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Paper: QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUE (1C) Specific Instructions:

Answer all the four questions. Marks allotted 100.

General Instructions:

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"a h #uestion mentioned in this assignment should be answered within the word limit spe ified The student should only use the $ule sheet papers for answering the questions. The student should atta h this assignment paper with the answered papers. omply with the abo&e %i&e instru tions would lead to re'e tion of

%ailure to assignment.

Question No - 1 a. )im + ,0 b. )im !,a (ro&e that ea! * eb! ! "&aluate the following limitl! . al !*a

. /f M$ 0 A$ (1 . 11 nd ) 2 where nd is pri e elasti ity of demand2 find the limit of M$ when the elasti ity tends to infinity and interpret phenomenon.


/f y 0

1.! 14!

pro&e that (1 * !3)dy1d! 4 y 0 0


/f !y 0 e! * y 2 pro&e that dy1d! 0 log ! 1 (1 4 log !)3


5ifferentiate !! with respe t to !.


%or the equation a !3 4 3h!y 4 b y3 0 1 2 &erify that (dy1d!) ! (d!1dy) 0 1

Question No 2 a. "!amine for ma!imum or minimum &alues of the fun tion (1 * !) 3 e!

b. The differen e of two numbers is 100. The square of the larger one e! eeds fi&e times the square of the smaller one by an amount whi h is ma!imum. %ind the numbers. . A monopolist6s demand ur&e is- p 0 300 . 7q. %ind marginal re&enue fun tion. 8hat is the relationship between the slopes of the a&erage and marginal re&enue ur&es9 At what pri e is marginal re&enue is :ero9 d. %ind the elasti ity of demand and supply at equilibrium pri e for demand fun tion p 0 100 . !3 and supply fun tion ! 0 3p . 102 where p is pri e and ! is quantity. e. /f n1 and n3 be the pri e elasti ities of supply laws p 0 e ! and p 0 (e! 1!) respe ti&ely. Show that n1 n3 0 n3 . n1

Question No 3 a. A steel plant is apable of produ ing ! tones per day of a low*grade steel and y tones per day of a high*grade steel2 where y 0 (;0 . 7!)1(10 . !). /f the fi!ed market pri e of low*grade steel is half of that of high*grade2 show that about 7.7 tones of low*grade steel are produ ed per day for ma!imum total re&enue. b. /f f(!2 y) 0 (!< 4 y<)1(! . y)2 (!2 y) = (02 0) and f(02 0) 0 02 then show that f !y = fy! at origin. . d. /f !y 4 y! 0 ab 2 find dy1d! >erify "uler6s theorem for the fun tion :0 !< log(y1!)

Question No 4 a. ?sing al ulus2 show that- M$ 0 A$ (1 . 11 nd ) and &erify for the demand fun tion ! 0 (a*p)1b 2 b =0. b. The produ tion fun tion of a firm is gi&en as- # 0 @ ) A . ) 3 .A32 ) B02 A B0. %ind the marginal produ ti&ities of labour ()) and Capital (C). and also show that ) D#1D) 4 A D#1DA 0 3#. . "&aluate the following integralsEd!1(!3 . 1F) and E(!41)d!1(<43!*!3)

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