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Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC




The ha"ards enco#ntered and associated $ith enterin% and $or&in%s in con'ined spaces are capa(le o' ca#sin% (odily in)#ry, illness, and death to $or&ers. *t sho#ld al$ays (e considered that the most #n'a+ora(le sit#ation e,ists in e+ery con'ined space and that the dan%er o' e,plosion, poisonin%, and asphy,iation $ill (e present at the onset o' entry. Employee-s li+es are at sta&e e+ery time there is an entry into a con'ined space. The t$o ma)or 'actors that lead to death in con'ined spaces are 'ail#re to reco%ni"e and control the ha"ards associated $ith con'ined spaces, and inade.#ate or incorrect emer%ency response. *n EPCL comple,, the entry o' persons into a con'ined space (ecomes necessary in're.#ently 'or inspection maintenance, cleanin%, loadin%/#nloadin% o' catalysts/ adsor(ents etc. *t sho#ld (e (orne in mind, that the entry into a con'ined space sho#ld (e considered as the last resort, $hen no other method can (e adopted 'or that partic#lar sit#ation. The proced#re is applica(le to all persons 0incl#din% prod#ction sta''1. 2alid $or& permits is re.#ired to (e o(tained 'or entry into the con'ined space. Sa'ety preca#tions to (e adopted 'or the con'ined space entry are more ri%oro#s, than those 'or other )o(s. The criticality is '#rther accent#ated $hen hot $or& is in+ol+ed in con'ined space or entry is re.#ired $ith traces o' hydrocar(on or to,ic chemical or inert %as present in the con'ined space. These preca#tions are applica(le e+en i' the entry is 'or a (rie' period, 0co#ple o' min#tes1 or partial 0head only1 entry.

2.306.2 SCOPE The scope incl#des all entries into con'ined spaces $ithin the comple, 2.306.3 RESPONSIBILITY All Line mana%ers are responsi(le 'or ed#catin% their employees and contractors re%ardin% this %#ideline 2.306.4 PROCEDURE
The con'ined space can (e de'ined as a space lar%e eno#%h 'or a person to (odily enter and per'orm assi%ned $or&, $hich may (e sit#ated either (elo$ or a(o+e, the %ro#nd or dec& le+el, Has limited or restricted means o' entry and e,its, And is not desi%ned 'or contin#o#s employee occ#pancy, And3 contains or has the potential to contain a ha"ardo#s atmosphere3 Contains a material that has the potential 'or en%#l'ment o' the entrant3 *nte%rated 6ana%ement System HSEF P78CE9:7E 6A;:AL Pa%e 4 < o' <=

Prepared (y4 5PP Appro+ed (y4 :5C

7e+. ;o 4 < 7e+. 9ate 4 </ =/2 <<


Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC


Has an internal con'i%#ration s#ch that an entrant co#ld (e trapped or asphy,iated 0s#ch as slopin% $alls or 'loors that red#ce the area to a point o' constriction and contains any other reco%ni"ed serio#s sa'ety or health ha"ard respecti+ely1. The 'ollo$in% 'e$ e,amples can (e listed > Process +essel, reactors, col#mns, Stora%e tan&, (oiler, '#rnaces, Pontoons o' 'loatin% roo' tan&s, col#mn s&irt, 'lare slac&, chimney etc. >< ?ater steam condensate tan&s 0li&ely contamination $ith chemicals1 >2 Space located (ello$ %ro#nd or dec& le+el s#ch as pipe trenches, Se$a%e pits and associated t#nnels, >3 :n+entilated rooms 0#nder speci'ic circ#mstances1

2.306.4. Hazards ! " #!$#%d s&a"%

There are a +ariety o' ha"ards in enterin% 0and $or&in% in1 a con'ined space. The ha"ard is posed (y Atmospheric Ha"ards >= 9e'iciency / enrichment o' o,y%en >@ Presence o' 'lamma(les >! Chemical ha"ards - to,icity, corrosi+eness, inertness >A Physical ha"ards and >B 8ther types

2.306.4.1 A'( s&)%r$" Hazards

Ce'ore 'orced +entilation is initiated, in'ormation s#ch as restricted areas $ithin the con'ined space, +oids, the nat#re o' the con'ined space present, the si"e o' the space, the type o' $or& to (e per'ormed, and the n#m(er o' people in+ol+ed sho#ld (e considered.

2.306.4.1.1 O*+,%# d%!$"$%#"+- %#r$")(%#' 2.306. O*+,%# D%!$"$%#"+

8,y%en de'iciency occ#rs 'rom (iolo%ical or chemical reactions that displace or cons#me o,y%en 'rom a con'ined space. Cacterial action can cons#me o,y%en in the 'ermentation process and in e,ca+ations and manholes that are near land'ills or moist %ro#nd. 8,y%en is also cons#med d#rin% com(#stion o' 'lamma(le s#(stances, in $eldin%, c#ttin%, and (ra"in%. Chemical reactions can cons#me o,y%en, 'or e,ample in the 'ormation o' r#st on e,posed s#r'aces o' metal tan&s and +ats. 8,y%en cons#mption is also in'l#enced (y the n#m(er o' people $or&in% in a con'ined space and the amo#nt o' physical acti+ity. 9isplacement o' 8,y%en4 *nert Das and Asphy,iants *n s#''icient .#antity an inert %as or asphy,iant $ill displace o,y%en and may res#lt in an atmosphere #na(le to s#pport normal respiration. *nert %as is #sed to red#ce the o,y%en le+el Prepared (y4 5PP Appro+ed (y4 :5C *nte%rated 6ana%ement System HSEF P78CE9:7E 6A;:AL Pa%e 4 2 o' <=

7e+. ;o 4 < 7e+. 9ate 4 </ =/2 <<


Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC


0o,y%en is necessary to s#pport a 'ire or e,plosion1 in con'ined spaces that contain 'lamma(le li.#id or +apors. Heli#m, ar%on, and nitro%en is the most #sed %as 'or inertin% con'ined spaces. The normal atmosphere consists o' 2<E o,y%en, ABE nitro%en, and <E ar%on $ith small amo#nts o' other %ases. For e,ample, i' < E ar%on 0a non-to,ic %as1 is #sed to inert 0displace o,y%en1 in a con'ined space, it $ill ca#se immediate collapse and death to the $or&er i' the con'ined space is not ade.#ately +entilated (e'ore entry. Car(on dio,ide can occ#r nat#rally in se$ers, stora%e (ins, $ells, t#nnels, $ine +ats, and %rain ele+ators, and can also displace air. 9ecreased o,y%en le+els (elo$ the normal 2 .FE can ca#se +ario#s e''ects less than <AE4 partial loss o' ni%ht +ision, increased (reathin% and heart(eat3 (et$een <=-<! E4 increased (reathin% +ol#me, accelerated heart(eat, poor m#sc#lar coordination, rapid 'ati%#e, and intermittent respiration3 (et$een !-< E4 na#sea, ina(ility to per'orm, +omitin%, and #nconscio#sness3 and less than !E4 spasmatic (reathin%, con+#lsions, and death in min#tes. Any atmosphere containin% less than 2 E + is declared o,y%en de'icient.

2.306. O*+,%# %#r$")(%#':

8n the other hand, o,y%en enrichment is enco#ntered $hen the o,y%en content in the am(ient is a(o+e 2<E+. This is also a ha"ard as the hi%her o,y%en concentration accelerates the com(#stion process. The o,y%en enrichment in a con'ined space may (e ca#sed (y, >F >< ><< Lea&s 'rom o,y%en-containin% e.#ipment 6is#se or a(#se o' o,y%en instead o' nitro%en or air 9eli(erate addition o' o,y%en.

2.306.4.1.2 F.a((a/$.$'+0 !$r% 1 %*&. s$ #

Flamma(le atmospheres #s#ally arise 'rom enriched o,y%en atmospheres, +apor 'rom 'lamma(le li.#ids, (yprod#cts o' $or&, chemical reactions, and concentrations o' com(#sti(le d#sts and mists. All i%nition so#rces m#st (e eliminated s#ch as spar&in% 'rom tools, electrical e.#ipment, static electricity, and open 'lame. Local +entilation sho#ld (e #sed $hen The +entilation air sho#ld not create an additional ha"ard d#e to recirc#lation o' contaminants, improper arran%ement o' the inlet d#ct, or (y the s#(stit#tion o' anythin% other than 'resh air 0appro,imately 2 .FE o,y%en1. The #se o' 'orced +entilation can e,pand the limits o' 'lamma(ility and increase the ha"ards o' Fire and e,plosion. 6any times i' entry is necessary into a con'ined space $ith a 'lamma(le atmosphere the sa'est method to red#ce the ris& o' e,plosion is to clean and eliminate all 'lamma(le li.#ids, +apor, and solid material 0scalin%1 in the con'ined space (e'ore entry is permitted. A(sor(ent materials can (e #sed to remo+e any li.#id that cannot (e drained 'rom tan&s. 8ther 'lamma(le atmosphere pro(lems incl#de4 Prepared (y4 5PP Appro+ed (y4 :5C *nte%rated 6ana%ement System HSEF P78CE9:7E 6A;:AL Pa%e 4 3 o' <=

7e+. ;o 4 < 7e+. 9ate 4 </ =/2 <<


Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC


Flamma(le %ases s#ch as acetylene, (#tane, propane, hydro%en, methane, nat#ral %ases or +apor 'rom li.#id hydrocar(ons can (e trapped in con'ined spaces, and since many %ases are hea+ier than air, they $ill sin& to the lo$er le+els in pits, se$ers, stora%e tan&s, and +essels. *n a closed top tan&, li%hter than air %ases may rise and de+elop a 'lamma(le concentration i' trapped a(o+e the openin%. ?eldin% in a con'ined space is a ma)or ca#se o' e,plosions in areas that contained com(#sti(le %as. Com(#sti(le d#st concentrations are #s#ally 'o#nd d#rin% the process o' loadin%, #nloadin%, and con+eyin% %rain prod#cts, nitrated 'ertili"ers, 'inely %ro#nd chemical prod#cts, and any other com(#sti(le material. *' any hot $or& is done in a con'ined space a hot $or& permit is re.#ired to (e completed (e'ore $or& (e%ins. Flamma(le or e,plosi+e mi,t#res de+elop d#rin% emptyin% o' +essels or tan&s and openin% o' the con'ined space d#e to air mi,in% $ith the resid#al %ases or +apors. Entry permit to a con'ined space sho#ld not (e %i+en i' the readin% on the e,plosimeter 0LFL1 is e.#al to or %reater than < E. Hot $or& permit in a con'ined space cannot (e iss#ed i' the e,plosimeter 0LFL1 reads e.#al to or %reater than <E.

2.306.4.1.3 C)%($"a. )azards

Ha"ards o' chemicals are d#e to their to,icity, corrosi+ely or inertness. The 6aterial Sa'ety 9ata Sheets 06S9S1 sho#ld (e re'erred to #nderstand the ha"ardo#s characteristics o' the chemical in+ol+ed. The to,icity may (e e,perienced thro#%h inhalation, in%estion 0s$allo$in%1 or s&in contact 0s#(c#taneo#s1. Appropriate personal protecti+e e.#ipment sho#ld (e #sed. The Threshold Limit 2al#e, - Time ?ei%hted A+era%e 0TL2-T?A1 and Short Term E,pos#re Limit 0TL2-STEL1 G *9LH %i+en in the appendi,-< 0Pa%e <21 can (e #sed as a %#ide. The instr#ments to (e #sed 'or detection are also recommended. 2.306. T *$" A'( s&)%r%s To,ic %ases that ha+e (een reported to ca#se death in $or&ers in con'ined spaces incl#de car(on mono,ide 0C81, hydro%en cyanide, hydro%en s#l'ide 0H2S1, arsine, chlorine, o,ides o' nitro%en, and ammonia. To,ic s#(stances can o'ten seep into a con'ined space that $as once considered ha"ard 'ree and ma&e it li'e threatenin%. The atmosphere o' a con'ined space m#st (e tested e+ery time (e'ore a $or&er enters. To,ic atmospheres enco#ntered in con'ined spaces may arise 'rom the 'ollo$in%4 The man#'act#rin% process 0'or e,ample, in prod#cin% poly+inyl chloride1. The prod#ct stored 0remo+in% decomposed or%anic material 'rom a tan& can release to,ic s#(stances, s#ch as hydro%en s#l'ide1. The operation per'ormed in the con'ined space 0'or e,ample, $eldin% or (ra"in%1. Prepared (y4 5PP Appro+ed (y4 :5C *nte%rated 6ana%ement System HSEF P78CE9:7E 6A;:AL Pa%e 4 = o' <=

7e+. ;o 4 < 7e+. 9ate 4 </ =/2 <<


Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC


Chemicals lea&in% into the con'ined space 'rom the o#tside.

Acids #sed 'or cleanin% the interior o' a con'ined space can also prod#ce to,ic %ases. For e,ample hydrochloric acid can react chemically $ith iron s#l'ide to prod#ce H2S, $hich is hea+ier than air and $ill settle o#t at the (ottom o' the con'ined space. H2S is e,tremely to,ic and can ca#se paralysis o' the 8l'actory system 0ma&in% the +ictim #na(le to smell the %as1, loss o' reasonin%, respiratory 'ail#re, #nconscio#sness, and death. Car(on mono,ide is a ha"ardo#s %as that may (#ild #p in a con'ined space. C8 is a colorless, odorless %as $ith a(o#t the same density as air. C8 is 'ormed 'rom incomplete com(#stion and 'rom micro(ial decomposition o' or%anic matter in se$ers, silos, and 'ermentation tan&s. Early sta%es o' C8 into,ication are na#sea and headache. C8 may (e 'atal at < ppm in air, and is considered dan%ero#s at 2 ppm, (eca#se it 'orms car(o,y-hemo%lo(in in the (lood, $hich pre+ents the distri(#tion o' o,y%en in the (ody. A sa'e readin% on a com(#sti(le %as meter does not ens#re that C8 is not present. Car(on mono,ide m#st (e tested 'or speci'ically. 2.306. S .2%#'s Sol+ents #sed to de%rease and clean can also harm or &ill entrants o' a con'ined space. Hydrocar(on sol+ents can depress the central ner+o#s system 0C;S1 and ca#se #nconscio#sness. Certain chlorinated or 'l#orinated hydrocar(on sol+ents are to,ic to the heart and ha+e (een associated $ith s#dden death in Con'ined spaces. 6ethylene chloride can meta(oli"e in the (ody to create car(on mono,ide and prod#ce a dr#n&enH state. 2.306.4.1.4 P)+s$"a. )azards

Physical ha"ards associated $ith con'ined space incl#de4 mechanical, electrical, and hydra#lic ener%y3 en%#l'ment3 comm#nication pro(lems3 noise3 and si"e o' openin%s in a con'ined space etc. 2.306.4.1.3 Hazard 4s E#%r,+

*' acti+ation o' electrical or mechanical e.#ipment $o#ld ca#se in)#ry, each piece o' e.#ipment sho#ld (e man#ally isolated to pre+ent acti+ation (e'ore $or&ers enter or $hile they are $or&in% in a con'ined space. An e''ecti+e loc&o#t/ta% o#t pro%ram m#st (e #sed $hen a $or&er enters a con'ined space $ith an ener%y release ha"ard. 2.306.4.1.6 E#,4.!(%#'

En%#l'ment in loose materials is one o' the leadin% ca#ses o' death 'rom physical ha"ards in con'ined spaces. En%#l'ment and s#''ocation ha"ards are associated $ith stora%e (ins, silos, and Prepared (y4 5PP Appro+ed (y4 :5C *nte%rated 6ana%ement System HSEF P78CE9:7E 6A;:AL Pa%e 4 @ o' <=

7e+. ;o 4 < 7e+. 9ate 4 </ =/2 <<


Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC


hoppers $here %rain, sand, %ra+el, or other loose materials are stored, handled, or trans'erred. ?or&ers can (ecome entrapped or (#ried in a matter o' seconds. 3.306.4.1.5 C ((4#$"a'$ # Pr /.%(s

Comm#nication (et$een the $or&er inside the con'ined space and the stand(y attendant o#tside is o' the #tmost importance. ?hen +is#al monitorin% o' the $or&er is not possi(le (eca#se o' desi%n o' the con'ined space or location o' the entry hatch, a +oice or alarm-acti+ated e,plosion proo' type o' comm#nication $ill (e necessary. Li%htin% can also pre+ent +isi(ility pro(lems in con'ined spaces. 2.306.4.1.6 O')%r )azards 8ther ha"ards o' con'ined space entry incl#de4 Fallin% o()ects 'rom topside openin%s in the con'ined space3 Thermal e''ects, e,tremely hot or cold temperat#res can ma&e $or& inside a con'ined space ha"ardo#s3 ?et or slic& s#r'aces can ca#se 'alls in the con'ined space, as $hile as %ro#ndin% paths 'or electricity3 ;oise le+els can (e ampli'ied inside the con'ined space ca#sin% hearin% dama%e and comm#nication pro(lems3 The si"e o' openin%s into the con'ined space can present pro(lems $ith personal protecti+e e.#ipment 0PPE1 and escape 'rom the con'ined space3 and The #se o' sca''oldin% in a con'ined space also creates pro(lems. Apart 'rom the ha"ards disc#ssed hitherto, the person enterin% the con'ined space may come across ha"ards li&e, ><2 ><3 ><= ><@ 2.306.4.2 Poor +isi(ility d#e to d#sty or misty condition Dettin% entrapped in the e+ent o' an accident Li+e electrical contacts $ith ris& o' electroc#tion Hi%h noise le+el. Pr%&ara'$ # ! r &%#$#, a " #!$#%d s&a"%

The con'ined space sho#ld (e made 'ree o' ha"ardo#s materials and sho#ld (e isolated positi+ely 'rom potential ha"ards prior to entry o' person. ;ormal $or& permit can (e iss#ed 'or disconnection / (lan&in% / spadin% / de-spadin% $or& 'or positi+e isolation o' the con'ined space. *n certain sit#ations 0li&e pits1 positi+e isolation may not (e possi(le, #sin% $ooden pl#%s may (e resorted to ho$e+er $ith %reater +i%il and constant s#r+eillance. 2.306.4.2.1 Fr%%$#, ')% " #!$#%d s&a"% ! )azard 4s (a'%r$a.s

Prepared (y4 5PP Appro+ed (y4 :5C

*nte%rated 6ana%ement System HSEF P78CE9:7E 6A;:AL


4 ! o' <=

7e+. ;o 4 < 7e+. 9ate 4 </ =/2 <<


Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC


Ce'ore entry o' the person, the con'ined space li&e +essel, tan&, reactor, pit, trench or other e.#ipment sho#ld (e isolated, depress#ri"ed, drained and +ented to ma&e it 'ree o' hydrocar(ons. Then it sho#ld (e positi+ely isolated 'rom potential dan%ers (y spadin%, or disconnectin% or (lan&in% all the connected pipelines. A(sence o' any pl#%%ed drains sho#ld (e ens#red. ?here+er possi(le the con'ined space sho#ld (e 'l#shed $ith $ater and (e p#r%ed $ith air or +entilated to reach an o,y%en content o' more than 2 E +. Hydrocar(ons li&e naphtha, &erosene, he,ane, (en"ene sho#ld ne+er (e p#r%ed or (lo$n $ith air. Any remainin% hydrocar(on layer at the (ottom o' the e.#ipment 0li&e tan& or +essel1 sho#ld pre'era(ly displace #p$ard (y $ater, i' 'easi(le. 2.306.4.2.2 S'%a($#, 4' &%ra'$ #

*t is ad+anta%eo#s, i' possi(le, to steam o#t and then $ater $ashes the con'ined space till there is no si%n o' any resid#al prod#ct. To ma&e steamin% e''ecti+e, as many no""le o' the e.#ipment as possi(le 0especially at the top1 sho#ld (e &ept open d#rin% steamin% o#t. This operation sho#ld (e carried o#t 'rom the (ottom o' the e.#ipment 0e.%. (ottom o' the col#mn1 so that all parts %et steamed o#t. 9#rin% and a'ter steamin% o#t and d#rin% interr#ption one +ent or manhole 0pre'era(ly at the top1 sho#ld (e &ept open to a+oid any e,cessi+e press#re de+elopment, $hich mi%ht dama%e the e.#ipment. Static char%e (#ild #p sho#ld (e a+oided (y ens#rin% %ood earthin% o' the e.#ipment and dryness o' steam, since the droplets o' condensate ca#se the static char%e, the drain +al+e sho#ld (e &ept open to drain any condensate 'ormed. The e.#ipment sho#ld (e cooled a'ter steamin% o#t and $ater 'l#shed, i' possi(le. *n case o' stora%e tan&s $ater )ettin% may (e needed to dischar%e loose scales, solids or sl#%s that may contain still the resid#al ha"ardo#s prod#cts. *n certain case the steamin% o#t operation may ha+e to (e repeated to ma&e the e.#ipment 'ree o' ha"ardo#s material. A'ter completin% the steamin% o#t operation the steam lines sho#ld (e isolated positi+ely. 2.306.4.2.3 R%( 2a. ! s.4d,%0 "a6% r s"a.+ d%& s$'s !r ( a " #!$#%d s&a"%

Hydrocar(ons to,ic %ases/ +apors may e+ol+e $hile dist#r(in% or remo+in% any sl#d%e or scaly deposits $ithin a con'ined space li&e a stora%e tan& or +essel. Hence appropriate preca#tions are to (e ta&en. *' the scales are pyrophoric special e,tra preca#tions are $arranted. 2.306.4.2.4 D%a.$#, 7$') &+r &) r$" d%& s$'s

*' pyrophoric deposits are enco#ntered in a con'ined space, +ery special care is to (e ta&en. Pyrophoric deposits are 'ormed $hen the material in the e.#ipment contained hydro%en s#lphide or s#lph#r compo#nd 0e.%. naphtha1. S#ch deposits in tan&s may (e in the 'orm o' scales on the tan& $all or as sediment at the (ottom, This is possi(le in tan&s partic#larly #nder o,y%en depleted atmosphere 0less than = E + o,y%en1 *ron s#lphide is prod#ced (y reaction (et$een s#lph#r compo#nds and r#st. S#(se.#ent reaction $ith iron s#phides and the o,y%en in air is e,othermic. This (ecomes an i%nition so#rce. Hence d#e care sho#ld (e e,ercised to ma&e the e.#ipment 'ree o' 'lamma(le materials. Prepared (y4 5PP Appro+ed (y4 :5C *nte%rated 6ana%ement System HSEF P78CE9:7E 6A;:AL Pa%e 4 A o' <=

7e+. ;o 4 < 7e+. 9ate 4 </ =/2 <<


Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC


*' pyrophoricity is e,pected, the lo$er part o' the tan&, $hich is normally 'looded $ith li.#id, sho#ld (e emptied +ery slo$ly d#rin% decommissionin%. ?ater 'loodin% or $ater sprayin% o' the sediments is ad+ised d#rin% the entire %as 'ree"in% operation. ;at#ral dra#%ht is pre'erred, $hen air +entilation is employed 'or the tan&s, $hich are inerted d#rin% normal operation. The +entilation sho#ld proceed at a restricted rate to allo$ the o,y%en le+el in the tan& to rise slo$ly, $hich leads to o,idation o' any pyrophroic material in contact $ith air to %et reo,idised at a harmless rate. ?hen tan&s ha+e 'lamma(le %as cap, 0o$n +apor1 %as 'reein% $ith air sho#ld (e a+oided. *t is pre'era(le to displace the %as/ +apors (y $ater or other$ise, #se o' inert %as 0nitro%en1 sho#ld (e considered to a+oid i%nition potential. The pyrophoric material remo+ed 'rom e.#ipment sho#ld (e &ept $etted $ith $ater #ntil sa'e disposal. 2.306.4.2.3 T%r($'% r%a"'$ #s

?hen the r#sty steel s#r'ace %ets the impact o' al#min#m e.#ipment, spar& can (e %enerated d#e to termite reaction. Hence #se o' al#min#m e.#ipment 0e.%. ladder1 needs d#e care 2.306.4.2.6 S"a!! .d$#, The $or& at hi%her ele+ation $ill re.#ire sca''oldin%. *t m#st (e sec#red clean and 'irm. 2.306.4.2.5 8%#'$.a'$ #

?hen men are $or&in% in con'ined space, ade.#ate +entilation is re.#ired. 7emo+al o' manhole co+er %enerally pro+ides the +entilation. The temperat#re inside the con'ined space sho#ld (e +ery near am(ient. *nte%rity o' the atmosphere o' the con'ined space sho#ld (e maintained (y ens#rin% pre+ention o' in%ress o' to,ic or 'lamma(le s#(stance. Periodic chec&in% o' rele+ant parameters li&e o,y%en, LFL and to,ic %as in the Con'ined space $ith appropriate instr#ment sho#ld (e carried o#t. S#ita(le air mo+ers can (e #sed 'or remo+in% 'o#l air, '#mes etc. 'or the com'ort o' men $or&in% inside the con'ined space. 2.306.4.2.9 H ' 7 r6 $#s$d% a " #!$#%d s&a"%

2alid $or& permit 'or carryin% o#t the hot $or& inside the con'ined space is re.#ired. *' %as cylinders are needed 'or $eldin%, they sho#ld (e &ept o#tside and sho#ld ne+er (e ta&en inside the con'ined space. The hoses sho#ld (e in so#nd condition. ?hen not in #se the hoses sho#ld (e ta&en o#t and the cylinder +al+es closed. *' necessary appropriate (reathin% apparat#s sho#ld (e #sed 2.306.4.2.: C #d$'$ #s ! %#'r+ Con'ined space entry and carryin% o#t s#(se.#ent $or& sho#ld (e allo$ed only a'ter a +alid $or& permit speci'ied $ith all the necessary preca#tions. These preca#tions sho#ld (e Prepared (y4 5PP Appro+ed (y4 :5C *nte%rated 6ana%ement System HSEF P78CE9:7E 6A;:AL Pa%e 4 B o' <=

7e+. ;o 4 < 7e+. 9ate 4 </ =/2 <<


Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC


strictly adhered to. The permit also sho#ld speci'y the 're.#ency o' chec&in% 'or 'lamma(le material 0e,plosimeter- LEL1, o,y%en content and to,icity as applica(le. The n#m(er o' persons permitted to enter the con'ined space sho#ld (e &ept to the minim#m, as dictated (y the a+aila(le space, n#m(er o' escape ro#tes and resc#e 'acilities. A (oard is to (e installed near the con'ined space, $ith names o' persons inside the e.#ipment at that partic#lar moment. 9#rin% the (rea& 'or tea, l#nch, necessary steps sho#ld (e ta&en to pre+ent #na#thori"ed entry. 8nly EPCL sta'' sho#ld %i+e any #tility connection re.#ired 'or the con'ined space d#rin% the $or&. This responsi(ility sho#ld ne+er (e dele%ated to the contractor employee. 6inim#m one stand(y operator is re.#ired 'or any $or& in the con'ined space. This n#m(er may increase dependin% on the se+erity or criticality o' the sit#ation. *mportant points to (e chec&ed (e'ore permittin% con'ined space entry sho#ld (e done as per Anne,#re I * 2.306.4.2.10 Sa!%'+ )ar#%ss a#d .$!%.$#% The person enterin% a con'ined space sho#ld #se sa'ety harness $ith a li'eline and an alert attendant $ho is a standin% o#tside the con'ined space sho#ld hold the 'ree end o' li'eline. The 'ree end o' the li'e line 0rope1 needs to (e sec#red 'irmly to a 'i,ed o()ect. e.%. da+it or railin%. *n case o' emer%ency, the attendant sho#ld as& 'or more assistance. He sho#ld not enter the con'ined space in panic. *' it is re.#ired, he has to enter $ith sel'-contained (reathin% apparat#s. 0SCCA1. 2.306.4.2.11 ; #$' r$#, ! ')% a'( s&)%r% The 're.#ency o' monitorin% o' the atmosphere in the con'ined space sho#ld (e speci'ied in the $or& 0entry1 permit. *n trenches and pits positi+e isolation may not (e possi(le. Also, there is a li&elihood o' e+ol#tion o' hydrocar(on $hen dist#r(in% the e.#ipment internals ha+in% sediments, co&e or polymer. *n s#ch cases it is ad+isa(le to arran%e 'or contin#o#s monitorin% o' the con'ined space. Alternati+ely, the o,y%en or other appropriate hand held monitorin% co#ld (e $orn 0clipped to the poc&et1 (y the person enterin%. This $ill %i+e an a#dio+is#al alarm. ?hen the concentration o' o,y%en or rele+ant chemical %oes o#t o' the desira(le ran%e. *' the instr#ment located o#tside carries o#t contin#o#s monitorin%, the t#(e 'or collectin% the sample sho#ld (e properly placed. *t may (e possi(le to #se 9ra%%er to analy"e to,ic chemical. The stand(y operator sho#ld (e +i%ilant. The monitorin% sho#ld (e carried o#t e+ery time the $or& is res#med a'ter a (rea& 'or tea/ l#nch etc. E+en at the sli%htest do#(t o' impendin% ha"ard the $or& sho#ld (e stopped 'orth$ith and the person sho#ld (e as&ed to come o#t o' the con'ined space. 2.306.4.2.12 P%rs #a. &r '%"'$2% %<4$&(%#' Prepared (y4 5PP Appro+ed (y4 :5C *nte%rated 6ana%ement System HSEF P78CE9:7E 6A;:AL Pa%e 4 F o' <=

7e+. ;o 4 < 7e+. 9ate 4 </ =/2 <<


Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC


S#ita(le (reathin% apparat#s, res#scitator, sa'ety harness/(elt, sa'ety torches, ropes etc. sho#ld (e &ept ready near the con'ined space 'or emer%ency #se. Appropriate PPE sho#ld (e prescri(ed in the $or& 0entry1 permit 'or those $ho are openin% or enterin% the con'ined space. 2.306.4.2.13 Us% ! E.%"'r$"a. %<4$&(%#' To the e,tent possi(le, the #se o' electrical e.#ipment inside the con'ined space sho#ld (e a+oided, to pre+ent electroc#tion and spar&s. Ho$e+er i' its #se in #na+oida(le, it m#st (e 'lameproo' and o' 2= +olt 0ma,im#m1. This is also a mandatory re.#irement. From sa'ety point o' +ie$, the po$er sho#ld (e ta&en thro#%h an Earth Lea&a%e Circ#it Crea&er 0ELCC1. 2.306.4.2.14 E#'r+ $#' =as !r%% " #!$#%d s&a"% The prescri(ed PPE sho#ld (e #sed 'or enterin% and $or&in% in a con'ined space, $hich has (een %as, 'reed and made sa'e 0non-asphy,iant, non-'lamma(le, non-to,ic1. H 7%2%r0 4s% ! /r%a')$#, a&&ara'4s >A$r .$#% r%s&$ra' r - SCBA s%'? "a# /% 7a$2%d #.+ 4#d%r ')% ! .. 7$#, " #d$'$ #s 8,y%en content E,plosimeter readin% 0LFL1 To,ic +apor 2 -2 .F E+ less than or e.#al to <E J @ E o' TL2-T?A

These conditions can allo$ (oth hot and cold $or& in the con'ined space. Ce'ore entry and d#rin% the period person inside the con'ined space, ade.#ate +entilation sho#ld (e pro+ided. 2.306.4.2.13 E#'r+ $#' # #@,as !r%% " #!$#%d s&a"% ?hen %as 'reein% a con'ined space has not (een possi(le, entry can (e allo$ed a%ainst +ery strin%ent preca#tions. Entry can (e permitted $ith an appropriate (reathin% apparat#s. The e,plosimeter readin% 0LEL1 sho#ld not e,ceed < E. ;o hot $or& can (e permitted in this condition 2.306.4.2.14 E#'r+ $#' $#%r'%d " #!$#%d s&a"% This &ind o' sit#ation seldom occ#rs, and it $arrants special e.#ipment and s&illed personnel. An alert attendant sho#ld stand(y. :se o' con+entional sel'-contained (reathin% apparat#s 0SCCA1 sho#ld (e limited to emer%ency li'e sa+in% sit#ations. *t sho#ld (e noted that normal e,plosimeter is not #sa(le in an inert atmosphere. 9ra%%er t#(es can (e #sed. 2.306.4.2.14 C #'$#,%#"+ &.a# ?hen a person has collapsed inside a con'ined space, resc#in% him sho#ld ha+e (een preplanned. ?orst-case scenarios sho#ld al$ays (e considered. Allocation o' personnel at short notice to relie+e or (ac& #p those 'irst in action m#st al$ays (e anticipated. *' air s#pply 'ails $hen (reathin% apparat#s is in #se in a con'ined apace, restorin% +ictim-s o,y%en s#pply is the 'irst priority. Prepared (y4 5PP Pa%e 4 < o' <= *nte%rated 6ana%ement System HSEF Appro+ed (y4 :5C 7e+. ;o 4 < P78CE9:7E 6A;:AL 7e+. 9ate 4 </ =/2 <<


Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC


9#rin% s#ch a sit#ation, the attendant sho#ld ne+er attempt to enter the con'ined space #ntil the help has arri+ed. ;o resc#e sho#ld (e attempted $itho#t the #se o' (reathin% apparat#s, sa'ety harness and li'eline. Any physical in)#ry to the a''ected person is o' secondary important. The +ictim sho#ld (e (ro#%ht o#t to a sa'e area o#tside, $itho#t delay and (reathin% restored. This calls 'or pree,istin% plan, trained personnel and $ell-maintained e.#ipment 0SCCA, res#scitator, etc.1 Appendi,-< Chemicals ;H3 S82 Cl2 H2S C8 TL2 0 T?A1 0ppm1 2@ 2 .@ < @ STEL 0ppm1 3@ @ < <@ = *9LH0 ppm1 @ < 2@ 3 <@

Format ;o. EPCL-HSEF-=.3<@, 7e+ , 9ate4 @/< /2 ELE;E PETROCHE;ICALS CO;PANY LTD

Prepared (y4 5PP Appro+ed (y4 :5C

*nte%rated 6ana%ement System HSEF P78CE9:7E 6A;:AL


4 << o' <=

7e+. ;o 4 < 7e+. 9ate 4 </ =/2 <<


Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC C #!$#%d S&a"% E#'r+ C)%"6.$s'


Sr ;o. < 2 3 = @ ! A

Con'ined Space ;ame4 Are con'ined spaces thoro#%hly emptied o' any corrosi+e or ha"ardo#s s#(stances, s#ch as acids, ca#stics or hydrocar(ons (e'ore entryK Are all lines to a con'ined space, containin% inert, to,ic, 'lamma(le, or corrosi+e materials +al+ed o'' and (lan&ed or disconnected and separated (e'ore entryK Are all impellers, a%itators, or other mo+in% parts and e.#ipment i' present inside con'ined spaces, loc&ed-o#tK *s nat#ral or mechanical +entilation chec&ed 'or ade.#acy prior to con'ined space entryK Are appropriate atmospheric tests per'ormed to chec& 'or o,y%en de'iciency, presence o' to,ic s#(stances and e,plosi+e concentrations in the con'ined space (e'ore entryK *s ade.#ate ill#mination pro+ided 'or the $or& to (e per'ormed in the con'ined spaceK *s the atmosphere inside the con'ined space 're.#ently tested or contin#o#sly monitored d#rin% e,ec#tion o' $or&K *s there an assi%ned stand(y employee o#tside the con'ined space, $hose sole responsi(ility is to $atch the $or& in pro%ress, so#nd an alarm i' necessary, and render assistanceK *s plannin% done $ith the 'ire department 'or the stand(y employee $ho appropriately trained and e.#ipped to handle an emer%encyK *s the stand(y employee or other employees prohi(ited 'rom enterin% the con'ined space $itho#t li'elines and respiratory e.#ipment i' there is any emer%ency sit#ation to enterK *s appro+ed respiratory protecti+e e.#ipment re.#ired i' the atmosphere inside the con'ined space cannot (e made accepta(leK *s all porta(le electrical e.#ipment #sed inside con'ined spaces either %ro#nded and ins#lated, or e.#ipped $ith DFC* %ro#nd 'a#lt protectionK Ce'ore %as $eldin% or c#ttin% is started in a con'ined space, are hoses chec&ed 'or lea&s, compressed %as cylinders 'or(idden inside the con'ined space, torches li%hted only o#tside the con'ined area and the con'ined area tested 'or an e,plosi+e atmosphere each time (e'ore a li%hted torch is to (e ta&en into the con'ined spaceK *' employees are re.#ired to #se o,y%en-cons#min% e.#ipment s#ch as $eldin% torches, and '#rnaces in a con'ined space, is s#''icient air pro+ided to ass#re com(#stion $itho#t red#cin% the o,y%en concentration o' the atmosphere (elo$ <F.@ percent (y +ol#meK ?hene+er com(#stion-type e.#ipment is #sed in a con'ined space, are pro+isions made to ens#re the e,ha#st %ases are +ented o#tside o' the enclos#reK *s the con'ined space chec&ed 'or possi(le ind#strial $aste, $hich co#ld contain to,ic propertiesK Prepared (y4 5PP Appro+ed (y4 :5C *nte%rated 6ana%ement System HSEF P78CE9:7E 6A;:AL Pa%e

9ate4 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;A ;A ;A ;A ;A ;A ;A

B F < << <2


;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8

;A ;A ;A ;A ;A





<= <@


;8 ;8

;A ;A

4 <2 o' <=

7e+. ;o 4 < 7e+. 9ate 4 </ =/2 <<

SAFETY <! <A <B <F

Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC

EPCL-HSEF-2.3 ! YES YES YES YES ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;A ;A ;A ;A

*' the con'ined space is (elo$ the %ro#nd and near areas $here *.C en%ines etc. $ill (e operatin%, is it possi(le 'or +ehicle e,ha#st or car(on mono,ide to enter the spaceK Are con'ined space entrants $earin% proper personal protecti+e e.#ipment 0i.e., hardhats, (oots, etc.1K 9o yo# &no$ the location o' the nearest P*C K *s radiation so#rce 0 radioacti+e materials1 isolatedK

;ame /Si%nat#re o' the Chie' operator / Shi't en%ineer / S#per+isor 4 Any comments4

2.306.3 REFERENCE LHSE policy

Prepared (y4 5PP Appro+ed (y4 :5C

*nte%rated 6ana%ement System HSEF P78CE9:7E 6A;:AL


4 <3 o' <=

7e+. ;o 4 < 7e+. 9ate 4 </ =/2 <<


Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC


2.306.6 RECORDS

Filled $or& permit 'orms.

Prepared (y4 5PP Appro+ed (y4 :5C

*nte%rated 6ana%ement System HSEF P78CE9:7E 6A;:AL


4 <= o' <=

7e+. ;o 4 < 7e+. 9ate 4 </ =/2 <<

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