Patented Jan. L, 1867.: J. F. Winchbll

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I No. 60,977.

Patented Jan. l, 1867.




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13mm Pam No. 66,977, am.: .raam A1, 1867.

Etc .S'hchnlt rrferr'eh tu it tkm 3mm @stmt ant:

gm uf the same.
_ _

' Be it known that I, JAMES lli'. WIH'OHBLI., of pringeld, in :the non_'nty> of 'Clark and ~stellte of Ohio, have

invented certain new end' usefnl 'Improvements in Corn Huskers; 'and I 'do hereby declare that the following is af full, clear, and exact ,description thereof, reference .being had to the accompanying drawings, making port:l
of ~this specification, and to the letters of. reference marked thereon, like letters indicating like parts wherever
they occnr. A

`l3'ig1_.u`~e 1 is a plan view of_ the device, with its strapopened out.
" Figure 2 is a side view o_f the same. -Figure 3 _is s perspective view of it, as arranged for use.
v _

Myinvention relates to that class of devices intended to be attached to the fingers _ofthe operator, in

hashing corn, and consists in the special construction of the metallic portion, and so connecting it tothestrap as to prevent the metal from coming in, contact with the hind, and also in :risking the same adjnstnblein si'zegt'o snit diferent-siied hands. _ Veriops devices have heretofore been invented for this purpose, but iisuall'y they consist of _`a single piece of metalbe'nt so as_to claspthe hand or the ngers, to holdit in place. These devices, when'
_useclj are 'apt 'to soon cliafe 'the Iia'nd or ngers, nd render them sore, time preventing theinuse. 'l Another Akind

consists of a piece of leather made to enoircle`thehend, and having a blade atta'ched the'reto, with its' point

resting in the'pallnof the hand, and _pointing` forward. This device, while avoiding: thel injury to the hnnd.
produced by _the metal huskers referred to, is not convenient for use, on nccount of the bladebeing located vin the palm' of thehand ; and. neither this nor the former .style is so constructed that they'csn be conveniently:

adjnsted to different-sized hands. My invention has'for its object the reniedying of these'diculties, or, rather',
the obviating of them, hy a different construction of the device.' l, . A . _ _ _ . y

In the drawings, A represents a. piece of metal, which may cnt out with a die or pnch in the _forni represented in 4iig. 1. The point e is then curved, als 'shown in fig. 2, to form a hook with. which to pierce and grasp the husks at the point of the ear of corn. ts rear end is also bent over to form-_s hook, c, as shown`

_I then provide 'a leather strap, as represented by'B, s'nd'att'ach the plete A' to it by ineansfo'i on'e >o1: more` rivets, injnre the u_shovrn hand. AinIf iig. desired, _1, careanother being teken piece to of have leather themnyben'sed under head-toline of ,the_the rivet strap b Bet B, so, and assmooth,l to coverso-csl the rivets,'not

end_thus renderfit' still more perfect in this respect; thoughgif proper care be'had inmakingit, this will not.A
be necessary. I then cnt a series ofholes, sa represented at a, iigr 1, 'of proper Asite to fasten that 'end of the strepB to the ho'ok- e, when the strap is bent around, as shown in iig. 3. By these mesn's the_instrument- _may

be _adjusted in size to `it the h'and of any person, and _thus the same instrnme?t'msy be nsed by
as desired, thereby preventing'the necessity of having a hnsker for each seperate person.
giving greater freedom to the hand. Y , ' . ' ' Y


' In4 using- it, it is designed to clasp arouidthe last three ngcrs of the hrend, Athus leaving -the i'rst free, and.
' "Havin'thns desc'r?lbedmy invention, what I claim, is-- '

~_ .The corn husker, _consisting of the metsLplate A., and the strep B,
tsrncted and arranged ss herein shown 4und described.'

adjustsble in size,'wheno . _

Witnesses: W. C. Donor, P. '.l. Denen.

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