ed he Magic Sysem (sub1e
sysem) or you can a1so ca11 i he Tree of Truh. Le's exp1ore he 3
componens of our Magic Sysem.
1. Inside of us here are hree channe1s of energy, he sun channe1,
he moon channe1 and he 1ous channe1. The moon channe1 is 1ocaed
a1ong he 1ef side of our body and conro1s our fee1ings. The sun
channe1 is 1ocaed a1ong he righ side of our body and conro1s
our acions. The 1ous channe1 is 1ocaed a1ong our spine i
conro1s ime.
2. We a1so have seven f1owers (or energy ceners) saring from he
boom of our spine a11 he way o he op of our head. Each of
hese beauifu1 f1owers has a specia1 qua1iy and super powers ha
you can fee1 when you mediae. These f1owers have a paricu1ar way
o communicae wih you. They send messages o your hands because
each finger has a re1aionship wih hem.
In he fo11owing char you can see he names of each f1ower, is
qua1iy and re1aionship wih your hands.
1. A he boom here is a very imporan p1ace where he go1den sar
(Kunda1ini) is s1eeping. When we as' he go1den sar o wa'e up i
goes o a11 he 7 f1owers and opens hem up and when i reaches he
op of our head a beauifu1 1ous is opened up and we can fee1 i
1i'e a coo1 breeze wih our hand if we chec' i.
**Rarents and children build good habits

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This session is especia11y for you and your chi1d o en_oy he 1ove
ha Saha_a Yoga brings o your 1ife. Here is a spiriua1 rouine ha
you can do anyime wih your chi1d.
Sahaj Technique
We high1y recommend c1eaning he cha'ras of your chi1d each day by
foo soa'ing . Read his 1in' o ge fami1iar wih he echnique:
Cha'ra c1eansing echniques.

Here are he iems you need o ge:
1. A chair
2. Towe1
3. A p1asic buc'e
4. A _ug
5. Sa1
How to do the foot soak
? You can do he foo soa' reamen anyime of he day, especia11y if
you fee1 your chi1d is a 1i1e big down, ired or very acive and
res1ess. We a1so advise doing he foo soa' before your chi1d goes o
? Ei11 he buc'e wih enough waer o cover he an'1es. You can ry
using 1u'ewarm waer if your chi1d is a bi down or ired. If your
chi1d is very acive and res1ess use co1d waer. However, he mos
imporan hing is ha he emperaure is comforab1e.
? Ei11 he _ug wih waer.
? Add wo handfu1s of sa1 o he buc'e. The sa1 waer used for
soa'ing he fee is paricu1ar1y good for c1eansing he Swadhisana,
Nabhi and Void cha'ras.
? As' your chi1d o si in he chair, raise his Kunda1ini, give a
bandhan, pu his fee in he buc'e and mediae. uring he foo soa'
'eep your eyes open so ha your cha'ras have a comp1ee cyc1e o
c1ear ou.
? To ma'e his experience en_oyab1e you can sing his song. As you
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sing he song ma'e c1oc'-wise circ1es around your cha'ras. This he1ps
hem o c1ear ou more quic'1y. Remember o sar c1eaning your
f1owers from he boom o he op of your head.
Around and around

round and around, the negativity is gone.
and around and around, the negativity is gone
and around and around, the negativity is gone.
My Moo1adhara is c1ear.
round and around, the negativity is gone (repeat 3 times)
My Swadhistana is c1ear.
round and around, the negativity is gone (repeat 3 times)
My Nabhi and void
round and around, the negativity is gone (repeat 3 times)
My nahat
round and around, the negativity is gone (repeat 3 times)
My Vishuddhi
round and around, the negativity is gone (repeat 3 times)
My gnya
round and around, the negativity is gone (repeat 3 times)
My Sahasrara
and a11 the Chakras are c1ear.
? Then as' your chi1d o be in si1ence for some ime so he Go1den
Sar or Kunda1ini wi11 sar raising and c1eaning each f1ower.
? When you are ready o finish he foo soa', rinse your fee wih he
c1ean waer in he _ug and dry hem wih a owe1.
? Eina11y, as' your chi1d o raise his Kunda1ini and give a bandhan.
R1ease pour he waer from he buc'e ino he oi1e and rinse he
buc'e wih fresh waer. We a1so recommend using he buc'e and he
owe1 exc1usive1y for foo soa'ing.
Experience the benefits of the bandhan

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I is very auspicious ha you proec your chi1d and yourse1f by
raising your Kunda1inis and giving yourse1ves bandhans before 1eaving
your home. oing his wi11 srenghen your vibraions and wi11 arac
posiive energy o yourse1f when you are ouside your home.
Enjoying time in nature

When you go for a wa1' ry o expose your chi1d o naure and be sure
o exp1ain he imporance of Moher Earh for us. This ime is a1so
perfec o si on he Moher Earh and mediae.
Sing short melodies and dance together

You are we1come o ge music from our Saha_a music for chi1dren
websie. A11 of he songs on he sie are designed o srenghen your
chi1d's Kunda1ini and improve heir mediaion.
Here are wo songs ha you can sing when you si o mediae wih
your chi1d.
Open up your hands
Open up your hands and fee1 he coo1.

Open up your hands and fee1 the coo1 vibrations.
Open up your hands and fee1 the 1ove.
Our Mothers 1ove is there for a11 of us.
Open up your hands and fee1 the coo1.
Open up your hands and fee1 the coo1 vibrations.
Open up your hands and fee1 the 1ove.
Our Mothers 1ove is there for you
and you and you and you and you
nd aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa11 of us.

Moher Kunda1ini
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ear Mother Kunda1ini, Kunda1ini, p1ease come up, p1ease come up,
p1ease come up.
Mother Kunda1ini, Kunda1ini, p1ease come up, and open up my Sahasrara.
Good nigh yogi chi1d

Goodnight, 1itt1e yogi chi1d.
nother day with Mother, so sweet and mi1d.
Goodnight, 1itt1e yogi, s1eep
nd rest now 1itt1e raindrop in the ocean deep.
Goodnight, s1eep we11
Goodnight, s1eep we11, yogi chi1d, 1itt1e chi1d
Rhoca RE

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