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106 N. Western Ave. Girard, KS 66743 Tel.


Weekly Bulletin

Saint Michael Church, Girard

Saint Michael Parish Mission Statement:

GIRARD Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 10:00 am ARMA 4:00pm 8:00 am

We the parishioners of Saint Michael the Archangel, through leadership and strong traditions are faithful disciples of the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church. We commit ourselves to be generous stewards of our faith, our parish, and our community. We strive to involve all members to be united in one parish family for the salvation of all. Notes from the Pastor: Praise the Lord and thanks be to God! Our liturgical celebrations were a success. Christmas liturgy is always beautiful and meaningful and hopefully spiritually enriching to all of you! May The Emmanuel, God is with us will continue to inspire each one of us and bless us in all that we do, not only during this joyful season but throughout this coming year 2014 and always! Thank you also to all of you who labored hard the past weeks to let everyone experience the joy of Christmas! Thank you to our Worship Committee Sacristans, Altar Servers, Arts and Environments Committee Nancy Hofer and Faith Paoni and all who helped in decorating the church last December 22nd! Thank you to all lectors and EMEs volunteers during this holiday season. Thank you to Ruth and Dan Duling, and our cantors and choir members and all organists! Thank you to St. Michaels Angels and those who bought the items in the tags for extending a hand to the needy this Christmas season! Thank you to our PSR kids for singing at the 5:30 mass and for their parents and for Mrs. Janis Sacket to practice them. Thank you for all their sacrifices. Thank you also to our Adult Men who served at the midnight mass: Dr. Adam Paoni, Mark Peak, Denny Heidrick, and Pat Westhoff. They look cute in the altar servers vestments. Thank you to Teddy Paoni and John Hey for assisting our adult men in serving at the midnight mass. January 5th starts our celebration of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the construction of our present church building. The first mass was celebrated in this church on December 19, 1964 although it was inaugurated on January 24th 1965. Not just the construction of the church itself, but to be able to celebrate its 50th anniversary is a great blessing. As I have mentioned before, this celebration is an opportunity for us to grow in our faith and to renew our spiritual life. The activities we have lined up this year are just opportunities for us for this purpose. I hope you will avail of these opportunities. One coming this March 22 nd, 2014, Saturday, is the pilgrimage to the cathedral and Pilsen, the home church of Fr. Emil Kappaun. We will announce the details next month. Also coming is our Parish Mission on March 7 to 9 with Fr. John Next Sunday(01/05/14) 10:00 AM Volunteers
Volunteer Volunteer Volunteers Lanzrath! Please include them in your calendar. For now, please dont forget to RSVP for our Kick-Off mass by using the form I mailed to you enclosed in the Christmas card with the brochure of activities for our anniversary! We are blessed next Sunday, January 5th, Fr. Bob Hemberger, our Diocesan Administrator will be the main celebrant for our mass for the beginning of the celebration of our Golden Anniversary! Please plan on coming! Our heartfelt condolences to Shannon Goff and family for the passing away of his dad Rolland Goff. His funeral is Saturday, December 28, 2013 at Saint Michaels. Keep Rollands soul and his family in your prayers. Also, those of you who know Margaret Peggy Davied she passed away, Friday and her funeral will be at Saint Josephs in Arma, Monday, December 30th at 10AM. Please also include her soul and her family in your prayers! May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen! We welcome Andrew Henry Graham, son of Doug and Kristen Graham who was baptized last Sunday, Dec. 22 here at Saint Michaels. Please include this child in your prayers that like the child Jesus he will grow up healthy and strong filled with wisdom and strength! Reminder that January 1st, the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God is a holy day of obligation. Our mass schedule this Tuesday, New Years Eve will be 5:30 PM in Arma, and Wednesday, New Years Day, 6:30 PM in Girard! This is to give a chance to people who are working to make it to mass! May Gods blessing be upon you this New Year and always! Fr. Roger

CONFESSION Sat. 2:00-2:45pm 3:15-3:45pm Weekdays before Mass; anytime by appointment.

STAFF Fr. Roger Lumbre Pastor Janel Scales Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor Faith Paoni Secretary Rectory Office Hours Tues-Fri 9AM-Noon Closed on Mondays Tel. (620) 724-8717

Next Saturday (01/04/14) Altar Servers: E. M. E. Lectors: Gift Bearers 5:30 PM Volunteers Volunteer Volunteer Volunteers

Mass Schedules & Intentions for December 28th-January 5th:

Dec 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 05 Saturday 4:00 PM 5:30 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Monday 7:00 AM Tuesday 5:30 PM Wednesday 6:30 PM Thursday 8:00 AM 8:30AM-3PM Friday 7:00 AM 8AM-6PM Saturday 4:00 PM 5:30 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Louis Petrey Intentions of Butch Reif Pro Populo Pro Populo Pete Masser Frank Doue Randy OToole Ad Dantis Eucharistic Adoration Verdan Davied Eucharistic Adoration Albert Fearmonti Don Born Ida & Clarence Buche Virginia Wise Arma Girard Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Arma Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Arma Girard


2014: Good Times, Bad Times? As we begin the New Year of 2014, we cant help wondering what the year Last Week July 2013 to date will bring to each of our lives. We know that time flies. When we were Contributions $2,381.01 $67,021.35 kids, we wanted to be older. Later on, as we aged, we wanted to be younger. Children's Offering $9.27 $421.82 Time is relative, that is, related to the situation. A half hour goes quickly Expenses $56,877.28 when watching a favourite TV comedy, but that same 30 minutes seems like Over/ (Under) $10,565.89 an eternity when waiting in an exam room for the doctor to enter. Time is one of the few items in this world that we ALL have on an EQUAL basis each day: 24 hours and much of our spiritual and earthly welfare deSaint Michaels Upcoming Events pends on how we use it. Each day we listen on radio, TV, or read in newspaFinance Council Parish Council pers about strange times, hard times, and frightening times. Since Tony Stonerock-Chair Dale Coomes-Chair were starting a new year and some will make resolutions as to how they will TBA TBA use their time, we should remind ourselves that were not always the helpless victims of external circumstances. Each of us can shape, to a certain extent, Rosary Altar Society Knights of Columbus the course of our days: our attitudes and the dispositions of our hearts. Here Next meeting, TBA 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm is what St. Augustine had to say about constant reminders of good times or At 6:30pm in the Hall. St. Michael Parish Hall hard times when he lived centuries ago: Bad times, hard times, this is what some people keep saying. Let us live well and the times shall be good. Helping Hands Daughters of Isabella Need help or want to volunteer, Call Marilyn Bradshaw, WE are the times; however WE are, such are the times! Call Carrie Smith, 724-6684 724-7133 So, if we spread friendliness about us, offer to others words of encouragement and a helping hand, there will be love and laughter in our lives, even That Man in You Friday mornings at 6am though money is scarce and the economy is unstable. If we can destroy pettiness, jealousy, and other revengeful motives from our lives, we will rid ourselves of poisons that weaken us, allowing us to trust in God and in His unCYM Members failing love for us. When we begin to do this, we enter into a new freedom Father Roger has requested help from the CYM members to serve our Kick-Off Celebration meal, on January 5, 2014 after the 10:00 and experience a new happiness. The HAPPINESS of our times depends not on what is in our pockets, or on Mass. what is happening outside us, but on what is in our hearts and the spiritual condition of our souls. WE are the times. Happy New Year 2014! There is Pictures We are looking for pictures that were taken at various parish func- still time tions over the past 50 years, to display in the parish hall throughTwo Interesting Post-Christmas Saint Days out the anniversary year. If you have any pictures that you would On Saturday, Dec. 28 (today actually) features the Feast of the Holy Innolike to share, please drop them by the parish office or give them to cents when King Herod the Great, was asked by the three Wise Men where Margaret OToole. Please make sure to include your name and they could find the newly born king of the Jews. That threw him into a address with the photo, so they can be returned to you. panic for fear of losing his throne. The chief priests told him the newborn would be in Bethlehem. Herod then sent the Magi there with the message to Kick-Off Celebration let him know when they found Him so he, himself, could go there and worWe are asking any PSR children grades 1-5 who will be attending the Kick-Off Celebration Meal to sing a couple songs at the lunch- ship. Well, the wise men took another route home and Herod was so angry that he ordered his soldiers to slaughter all infant boys 2 years and under. eon. There will not be a practice for this event, so we will just About 25 boys were martyred, dying for Jesus sake. Their feast has been gather the children together when it is time to sing. kept by the Church since the 5th century. As an aside, I might add that thousands, even millions of little ones (unborn) die for the gods of pleasure, Volunteer Sign Up greed, and convenience each year through abortion. There is a sign up sheet in the back of the Church, if you would And on Sunday, Dec. 29 (today) the Feast of the Holy Family takes precelike to volunteer to be a Lector, Eucharistic Minister, or Gifts/ dence over Thomas Beckets martyrdom occurring on this day in 1170. Greeters for the January 4 & 5 weekend Masses. Thank you! Thomas was born in 1118 in London where he studied law. He grew up as a friend of the future king, Henry II. At age 36, Thomas was made Chancellor Poinsettias of England by his friend and now King Henry II. Later King Henry appointed If you would like to purchase a poinsettia for a loved one, to be him to Archbishop of Canterbury, or leader of the Catholic Church in the placed in the Church, you may do so by dropping off $10 and the 1500s. The two men began to grow apart as the King continued to assume loved ones name by the parish office. rights for himself that belonged to the Church. Henry and Parliament passed We Thank our advertisers for their support! laws that were detrimental to the Church and, as Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas opposed them. Finally, Thomas fled to France to escape imprisonment where he remained several years. When he returned to England, Thomas continued to defend the rights of the Church against the King. History records that one day, King Henry cried out that it was unbearable that one priest should stand in his way, saying, Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest? Four knights, taking his words as his wish, broke into the Cathedral when Thomas was about to sing Vespers. He knew why they were there and he commended himself to God and the Blessed Mother and then offered his head for the stroke. He died in the Cathedral on Dec. 29, 1170. He is buried in the Cathedral. Pope Alexander III canonized him in 1173. Like the Innocents, he was a martyr for the faith. Hickory Bend, LLC Articles by Marcel Normand

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