Jackson Madison County Memorandum of Understanding and Scope of Work

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System: JacksonMadisonCountySchools *Ifconsortium,listallparticipatingsystemswithleadsystemfirst DirectorofSchools: Dr.NancyZambito *Ifconsortium,listDirectorofleadsystem


201011 201112 201213 201314 Budget $1,382,135.00 $1,771,800.00 $659,300.00 $462,500.00 $4,275,735.00
*Ifanyrecurringexpenseshavebeenincurredoverthefouryear period,attestationbelowmustbesigned.


T Total t lFourYear Y B Budget d t


RequiredSystemSignatures Ihaveapprovedthe"ScopeofWork"foruseoffundsgeneratedbythe"RacetotheTop"grant,amfullycommittedtoit,andwillsupportitsimplementation. DirectorofSchools OnbehalfoftheBoardofEducation,IaffirmthattheBoardhasapprovedthe"ScopeofWork"foruseoffundsgeneratedbythe"RacetotheTop"grantandthattheBoardisfully committedtoitandwillsupportitsimplentation. Chair,BoardofEducation OnbehalfofthefundingagencyfortheBoardofEducation,Iaffirmthatthefundingagencyisawarethat"ScopeofWork"foruseoffundsgeneratedbythe"RacetotheTop"grantcreatesrecurring costsbeyondthefouryearscopeofthegrantandthattheyacknowledgethatthesecostswillbecometheresponsibilityofthelocalfundingbody. body Chair,LocalFundingAgency

Tennessee Race to the Top Scope of Work Summary Jackson-Madison County School System Years 1, 2, 3, 4
Each activity will have an evaluation component. Data will be collected and outcomes will be assessed. This information will guide future district decisions. Activity 1: Professional Development for School and District Administrators Jackson-Madison County School System staff will contract with an external vendor for professional development opportunities customized to meet the needs of current school and district leaders. The professional development will provide leaders with an increased level of knowledge and skills necessary to turn around low performing schools and move a school from good to great in the area of student achievement. The 12 to 18 months of professional development will be focused on accelerating student learning and leading change while building and maintaining a strong team. The Jackson- Madison County School System is willing to be the hub or host training for surrounding school districts if there is such interest. Areas to be addressed include, but are not limited to: Students with disabilities English language learners Reading, math and science instruction Creating a culture where ongoing learning is the norm for adults and students Instructional leadership in a No Child Left Behind environment Issues surrounding early childhood education Delivery methods will include, but not be limited to: Working as a cohort Job embedded professional development Simulations and role playing Case studies 360 feedback experiences Group discussions Internal evaluation: $8,700.00 Professional development: $315,000.00 Total cost of activity: $323,700.00 The evaluation of this activity will include both qualitative and quantitative methods for formative and summative purposes. Focus groups of participants and stakeholders will be conducted during December and May of each year. Protocols will include questions regarding implementation fidelity, perceived efficacy, and questions related to the continual improvement process. Quantitative methods will include assessments of student achievement scores for participants versus non-participants, using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) as the primary quantitative evaluation tool. Revised 6-16-10

Finally, a return on investment analysis will be conducted for this activity, based on the work of Fowler, 2005 (National Center for Education Statistics).

Activity 2: Alternative Graduation Option for students attending our high priority high schools Jackson-Madison County System staff has identified the need to provide two of our five high schools with an alternative graduation option. These two schools are in either Restructuring 2 or School Improving 1 status. This alternative graduation option will provide a nontraditional avenue to graduation, thus increasing the graduation rate in the district and these schools in particular. This graduation option will provide online instruction in an off-campus environment with the opportunity to attend a morning, afternoon and or early evening session. This allows students who may have the need to schedule around a job or children the opportunity to remain enrolled in school. Students can additionally obtain new credits during summer sessions. Our model will be studied by an external evaluator to assess the value of this form of instructional delivery. It will be used to inform future district decisions about alternative education for secondary students. The program focus will address the following district issues: Achievement data Graduation rates Credits earned Attendance Retention Post-secondary plans/preparing students for productive careers and success in postsecondary education Education option for students who have not found success in a traditional school setting

$236,935 for 2010 2011; $340,000 for 2011 -2012; $340,000 for 2012 2013; $345,000 for 2013-2014. Internal evaluation: $8,700.00 Total cost of activity: $1,270,635.00

Evaluation of the Alternative Graduation Option will include both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Focus groups of students, teachers, and administrators will be conducted in December and May of each year. Protocols will include questions regarding implementation fidelity, perceived efficacy, and questions related to the continual improvement process. Quantitative methods will consist of comparisons of graduation rates for participants and similar students participating in the regular graduation option. A return on investment analysis will be conducted for this activity, based on the work of Fowler, 2005 (National Center for Education Statistics). Revised 6-16-10

Activity 3:

Content knowledge and instructional delivery based professional development for math teachers serving students in grades 5-8

The new Tennessee mathematics standards cover more material at a greater depth than previous standards, and therefore require increased teacher knowledge and a change in pedagogy. In order to attain higher student achievement, instructors will need to use more efficient methodologies, which are undergirded by a paradigm shift in how students learn. The teacher is the most important link in assuring our students can meet more rigorous levels of accomplishment and learning. Teachers will complete a pre and post assessment of math content knowledge to inform the content of their professional development. The following plan will be in place beginning in August 2010: On yearly contracts, we will employ a math consultant for middle school math. The consultant will focus on Tennessee mathematics standards Developing and implementing strategies to prepare special education students for the math state testing Implementing STEM concepts and resources Developing and implementing effective activities, strategies, and high level questioning techniques Connecting assessment & instruction on a daily basis Building capacity in teachers for rigor to understand and teach the rigorous Tennessee math standards The consultant will monitor and observe teachers during the school year in the middle schools (grades 6-8) and provide four days of professional development during the school year for grades 58. A monitoring instrument and evaluations will determine the success of the professional development. For year two, we will provide summer training for two weeks (grades 5-8) that will focus on the student or teacher gaps in knowledge and the evaluations from year one. For year four, the math consultant will work with new math teachers and follow up with the math teachers in grades 5-8. Math consultant: $100,000 per year for up to 200 days for years 1, 2 and 3; $50,000 for 100 days in year 4. Ten days summer training for ninety teacher stipends - $135,000.00 (optional) math teachers in grades (5-8). Pay stipend of $150.00 per day for years 1, 2 and 3. School day training- four days - substitute cost - $16,800.00 (grades 5-8) one for each nine-weeks grading period for years 1, 2 and 3. Internal evaluation: $8,700.00 Clerical Personnel for years 1,2,3 and 4: $750.00 per year Total cost of activity: $817,100.00 Revised 6-16-10

Evaluation of this activity will include both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Focus groups of teachers and administrators will be conducted after each professional development session to determine the perceived efficacy of the session and focus on the continuous improvement process. Qualitative methods will include comparisons pre-post test scores on teacher content knowledge for those who participate in the program. Analysis of student achievement will be conducted using scale scores and TVAAS scores, comparing achievement scores for students whose teachers have completed professional development with those who have not. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) will be the primary quantitative evaluation tool. Finally, a return on investment analysis will be conducted for this activity, based on the work of Fowler, 2005 (National Center for Education Statistics).

Activity 4: Provide online training modules addressing the effective use of value-added
and formative assessment data to inform classroom instruction and create higher student achievement

The purpose of value-added and formative assessment data is to help teachers make informed instructional decisions. Teachers who can effectively read and interpret their data reports are better prepared to use the data to influence instruction, create flexible groupings and adjust time spent on certain topics. Battelle for Kids online modules will be provided as follows: Schedule training for teachers during the 2010 2011 school year Pay a stipend to teachers ($150.00) who complete three 6 hours modules in (value-added and formative assessments) Year 3 and 4 will involve training for newly hired teachers to the district A monetary bonus will be provided for a school when 100% of certified teachers have completed training modules. (optional) Years 1 and 2 - $546,300 per year Years 3 and 4 $67,500 per year Internal evaluation: $8,700.00 Clerical Personnel years 1,2,3, and 4: $750 per year Total cost of activity: $1,239,300.00 The efficacy of this activity will be evaluated using both qualitative and quantitative methodology. Focus groups of teachers who have participated in the activity, and school administrators who supervise these teachers, will be conducted at the completion of the Battelle for Kids online module. Focus group protocols will include questions regarding perceived efficacy and questions related to the continual improvement process. Quantitative methods will consist of comparisons of student achievement scores (scale scores and TVAAS scores) of students whose teachers have completed the module versus Revised 6-16-10

those whose teachers have not completed the module. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) will be the primary quantitative evaluation tool. A return on investment analysis will be conducted for this activity, based on the work of Fowler, 2005 (National Center for Education Statistics).

Activity 5: Implement a reading and math curriculum for students in grades K -8 that blends a strong technology component with consistent, effective teacher led instruction To meet the needs for NCLB subgroups that are now learning more rigorous standards, we will create a curriculum aligned to state standards that blends teacher direction and technology centered instruction. Teachers and administrators will benefit from ongoing professional development, mentoring and modeling. The following areas will be addressed: Alignment to our pacing guide Pre and post assessments Expansion of differentiated instruction Increased levels of data analysis Increased use of web-based instruction Timely data Multiple intelligences Reading and math curriculum: $625,000.00 Internal evaluation: $8,700.00 Total cost of activity: $633,700.00 No recurring costs that will not be pulled from discontinuation of less effective programs

The efficacy of this activity will be evaluated using both qualitative and quantitative methodology. Focus groups of teachers who have implemented the curriculum and school administrators who supervise these teachers will be conducted in December and May of each year of the activity. Focus group protocols will include questions related to implementation fidelity, perceived efficacy and questions related to the continual improvement process. Implementation fidelity will be monitored by the curriculum and instruction department using a checklist containing valid and reliable measures. Quantitative methods will consist of comparisons of student achievement scores (scale scores and TVAAS scores) of students whose teachers have fully implemented the curriculum versus those whose teachers have not, or only partially implemented the curriculum. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) will be the primary quantitative evaluation tool. A return on investment analysis will be conducted for this activity, based on the work of Fowler, 2005 (National Center for Education Statistics). Revised 6-16-10

Revised 6-16-10

Tennessee Race to the Top Scope of Work Summary Jackson-Madison County School System

Activity 1: Technology Justification Statement Laptops and handheld computers will be used during the contract with an external vendor to seamlessly integrate online learning, technology and professional development. We will pilot state evaluations and walkthroughs on the mobile devices. Mobile access to current student information, quantitative and narrative data on the laptops will allow school and district administrators to create compelling graphs and comparative statistical analysis of broad groups of teachers across departments and even across campuses within the district. Training will included multimedia and online learning with interactive discussion forums. Additional reading materials and internet reference sites and examples from actual classrooms will be a part of the professional development training that school and district administrators will receive. Laptops and handheld computers will increase teacher effectives with on demand information and data to assist in instruction and increase student achievement in a single classroom and throughout the school. Our internal evaluation of activity one will include examining the relationship between school administrators completing the external vendors professional development and student achievement. Folders with teacher observations and evaluations will improve the quality of our data collection and easily generate reports to meet school and district needs

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