Training and Tutoring Capabilities of TSOF Members (LEI)

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Training and Tutoring Capabilities of TSOF Members

Lithuanian Energy Institute
1.1 1.2 1.3 1. Reactor Safety BASIC PRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR SAFETY IAEAs safety standards program Safety fundamentals Defense in depth concept Core inventory of radioactive nuclides Role of successive barriers in preventing spread of radioactive products Mitigation of radiological consequences of significant release IAEA safety requirements for nuclear power plant operation Operational safety Legal and governmental infrastructure for nuclear radiation, radioactive waste and transport safety International safety related conventions SAFETY ASSESSMENT OF NUCLEAR REACTORS Deterministic accident analysis - Basic concepts - Classification of events and operating conditions - Design basis accidents (DBA) - Beyond DBA analysis - Tools and methods - Overview of the main thermal hydraulics system codes Probabilistic Safety Analysis - Basic concepts - General methodology-sequences and systems modeling - Parameters estimation and sequences quantification - Level 2 PSA - Level 3 PSA - Use of PSA Analysis of Severe Accidents - Severe accident phenomena - Simulation tools ASSESSMENT OF THERMAL-HYDRAULIC CODE CALCULATIONS Goal for the design of TH computer codes Need in licensing Characterization of ITF and SETF transient scenarios The consistent application of a TH system code TH computer codes - Balance equations and numerical solution method. - Constitutive equations. - Code structure. - Special models (pump, separator, valves, etc). Procedures for development nodalizations Qualification procedures (Steady State and On-transient) of TH calculations Quantification of Accuracy of a Code Calculation Best Estimate approach in Safety analysis Tools and Methods for the BE ACCIDENT SCENARIOS, SOURCE TERMS AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES Specifics of Accidents for Different Reactor Types. Algorithms of Development of Consequences Source Term Concepts Introduction to Accident Scenarios Severe accident phenomenology. Source term associated with severe accidents Plant and Core States Source Term Calculation Methods. Uncertainties; Restrictions Dose Calculation: Environmental Consequences Beyond Design Basis Accidents, Accident Management Three Mile Island accident Chernobyl accident Accident on the Fukushima NPPs MECHANICAL ANALYSIS, INCL. FINITE ELEMENT METHODS, FRACTURE MECHANICS, SEISMIC ANALYSIS Basic concept of Structural Integrity Deterministic Assessment of Strength Probabilistic Assessment o Strength Probabilistic Assessment of Defects Life time of Structures Risk Based Inspection Inspection Qualification Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking Finite Element Crack Modelling, Residual Stresses, Stress Analysis of Pipes Design and Assessment Rules Defect Assessment WASTE MANAGEMENT Introduction and definition International standards Waste classification Waste generation Characterization of waste Discharges Waste conditioning Storage of radioactive waste 1.4 1.5 2.1 2. Final Waste Disposal SAFETY OF DECOMMISSIONING Introduction and definition International standards IAEA Decommissioning Safety Standards EC decommissioning policy Decommissioning planning and conduct Safety assessment Ignalina NPP Decommissioning project Safety assessment of decontamination technology for Ignalina NPP Unit 1 main circulation circuit, blow down, cooling and bypass purification systems Dismantling and Decontamination (D&D) project at Ignalina NPP: Licensing Plan EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE OF THE REGULATOR Approach & methodology Introduction including Project Description Severe Accident Definition Severe Accident Phenomena Evaluation Analysis Results For SAMGs Development of Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG) Strategies Development of SAMGs SAMG implementation How the SAMGs are used SAMG Format & Structure Review of SAMGs Including Support Procedures SAMG Verification & Validation, Training, and regulatory Review 2.2 3.1 3.2 3. Radiation Protection EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE PRINCIPLES Accident assessment Impact forecasting Preparedness for nuclear and radiological terrorism Public information and crisis communication The international nuclear and radiological event scale ACCIDENT MANAGEMENT ON SITE Handling of Deviations, Incidents and Accidents Alarm Criteria. Alarming and Notification. Principles for Recovering of Safety Measures to Protect Vital Equipment and Buildings. Measures to Protect Plant Personnel On-site Emergency Response Organization 3.3

1. Training
Contents of the course Title Subtitles

Targeted Audience Regular Course or Course on Demand Course Language Duration of the Course Charge Material available Slides, Papers e-learning elements available Contact

Young professionals starting to work in the nuclear power industry Course on Demand English, Russian, Lithuanian 2 days

Young professionals starting to work in the nuclear power industry Course on Demand English, Russian, Lithuanian 2 days

Young professionals who are interested in thermal hydraulic analysis Course on Demand English 2 days

Young professionals starting to work in the nuclear power industry Course on Demand English, Russian, Lithuanian 1 day

Young professionals who are interested in structural analysis Course on Demand English 1 day

Young professionals starting to Young professionals starting to work in the work in the nuclear power industry nuclear power industry Course on Demand English, Lithuanian 0.5 day Course on Demand English, Lithuanian 1 day

Young professionals starting to work in the nuclear power industry Course on Demand English, Russian 1 day

Young professionals starting to work in the nuclear power industry Course on Demand English, Russian 1 day

Young professionals starting to work in the nuclear power industry Course on Demand English, Russian 1 day

slides NA Algirdas Kaliatka, Tel: +370 37 401903; 1.1

slides NA

slides NA

slides NA

slides NA

2. Teaching Capacity




1.5 Nuclear engineering






Nuclear engineering Field of Competence Nuclear engineering Deterministic safety assessment Probabilistic safety assessment

Nuclear engineering Deterministic safety assessment Thermal hydraulics Nuclear engineering

Deterministic safety assessment Probabilistic safety assessment Stress analysis under static and dynamic loadings Fracture mechanics 1.4 1.5 2.1 SAFETY OF DECOMMISSIONING Introduction and definition IAEA Decommissioning Safety Standards Decommissioning planning and conduct Safety assessment Dismantling and Decontamination of equipment 2.2 3.1 DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE ACCIDENT MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES (SAMG) STRATEGIES Approach & methodology Severe Accident Phenomena Evaluation SAMG Strategies SAMG implementation Review of SAMGs SAMG Verification & Validation, Training, and regulatory Review 3.2 3.3 Nuclear engineering Nuclear engineering Nuclear engineering Nuclear engineering Nuclear engineering

3. Tutoring

1.1 SAFETY ASSESSMENT OF A NUCLEAR REACTOR Safety fundamentals Defense in depth concept Nuclear safety technology IAEA safety requirements for nuclear power plant operation Operational safety Reactor safety technology Deterministic accident analysis Thermal-hydraulics




Field of Competence

Nuclear engineering

ANALYSIS OF PROCESSES IN CONFINEMENT OF NPP Overview on the COCOSYS code Reactor safety technology Handling of the code Confinement system COCOSYS tools TH computer codes (Balance equations Nuclear safety technology Thermal-hydraulic module THY and numerical solution method; Reactor safety technology Development of containment model for Constitutive equations) Thermal-hydraulics specified NPP. ASTEC Code structure. TH computer codes (RELAP, ATHLET) Nodalisation development Special models (pump, separator, valves, Computer codes for severe accident (Engineering handbook). etc). analysis (ASTEC, ATHLET-CD) Nodalisation development (skeleton, Procedures for development nodalizations RELAP, ASTEC Codes structure. first draft). Qualification procedures Special models (pump, separator, valves, Modelling of design basis accident TH calculations etc). (first calculations). Severe accident phenomena Development of Thermal-hydraulic model Modelling of severe accidents of spent fuel pools TH calculations Severe accident phenomena Modelling of severe accidents in spent fuel pools Nuclear engineering Nuclear engineering; Nuclear engineering; Deterministic safety assessment Deterministic safety assessment; Deterministic safety assessment; Thermal hydraulics Thermal hydraulics Thermal hydraulics

Nuclear engineering

Nuclear engineering

Targeted Audience

Young professionals starting to work in the Young professionals starting to work in the Young professionals starting to work in the Young professionals starting to work in the nuclear power industry, who are interested nuclear power industry, who are interested nuclear power industry, who are interested in thermal hydraulic analysis in thermal hydraulic analysis in thermal hydraulic analysis nuclear power industry 4 months English, Russian, Lithuanian 5 months English, Russian, Lithuanian 6 months English, Russian, Lithuanian 5 months English, Russian, Lithuanian

Young professionals starting to work in the nuclear power industry 4 months English, Russian, Lithuanian

Young professionals starting to work in the nuclear power industry 4 months English, Russian, Lithuanian

Duration Tutoring Language Charge

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