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Q. What are the benefits of data warehousing?

Some of the potential benefits of putting data into a data warehouse include: 1. Improving turnaround time for data access and reporting; 2. Standardi ing data across the organi ation so there will be one view of the !truth!; ". #erging data from various source s$stems to create a more comprehensive information source; %. &owering costs to create and distribute information and reports; '. Sharing data and allowing others to access and anal$ e the data; (. )ncouraging and improving fact*based decision ma+ing. Q. What are the limitations of data warehousing? ,he ma-or limitations associated with data warehousing are related to user e.pectations/ lac+ of data and poor data 0ualit$. 1uilding a data warehouse creates some unrealistic e.pectations that need to be managed. 2 data warehouse doesn3t meet all decision support needs. If needed data is not currentl$ collected/ transaction s$stems need to be altered to collect the data. If data 0ualit$ is a problem/ the problem should be corrected in the source s$stem before the data warehouse is built. Software can provide onl$ limited support for cleaning and transforming data. #issing and inaccurate data can not be !fi.ed! using software. 4istorical data can be collected manuall$/ coded and !fi.ed!/ but at some point source s$stems need to provide 0ualit$ data that can be loaded into the data warehouse without manual clerical intervention. Q. 4ow does m$ compan$ get started with data warehousing? 1uild one5 ,he easiest wa$ to get started with data warehousing is to anal$ e some e.isting transaction processing s$stems and see what t$pe of historical trends and comparisons might be interesting to e.amine to support decision ma+ing. See if there is a !real! user need for integrating the data. If there is/ then IS6I, staff can develop a data model for a new schema and load it with some current data and start creating a decision support data store using a database management s$stem 781#S9. :ind some software for 0uer$ and reporting and build a decision support interface that3s eas$ to use. 2lthough the initial data warehouse6data*driven 8SS ma$ seem to meet onl$ limited needs/ it is a !first step!. Start small and build more sophisticated s$stems based upon e.perience and successes. Q. What is the difference between ;&,< database and data warehouse database? Q. Wh$ should the ;&,< database different from data warehouse database? ;&,< and data warehousing re0uire two ver$ differentl$ configured s$stems Isolation of <roduction S$stem from 1usiness Intelligence S$stem Significant and highl$ variable resource demands of the data warehouse =ost of dis+ space no longer a concern <roduction s$stems not designed for 0uer$ processing 8ata warehouse usuall$ contains historical data that is derived from transaction data/ but it can include data from other sources. 4aving separate databases will separate anal$sis wor+load from transaction wor+load and enables an organi ation to consolidate data from several sources. Q. What is the main difference between 8ata Warehousing and 1usiness Intelligence?

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,he differentials are: 8W * is a wa$ of storing data and creating information through leveraging data marts. 8#3s are segments or categories of information and6or data that are grouped together to provide 3information3 into that segment or categor$. 8W does not re0uire 1I to wor+. >eporting tools can generate reports from the 8W. 1I * is the leveraging of 8W to help ma+e business decisions and recommendations. Information and data rules engines are leveraged here to help ma+e these decisions along with statistical anal$sis tools and data mining tools. Q. What is data modeling? Q. What are the different steps for data modeling? Q. What are the data modeling tools $ou have used? 7<olaris9 Q. What is a <h$sical data model? 8uring the ph$sical design process/ $ou convert the data gathered during the logical design phase into a description of the ph$sical database/ including tables and constraints. Q. What is a &ogical data model? 2 logical design is a conceptual and abstract design. We do not deal with the ph$sical implementation details $et; we deal onl$ with defining the t$pes of information that we need. ,he process of logical design involves arranging data into a series of logical relationships called entities and attributes. Q. What are an Entity, Attribute and Relationship? 2n entit$ represents a chun+ of information. In relational databases/ an entit$ often maps to a table. 2n attribute is a component of an entit$ and helps define the uni0ueness of the entit$. In relational databases/ an attribute maps to a column. ,he entities are lin+ed together using relationships. Q. What are the different types of Relationships? )ntit$*>elationship. Q. What is the difference between =ardinalit$ and ?ullabilit$? Q. What is :orward/ >everse and >e*engineering? Q. What is meant b$ ?ormali ation and 8e*normali ation? Q. What are the different forms of ?ormali ation? Q. What is an ),& or ),,? 2nd what are the different t$pes? ),& is the 8ata Warehouse ac0uisition processes of ).tracting/ ,ransforming 7or ,ransporting9 and &oading 7),&9 data from source s$stems into the data warehouse. ).g. ;racle Warehouse 1uilder/ <owermart.

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Q. ).plain the ).traction process? 7<olaris/ #ascot9 Q. 4ow do $ou e.tract data from different data sources e.plain with an e.ample? 7<olaris9 Q. What are the reporting tools $ou have used? What is the difference between them? 7<olaris9 Q. 4ow do $ou automate ).traction process? 7<olaris9 Q. Without using ),& tool can u prepare a 8ata Warehouse and maintain? 7<olaris9 Q. 4ow do $ou identif$ the changed records in operational data 7<olaris9 Q. What is a Star Schema? 2 star schema is a set of tables comprised of a single/ central fact table surrounded b$ de* normali ed dimensions. )ach dimension is represented in a single table. Star schema implement dimensional data structures with de* normali ed dimensions. Snowfla+e schema is an alternative to star schema. 2 relational database schema for representing multidimensional data. ,he data is stored in a central fact table/ with one or more tables holding information on each dimension. 8imensions have levels/ and all levels are usuall$ shown as columns in each dimension table. Q. What is a Snowflake Schema? 2 snowfla+e schema is a set of tables comprised of a single/ central fact table surrounded b$ normali ed dimension hierarchies. )ach dimension level is represented in a table. Snowfla+e schema implements dimensional data structures with full$ normali ed dimensions. Star schema is an alternative to snowfla+e schema. 2n e.ample would be to brea+ down the ,ime dimension and create tables for each level; $ears/ 0uarters/ months; wee+s/ da$s@ ,hese additional branches on the )>8 create ore of a Snowfla+e shape then Star. Q. What is Aer$ &arge 8atabase? Q. What are S#< and #<<? S$mmetric multi*processors 7S#<9 Q. What is data mining? 8ata #ining is the process of automated e.traction of predictive information from large databases. It predicts future trends and finds behaviour that the e.perts ma$ miss as it lies be$ond their e.pectations. 8ata #ining is part of a larger process called +nowledge discover$; specificall$/ the step in which advanced statistical anal$sis and modeling techni0ues are applied to the data to find useful patterns and relationships. 8ata mining can be defined as ! a decision support process in which we search for patterns of information in data.! ,his search ma$ be done -ust b$ the user/ i.e. -ust b$ performing 0ueries/ in which case it is 0uite hard and in most of the cases not comprehensive enough to reveal intricate patterns. 8ata mining uses sophisticated statistical anal$sis and modeling techni0ues to uncover such patterns and relationships hidden in organi ational databases B patterns that ordinar$ methods might miss. ;nce found/ the information needs to be presented in a suitable form/ with graphs/ reports/ etc. Q. What is an ;&2<? 7#ascot9

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;&2< is software for manipulating multidimensional data from a variet$ of sources. ,he data is often stored in data warehouse. ;&2< software helps a user create 0ueries/ views/ representations and reports. ;&2< tools can provide a !front*end! for a data*driven 8SS. On !ine Analytical "rocessin# $O!A"% is a cate#ory of software technolo#y that enables analysts, mana#ers and e&ecuti'es to #ain insi#ht into data throu#h fast, consistent, interacti'e access to a wide 'ariety of possible 'iews of information that has been transformed from raw data to reflect the real dimensionality of the enterprise as understood by the user. O!A" functionality is characteri(ed by dynamic multi dimensional analysis of consolidated enterprise data supportin# end user analytical and na'i#ational acti'ities Q. What are the 8ifferent t$pes of ;&2<3s? What are their differences? 7#ascot9 ;&2< * )es+top ;&2<7=ognos9/ R;&2</ *;&2<7;racle 8iscoverer9 >;&2</ #;&2< and 4;&2< are speciali ed ;&2< 7;nline 2nal$tical 2nal$sis9 applications. >;&2< stands for >elational ;&2<. Csers see their data organi ed in cubes with dimensions/ but the data is reall$ stored in a >elational 8atabase 7>81#S9 li+e ;racle. ,he >81#S will store data at a fine grain level/ response times are usuall$ slow. #;&2< stands for #ultidimensional ;&2<. Csers see their data organi ed in cubes with dimensions/ but the data is store in a #ulti*dimensional database 7#81#S9 li+e ;racle ).press Server. In a #;&2< s$stem lot of 0ueries have a finite answer and performance is usuall$ critical and fast. 4;&2< stands for 4$brid ;&2</ it is a combination of both worlds. Seagate Software3s D4olosE is an e.ample 4;&2< environment. In a 4;&2< s$stem one will find 0ueries on aggregated data as well as on detailed data. )O!A" Q. What is the difference between data warehousing and ;&2<? ,he terms data warehousing and ;&2< are often used interchangeabl$. 2s the definitions suggest/ warehousing refers to the organi ation and storage of data from a variet$ of sources so that it can be anal$ ed and retrieved easil$. ;&2< deals with the software and the process of anal$ ing data/ managing aggregations/ and partitioning information into cubes for in*depth anal$sis/ retrieval and visuali ation. Some vendors are replacing the term ;&2< with the terms anal$tical software and business intelligence. Q. What are the facilities provided b$ data warehouse to anal$tical users? Q. What are the facilities provided b$ ;&2< to anal$tical users? Q. What is a 4istogram? 4ow to generate statistics? Q. In )rwin what are the different t$pes of models 74one$well9 Q. #an$ Suppliers B #an$ <roducts #odel the above scenario in )rwin. 4ow man$ tables and what do the$ contain 74one$well9

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Q. What are the options available in )rwin ,ool bo. 74one$well9 Q. 2ggregate navigation Q. What are the 8ata Warehouse =enter administration functions? ,he functions of Aisual Warehouse administration are: =reating 8ata Warehouse =enter securit$ groups. 8efining 8ata Warehouse =enter privileges for that group. >egistering 8ata Warehouse =enter users. 2dding 8ata Warehouse =enter users to securit$ groups. >egistering data sources. >egistering warehouses 7targets9. =reating sub-ects. >egistering agents. >egistering 8ata Warehouse =enter programs. Q. 4ow do I set the log level higher for more detailed information within 8ata Warehouse =enter F.2? Within 8W=/ log level capabilit$ can be set from G to %. ,here is a log level '/ $et it cannot be turned on using the HCI/ but must be turned on manuall$. 2 command line trace can be used for an$ trace level/ and this is the onl$ wa$ to turn on a level ' trace: Ho to start/ programs/ I1# 812/ command line processor. =onnect to the control database: db2 IJ connect to =ontrolK8atabaseKname Cpdate the configuration table: db2 IJ update iwh.configuration set valueKint I ' where name I 3,>2=)&A&3 and 7component I 3Lcomponent nameJ39 Aalid components are: &ogger trace I log 2gent trace I agent Server trace I >,M 888 I 888 ;81= I AW;dbc :or multiple traces the format is: db2 IJ update iwh.configuration set valueKint I ' where name I 3,>2=)&A&3 and 7component I 3Lcomponent nameJ3 or component I 3Lcomponent nameJ39 >eset the connection: db2 IJ connect reset Stop and restart the Warehouse server and logger. <erform the failing operation. 1e sure to reset the trace level to G using the command line when $ou are done: db2 IJ update iwh.configuration set valueKint I G where name I 3,>2=)&A&3

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and 7component I 3Lcomponent nameJ39 When $ou run a trace/ the 8ata Warehouse =enter writes information to te.t files. 8ata Warehouse =enter programs that are called from steps also write an$ trace information to this director$. ,hese files are located in the director$ specified b$ the AWSK&;HHI?H environment variable. ,he default value of AWSK&;HHI?H is: Windows and ;S62 I .:Ns0llibNlogging C?IO I 6var6IW4 2S6%GG I 6QI1#6Cser8ata6IW4 :or additional information/ see basic logging function in the 8ata Warehouse =enter administration guide. Q. What t$pes of data sources does 8ata Warehouse =enter support? ,he 8ata Warehouse =enter supports a wide variet$ of relational and non relational data sources. Pou can populate $our 8ata Warehouse =enter warehouse with data from the following databases and files: 2n$ 812 famil$ database ;racle S$base Informi. #icrosoft SQ& Server I1# 8ataQoiner #ultiple Airtual Storage 7;S6"RG9/ Airtual #achine 7A#9/ and local area networ+ 7&2?9 files I#S and Airtual Storage 2ccess #ethod 7AS2#9 7with 8ata Qoiner =lassic =onnect9 Q. What is the 8ata Warehouse =enter control database? When $ou install the warehouse server/ the warehouse control database that $ou specif$ during installation is initiali ed. Initiali ation is the process in which the 8ata Warehouse =enter creates the control tables that are re0uired to store 8ata Warehouse =enter metadata. If $ou have more than one warehouse control database/ $ou can use the 8ata Warehouse =enter **J =ontrol 8atabase #anagement window to initiali e the second warehouse control database. 4owever/ onl$ one warehouse control database can be active at a time. Q. What databases need to be registered as s$stem ;81= data sources for the 8ata Warehouse =enter? ,he 8ata Warehouse =enter database that needs to be registered as s$stem ;81= data sources are: source target control databases

1. What was the original business problem that led you to do this project? Whether the consultant is being hired to gather requirements or to customize an OL P a!!lication" this question indicates that she#s interested in the big !icture. $he#ll %ee! the ans&er in mind as she does her &or%" &hich is a measure of qualit' assurance.

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2. Where are you in your current implementation process? consultant &ho as%s this question %no&s not to ma%e an' assum!tions about ho& much !rogress 'ou#)e made. $he !robabl' also understands that 'ou might be &rong. *here are !lent' of clients &ho ha)e begun a!!lication de)elo!ment &ithout ha)ing gathered requirements. +nderstanding &here the client thin%s he is is ,ust as im!ortant as understanding &here he &ants to be. -t also hel!s the consultant in ma%ing im!ro)ement suggestions or recommendations for additional s%ills or technologies. 3. How long do you see this position being filled by an external resource? While the question might seem self.ser)ing at first" a good consultant is e)er mindful of his res!onsibilit' to render himself dis!ensable o)er time. /our ans&er &ill gi)e him a good idea of ho& much time he has to !erform the &or% as &ell as to cross train !ermanent staff &ithin 'our organization. )ariation on this question is0 1-s there a dedicated !erson or grou! targeted for %no&ledge transfer in this area21 4. What deliverables do you expect from this engagement? *he consultant &ho doesn#t as% about deli)erables is the consultant &ho e3!ects to sit around gi)ing ad)ice. 4e&are of the 1i)or' to&er1 consultants" &ho are too light for hea)' &or% and too hea)' for light &or%. 5)er' consultant 'ou tal% to should e3!ect to !roduce some sort of deli)erable" be it a requirements document" a data model" 6*7L" a !ro,ect !lan" test !rocedures or a mission statement. 5. Would you like to talk to a past client or two? *he fact that a consultant &ould offer references is testimon' that she %no&s her stuff. 7an' do not. *hose consultants &ho hide behind nondisclosures for not gi)ing references should be a)oided. While it#s often )alid to den' !ros!ecti)e clients &or% sam!les because of confidentialit' agreements" there#s no good reason not to offer the name and !hone number of someone &ho &ill sing the consultant#s !raises. 8on#t be satisfied &ith a reference for the entire firm. 7an' good firms can em!lo' belo&.a)erage consultants. s% to tal% to someone &ho#s &or%ed &ith the !erson or team 'ou#re considering. Once 'ou#)e hired that consultant and are ha!!' &ith his &or%" offer to be a reference. -t comes around.

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