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Tennessee First to the Top

Local System Scope of Work

System: Sullivan County Schools * If consortium, list all participating systems with lead system first Total amount of award (over four years): $2,158,115 Director of Schools: Jack Barnes

* If consortium, list Director of lead system System Contact Person: Phone Number: Gene Johnson 423-354-1030 Budget Recurring Expense Y /N

Year 1 (2010-11)
Activity Correlation to state plan Correlation to TCSPP Plan for Implementation Contract with vendor similar to PD360 to provide personalized staff development linked to needs identified in teacher evaluations, assessed at time of delivery, and evaluated in terms of student performance on teacher future growth plans. Monitoring will be reported electronically to insure regular participation toward completion of teacher growth plan. Key Personnel

Performance Measure Target

P id specific ifi staff t ff Provide development to support teacher performance needs and school goals. This will augment any state provided PD.


TCSPP Goal 1 Board Goal 2

100% of teachers earn 12 hours of Staff professional development targeted development toward their growth plan needs as supervisor, documented by principals and web Principals based delivery system.


Contract with a graduation coach at a high school at risk for possible shortfalls in performance

B(3) E(2)

TCSPP Goal 2 Board Goal 1

Contract with a graduation coach on a 120 day contract at Sullivan East High School. Graduation coach will provide specific support and intervention by identifying and monitoring highly at-risk students as early as ninth grade. Time will be spent interacting with staff/students to support and encourage success and to monitor progress. Part of the day will be spent monitoring the DOT lab in which students take on-line computer courses that will help them become eligible for graduation within four years.

Principal, graduation coach

Graduation rate will improve 5 percentage points from 2010 reported level (74.1% in 2009)


Augment math instruction with software and handheld technology capable of providing formative assessment feedback to students and teachers at schools at risk for possible shortfalls in performance


TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 1D

Increase classroom engagement utilizing handheld technology devices and supporting software at Sullivan East High School, Blountville Middle, Bluff City Middle, and Sullivan Middle to improve student performance in math on state testing testing. Teachers will be trained and use technology daily to augment instruction

Principals, teachers of targeted subjects, district and school level instructional technology coaches

Increase in student math scores at Sullivan East on End of Course proficiency 1 percentage point from reported level in 2010 (93% Proficient/Advanced in 2009)and increase ACT average scores .5 points from reported level in 2010 (18.9 in 2009). Bluff City Middle will increase % proficient by 10 percentage points from reported level in 2010 for SWD subgroup (2009 scores: 49% in math) and improvement in math criterion referenced score to 50. Blountville Middle will show increase in % proficienct by 3 percentage points from reported level in 2010 for econ disad econ. disad. subgroup (2009 scores: 87% in math) and increase % proficient by 10 percentage points from reported level in 2010 for SWD subgroup (2009 scores: 52% in math). Sullivan Middle will increase % proficient by 10 percentage points from reported level in 2010 for SWD subgroup (2009 scores: 53% in math) and reflect positive gains in value added math scores at all grade levels (-5.9 for 6th grade, -2.5 in 7th grade and 2.3 in 8th grade in 2008-2009).


Enhance curriculum with support software that will increase student engagement and learning at schools at risk for possible shortfalls in performance


TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 1A & 1D

Provide and implement programs such as Study Island or A+ Learning at Sullivan East High School, Bluff City Middle School and Blountville Middle School to increase student classroom engagement in academic areas. Professional development for teachers will be incorporated upon implementation. Emphasis at Blountville Middle will be on improving student performance in all math and reading for subgroups of economically disadvantaged students and students with disabilities. Emphasis at Sullivan East will be upon overall student math performance.

Principals, Teachers

Increase in student math performance at Sullivan East on End of Course proficiency 1 percentage point from reported level in 2010 (93% Proficient/Advanced in 2009)and increase ACT average scores .5 points from reported level in 2010 (18.9 in 2009). Bluff City Middle will increase % proficient by 10 percentage points from reported level in 2010 for SWD subgroup (2009 scores: 49% in math, 68% in reading/language)and improvement in math criterion referenced score to 50. Blountville Middle will show increase in % proficienct by 3 percentage points from reported level in 2010 for econ. disad. subgroup (2009 scores: 87% in math, 86% in reading/language) and increase % proficient by 10 percentage points from reported level in 2010 for SWD subgroup (2009 scores: 52% in math, 62% in reading/language).


Train teachers identified as prospective administrators.

D(2) D(5)

TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 2

Develop and implement a prospective administrators institute utilizing local and possibly regional personnel. Pay stipends to trainers for module development. Purchase necessary print materials and supplies.

Assistant Director of Schools

15 prospective administrators enrolled


Provide support and staff development in identification and use of activities for lesson plans that support inclusion of STEM in classrooms.

B(3) C(3)(i) D(5)(i)

TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 1B

Contract with a coach to conduct training and modeling the use of STEM activities for teachers anticipated to be assigned to future Ketron school, currently under construction as a STEM focused school, and for teachers at North High School which will receive the Ketron students for their high school experience.

Staff Development Supervisor, Curriculum supervisor, Technology supervisor

Activities log maintained by trainer/coach will reflect in-class modeling of lessons with 75 teachers and 20 training sessions for small groups Podcasts will be made available for individual professional development.


Develop curriculum maps for non core areas that will integrate core subjects, career technical courses, and special education with STEM activities to reflect core standards. If applicaple for Spring 2011, provide support and training for teachers and administrators in use of new teacher evaluation system.


TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 1B

Pay stipend to teachers in identified areas to develop and revise curriculum maps and pacing guides to optimize integration of STEM activities and connections with core curriculum standards. Contract with former teacher evaluation persons to serve as trainers and coaches for teachers and administrators to train personnel in procedures and support implementation of new teacher evaluation process (to be developed by SDE).

Curriculum Supervisor

Curriculum maps and pacing guides in place by June 30 30, 2011



TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 2

Staff Effective implementation of development guidelines for 100% teachers supervisor evaluated by August 1, 2011


Extend current curriculum maps and formative assessment tools to a comprehensive web based resource that will also incorporate a parent portal.

B(3) C(3)(i)(iii) D(2)(i)

TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goals 1A, 1B, 3

Contract with a vendor like d2sc to provide a fully integrated, web based, K-12 software platform that features a comprehensive curriculum planning tool that incorporates all state curriculum frameworks and supports each objective with web based and locally developed instructional resources. It would also be integrated with an assessment management feature that would enable districtwide formative assessments and teacher made tests. An included teacher gradebook with a parent portal would facilitate family communication and progress monitoring. Pay $2 $2,000 000 one time bonus to teachers hired or transferred into subject areas certified by the board as hard to staff. These would include speech and language pathologists, chemistry teachers, physics teachers, teachers of calculus and upper level math, and teachers of world languages. This is proposed to be in place through the 2013-2014 school year.

Curriculum supervisor, Technology supervisor

10% improvement in TCAP scores for students served in elementary and middle schools, 10% 150,000 improvement in end of course tests and graduation rate for high schools

Provide hiring bonus for new or transferring teachers into hard to staff areas.


TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goals 1A, 2

Negotiable item between BOE and SCEA, Human resources supervisor

Zero waivers will be reported, and no instruction will be outsourced. One hundred percent (100%) of new hires in hard to staff areas will have certification and highly qualified status


Provide phone and email automated contact system to improve communication with stakeholders, resulting in an increase in student attendance.

B(3) C(3)(i)(ii)(iii)

TCSPP Goal 1 Board Goals 1C, 3

Contract with vendor similar to SchoolMessenger to provide enhancement to phone and email systems that enables automated contacts with parents and staff related to attendance, safety, community involvement, and academic progress. Our emphasis is to use this tool to increase attendance and parent involvement in the daily academic performance of each child to insure improved levels of learning. Specific targets include students who missed more than 10 days in 2009-2010 SY who are expected to improve in TCAP performance.

Technology supervisor, Attendance supervisor, Principals

Overall student attendance will improve by .5% from 2009-2010 SY (94.12%). Reduction in number of students with 5 or more unexcused absences (3116 in SY 09-10) by 25% and improvement of 25% in numbers of TCAP proficient students who missed 5 or more days in 2009-2010 SY


Total budget 2010-11


Tennessee First to the Top

Local System Scope of Work

System: Sullivan County Schools * If consortium, list all participating systems with lead system first Total amount of award (over four years): $2,158,115 Director of Schools: System Contact Person: Phone Number: Correlation to state plan Correlation to TCSPP Plan for Implementation Key Personnel Performance Measure Target Jack Barnes Gene Johnson 423-354-1030 Budget Recurring Expense Y/N

* If consortium, list Director of lead system

Year 2 (2011-12)

Support schools identified as high risk for possible shortfalls in performance based upon test and report card data.

B(3) E(2)

TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 1A

Coordinate, deliver and monitor training for school data teams to develop capacity in their respective schools to self assess school needs.

C(3)(i)(iii) D(5)(ii)

TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 1A

Appropriate improvement in Provide funds to schools identified as high risk for Principals, TCAP scores for p p p possible performance shortfalls to be expended in Curriculum students served in support of the school improvement plan as recommended supervisor, Title these schools, by the leadership team. Funding would be based upon I Supervisor, reach state need and anticipated intervention cost. Amendments to SPED mandated this plan will more specifically address this activity. Supervisor improvement in graduation rate for high school. Successful Training would be delivered in a two day summer institute completion of with real data to school teams that would be charged with training for all data Testing and training all teachers at their rerspective schools to analyze team members in assessment data and identify school needs. Participants in institutes summer institute, supervisor, would receive stipends of $300 per day, and trainers 95% attendance of Principals would be receive stipends for extra work toward teachers at each developing modules. school in follow up training Develop and implement a prospective administrators institute utilizing local and possibly regional personnel. Pay stipends to trainers for module development. Purchase necessary print materials and supplies. Assistant Director of S Schools h l 15 prospective administrators enrolled ll d



Train teachers identified as prospective administrators

D(2) D(5)

TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 2


Provide support and staff development in identification and use of activities for lesson plans that support inclusion of STEM in classrooms.

B(3) C(3)(i) D(5)(i)

TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 1B

Activities log maintained by trainer/coach will reflect in-class Staff Contract with a coach to conduct training and modeling modeling of Developoment the use of STEM activities for teachers anticipated to be lessons with 75 Supervisor assigned to future Ketron school, currently under teachers and 20 Curriculum construction as a STEM focused school, and for training sessions supervisor, teachers at North High School which will receive the for small groups Technology Ketron students for their high school experience. Podcasts will be supervisor, made available for individual professional development. Pay stipend to teachers in identified areas to develop and revise curriculum maps and pacing guides to optimize integration of STEM activities and connections ith core curriculum i l t d d with standards. Contract with former teacher evaluation persons to serve as trainers and coaches for teachers and administrators to train personnel in procedures and support implementation of new teacher evaluation process (to be developed by SDE). Contract with a vendor like d2sc to provide a fully integrated, web based, K-12 software platform that features a comprehensive curriculum planning tool that incorporates all state curriculum frameworks and supports each objective with web based and locally developed instructional resources. It would also be integrated with an assessment management feature that would enable districtwide formative assessments and teacher made tests. An included teacher gradebook with a parent portal would facilitate family communication and progress monitoring monitoring. Curriculum Supervisor Curriculum maps and pacing guides in place by June 30 2012 30,


Develop curriculum maps for non core areas that will integrate core subjects, career technical courses, and special education with STEM activities ti iti t fl t core standards. t d d to reflect


TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 1B


Provide support and training for teachers and administrators in use of new teacher evaluation system.


TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 2

Effective implementation of Staff guidelines for development 100% teachers supervisor evaluated by August 1, 2012 10% improvement in TCAP scores for students served in elementary and middle schools, 10% improvement in end of course tests and graduation rate for g schools high


Extend current curriculum maps and formative assessment tools to a comprehensive web based resource that will also incorporate a parent portal.

B(3) C(3)(i)(iii) D(2)(i)

TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goals 1A, 1B, 3

Curriculum supervisor, Technology supervisor


Provide hiring bonus for new or transferring teachers into hard to staff areas.


TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goals 1A, 2

Pay $2,000 one time bonus to teachers hired or transferred into subject areas certified by the board as hard to staff. These would include speech and language pathologists, chemistry teachers, physics teachers, teachers of calculus and upper level math, and teachers of world languages. This is proposed to be in place through the 2013-2014 school year.

Negotiable item between BOE and SCEA, Human resources supervisor

Avoidance of waivers, transitional licenses, and outsourcing instruction


Provide phone and email automated contact system to improve communication with stakeholders.

B(3) C(3)(i)(ii)(iii)

TCSPP Goal 1 Board Goals 1C, 3

Contract with vendor similar to SchoolMessenger to provide enhancement to phone and email systems that enables automated contacts with parents and staff related to attendance, safety, community involvement, and academic progress. Our emphasis is to use this tool to increase attendance and parent involvement in the daily academic performance of each child to insure higher levels of learning.

Technology supervisor, Principals

Minimum of 200,000 notifications sent to appropriate stakeholders.


Total budget 2011-12


Tennessee First to the Top

Local System Scope of Work

System: Sullivan County Schools * If consortium, list all participating systems with lead system first Total amount of award (over four years): $2,158,115 Director of Schools: System Contact Person: Phone Number: Correlation to state plan Correlation to TCSPP Plan for Implementation Key Personnel Performance Measure Target Appropriate improvement in TCAP scores for students served in these schools, reach state mandated improvement in graduation rate for high school. Successful completion of training for all data team members in summer institute, 95% attendance of teachers at each school in follow up training 15 prospective administrators enrolled Jack Barnes Gene Johnson 423-354-1030 Budget Recurring Expense Y/N

* If consortium, list Director of lead system

Year 3 (2012-13)

Support schools identified as high risk for possible shortfalls in performance based upon test and report card data.

B(3) E(2)

TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 1A

Provide funds to schools identified as high risk for possible performance shortfalls to be expended in support of the school improvement plan as recommended by the leadership team. Funding would be based upon need and anticipated intervention cost. Amendments to this plan will more specifically address this activity.

Principals, Curriculum supervisor supervisor, Title I Supervisor, SPED Supervisor


Coordinate, deliver and monitor training for school data teams to develop capacity in their respective schools to self assess school needs.

C(3)(i)(iii) D(5)(ii)

TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 1A

Training would be delivered in a two day summer institute with real data to school teams that would be charged with training all teachers at their rerspective schools to analyze data and identify school needs. Participants in institutes would receive stipends of $300 per day, and trainers would be receive stipends for extra work toward developing modules. Develop and implement a prospective administrators institute utilizing local and possibly regional personnel. y stipends p to trainers for module development. p Pay Purchase necessary print materials and supplies.

Testing and assessment supervisor, Principals


Train teachers identified as prospective administrators

D(2) D(5)

TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 2

Assistant Director of Schools


Provide support and staff development in identification and use of activities for lesson plans that support inclusion of STEM in classrooms.

B(3) C(3)(i) D(5)(i)

TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 1B

Contract with a coach to conduct training and modeling the use of STEM activities for teachers anticipated to be assigned to future Ketron school, currently under construction as a STEM focused school, and for teachers at North High School which will receive the Ketron students for their high school experience.

Activities log maintained by trainer/coach will reflect in-class Staff modeling of Development, lessons with 75 Curriculum teachers and 20 supervisor, training sessions Technology for small groups supervisor Podcasts will be made available for individual professional development. Curriculum maps and pacing guides p y June in place by 30, 2013


Develop curriculum maps for non core areas that will integrate core subjects, career p technical courses, and special education with STEM activities to reflect core standards.


TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 1B

Pay stipend to teachers in identified areas to develop and revise curriculum maps and pacing guides to p g optimize integration of STEM activities and connections with core curriculum standards.

Curriculum p supervisor


Provide support and training for teachers and administrators in use of new teacher evaluation system.


TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 2

Contract with former teacher evaluation persons to serve as trainers and coaches for teachers and administrators to train personnel in procedures and support implementation of new teacher evaluation process (to be developed by SDE). Contract with a vendor like d2sc to provide a fully integrated, web based, K-12 software platform that features a comprehensive curriculum planning tool that incorporates all state curriculum frameworks and supports each objective with web based and locally developed instructional resources. It would also be integrated with an assessment management feature that would enable districtwide formative assessments and teacher made tests. An included teacher gradebook with a parent portal would facilitate family communication and progress monitoring.

Training of 100% of newly hired Staff teachers and development coaching of 100% supervisor of teachers not meeting performance goals 10% improvement in TCAP scores for students served in elementary and middle schools, 10% improvement in end of course tests and graduation d ti rate t for f high schools


Extend current curriculum maps and formative assessment tools to a comprehensive web based resource that will also incorporate a parent portal.

B(3) C(3)(i)(iii) D(2)(i)

TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goals 1A, 1B, 3

Curriculum supervisor, Technology supervisor


Provide hiring bonus for new or transferring teachers into hard to staff areas.


TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goals 1A, 2

Pay $2,000 one time bonus to teachers hired or transferred into subject areas certified by the board as hard to staff. These would include speech and language pathologists, chemistry teachers, physics teachers, teachers of calculus and upper level math, and teachers of world languages. This is proposed to be in place through the 2013-2014 school year.

Negotiable item between BOE and SCEA, Human resources supervisor

Avoidance of waivers, transitional licenses, and outsourcing instruction


Provide phone and email automated contact system to improve communication with stakeholders.

B(3) C(3)(i)(ii)(iii)

TCSPP Goal 1 Board Goals 1C, 3

Contract with vendor similar to SchoolMessenger to provide enhancement to phone and email systems that enables automated contacts with parents and staff related to attendance, safety, community involvement, and academic progress. Our emphasis is to use this tool to increase attendance and parent involvement in the daily academic performance of each child to insure higher levels of learning.

Technology supervisor, Principals

Minimum of 200,000 notifications sent to appropriate stakeholders.


Total budget 2012-13


Tennessee First to the Top

Local System Scope of Work

System: Sullivan County Schools * If consortium, list all participating systems with lead system first Total amount of award (over four years): $2,158,115 Director of Schools: System Contact Person: Phone Number: Correlation to state plan Correlation to TCSPP Plan for Implementation Key Personnel Performance Measure Target Appropriate improvement in TCAP scores for students served in these schools, reach state mandated improvement in graduation rate for high school. Successful completion of training for all data team members in summer institute, 95% attendance of teachers at each school in follow up training 15 prospective administrators enrolled Jack Barnes Gene Johnson 423-354-1030 Budget Recurring Expense Y/N

* If consortium, list Director of lead system

Year 4 (2013-14)

Support schools identified as high risk for possible shortfalls in performance based upon test and report card data.


TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 1A

Provide funds to schools identified as high risk for possible performance shortfalls to be expended in support of the school improvement plan as recommended by the leadership team. Funding would be based upon need and anticipated intervention cost. Amendments to this plan will more specifically address this activity.

Principals, Curriculum supervisor supervisor, Title I Supervisor, SPED Supervisor


Coordinate, deliver and monitor training for school data teams to develop capacity in their respective schools to self assess school needs.

C(3)(i)(iii) D(5)(ii)

TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 1A

Training would be delivered in a two day summer institute with real data to school teams that would be charged with training all teachers at their rerspective schools to analyze data and identify school needs. Participants in institutes would receive stipends of $300 per day, and trainers would be receive stipends for extra work toward developing modules. Develop and implement a prospective administrators institute utilizing local and possibly regional personnel. y stipends p to trainers for module development. p Pay Purchase necessary print materials and supplies.

Testing and assessment supervisor, Principals


Train teachers identified as prospective administrators

D(2) D(5)

TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 2

Assistant Director of Schools


Provide support and staff development in identification and use of activities for lesson plans that support inclusion of STEM in classrooms.

B(3) C(3)(i) D(5)(i)

TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 1B

Contract with a coach to conduct training and modeling the use of STEM activities for teachers anticipated to be assigned to future Ketron school, currently under construction as a STEM focused school, and for teachers at North High School which will receive the Ketron students for their high school experience.

Activities log maintained by trainer/coach will reflect in-class Staff modeling of Development lessons with 75 Supervisor, teachers and 20 Curriculum training sessions supervisor, for small groups Technology Podcasts will be supervisor made available for individual professional development. Curriculum supervisor Curriculum maps and pacing guides in place by June 30, 2014 Avoidance of waivers, transitional licenses, and outsourcing instruction


Develop curriculum maps for non core areas that will integrate core subjects, career technical courses, and special education with S f STEM activities to reflect core standards.


TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goal 1B

Pay stipend to teachers in identified areas to develop and revise curriculum maps and pacing guides to optimize integration of STEM activities and connections with core curriculum standards. Pay $2,000 one time bonus to teachers hired or transferred into subject areas certified by the board as hard to staff. These would include speech and language pathologists, chemistry teachers, physics teachers, teachers of calculus and upper level math, and teachers of world languages. This is proposed to be in place through the 2013-2014 school year.


Provide hiring bonus for new or transferring teachers into hard to staff areas.


TCSPP Goal 4 Board Goals 1A, 2

Negotiable item between BOE and SCEA, Human resources supervisor


Provide phone and email automated contact system to improve communication with stakeholders.

B(3) C(3)(i)(ii)(iii)

TCSPP Goal 1 Board Goals 1C, 3

Contract with vendor similar to SchoolMessenger to provide enhancement to phone and email systems that enables automated contacts with parents and staff related to attendance, safety, community involvement, and academic progress. Our emphasis is to use this tool to increase attendance and parent involvement in y academic performance p the daily of each child to insure higher levels of learning.

Technology supervisor, Principals

Minimum of 200,000 notifications sent to appropriate stakeholders.


Total budget 2013-14


Tennessee First to the Top

Local System Scope of Work

System: Sullivan County Schools * If consortium, list all participating systems with lead system first Total amount of award (over four years): $2,158,115 Director of Schools: Jack Barnes * If consortium, list Director of lead system

Summary of Four-Year Scope of Work

Year 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Budget 571,700 648,500 583,500 354,415 Total Four-Year Budget Recurring Expense Y / N N N N N *If any recurring expenses have been incurred over the four-year
period, attestation below must be signed.

Total four-year budget must match amount of award

Required System Signatures I have approved the "Scope of Work" for use of funds generated by the "Race to the Top" grant, am fully committed to it, and will support its implementation. Director of Schools On behalf of the Board of Education, I affirm that the Board has approved the "Scope of Work" for use of funds generated by the "Race to the Top" grant and that the Board is fully committed to it and will support its implementation. Chair, Board of Education President, Sullivan County Education Association * On behalf of the funding agency for the Board of Education, I affirm that the funding agency is aware that "Scope of Work" for use of funds generated by the "Race to the Top" grant creates recurring costs beyond the four-year scope of the grant and that they acknowledge that these costs will become the responsibility of the local funding body. Chair, Local Funding Agency

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