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R & C of Sexual Activity: Lesson 6, Analysis of Recent Developments in Repro Health

Type of Work: Indy Product: Word Doc/EmbeddedClass Time: 1 Period Class/1 HW EOC: Embed/Snip (Lesson 6) Due: 3 Periods

omplete each level (not just 1) working from top/down based on level attempted. ----------------Extra Credit Offered for Each Question-------------------

NAME: Kailey Hoel

Level 1
Basic Overview and Whether You Agree or Disagree -Hard Copy-

Level 2
Basic Questions to Issue and 1 potential advantage/disadvantage -Hard Copy-

My Level: 4
Level 3
Higher Level Questions and 3 potential advantages/disadvantages for each issue -Snip and Insert JPEGS into Lesson Page-

Level 4
All information and questions related to issue and embed this into ePortfolio. -ScribD the Word Doc and Embed into Lesson-

Topic 1: The HPV Vaccine Debate

Information Necessary to Understand Topic

Potential Sources

123 4 5
My Level of Agreement: Highlight or Underline One(I think this is.) Really Really Bad For Good Society for Society Potential Advantages Potential Disadvantages 1. you dont get cancer 1. false sense of security + -

Overview of the HPV Vaccine: Protects from 4 forms of HPV. 2 that cause warts and 2 that cause cancer

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What it Does Protect Against: 1. Cervical Cancer 2. Genital Warts 3. 1 more form of each. % of Cervical Cancer Protection: How Many Shots:

What it Doesnt Protect (Think!): 1.Other forms of the virus 2. other STDS 3.Pregnancy % of Genital Wart Protection: Is there a shot for boys? What is it called?

2. you dont get warts + 3. reduced riskes +

2. allergic reaction 3. Painful -

Cost: 120 per shot

Does this promote promiscuity or should we take advantage of something that could potentially help us?

Yes Gardasil

We should take advantage of this, because people will make decisions based on Morals, but this is extra protection.

Level 5/Extra Credit/Going Beyond: Define Herd Immunity and explain how it applies to the debate.

Topic 2: Emergency Contraception (Plan B)

Information Necessary to Understand Topic

Potential Sources

Plan B Website 1223456

My Level of Agreement: Highlight or Underline One(I think this is.) Really Really Bad For Good Society for Society Potential Advantages Potential Disadvantages 1. Rape Victims can use 1. Abused + -

Basic Overview: a pill that makes your uterus break down its lining so you cant get pregnant.

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Intended Use (Why people use it): After unprotected sex, to prevent sex. Usually an afterthought.

How close to failed / no contraceptives: (Time Frame?) 72 hours

2. Health risks Can use + 3. Failed birth control +

2. Used at birth control 3. Allergic Reaction -

Do You Need a Prescription?: Not anymore Mechanism of action-how it works:

Cost: 35 dollars

Breaks down the endometrial. Level 5:How is this similar/different than the abortion pill (RU-486)?
Different because it stops a pregnancy before it stops.

Does this promote people not taking accountability for their choices or provide an alternative to someone not wanting to get pregnant? Both depending on the person and situation.

Topic 3: The Safe Haven Law

Information Necessary to Understand Topic

Potential Sources

My Level of Agreement: Highlight or Underline One(I think this is.) Really Really Bad For Good Society for Society Potential Advantages Potential Disadvantages 1. less infantcide 1. people dont take + responsability 2. gives someone who is 2. future of baby is of concern desperate options (records and emotions) + 3. saves lives 3. parent and baby unable to + reconnect ever. -

Basic Overview: You can drop off your baby at a medicinal building.

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Time Frame: 30 days and 24 hours after DCFS look into it to make sure it is not a missing child.

Approved Locations? Hospitals Police/fire stations City hall

What happens to parental rights? You lose all parental rights What is Illinois Law exactly?

The Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act allows a parent to anonymously relinquish her or his newborn infant to the care and custody of a safe haven. Level 5:How do state laws vary on this?
There is a time difference in different states.

Does this promote people not taking accountability for their choices or provide an alternative to someone not able to provide for a child?

This gives an option to people who are scared and unprepared for a baby, but also doesnt help people claim responsibility.

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