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Dear friend and partner in Christ Looking forward to celebrate Jesus birth CSC Moldova wishes you very

blessed Holiday Season surrounded by your precious one. We keep you in our hearts and prayers and we are very blessed by you, through your prayers and your gifts for students and staff in Moldova. May God reward you and keep you safe as you seek Him and His guidance in your life. Let us rejoice together as God is faithful. He honored us and used us and our gifts; He answered our prayers for Moldovan student ministry in marvelous ways. We prayed for Vasile Stan a student at the Finance College in Chisinau. He is an orphan living with his grandmother. He loves charity and volunteer work. So he decided to combine these two and took initiative in his College to start a volunteer campaign. Other 8 of his fellow students joined this campaign under the supervision of a professor. For these Season Holidays they collect toys for orphans and the campaign is called A soft toy for a childs smile. With these presents they will visit an orphanage on Christmas Eve. A CSC staff is assisting him in promoting volunteer culture at the College and charity and is official partner with this college group. Vasile also is a good photographer and IT serving CSC Moldova with these gifts. In the first Sunday of December he got baptized. _____________________________________________________________________________ Gina Bejan (on the left photo) and Diana Bobeico (on the right photo) are second year students at the Pedagogical State University in Chisinau. They share a room and are famous in the dormitory because of their hospitality. Often they invite their fellow students to a tea time or dinner and share the Gospel with them. This semester they started a weekly Evangelistic Bible Study with 5 not yet Christian students and they lead a weekly prayer group with the Christian students at the university. They are amazingly active in getting to know knew students and inviting them to the groups. They are also student leader part of the CSC team as volunteers.

If youd like to make a special contribution at the end of the year to support CSC student ministry, please visit and mark your gift for CSC Moldova
61/13, Armeneasca str., Chisinau, MD-2012, Moldova, landline +373 22272854;

Oxana Covali is in her last year at the Technical State University. She grew up as a Christian in CSC and is part of a local church now. She loves people and making friends. This semester she started a prayer group at the university with 5 other Christian students. She was trained at one of our Bible&Life conference. Now she also is part of CSC Team as a volunteer and this fall volunteered at Bible&Life conference. ______________________________________________________________________________ Oxana Baranetchi is another student at the Technical State University in Chisinau. She loves sharing the Gospel with non-believers. A CSC staff member met her in his church at the moment when she was looking for someone to help her organize socializing meetings with her friends from the university. Slavic (CSC director) invited her and her friends at our student center and helped with the meals. She started with her birthday celebration and after this she invited her friends regularly to meet to discuss together just girls staff. They met every week and Iuliana our staff joined the group helping Oxana to bring Biblical prospective in their discussions. ______________________________________________________________________________ Katia Saico is a 1st year student at the Professional College in Balti she knows CSC since she was a High school student. At the end of this semester she witnessed that since she is involved in CSC she became more confident in sharing the Gospel at the college and she takes life and time more seriously. She became part of CSC team as volunteer and is actively involved in CSC activity in Balti. In November she invited CSC and our Australian guest to the college to tell students about Australian culture history and to share his testimony. The administration of the college was open to this. _____________________________________________________________ Anatolii Eriomenko is a student at the Dnestrovsky Private University in Balti. He attends regularly CSC Bible Study group in Balti and witnessed that his life has changed since he is involved in this group. Now he values his time. Instead of wasting it he spends his spare time with CSC fellows doing Bible study and worshiping God together. ________________________________ Praise God as even if the hired team became smaller in the past years the CSC volunteer army increased by the end of 2013 year. Another blessing we experienced this year is development of the graduates movement that became a blessing for the student ministry. The indigenous support for the student ministry increased and number of volunteers also. Now CSC graduates have committee. Our aim is to develop a graduates network of Christian professionals who will impact their work place. IFES Graduate Impact Projects are also a great resource for our graduates to become market place missionaries.
* 260 students and graduates participated in 2013.

6 staff * 260

14 student volunteers

7 graduate volunteers

This is CSC Moldova Christmas tree.

Thank you for your partnership! Contributions from lots of people make this work possible. If youd like to make a special contribution at the end of the year to support CSC student ministry, please visit and mark your gift for CSC Moldova
61/13, Armeneasca str., Chisinau, MD-2012, Moldova, landline +373 22272854;

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