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Tennessee First to the Top

Local System Scope of Work

Instructions The Scope of Work provides the plan for use of money designated for a local school system from the Race to the Top grant. The funds are for a four-year period and the Scope of Work should specify use for each year. General guidelines are as follows: 1. Total planned expenditures over four years must match the total amount designated for the local system. o Budgeted amounts for individual years may vary, but the minimum appropriation for year 1 should be no less than 25% of the total LEA award. LEAs may request all of the money in year 1 if justifiable to accomplish bold and innovative reform. o Actual expenditures may fall within 90% - 110% of budgeted amount without submission of a budget amendment. o Money not spent during a designated year may be rolled to the ensuing year. o In general, there are few restrictions on the use of RTTT funds except that they must be related to the state proposal and not supplant existing expenditures. The purpose of the grant is to provide bold and innovative reform that supports the State's approved Race to the Top application. They must also Payment of maintenance costs Stadiums or other facilities primarily used for athletic contests or exhibitions or other events for which admission is charged to the general public Purchase or upgrade of vehicles Improvements p of stand-alone facilities whose p purpose p is not the education of children, including central office administration or operations or logistical support facilities School modernization, renovation, or repair that is inconsistent with State law 2. Planned activities must relate to and support the state application. Allowable uses of RTTT funds are outlined on a separate page and must be coded in the Scope of Work. 3. Planned activities that create recurring costs for the local system beyond the four-year scope of the grant must be noted. The local funding body must attest that they are aware of the recurring costs and that they acknowledge that these costs will become the responsibility of the local funding body. 4. The Scope of Work may be submitted by a local system or by a consortium of systems. If submitted by a consortium, all of the above stipulations apply to each participating system. A lead system must be identified that will receive, disburse, and account for all funds. Separate cost centers must be maintained by the lead system to account for all RTTT funds. Instructions: 1. Each year of expenditures should be detailed on a separate sheet. Complete the system (or consortium) 2. Complete the Scope of Work for each year. A sample sheet is included. o Activity Describe the activity planned for supporting the state RTTT application. o Correlation to state plan Code the activity to the appropriate aspect of the state grant application using coding in chart on separate page. o Correlation to TCSPP Provide a brief explanation of how this activity supports the system TCSPP. o Plan for Implementation Outline the system plan for implementing this activity. Designate planned purchases, contracted services, personnel expenses, etc. o Key K personnel l - li list the h system employees l who h will ill b be responsible ibl f for overseeing i this activity. o Provide an overview for how this activity will be evaluated for implementation and effectiveness. o Budget Provide amount designated for the activity.

Recurring expense Indicate if this use of funds will create recurring expenses for the local system beyond the four-year scope of the funding. If a system indicates that any recurring costs will be incurred in any planned area, the local funding agency must sign the attestation on the signature page.

State Department of Education

Tennessee Race to the Top Timeline

Date March 29, 2010 April 19, 2010 April 21, 2010 April 22, 2010 April 23, 2010 May 14, 2010 May 17-18, 2010 May 19-20, 2010 May 21, 2010 May 27, 2010 May 28, 2010 June 1, 2010 Action Announcement of RTTT award Letter of announcement to local systems Jackson (West Tennessee Grand Division) explanation of Scope of Work Nashville (Middle Tennessee Grand Division) explanation of Scope of Work Knoxville (East Tennessee Grand Division) explanation of Scope of Work Scope of Work due to Field Service Center Field Service Center review of Scope of Work Findings presented to DOE review team Systems notified of disposition of Scope of Work Resubmission of Scopes of Work not meeting requirements Final review of Scope of Work Submission to USDOE of all Scopes of Work

Elements of the State Reform Plan

B. Standards and Assessments (State Application pages 53-62) (3) Supporting the transition to enhanced standards and high-quality assessments Data Systems to Support Instruction (State Application pages 63-74) (3) Using data to improve instruction: (i) Use of local instructional improvement systems (ii) Professional development on use of data (iii) Availability and accessibility of data to researchers Great Teachers and Leaders (State Application pages 75-118) (2) Improving teacher and principal effectiveness based on performance: (pages 80-96) (i) Measure student growth (ii) Design and implement evaluation systems (iii) Conduct annual evaluations (iv) (a) Use evaluations to inform professional development (b) Use evaluations to inform compensation, promotion, and retention (c) Use evaluations to inform tenure and/or full certification (d) Use evaluations to inform removal (3) Ensuring equitable distribution of effective teachers and principals: (pages 97-111) (i) High-poverty and/or high-minority schools (ii) Hard-to-staff subjects and specialty areas (5) Providing effective support to teachers and principals: (pages 112-118) (i) Quality professional development (ii) Measure effectiveness of professional development Turning Around the Lowest-Achieving Schools State Application pages 119-130) (2) Turning around the lowest-achieving schools




Tennessee First to the Top Local System Scope of Work System: Jackson County * If consortium, list all participating systems with lead system first Total amount of award (over four years): Year 1 (2010-11) Activity $460,008 Director of Schools: System Contact Person: Phone Number: Correlation to Correlation to state plan TCSPP Plan for Implementation Key Personnel Performance Measure Target Joe D. Barlow Karen Holder (931) 268 0119 Budget Recurring Expense Y /N

* If consortium, list Director of lead system

Provide professional development to teachers to ensure awareness of new standards. Involve teachers in in-depth revision of current local curriculum and pacing guides to reflect new standards. Provide technology necessary to enable teachers to maximize use of these guides thereby increasing teacher learning. effectiveness & improving student learning

B(3) D (5)(i)

Goals 1, 2, & 3

Contract with curriculum experts in core subject areas (targeting math and science first) to assist teachers in mapping standards & developing pacing guides across curriculum ($10,000). Provide substitutes for approximately 50 teachers for one day (50 days x $70 = $3,500) (Some activities will be scheduled so as not to require substitutes). Print & distribute guides ($242). Provide technology to enable teachers to utilize enhanced standards & instructional practices ($19,250).

Curriculum Supervisors

Curriculum and pacing guides in place by July 1, 2011 Approximately 15% of teachers trained in Year 1 reflecting an increase in student achievement as measured on state assessments.


Extend current local formative assessment measurements for use in all classes grades K - 6 in all schools.

B(3) C(3) (i)

Goals 1, 2, & 3

Involve 18 teachers in training to expand DIBELS and ThinkLink assessments to all classes in all schools grades K - 6. (substitute teachers for 18 for one day, 18 teachers x $70 = $1260). Contract with vendors to provide training and provide release time for teachers to share knowledge ($5000)

Elementary Principals & Curriculum Supervisor & Technology Coordinator

All assessments in place by January, 2011 15 % of teachers will be trained in Year 1 and 90% of students will be assessed by tne end of the school year.


Support teachers as they transition to more stringent standards and stricter assessments designed to increase teacher effectiveness through professional development and enhanced technology for their classrooms.


Goals 1, 2, & 3

Provide hardware (including white boards, document cameras, student response systems, & interactive slates) software, and training for 15 teachers to enhance teaching practices to better address changing standards ($4,000 per teacher) thus meeting student needs in the core areas of reading/language arts, math, science, and social studies and enhancing performance on TCAP assessments including Achievement tests grades 3 8, writing assessments, Gateway, and End-of-Course tests.

Technology in place and training of 13% of teachers core subject area teachers complete by Spring 2011 resulting in Technology increased student Coordinator, achievement of 2% Supervisors, & in state Federal Projects assessments Director including Achievement Grades 3 - 8, writing assessments, Gateway, and Endof- Course.


Provide multi-day training for teachers on use of data (TVAAS, TCAP, formative & summative assessments) for guiding instructional decisions. (One full day of overview for all teachers, then additional site- specific training utilizing each school's most current data.)


Goals 1, 2, & 3

First day training provided free of charge by state department personnel. Trainer for 4 additional days - $4000. Substitutes for teacher release time (25 subs to be shared among school faculties - 25 days x $70 per sub = $1,750)

Day 1 training summer 2010, all training completed by November 2010. This will allow Supervisors of teachers to use Instruction & data to offer Federal Projects targeted instruction Director resulting in a 2% improvement on student scores as measured on state assessments.


Join with neighboring Clay, Macon, and Smith counties to provide training for prospective administrative leaders. Shared training and experiences will be designed to increase teacher effectivness & increase student learning.

D(2) D(5)(I)

Goals 1 - 4

Pool $10,000 in funding with nearby Clay, Macon, & Smith counties to create a Leadership Academy for prospective administrators. $10,000 will go toward providing quality training (utilizing trainers from outside and within the four systems) and provide stipends to approximately 6 - 8 participants from Jackson County.

LA activities will begin in Summer 2010 and continue throughout 20102011 school year generating a pool Directors & of effective school Supervisors leaders resulting I from each of the more effective counties teaching and involved positive growth in academic performance as related to NCLB and AYP Benchmarks.


Total budget 2010-11


Tennessee First to the Top Local System Scope of Work Jackson County * If consortium, list all participating Total amount of award (over four years): $460,008 Year 2 (2011-12) Activity
Correlation Correlation to state plan to TCSPP


Director of Schools: Joe D. Barlow * If consortium, list Director of lead system Karen Holder System Contact Person: (931) 268 0119 Phone Number: Plan for Implementation
Key Personnel

Performance Measure Target

By the end of year 2, all teachers will be experienced using the data dashboard. Teachers will use data to plan instruction that will maximize student learning and increase teacher effectiveness resulting in an increase in student achievement and student gain scores of 2% on state assessments.


Recurring Expense Y/N

Provide Data Analysis Professional Development for classroom teachers and continue to provide the technology necessary to access available data and utilize this training.


Goals 1, 2 & 3

Teachers will participate in the data dashboard training offered by the state. Follow-up Professional Development on data analysis is proposed the second year. We will provide all classroom teachers 2 days of training. The new technology provided in the first year and additional purchases made this second year will provide teachers more access to the data neeeded to plan for targeted standardsspecific instruction for students.

Technology Coordinator, Curriculum Supervisors


Provide professional development for teachers using the state-provided pacing guides, standards framework, and in use of diagnostic and prescriptive assessments. Additional teachers will be provided technology necessary to use this material.

B(3) D(5)(i)

Goals 1, 2 & 3

Teachers will participate in training using the standards framework and pacing guides available from the state this second year. The system will provide additional training and materials to allow teachers to effectively use these resources. (substitute teachers for 18 teachers for one day @ $70 = $1260 plus materials = $7552; technology to update equipment in approximately 15 classrooms= $23,000.

Eighteen teachers of core subjects with available framework and pacing guides will be trained to use them by January 2012. Additional Curriculum materials & training will be provided Supervisors, SDE Personnel, to teachers by the end of the school year. Approximately 15 Technology classrooms will have technology Coordinator updated increasing student attention and involvement in instruction reflecting a 2% gain in Activities will begin for the second cohort in Summer 2011 and continue throughout the 2011-2012 Directors & school year. The pool of effective Supervisors leaders will be larger and we expect from each county involved that this will result in more effective teaching as reflected by student gains on state assessments of 2%.


Continue training for prospective administrative leaders in collaboration with neighboring Clay, Macon and Smith counties.

D(2) D(5) (I)

Goals 1-4

Continue pooling $10,000 funding wqith neighboring counties to continue a Leadership Academy for prospective administrators to provide quality training utilizing trainers from outside and inside the four systems and provide 6-8 8 participants stipends to approximately 6


Provide professional development for administrators & teachers on the new evaluation system, data training necessary to provide accurate evaluations to allow system administrataors to pinpoint problems, offering targeted assistance to teachers, identifying exemplar teachers , & improving instruction through increased teacher effectiveness


Goals 1-4

Priovide professional development on use of data in the new evaluation system and provide administrators and teachers opportunities to participate in identifying data that best provides insight into teacher effectiveness. Provide administrators the technology necessary to use the new evaluation system and the necessary data involved.

Director, Technology Coordinator, Curriculum Supervisors, Administrators

Total Budget for

All administrators and identified teachers will participate in this training by January 2012. Best technology will be identified through research) and provided to system administrators by January 2012. This should result in greater teacher effectiveness as measured by student performance on state assessments. 2011-2012



Tennessee First to the Top Local System Scope of Work System: Jackson County * If consortium, list all participating systems with lead system first Total amount of award (over four years): Year 3 (2012-13) Activity Correlation Correlation to to state plan TCSPP Plan for Implementation Key Personnel $460,008 Director of Schools: Joe D. Barlow

* If consortium, list Director of lead system System Contact Person: Phone Number: Performance Measure Target By the end of the third year, all teachers will be experienced using the data dashboard. Those for whom the most data is available will use data to plan targeted instruction for students. Success will be measured d by b seeing i an increase in student achievement and student gain scores of 2% in state assessments. Activities will begin for the third cohort in Summer 2012 and continue throughout the 20122013 school year. The pool of effective leaders will be larger and we expect that this will result in more effective teaching as reflected by student gains on state Eighteen additional teachers of subjects with available framework & pacing guides will be trained in their use. System will provide training and technology by the end of the school year.Continue measurement of student academic growth on state assessments. Karen Holder (931) 268 0119 Budget Recurring Expense Y /N

Provide Data Analysis Professional Development for classroom teachers and continue to provide the technology necessary to access necessary data and utilize this training to enhance teacher effectiveness and improve student performance..


Goals 1, 2 & 3

Teachers will participate in the data training offered by the state. Additional Professional Development on data analysis is proposed the third year. We will provide classroom teachers 2 days of training . The new technology provided in the first and this second year will be continued more access to b ti d to t provide id teachers t h t the th data neeeded to plan for more targeted and beneficial instruction for students.

Technology Coordinator, Curriculum S Supervisors i


Continue training for prospective administrative leaders in collaboration with neighboring Clay, Macon and Smith counties.

D(2) D(5) (I)

Goals 1-4

Continue pooling $10,000 funding wqith neighboring counties to continue a Leadership Academy for prospective administrators to provide quality training utilizing trainers from outside and inside the four systems and provide stipends to approximately 6-8 participants

Directors & Supervisors from each county involved


Provide professional development for teachers using the state provided pacing guides and standards framework and supplementing this with Providing ith additional dditi l materials. t i l P idi teachers t h technology necessary to use this material.

B(3) D(5)(i)

Goals 1, 2 & 3

Eighteen additional teachers will participate in training using the standards framework and pacing guides available from the state this second year. The system will provide additional training and materials to allow teachers to resources. (substitute t h t effectively ff ti l use these th ( b tit t teachers for 18 teachers for one day @ $70 = $1260 plus materials = $7552; technology = $23,000.

Curriculum Supervisors, SDE Personnel, Technology Coordinator


Provide professional development for administrators & teachers regarding new evaluation system, including data training necessary to provide accurate evaluations, thus allowing system administrators to pinpoint problems, offer targeted assistance, identify exemplary teachers , & improve instruction through increased teacher effectiveness.


Goals 1-4

Priovide professional development on use of data in the new evaluation system and provide administrators and teachers opportunities to participate in identifying data that best provides insight into teacher effectiveness. Provide administrators the technology necessary to use the new evaluation system and the necessary data involved.

All administrators and identified teachers will participate in this training by Director, January 2013. Best technology Technology will be identified through Coordinator, research) and provided to Curriculum system administrators by Supervisors, January 2012. This should Administrators result in greater teacher effectiveness as measured by student performance on state assessments


Total budget for 2012-13


Tennessee First to the Top Local System Scope of Work System: Jackson County * If consortium, list all participating systems with lead system first Total amount of award (over four years): Year 4 (2013-14)
Activity Correlation to state plan Correlation to TCSPP Plan for Implementation Key Personnel

Director of Schools:

Joe D. Barlow

* If consortium, list Director of lead system System Contact Person: Phone Number:
Performance Measure Target


Karen Holder (931) 268 0119

Budget Recurring Expense Y /N

Provide Data Analysis Professional Development for classroom teachers and continue to provide the techniology necessary to access necessary data and utilize this training.


Goals 1, 2 & 3

Teachers will participate in the data training offered by the state. Additional Professional Development on data analysis is proposed the third year. We will provide classroom teachers 2 days of training . The new technology provided in the first & second years will be continued to provide teachers more access to the data neeeded to plan for targeted & beneficial instruction for students Continue pooling $10,000 funding with neighboring counties to continue a Leadership Academy for prospective administrators to provide quality training utilizing trainers from outside and inside the four systems and provide stipends to approximately 6-8 participants

Technology Coordinator, Curriculum Supervisors

By the end of the fourth year, all teachers will be experts using the data dashboard. They will use data to plan instruction for students. We 65,500 will see additional increase in teacher effectiveness & an increase in student t d t gain i scores of f 2%. 2% Activities will begin for the fourth cohort in Summer 2013 and continue throughout the 2013-2014 school year. The pool of effective leaders 10,000 will be larger and we expect that this will result in more effective teaching as reflected by student gains on state assessments of 2%. Eighteen additional teachers of subjects with available framework & pacing guides will be trained in their use. System will provide training and 31,812 technology by the end of the school year.Continue measurement of student academic growth on state assessments.

Continue training for prospective administrative leaders in collaboration with neighboring Clay, Macon and Smith counties to improve teacher effectiveness & student learning.

D(2) D(5) (I)

Goals 1-4

Directors & Supervisors from each county involved

Provide professional development for teachers using the state-provided pacing guides and standards framework & supplementing this with additional materials. Provide teachers technology necessary to use this material.

B(3) D(5)(i)

Goals 1, 2 & 3

Teachers will participate in training using the standards framework and pacing guides available from the state this second year. The system will provide additional training and materials to allow teachers to effectively use these resources. (substitute teachers for 18 teachers for one day @ $70 = $1260 plus materials = $7552; technology = $23,000.

Curriculum Supervisors, SDE Personnel, Technology Coordinator

Provide professional development for administrators & teachers regarding the new evaluation system, including data training necessary to provide accurate evaluations that allow system administrataors to pinpoint problems, offer targeted assistance to teachers, identify exemplary teachers , & improve instruction to increase teacher effectiveness.


Goals 1-4

Priovide professional development on use of data in the new evaluation system & provide administrators & teachers opportunities to participate in identifying data that best provides insight into teacher effectiveness. Provide administrators the technology necessary to use the new evaluation system & the necessary data involved.

All new administrators and identified teachers will participate in this training by January 2013. Best Director, technology for improving teacher Technology effectiveness & increasing student Coordinator, learning will be identified through Curriculum research and provided to system Supervisors, administrators. This will result in Administrators greater teacher effectiveness and student achievement as measured by state assessments.


Total Budget for 2013-14


Tennessee First to the Top

Local System Scope of Work

System: Jackson County * If consortium, list all participating systems with lead system first Total amount of award (over four years): $460,008 Director of Schools: Joe D. Barlow * If consortium, list Director of lead system

Summary of Four-Year Scope of Work

Year 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Budget 115,002 115,002 115,002 115,002 Total Four-Year Budget Recurring Expense Y / N N N N N *If any recurring expenses have been incurred over the four-year
period, attestation below must be signed.

Total four-year budget must match amount of award

Required System Signatures I have approved the "Scope of Work" for use of funds generated by the "Race to the Top" grant, am fully committed to it, and will support its implementation. I understand that recurring costs that can be paid from curent level LEA funding do not require a funding agency sign off. Director of Schools (Joe D. Barlow, Director) On behalf of the Board of Education, I affirm that the Board has approved the "Scope of Work" for use of funds generated by the "Race to the Top" grant and that the Board is fully committed to it and will support its implementation. Chair, Board of Education TEA Representative * On behalf of the funding agency for the Board of Education, I affirm that the funding agency is aware that "Scope of Work" for use of funds generated by the "Race to the Top" grant creates recurring costs beyond the four-year scope of the grant and that they acknowledge that these costs will become the responsibility of the local funding body. Chair, Local Funding Agency ( Dewey C. Mabery, Chair) (Optional)

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