Book Review How To Win A Local Election

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How to Win a State & Local Election

Book Review


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Local Politics Professor 10/7/2013

How to Win a State & Local Election A Book Review About the Book Wanting to take a seat in the public office is a dream that is not for everyone. This book on How to win a local election provides a intense picture on the pressures and stresses that a hopeful candidate for election needs to give attention to. As if allowing the said individuals to have a understanding of what is about to come, this book assumes that the readers would want to gain victory over a local election. It will also provides a proper description on how different a local election is from a national election to make sure that the candidates know what to and what not to expect from the competition they are aiming to involve in. The book was released in 2007 by M. Evans and Company publishers this reading material has been found helpful and highly acceptable among hopeful officials in local offices. About the Author Judge Lawrence Grey is a distinguished judge in Ohio for 25 years is considerably known for his views on the political and social issues that a developed nation such as America is experiencing. Some of his other works include a distinction on how the American behavior fit

gleey 2 the society that its people live in. Specifically pointing out on the pros and cons of election, Grey tries to uncover the specific sources of query when it comes to identifying particular elements that are considered necessary for winning a local campaign competition among electoral candidates during an election. In his book How to Win an Election, Grey points out some of the most vital elements that could help a candidate be successful in the battle. Main theme of Reading The reading provides a great source of information on the primary steps needed to be taken into consideration by an electoral candidate from the very point of deciding to run for office. Relatively, the author provides a clear distinction on what good and bad campaign practice is all about. Citing the ethical measures that campaign managers should know of and the common pitfall that such individuals often incur thus causing them their victory To note, the book tackles particular points of importance when it comes to establishing a candidates platform for campaign. For instance establishing a strong and stable agenda based from the most controversial issues that the society is dealing with is considered to be a good source of campaigning capability. Knowing how to work on a controversial issue through appealing to the publics concerns is one way of taking the stand for the situation and making it work for the campaign. Another point considered in the reading is the way the campaign is funded. Over spending on campaign materials is noted by Judge Grey as something that most political electoral candidates mismanage. The overuse of financial resources could apparently be avoided if the candidate himself knows where to reach the people and how to reach them effectively.

gleey 3 In an overall context, the author presents his discussion as if pointing out the business side of politics. Specifically giving attention to how to mandate the thinking of the people influencing their opinions and reactions to social controversies note the fact that the idea of Grey regarding politics is more of selling the candidate to the people which is an obvious process that most politicians use today. Although it is a sad truth to accept, anyone wanting to win a local election must be willing to sell himself to the public. Some, although unethical even formulate the idea of going overboard in creating a new self for them to sell. They manipulate the information released about their personal lives simply to get the attention and to make the people agree to their platform and the agenda they present the public with. Evaluation of the Books Content Considerably, the book is more of a what-to-do patterned book direction that electoral candidates are supposed to give attention to. As mentioned earlier, the author tries to present electoral campaigns in the form of business. A matter that should be funded and marketed to the public; this is what modern politics is all about. When it comes to winning, a candidate must accept that he has to spend money to get the attention of the people. While it is an idealists thought that the best platform or agenda would win, the truth about politics is that the most known individual who has been able to touch social controversies and work around them to benefit his campaign often wins the competition. Sadly, the current political nature in the United States, and even outside the country, is based upon such point of popularity and fame. About 70% of the voters remember the name of the one who has made much louder noise during the campaign. People no longer give attention to what a candidate has done in the past especially when it comes to local elections. Instead, they

gleey 4 give attention to who may have tickled their minds, those who have made an impression through tackling what the general public is concerned about at the time being. This is the reason why Grey points out in his reading that a hopeful candidate should know the social happenings in his area. He needs to research , even conduct a poll when necessary, just to know what the people would like to hear and what would likely catch their interest. Most often than not, it is through this approach that electoral candidates would be known to the public thus allowing them to make a mark on the minds of the voters which specifically boosts the possibility of being elected in office. The Books Genre and Identity A step-by-step guide to being elected into office; this is how the author himself identified his book. Relatively, it is with such assumption of procedures that a candidate running for office would likely be able to get what he wants from the public their votes. With a specific concern for the direction that every candidate takes into consideration, Grey allows his readers to seek their personal understanding of what politics really is all about. Although a sad truth on American politics becoming more of a business has been exposed through the reading, it could not be denied that this particular background is indeed the primary foundation to which both local and national administrations are grounded upon. Overall Reaction to the Reading The reading in itself is efficient in providing guidance to novice candidates in the local office. Providing them with the first hand knowledge on what to expect during the campaign and how to go around particular conflicting situations, this material provides a great source of confidence even among first-time candidates. Boosting the candidates morale this reading gives

gleey 5 the reader a glimpse on what real politics is all about, how it could be won and how it should be viewed by anyone entering within its territories.

Reference: Grey, L. (2007). How to Win a Local Election. M. Evans and Company. Edwards, George C., Martin P. Wattenberg, and Robert L. Lineberry. (2010).Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy. M. Evans and Company. Hetherington, Marc J., and Bruce A. Larson. (2009). Parties, Politics, and Public Policy in America 301 pp. M. Evans and Company.

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