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Leadership / Hi Fly Training


This Quiz on Leadership will clarify your ideas and assumptions about

A. Individual Work :
Go through each of the statements below carefully and circle
A ( agree ), D ( disagree ) and U ( undecided )

1. People are not born - leaders, they become so......A D U

2. Your power and influence as leaders comes solely

from your position as leader.....................................A D U

3. An effective leader will make all decisions for the

group by himself / herself..........................................A D U

4. An effective leader will not hesitate when it comes to

decision making..........................................................A D U

5. A good leader will try his / her best to prevent conflicts,

but if a conflict has arisen, he / she will face it
and solve it.............. ...................... .........A D U

6. An effective leader will solve all the problems of the

group members by himself / herself.............................A D U

7. A good leader will never admit his / her mistakes least

his / her followers will despise him / her.......................A D U

8. It is not possible to achieve the goals of the group

quickly and effectively and at the same time maintain
a good relationship with the members..........................A D U

9. An effective leader will always “ play it safe ” and

avoid taking any risk.....................................................A D U

10. If you want to achieve goals and maintain high

standards, only autocratic style of leadership
will work.........................................................................A D U
Leadership / Hi Fly Training

This Quiz on Leadership will clarify your ideas and assumptions about

A. Individual Work :
Go through each of the statements below carefully and circle
A ( agree ), D ( disagree ) and U ( undecided )

11. A good leader will “ model ” good behaviour

than “ preach ” about it........................................................A D U

12. A good leader will be quick to blame and slow

to praise..............................................................................A D U

13. An effective leader will make great efforts to bring

in clarity of roles and goals..................................................A D U

14. An effective leader believes that by delegating

his / her power, he / she is not losing power but
rather multiplying it............................................................. A D U

15. An effective leader talks less and listens more...................A D U

16. “ Get the job done, keep your feelings at home ” is a

good motto, for a good leader to instill into his
subordinates.......................................................................A D U

17. An effective leader will try his / her best to be always

just and impartial................................................................A D U

18. An effective leader will do all the planning and

decision making by himself / herself because if
he / she involves subordinates in these things,
it would be an unnecessary waste of time..........................A D U

19. Reporting and having recourse to higher authority

for every problem will undermine your own
influence and “ authority ”................................................. A D U

20. A good leader is one who knows the way, shows the
way and goes the way.........................................................A D U

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