Foreword: Chairman, Intercargo President, Wah Kwong Shipping, Hong Kong

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DRY BULK CARRIERS, the workhorses of the sea, carry out the essential transport of commodities without which our modern society would not be able to function. The ships and their crews, together with the companies that operate them, do not enjoy the glamour attached to other sectors of the industry more in the public eye; the bulk shipping sector does, however, provide a highly cost-effective service for which proper recognition is due. This quiet matter-offact 'let us get on with the job' approach so prevalent in bulk carrier companies belies the professionalism implicit in the operation of bulk carriers and perhaps leads others to undervalue its major contribution to the world economy. It is not until somebody of the calibre of Captain Isbester, supported by the Bulk Carrier Working Group of The Nautical Institute, puts operational practice into writing, that the reader becomes aware of the knowledge, expertise and skill necessary to run bulk carriers efficiently and safely. The 26 chapters of this book break new ground. They focus not only on operational requirements but also on the various decision-making processes necessary for successful operation. This approach separates this publication from others in the field and provides its unique character. The task of compiling such a book is very much more difficult than simply writing a textbook on a specific theme, such as charterparties. But once achieved, it is essential for reference and study. Clearly it will be used both on board and in a company's daily operations. It will also be an effective training manual for all those joining the world's bulk fleet for the first time. More widely, it will be of particular value to shippers and charterers, terminal operators, surveyors, consultants and maritime lawyers. The 400 pages of the book encapsulate the essence of good economic performance and professional awareness of all the contributory factors which go towards optimum stowage and discharge, and thus to a successful voyage. This entails meeting the charterparty requirements without claims arising, whilst still ensuring that the vessel is at all times ready to trade. Operating successfully and profitably is no mean achievement in today's turbulent trading conditions. It therefore gives me great pleasure to write this foreword. The advice and information the book contains will not only ensure high standards of operation, but will provide a means for reducing claims and containing risk. Well presented, in straightforward language and intelligently illustrated, the book has a persuasive authority which will stimulate interest and commitment.
Dr Frank Chao Chairman, Intercargo; President, Wah Kwong Shipping, Hong Kong


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