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MULTIPLE CHOICE ( 2 Points Each)
B___1. Powers specifically granted to one of the branches of government by the U.S. Constitution. a. Inherent powers c. Necessary and proper clause

b. Express powers d. Implied powers

_c__2. An agreement between two or more states that usually requires approval by Congress is known as ____. a. Inherent powers b. Nullification c. Interstate compact d. None of the above __A_ 3. A seldom used budgeting method that requires each department or agency to justify all budget requests and line items each year. a. Zero-Based Budgeting b. Incremental Budgeting c. Program-Planning Budgeting System d. None of the above _A__ 4. ___ is when parties work to resolve their disputes by talking and reaching a settlement. a. Negotiation b. Mediation c. Arbitration d. None of the above _B__5. ___ is when a third person helps the disputing parties talk about their problem and settle the differences (non-binding) a. Negotiation b. Mediation c. Arbitration d. None of the above _C__6 . ___ is when the parties to a dispute have an outside person listen to their arguments and make a binding decision for them. a. Negotiation b. Mediation c. Arbitration d. None of the above __B_ 7. The process by which voters can circulate petitions and put new laws on the election ballot is called ____. a. National Voter Registration Act b. Initiative c. Referenda d. Recall _C__8 . The process by which legislators ask voters to tell them how they feel about an issue through a set election is called ____.

a. National Voter Registration Act c. Referenda

b. Initiative d. Recall

_A__9. Most of the state budget in Massachusetts is spent on which of the following categories of programs? a. Education b. Health Care c. Local Aid d. Environment _B__ 10. The process that produces a contract between union workers and management is called ___. a. Patronage b. Collective Bargaining c. Civil Service d. Meritocracy _D 11. System aimed to replace the appointment of public officials based solely on patronage to one in which appointments are based on merit. a. Patronage b. Collective Bargaining c. Civil Service d. Meritocracy __B_ 12. Which of the following involves a permanent hike in the property tax rate in Massachusetts? a. Debt exclusion b. Override c. Proposition 2 d. None of the above _A__13. Which of the following involves a temporary hike in the property tax rate in Massachusetts? a. Debt exclusion b. Override c. Proposition 2 d. None of the above __A_14. _______ refers to the total expenses paid out to government employees, agencies, and contractors. a. Direct general expenditures b. Intergovernmental expenditures c. Proposition 2 d. Debt exclusion ___B 15. ____ encompasses the transfer of payments from one level of government to another. a. Direct general expenditures b. Intergovernmental expenditures c. Proposition 2 d. Debt exclusion __C_ 16. The division of powers between the Federal Government and the states. a. Checks and balances b. Separation of powers c. Federalism d. None of the above _D__ 17. A system of _____ allows the three branches of government to check each other at both the Federal and state levels. a. Nullification b. Separation of powers c. Federalism d. None of the above

__D_18. The power of the courts to determine whether or not a law or government regulation conflicts with the U.S. Constitution or a state constitution. a. Checks and balances b. Separation of powers c. Federalism d. Judicial review

_B__19. The ____ enhances the authority of the Federal Government to review activities of state and local governments to ensure that all persons are being given equal protection under the law. a. 10th Amendment b. 14th Amendment c. Federalism d. None of the above _A__20. ___ dictate the powers and responsibilities that cities have under state law. a. City charters b. Nullification c. Supremacy Clause d. 14th Amendment

MATCHING ( 3 Points Each)

__F_ 1. The number of representatives in the MA System House Of Representatives. _l__ 2. The number of senators in the MA State Senate. __b_ 3. The person who presides over the Massachusetts House of Representatives Is called the ____________. __j_ 4. The person who presides over the Massachusetts State Senate is called the __________ _m_ 5. Can be elected or appointed in Massachusetts based on a citys charter. a. Program-Planning Budgeting

b. House Speaker c. Senate Speaker d. Excise tax e. User fee f. 160 g. Zero-based budgeting h. House President

_d_ 6. A selective tax on gasoline, alcohol, and tobacco i. Exercise tax __e_ 7. Payment to government for a specific service or good. __n_ 8. Budgeting based on figures appropriated during the previous year. j. Senate President k. 435 L. 40

__g_ 9. Budgeting system that requires agencies to justify their requests through policy goals and objectives. __a_10. Each department/agency is required to justify all budget requests and line items.

m. Mayor n. Incremental budgeting

SHORT ANSWER ( 5 Points Each)

Answer six [6] of the following questions
1. Which tax brings in the most revenue for states? Which tax brings in the most revenue for local governments? Sales tax on goods and services @ 6% for the state of Ma Local town and citys raise most tax revenue from property

2. What two types of state and local government bonds are there? Briefly explain the difference between each. Revenue Bonds project that of funded by the income of a project or surplus funding. General obligation bonds states issues these to pay for capital improvements like roads, bridges, schools. These are back by the states good credit and ability to pay.

3. What is the No Child Left Behind Act? What did it mandate that state and local governments do? Mandates that each school have all students be proficient in math, reading and language arts by way of testing if students score below state can take over school and remove teachers and change curriculum..

4. What are the three levels of state courts? District court Superior court State appellate

5. Which Amendment of the U.S. Constitution reserves for the states all powers not granted to the National government? The Tenth Amendment

6. How many members are there in the Massachusetts Senate? 40 How many in the Massachusetts House? 160

7. Which two styles of governing do legislative leaders utilize? Bicameral 2 house legislature unicameral 1 house legislature

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