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Mission Bay Cluster Committee Minutes Thursday, October 3, 2013, 6:00 pm Pacific Beach Middle School Library Meeting

commenced 6:00 pm; quorum established Board of Education Update (Trustee Scott Barnett) $90 million shortfall this year. District sold properties and adopted policy of not filling vacant non-administrative positions to compensate for some of shortfall. Teachers got raises. Class sizes have gone up and some schools are losing teachers due to lower enrollment. District enrollment has been dropping by about 1000 students per year, but this years data are not available yet. In December, contracts will be issued for MBHS stadium project. Mission Bay Cluster has the leadership, parent support, teachers and principals to be the number one cluster in a few years. District Update (Andee Hales) - SDUSD was one of four school districts nationwide to receive the Broad Foundation awards which recognize urban school districts for student achievement and narrowing the gap for low-income students and students of color. Prize money is designated for scholarships for the graduates of 2014. Houston won the grand prize ($550,000), and 3 other districts, including San Diego, will receive $150,000. Area 3 Superintendent (Julie Martel) Many schools are dealing with changes in enrollment that may result in changes in the number of teachers. Cluster Update Jennifer Tandy - PB Schools Fair is on Saturday, November 2, 10:00 to 12:30 at MBHS. Poster and flyer give schedule of presentations and entertainment. Each school will prepare and give a brief presentation highlighting their school. Also, there will be booths for each school, plus for robotics, crazy hair, games, etc. Thank you to Karen Allen (parent and graphic artist) for creating the poster and flyer. Discussion ensued on best way to get the word out and get the families with younger students to attend. Lily Higman The monthly meeting of the Cluster Congress is held the last Thursday of each month at the Ballard Center. 14 of 16 Clusters are currently sending representatives. The goal is to have at least 2 reps from each Cluster attend. Jennifer Tandy, Ernie Remillard, and Maria Mikus volunteered to be our representatives and were affirmed by a voice vote. Mission Bay High School (Principal Fred Hilgers) Upcoming stadium construction is exciting but it means we are looking for an alternate venue for graduation. MBHS attendance is up (especially 9th graders) and we have gotten two additional teachers. New afterschool program, ACES, provides tutoring and college application/scholarship help to all students. Juniors take PSAT at school on October 14 (must pay $14 to finance office). UC Achieve program comes to MBHS on October 15 to encourage students to apply to UC and help them with applications and essays. UC Achieve chose MBHS as one of two SD high schools to get this event. Common Core (MBHS VP James Michaelian) Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are designed to achieve consistency among states and countries regarding the standards that each student must meet at each benchmark (assessment) level. Localities develop their own MBCC Minutes 10-03-13 page 1

curriculum to meet these standards. Internationally benchmarked tests are in two areas Language Arts and Math. States can add additional standards and California has done that. SDUSD will field test new assessments this spring. The International Baccalaureate program approach aligns with the new Common Core standards. STAR testing will not be done this spring. The State will implement new tests in 2014-2015. For more information see Common Core Powerpoint presentation posted below. Pacific Beach Middle School (Principal Ernie Remillard) Open house last night had a packed auditorium. PBMS has a larger 6th grade (200 students), but total enrollment is down by 50 (mostly due to military families moving out of San Diego) and this will result in loss of one teacher. Crown Point Junior Music Academy (Principal Muriel Bartolini) Enrollment is up by 80 students, from out of state, charters, other parts of county. Two or three teachers will be added. Sessions Elementary (Principal Margaret Joseph) Back to school night was fantastic. MBHS ASB students helped supervise kids. May lose one teacher. Barnard Asian Pacific Language Academy (Principal Edward Park) The beginning of the school year has been amazing and very intense. Interim Mayor Todd Gloria presented City Council proclamation honoring Barnard. Hangul Day, Korean event, will be held October 12 th from 10am to 2pm. New Japanese language and culture after-school program is open to all students in Mission Bay Cluster. Announcements October 5 Pacific BeachFest October 18 - MBHS football homecoming game and includes MBHS Alumni Association event. Next meeting is November 7, 2013 Adjourned 7:35

MBCC Minutes 10-03-13

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