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09/050135UTC Sept 09
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NOTE: This material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban spokespersons
or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof. Posting of this material neither confirms nor endorses any of its content
– it is shared for information only. When material translated into English is not available, Google Translate is used to
translate the original (indicated by “GoogEng”) – this is only a machine translation, NOT an official one.

Enemy Faces Great Losses in Kandahar Attacks

“Friday, 04 September 2009 11:09 Q. Y. Ahmadi Kandahar

A mine blast in Bar Khalil Ghundai of Khakriz district destroyed a police ranger pick-up killing eight police men
aboard the vehicle. Similarly, in an ambush by Mujahideen in Wazero Manda of Zery district, three oil tankers
were torched by Mujahideen. In another mine explosion which targeted foot patrol soldiers of the hireling army
of the Kabul puppet regime, three soldiers were killed and three others injured. An army officer is among those
killed in the explosion.”

Rocket attack killed 5 American invaders in Kanishin Helmand 3/9/09 (Original in Arabic) – Google English translation

“Khanychen <Katyusha??> missile, killing five U.S. soldiers

Continental / Yousuf Ahmadi
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate fired several rockets this afternoon (2009-09-03) on the status of U.S. forces in
the New Castle area near the center of Kanchin in Helmand province. It fell during the attack, five rockets at
targets within the Center for the enemy, which led to the death (5) American soldiers, and wounding several
others injured. After the attack, the enemy opened heavy artillery Qmaev neighboring areas, but thanks God
there was no damage to the Mujahideen. “

4 puppet soldiers killed 5 wounded in Lashkar Gah 3/9/09 (Original in Arabic) – Google English translation

“Of a heavy battle in the castle of six

Continental / Yousuf Ahmadi
Took place this afternoon (2009-09-03) heavy battle between the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate and the puppet
army soldiers in the highlands of six ancient castle near the city of Hkurjah the capital of Helmand province.
Reported severe fighting took place in the area when the Mujahideen attacked an armed attack on a patrol of
the enemy. Were killed (5) entrants and wounded soldiers (4) others, including their leader, also damaged a
number of vehicles the enemy in this battle, which lasted two hours.”

4 policemen killed in Girishk 3/9/09 (Original in Arabic) – Google English translation

“Gereshk market blast kills four policemen

Continental / Yousuf Ahmadi
According to reports, the hyphen, was killed (4) soldiers, police officers in the puppet administration, targeted
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of their car on a bridge over the type of hip Pegra market Gereshk in Helmand
province by an improvised explosive device. Explosion that occurred yesterday afternoon (2009-09-02) led to
the destruction of the enemy car, fully wreckage remained until today at the scene. In another separate report at
eight o’clock this morning (2009-09-03) The killings occurred for the surgeon (4) Ikjal soldiers in the same

1 of 4 04-09-2009 21:38
TALIBAN PROPAGANDA WATCH (RC South) – 042135EDT Sept 09/...

province of Herat on the road to Kandahar highway, when people wanted heroes of mine planted by the
Mujahideen, Vfjwoa severe explosion. “

Explosions inflict big losses on forces of enemy in Uruzgan 4/9/09 (Original in Arabic) – Google English Translation

Explosions in Uruzgan inflict irreparable damage on the joint forces of the enemy
Continental / Yousuf Ahmadi
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of dawn at three o’clock in the afternoon (2009-09-04) bomb exploded in the car
for the Ranger puppet army in the mirage Cooder scowling state Department of Uruzgan, resulting in the
destruction of the car completely died (5) where soldiers clients. In a similar context, killed (5) wounded soldiers
as occupiers and (3) result of the explosion is similar to others in the area near the city of Ploce Trinkot Center
Directorate. According to the news of another car was destroyed by the enemy Ranger result of the explosion
behind the prison in the city of Trinkot, which led to the destruction of the car and killed (7) soldiers including
the leader of customers as well. Another report said that the Mujahideen detonated an explosive device was
remotely controlled on a foot patrol of the occupying forces in the region Kkirk Doeichan ‫ﺎﻧ‬Trinkot‫هو‬ near the
city, killing (4) occupiers. Among the dead officer as well.”

(T)ank of invaders destroyed in Zabul 4/9/09 (Original in Arabic) – Google English translation

“The destruction of a tank of the occupation forces in Zabul

Continental / Yousuf Ahmadi
News by Linker, in the second hour of noon yesterday (2009-09-03) Dawn Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of a
tank of foreign troops by an explosive device in the state of balance Tkir province of Zabul, when the enemy
convoy was passing through the area. Armored tanks were destroyed in the explosion is too full, in which (6)
foreign soldiers on the spot. In a similar vein, three soldiers were killed in the area of internal Spini Gbrki near
Qalat, center of the state yesterday afternoon, a result of an armed attack. Praise the Mujahideen did not suffer
any damage during the attack.”

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Written by milnewsca Edit

4 September 09 at 21:37

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