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Intel XFlash

Users Manual
September 2003 Revision 1.0

Order Number: 278859-001

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Intel XFlash Users Manual


1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 2.1 About this Manual ................................................................................................................. 6 Related Documentation ........................................................................................................7 Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 8 Conventions .......................................................................................................................... 9 Command Line Syntax .......................................................................................................12 2.1.1 Order of Arguments ...............................................................................................13 2.1.2 Option Arguments and their Order.........................................................................13 Option Overview .................................................................................................................14 -a.........................................................................................................................................16 -b.........................................................................................................................................17 -bb.......................................................................................................................................18 -bd.......................................................................................................................................19 -check .................................................................................................................................20 -e.........................................................................................................................................21 -f..........................................................................................................................................22 -help....................................................................................................................................23 -l..........................................................................................................................................24 -lock ....................................................................................................................................25 -n.........................................................................................................................................26 -o.........................................................................................................................................27 -p.........................................................................................................................................28 -t..........................................................................................................................................29 -tgttype................................................................................................................................30 -u.........................................................................................................................................31 -unlock ................................................................................................................................32 -v.........................................................................................................................................33 -verify ..................................................................................................................................34

General Usage ..............................................................................................................................11

2.2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 A

Intel XFlash Options ....................................................................................................................15

Configuration File and Initialization................................................................................................35

Index .......................................................................................................................................................37

Intel XFlash Users Manual


1 Structure of the Configuration File boards.ini ............................................................................. 35

1 2 3 Intel XFlash Option Overview ..................................................................................................... 14 Available Binary Formats of the Image File................................................................................ 22 Flashnames for the Option -n ..................................................................................................... 26

Revision History
Date September 2003 Revision 1.0 Description SDT 1.2 Gold release for the Intel XFlash 1.0 and higher.

Intel XFlash Users Manual

The Intel XFlash is a command line tool to access the flash memory of an embedded system target board. It is used to write or erase data or code within a flash memory. It supports the following features:

Support of several types of target boards Support of all types of flash memory on the supported target board Erasing flash memory Writing flash memory Verifying flash memory Checking flash memory

Intel XFlash Users Manual



About this Manual

This is a users manual which describes the usage of the Intel XFlash. The following overview provides a short description of the chapters contained in the manual:

Chapter 1, Introduction is this chapter. It also includes related documentation, requirements,

and an overview of the manuals conventions.

Chapter 2, General Usage describes the command line syntax to start the Intel XFlash and
provides an option overview.

Chapter 3, Intel XFlash Options describes each option with the syntax, description, and an

Appendix A covers information on the configuration file boards.ini and associated

initialization scripts.

Intel XFlash Users Manual



Related Documentation
This section provides an overview of documentation which supplements this manual. These are:

Intel XDB Debugger Reference Manual, order number 278461 Intel XDB JTAG Debugger Users Manual, order number 278471
Furthermore, Release Notes are provided. Release Notes describe features or changes of the product that are not documented in the corresponding manual. For more information on the development board, please refer to the manual associated with the board you are using. Information on the Macraigor Systems OCDemon* interface is provided on the World Wide Web on the following Website:

Intel XFlash Users Manual



To use the Intel XFlash, the following environment is required:

Microsoft* Windows* 2000 Professional or Windows* XP Professional as host platform The Intel XFlash installed on your host platform The Intel XDB JTAG Debugger installed on your host platform A development board A parallel cable A Macraigor Systems OCDemon* Raven ARM 20 JTAG interface

Intel XFlash Users Manual



This manual uses several notational and typographical conventions to visually differentiate text. The following table explains these conventions.
Convention Italics Bold Plain Courier Italic Courier GUI-elements <> | ,... [] {} "[" "]" "{" "}" "|" Description Italics identify variables and introduce new terminology. Titles of manuals are in italic font. Italics are used for emphasis. Used to specify something important. Used to specify written code. Used to specify parameters. Elements of the graphical user interface are written in this style. Filenames and function names to be defined are delimited by <>. Used to specify an alternative between several items. Used to specify an item which may be repeated. Used to specify optional items. Used to specify an optional item which may be repeated. Writing a metacharacter in quotation marks negates the syntactical meaning stated above; the character is taken as a literal. For example, the line "[" X "]" [ Y ] denotes the letter X enclosed in brackets, optionally followed by the letter Y.

Intel XFlash Users Manual


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Intel XFlash Users Manual

General Usage
This chapter provides the general usage of the Intel XFlash, including:

Section 2.1, Command Line Syntax on page 12 describes the command line syntax and
shows a simple example. It also describes the mandatory order of options.

Section 2.2, Option Overview on page 14 provides a brief description of options.

Intel XFlash Users Manual


General Usage


Command Line Syntax

The Intel XFlash is started using the following command line: Standard mode: Expert mode: where:
Argument xflash Description xflash is the program name. The Intel XFlash can be used in standard mode and expert mode. We recommend to use the standard mode. Where expert mode is an expanded standard mode providing additional options. See also Section 2.2, Option Overview on page 14 and Chapter 3, Intel XFlash Options. If you start the program from another directory location than it is installed, you need to specify the entire directory path to the program. E.g. C:\programs\xflash. Specifies the complete name of the image file including file extension and the directory path. The specification of imagefile is not allowed if the option -e is used. See also Section 3.6, -e on page 21. The option -p or -t is mandatory. If -p is used, the Intel XFlash is started in standard mode where -t starts the Intel XFlash in expert mode. The difference between standard and expert mode is the number of options. There are some additional options that can only be used in expert mode. See also Section 2.2, Option Overview on page 14 and Chapter 3, Intel XFlash Options. The parameter platform specifies the board being used. All parameters available for platform are listed in the boards.ini file and are case-sensitive. For more information on the parameter list refer to Appendix A. The Intel XFlash may be called using command line options. Available options are described Section 2.2, Option Overview on page 14 and Chapter 3, Intel XFlash Options. The numbers of options related to standard mode and expert mode differs. In standard mode, all options specific to expert mode are disabled where in expert mode all options are supported. xflash [imagefile] -p platform [options] xflash [imagefile] -t platform [options]


-p platform -t platform



Intel XFlash Users Manual

General Usage

Example 1. Starting the Intel XFlash

xflash C:\working\led.bin -p DPXA250

The command line above burns the image file led.bin, located in the directory C:\working into the flash memory of the board. Example 2. Starting the Intel XFlash
xflash ..\working\led.bin -p DPXA250

Assuming the Intel XFlash is installed in Programs\Xflash, the command line above burns the image file led.bin, located in the directory Programs\working into the flash memory of the board.


Order of Arguments
The order of arguments is important. Please see the command line syntax for details and Section 2.1.2, Option Arguments and their Order on page 13.


Option Arguments and their Order

Option arguments options are preceded by -. They modify the default actions of the Intel XFlash. The option names and their parameters are case-sensitive. The available options are described in Section 2.2, Option Overview on page 14. The order of options is mandatory. The order is as follows:
-e -v -lock|-unlock -verify -check -n -f -a -u -l -o -b|-bb|-bd -tgttype "tgt" -help

Intel XFlash Users Manual


General Usage


Option Overview
The following table contains a brief description of available command line options. Column Mode shows if the option is in standard mode or in expert mode available. For a detailed description refer to Chapter 3, Intel XFlash Options.


The order of options is mandatory. Please refer to Section 2.1.2, Option Arguments and their Order on page 13.

Table 1. Intel XFlash Option Overview

Mode Option Standard -a offset -b blocknumber | startblock-endblock -bb -bd -check -e -fformat -help -l address -lock -n flashname -o -p platform -t platform -tgttype "tgt" -u base_address -unlock -v X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Expert X X Sets an offset offset for the image file. Specifies which block blocknumber or which block range startblock-endblock are used. Only one of -b, -bb, -bd may be set. Specifies that all boot blocks are used. Only one of -b, -bb, -bd may be set. Specifies that all data blocks are used. Only one of -b, -bb, -bd may be set. Checks if the flash memory has been erased. Erases the complete flash memory. Only one of -e, -v, -lock, -unlock may be set. Sets the binary format of the image file to format. Displays the help text. Use xflash -help. Sets the start address of the relocatable burn algorithm to address. Locks the complete flash memory. Only one of -e, -v, -lock, -unlock may be set. Sets the targets external flash memory to flashname. Burns the flash without erasing the used blocks. Sets the standard mode. Cannot be used with -t. Sets the expert mode. Cannot be used with -p. Sets the target connection interface to tgt. Sets the base address of the flash to base_address. Unlocks the complete flash memory. Only one of -e, -v, -lock, -unlock may be set. Compares the contents of the flash memory with the image file. Only one of -e, -v, -lock, -unlock may be set. Compares the contents of the flash memory with the image file after the burn process. Description




Intel XFlash Users Manual

Intel XFlash Options

This chapter describes all available command line options in detail. The syntax, a description and examples are provided. For the usage of options and an overview, refer to Chapter 2, General Usage. Warning: The order of options is mandatory. Please refer to Section 2.1.2, Option Arguments and their Order on page 13.

Intel XFlash Users Manual


Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -a offset Description:

The -a option defines the offset offset for the image file. A binary is burned at the flash memorys base address + offset. A hex file is burned at the flash memorys base address + contained address + offset. The default value of offset is 0x0. Example 3. Option -a
xflash hello.bin -p DPXA250 -a 0x0F

The flash memory of the board is burned at address 0x0000000F because the flash starts at 0x0.


Intel XFlash Users Manual

Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -b blocknumber | startblock-endblock


This option requires option -t (expert mode).


The option -b specifies which block or which block range of the flash memory is used. The parameter blocknumber defines the block number. In case of a block range, startblock defines the first block number and endblock the last block number. Note that option -b requires option -t. Only one of -b, -bb, -bd may be set. If none of them is set, all blocks are used. You may combine this option with one of -e, -v, -lock, or -unlock. Example 4. Option -b
xflash -t DPXA250 -unlock -b 0-10

The command line above unlocks the blocks 0-10 of the flash memory.

Further Information:

Section 3.3, -bb on page 18 Section 3.4, -bd on page 19 Section 3.6, -e on page 21 Section 3.10, -lock on page 25 Section 3.14, -t on page 29 Section 3.17, -unlock on page 32 Section 3.18, -v on page 33

Intel XFlash Users Manual


Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -bb


This option requires option -t (expert mode).


The option -bb specifies that all boot blocks are used. Note that option -bb requires option -t. Only one of -b, -bb, -bd may be set. If none of them is set, all blocks are used. You may combine this option with one of -e, -v, -lock, or -unlock. Example 5. Option -bb
xflash -t DPXA250 -unlock -bb

The command line above unlocks all data blocks of the flash memory.

Further Information:

Section 3.2, -b on page 17 Section 3.4, -bd on page 19 Section 3.6, -e on page 21 Section 3.10, -lock on page 25 Section 3.14, -t on page 29 Section 3.17, -unlock on page 32 Section 3.18, -v on page 33


Intel XFlash Users Manual

Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -bd


This option requires option -t (expert mode).


The option -bd specifies that all data blocks are used. Note that option -bd requires option -t. Only one of -b, -bb, -bd may be set. If none of them is set, all blocks are used. You may combine this option with one of -e, -v, -lock, or -unlock. Example 6. Option -bb
xflash -t DPXA250 -unlock -bd

The command line above unlocks all boot blocks of the flash memory.

Further Information:

Section 3.2, -b on page 17 Section 3.3, -bb on page 18 Section 3.6, -e on page 21 Section 3.10, -lock on page 25 Section 3.14, -t on page 29 Section 3.17, -unlock on page 32 Section 3.18, -v on page 33

Intel XFlash Users Manual


Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -check


The option -check can only be combined with -b, -bb, -bd, not with other options.

When the option -check is set, the Intel XFlash checks if the whole flash memory has been erased. This is useful to check whether the memory is physically OK or not. The option -check can only be combined with the options -b, -bd, -bb, not with other options. If the option -check is omitted, no check is performed. Example 7. Option -check
xflash hello.bin -p DPXA250 -check

This command line checks if the flash memory of the board has been erased.

Further Information:

Section 3.2, -b on page 17 Section 3.3, -bb on page 18 Section 3.4, -bd on page 19


Intel XFlash Users Manual

Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -e Description:

The option -e erases the complete flash memory, or erases specific blocks of the flash memory when combined with one of the options -b, -bb, -bd. If the option -e is omitted, all used blocks are automatically erased during the burn process. Only one of -e, -v, -lock, -unlock may be set. Example 8. Option -e
xflash -t DPXA250 -e -b 0-10

The command line above erases the blocks 0-10 of the flash memory.

Further Information:

Section 3.2, -b on page 17 Section 3.3, -bb on page 18 Section 3.4, -bd on page 19 Section 3.10, -lock on page 25 Section 3.17, -unlock on page 32 Section 3.18, -v on page 33

Intel XFlash Users Manual


Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -fformat Description:

The option -f enables to specify the binary format format of the image file. If the option -f is omitted, the Intel XFlash automatically detects the image file format. The parameter format may have one of the following values: Table 2. Available Binary Formats of the Image File
Format b h i Description absolute binary format Motorola* HEX format Intel HEX format

Example 9. Option -f
xflash hello.hx -p DPXA250 -fi

This command line burns the flash memory of the board. The image file hello.hx contains the Intel HEX format.


Intel XFlash Users Manual

Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -help Description:

The option -help displays an overview of available options in standard as well as expert mode. Example 10. Option -help
xflash -help

This command line displays the help text.

Intel XFlash Users Manual


Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -l address


This option requires option -t (expert mode).


The option -l enables to set the start address address of the relocatable burn algorithm in the flash memory. If the option -l is omitted, the Intel XFlash assumes the boards default. See also Appendix A, Configuration File and Initialization. Example 11. Option -l
xflash hello.bin -t DPXA250 -l 0xA0100000

Assuming an application has already been loaded to addresses 0xA0000000..0xA00FFFFF, the command line above loads the start address of the burn algorithm at 0xA01000000.

Further Information:

Section 3.14, -t on page 29


Intel XFlash Users Manual

Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -lock Description:

The option -lock locks the complete flash memory, or locks specific blocks of the flash memory when combined with one of the options -b, -bb, -bd. If -lock is omitted, all used blocks are automatically locked during the burn process. Only one of -e, -v, -lock, -unlock may be set. Example 12. Option -lock
xflash -p DPXA250 -lock -b 0-10

The command line above locks the blocks 0-10 of the flash memory.

Further Information:

Section 3.2, -b on page 17 Section 3.3, -bb on page 18 Section 3.4, -bd on page 19 Section 3.6, -e on page 21 Section 3.17, -unlock on page 32 Section 3.18, -v on page 33

Intel XFlash Users Manual


Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -n flashname Description:

The option -n sets the name of the targets external flash memory to flashname. The parameter flashname may have one of the values listed in Table 3. If the option -n is omitted, the Intel XFlash assumes the boards standard external flash memory. Table 3. Flashnames for the Option -n
Flash Type on Board B C IQ80310 J3 J3 K3 K3 MSA of PXA800F PXA262 internal XScale of PXA800F K18 K18 W30 flashname GENPID_SIMPLE GENPID_IQ80310 GENPID_8 GENPID_16 GENPID_S_800F_MSA GENPID_PXA262 GENPID_S_800F_XS

Example 13. Option -n

xflash hello.bin -p DBPXA250 -n GENPID_16

This command line burns the flash memory of the board using the external flash memory.


Intel XFlash Users Manual

Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -o


This option requires option -t (expert mode).


The option -o burns the flash without erasing the used blocks. If the option -o is omitted, all blocks are automatically erased before the flash memory is burned. Example 14. Option -o
xflash hello.bin -t DBPXA250 -o

The command line above overwrites all blocks during the burn process.

Further Information:

Section 3.2, -b on page 17 Section 3.3, -bb on page 18 Section 3.4, -bd on page 19 Section 3.14, -t on page 29

Intel XFlash Users Manual


Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -p platform


Either option -p or -t has to be set.


The option -p starts the Intel XFlash in standard mode. A specific set of options is enabled for this mode. For an overview of enabled options in standard mode see Section 2.2, Option Overview on page 14. The parameter platform specifies the board being used. All parameters available for platform are listed in the boards.ini file and are case-sensitive. For more information on the parameter list refer to Appendix A, Configuration File and Initialization. Example 15. Option -p
xflash hello.bin -p DBPXA250

This command line burns the flash memory of the board using the image file hello.bin.

Further Information:

Section 3.14, -t on page 29


Intel XFlash Users Manual

Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -t platform


Either option -p or -t has to be set.


The option -t starts the Intel XFlash in expert mode. All options of the standard mode and an additional set of options are enabled for this mode. For an overview of enabled options in expert mode see Section 2.2, Option Overview on page 14. The parameter platform specifies the board being used. All parameters available for platform are listed in the boards.ini file and are case-sensitive. For more information on the parameter list refer to Appendix A, Configuration File and Initialization. Example 16. Option -p
xflash hello.bin -t DBPXA250

This command line burns the flash memory of the board in expert mode using the image file hello.bin.

Further Information:

Section 3.13, -p on page 28

Intel XFlash Users Manual


Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -tgttype "tgt" Description:

The option -tgttype sets the target connection interface to tgt. If the option -tgttype is omitted, the Intel XFlash assumes the Macraigor Systems OCDemon* Raven ARM 20 JTAG interface. The parameter tgt may have one of the following values:
tgt JTAG XScale Description Specifies the Macraigor Systems OCDemon* Raven ARM 20 JTAG interface.

Example 17. Option -tgttype

xflash hello.bin -p DBPXA250 -tgttype "JTAG XScale"

This command line burns the flash memory of the board using the Macraigor Systems OCDemon* Raven ARM 20 JTAG interface.


Intel XFlash Users Manual

Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -u base_address Description:

The option -u sets the base address of the flash memory to the address base_address. The parameter base_address is a hexadecimal value. If the option -u is omitted, the Intel XFlash assumes the boards default. See also Appendix A, Configuration File and Initialization. Example 18. Option -u
xflash hello.bin -p DBPXA250 -u 0x100000

This command line burns the flash memory of the board. The base address of the flash memory is set to 0x0B.

Intel XFlash Users Manual


Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -unlock Description:

The option -unlock unlocks the complete flash memory, or unlocks specific blocks of the flash memory when combined with one of the options -b, -bb, -bd. If -unlock is omitted, all used blocks are automatically unlocked during the burn process. Only one of -e, -v, -lock, -unlock may be set. Example 19. Option -lock
xflash -t DBPXA250 -unlock -b 0-10

The command line above unlocks the blocks 0-10 of the flash memory.

Further Information:

Section 3.2, -b on page 17 Section 3.3, -bb on page 18 Section 3.4, -bd on page 19 Section 3.6, -e on page 21 Section 3.10, -lock on page 25 Section 3.18, -v on page 33


Intel XFlash Users Manual

Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -v Description:

The option -v compares the contents of the flash memory with the image file. No burn process is performed. If -v is omitted, no comparison takes place. Only one of -e, -v, -lock, -unlock may be set. The result of the comparison is printed to the screen using a message like the following ones: If the comparison fails:
... Progress: 0% Verify memory failed at address 0x4c. Stop verifying Error when verifying file!

If the comparison is successfully:

... Progress: 100% Memory Successfully Verified File successfully verified.

Example 20. Option -v

xflash hello.bin -p DBPXA250 -v -b 0-10

The contents of the flash memory (block 0-10) is compared with the image file hello.bin.

Further Information:

Section 3.2, -b on page 17 Section 3.3, -bb on page 18 Section 3.4, -bd on page 19 Section 3.6, -e on page 21 Section 3.10, -lock on page 25 Section 3.17, -unlock on page 32 Section 3.19, -verify on page 34

Intel XFlash Users Manual


Intel XFlash Options


Syntax: -verify Description:

The option -verify compares the contents of the flash memory with the image file after the burn process. The result of the comparison is printed to the screen using a message shown in Section 3.18, -v on page 33. If the option -verify is omitted, the Intel XFlash performs a burn process only. Example 21. Option -verify
xflash hello.bin -p DBPXA250 -verify

The flash memory of the board is burned. After the burn process has been completed, the contents of the flash memory is compared with the image file.

Further Information:

Section 3.18, -v on page 33


Intel XFlash Users Manual

Configuration File and Initialization

The Intel XFlash uses a board configuration file boards.ini.The configuration file contains board-specific default settings such as the flash type of the board or the base address of the flash memory. The installation of the Intel XFlash contains a predefined boards.ini file and initialization scripts. Figure 1 shows the structure of this configuration file. Figure 1. Structure of the Configuration File boards.ini
[GLOBAL] connection=parameter [platform] standardflash=flashname monaddr=maddress scanchain=name algoaddr=address baseaddr=base_address ... ... ... [platform] standardflash=flashname monaddr=maddress scanchain=name algoaddr=address baseaddr=base_address

Global section

Platform section 1

Platform section n

The configuration file contains two types of sections: a global section and one or more platform sections. The global section starts with [GLOBAL] followed by the target connection connection=parameter. The parameter parameter specifies the port, e.g. lpt1:1. The port may be changed. The platform section starts with [platform] where platform is the name of the platform. Each platform section contains the following lines:
standardflash=flashname monaddr=maddress scanchain=name algoaddr=address Defines the default flashname flashname of the platform. To change the default, refer to Section 3.11, -n on page 26. Defines the default address maddress that is used with the option -monaddr in the debugger startup command. Defines the default board type name in the JTAG chain. Defines the default start address address of the relocatable burn algorithm in the flash memory. The default value is 0xa. To change the default, refer to Section 3.9, -l on page 24. Defines the default base address base_address of the flash memory. To change the default, refer to Section 3.16, -u on page 31.


The Intel XFlash uses an associated initialization script <filename>.xdb for the debugger as well. Where filename is the name of the platform specified in the configuration file as platform.

Intel XFlash Users Manual


Configuration File and Initialization

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Intel XFlash Users Manual

-a, option 14, 16 -b, option 14, 17 -bb, option 14, 18 -bd, option 14, 19 -check, option 14, 20 -e, option 14, 21 -f, option 14, 22 -help, option 14, 23 -l, option 14, 24 -lock, option 14, 25 -n, option 14, 26 -o, option 14, 27 -p, option 12, 14, 28 -t, option 12, 14, 29 -tgttype, option 14, 30 -u, option 14, 31 -unlock, option 14, 32 -v, option 14, 33 -verify, option 14, 34 data, overwriting 27 defaults base address 35 board type 35 flashname 35 start address 35 startup address 35 displaying help list 23 documentation, related documentation 7

erasing flash memory 21 expert mode 12, 29

files boards.ini 35 configuration file 35 image file 12 comparing with flash memory 33, 34 setting binary format 22 flash memory checking 20 comparing with image file 33, 34 erasing 21 locking 25 setting name 26 unlocking 32 XFlash tool 5 flashname 35 format setting binary format of image file 22

arguments, order 13

base address 31, 35 binary format 22 blocks setting blocks to be used 17 setting boot blocks to be used 18 setting data blocks to be used 19 board type 35 boards.ini, file 35 boot blocks 18 burn algorithm, start address 24

general usage 11 global section 35

checking flash memory 20 command line syntax expert mode 12 standard mode 12 comparing flash memory with image file 33, 34 configuration file 35 conventions of this manual 9

help list 23

image file 12 comparing with flash memory 33, 34 setting binary format 22 initialization script 35 Intel XFlash general usage 1114 introduction 5

data blocks 19

Intel XFlash Users Manual


options 1534

of option arguments 13 overwriting existing data 27

locking flash memory 25

platform 12 platform section 35

manuals, related manuals 7

requirements 8

names, flashname 35

setting base address 31 binary format of image file 22 blocks 17 boot blocks 18 data blocks 19 name of external flash 26 start address of burn algorithm 24 target connection 30 standard mode 12, 28 start address 35 of burn algorithm 24 startup address 35

options 1534 order 13 overview 14 -a 14, 16 -b 14, 17 -bb 14, 18 -bd 14, 19 -check 14, 20 -e 14, 21 -f 14, 22 -help 14, 23 -l 14, 24 -lock 14, 25 -n 14, 26 -o 14, 27 -p 12, 14, 28 -t 12, 14, 29 -tgttype 14, 30 -u 14, 31 -unlock 14, 32 -v 14, 33 -verify 14, 34 order of arguments 13

target connection 30

unlocking flash memory 32

XFlash tool, introduction 5


Intel XFlash Users Manual

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