Sample Community Diagnosis

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INTRODUCTION Community health Nursing (CHN) special field of nursing that combines the skills of nursing, public health and some phases of social assistance and functions as part of the total public health program for the promotion of health, the improvement of the conditions in the social and physical environment, rehabilitation of illness and disability ( WHO E pert Committee of Nursing )! "t#s the integration of nursing process in the community as its primary client! Community is a group of people sharing common geographical location and or common values and interest! "t functions $ithin a particular socio% cultural conte t $hich means that no t$o communities are alike! &he physical environment varies and so $ith the people#s $ay of life, as in behaving and coping $ith their internal and e ternal problems, concerns and responsibilities and such other affecting their interest, their associative links and relation $ith their surroundings and generally, their e istence as a people! 'lorence Nightingale believed that in manipulating the physical environment, the body could repair itself! Nurses or even clients alone can nurture the surroundings to create an environment conducive to body#s reparative processes! (uch that, the community people themselves, even in the absence of nurses can resolve e isting and arising community health problems through genuine cooperation to $ork together in controlling these environmental factors affecting and threatening their health! )irginia Henderson also added that $e, nurses, must *assist our clientele, sick or $ell, in the performance of activities contributing to health or its recovery that he+she $ould perform unaided if that person had the necessary strength, $ill or kno$ledge to gain independence as soon as possible,! Conversely, $e nurses are here to guide the community and fill the kno$ledge deficit that prevails to achieve independence! -fter all, health education is our primary role according to Nursing .a$ of /00/ and health promotion is our focus in the community! 'aye -bdellah, conceptuali1ed nursing as an art of science that mold the attitude, intellectual competencies and technical skills of the individual nurse to serve as guiding force and energy of the people in the community, and $ith their ability to help people sick or $ell in coping up $ith their health problems and needs! &he ultimate goal of the e pected efficient and effective delivery of service is the total improvement of health and 2uality of

life that $ould redound to lengthening the lives of our people! (o, among our primary concerns is to prolong life by maintaining healthy environment and appropriate lifestyle and care! Health is a gift, but $e have to $ork in keeping it al$ays in a desired good condition! &he 3Nheals pro4ect of the 5OH has been assigning nurses to the 3ural Health 6nit (3H6) for a period of one year $ith the sole purpose of achieving 6niversal Health Care to$ards community health enhancement! &o $hich nurses needed to be creative, resourceful and e plore innovative $ays to achieve and maintain high level of community health amidst this economic difficulties and very limited resources! &he 5OH re2uires a Community 5iagnosis for the completion of the training! &he focus of this study is the 7arangay (ioron of 8igmoto, Catanduanes! Community diagnosis or the study and identification of community problems by studying particularly the causes and effect commonly kno$n as assessment or situational analysis is designed to collect the re2uired data about the community in order to kno$ the different factors that directly or indirectly influence the health condition of the populace, to analy1e and formulate e planation for the occurrence of health nursing diagnosis as then delivered thereof to be the bases for developing and implementing community health nursing intervention and strategies! &his study utili1ed the nursing process, earnest thinking and prudent communication to client in the community, and the established culturally competent care for the community recogni1ing economic and ethnic characteristics of its members and the demonstrated therapeutic communication skills! Rationale &here is a need to conduct such investigation since for the past 9 years, even $ith the intense effort of the 3H6, health indicators in 7arangay (ioron hasn#t changed significantly! What could be the possible reasons for these and hopefully $e can find $orkable solutions! Significance of the study &his study $ill be significant to the follo$ing: ;rimarily, to the residents of 7arangay (ioron! &he information that

$ill be derived from this community diagnosis includes the graphical presentations of relevant data gathered and its interpretations to

identify, prioriti1e and find possible solution to both health problems and health risks for the ultimate goal of achieving a high level of community health! &he result of this study $ill also be significant to the .86, 3H6 and other community development organi1ations! &hese are agencies concerned in elevating the level of community health and they have the capability to change the lives of the people especially if the suggested solutions to identified problems need a huge sum of money! &hey $ill have the idea $here to focus! Hopefully $ith this, they $ill perceive $hich pro4ect must be prioriti1ed so that funds $ill be spent effectively and efficiently! &o other nearby 7aranggays< their leaders $ill have the idea on ho$ to deal or solve similar e isting and arising problems! Statement O !ecti"es #ene$al O !ecti"es 7y the end of the community assessment on 7arangay (ioron the community $ill posses ade2uate kno$ledge and consciousness to their present health condition and other health problems, $hereupon providing them necessary actions and solutions to prioriti1ed problems and subse2uently generate a good condition not only on health but also on the economic and social factors as $ell, to$ard the better and healthy community! S%ecific O !ecti"es Collects facts and information by the community survey, that is essential for indentifying the community needs and problems and $ill also help on monitoring the improvement of the health situation! 5etermine the problems and needs of the community and identify $hat should be the priorities and ho$ it is affecting the $hole community! 5issemination of the current health condition of the community and spreading of kno$ledge and information regarding the improvement of health condition, health distribution and its proper utili1ation 'ormulate helpful suggestions and recommendation solutions, programs and activities that are needed that $ill enable the community to solve the priority problems!

&ethodology and tool used &he study used the descriptive, non%e perimental both 2ualitative and 2uantitative methods of research! 8athering of primary data $ere done through survey using a closed% ended 2uestionnaire! &his made the data gathering smooth, not time consuming since the client $ill not be having difficulties in ans$ering the 2uestion and facilitates easy tabulation and interpretation of the data gathered! (econdary data $here gathered from the 3ural Health 6nit, especially the health indicators such as mortality and morbidity rate, etc! (loven formula $as not used to estimate the sample population si1e, but rather according to the 3Nheals manual to $hich it states that at least =0> of the total population! -ccording to the data gathered from C7?( (Community 7ased ?onitoring (ystem), in the year /0=/ (ioron has a total number of =@A households and the researcher used /0 households as its respondents to represent the entire community! &o remove biases and so that every household $ill have the chance to be selected, a probability sampling (lottery) $as used to identify the respondents! ;rior to conducting the survey, courtesy call $as done to barangay officials for the researcher#s safety and e plained to them the purpose of the community diagnoses in order to remove confusion! "n the intervie$ the respondents $ere like$ise e plained or informed $hy the survey is to be conducted and told that their confidentiality and anonymity be secured! Sco%e and Limitation of the study &his study is only limited to the 7aranggay (ioron and may or may not apply to the other 7aranggays! &he margin of error in this study is unkno$n since the estimates of population si1e is not patterned on scientific research or thesis so inconsistencies may or may not appear and can be attributed to sample si1e of respondents per se!

I ' CO&&UNIT( )ROFILE A* Desc$i%tion .ooking back through the years, 8igmoto, situated on the eastern part of Catanduanes, is /B kilometers to 7aras on the south, and A9 kilometers to )iga on the north, and could be reached by all passing the circumferential road! &he place $as formerly, a forestall area $here hunters of $ild animals used to roam and encamp! sitio of 7ato! &hese hunters made some clearings $hich became the nucleus of the early settlement in 8igmoto! &hen it became a - fe$ years before the close of the (panish era, scores of immigration of people from 7aras, 7ato and )irac settled in this place! &hus making 8igmoto the biggest barrio of the municipality of 7aras! 8igmoto has no records of its pre%historic period because it $as only from =BB9 to the early part of the -merican era that the civili1ation of the place begun! 8igmoto $as later separated from 7aras and made an independent municipality and inaugurated as such on ?ay =9, =C9=, to $hich land territory $as included the barrios or barangays of 5ororian and 7iong, $hich $ere formerly, the barrios of 7aras on the north, and for )icente, (ioron and (icmil $hich $ere formerly, the barrios of )iga on the south! -lso added is barangay (an ;edro in the hinterland! &he poblacion $as divided into three municipal districts: barangay district =, / and (ioron is a sleepy, $inds$ept and desolate barangay deserted by its $ell%off residents $ho settled else$here for better fortune! (ioron is lying bet$een the coastline and steep mountain ridges al$ays e posed to the fury of the ;acific Ocean and the ha1ards of landslide at time stormy $eather occurs! &his barangay is around si kilometers or more from the poblacion of 8igmoto and can be reached by passing the rough dirty road, and by the sea in motori1ed boat! &he lo$ly inhabitants live by means of simple farming and fishing!

8igmoto continues to soar as the third millennium approaches! 7ut $hen several destructive super%typhoons hit the locality in =CC9, then in =CCB! -nd on the succeeding years, the road became hardly passable! -t such critical period of time, the health care service, particularly to the poor and the needy could be done by providing them free medical assistance! "t is

only in this latter part of the year that greater improvements of the road being undertaken!

II+ )O)ULATION A* Total )o%ulation of the Ba$anggay @B9 is the total population of (ioron to $hich it has =@A households as of Duly, /0=/ B* Total num e$ of household su$"eyed /0 households C* Se, RatioNo! of ?ales 'ormula: (3 E %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% F =00> No! of 'emales (3 E 9@ + 9= F =00> (3 E =!=/ F =00> Sex Ratio = 112 "nterpretation: &he se ratio is ==/! &his suggests that in every =00 females there are ==/ males! &he population of males in this baranggay is higher than the females! D* Age and Se, Dist$i ution &able /!=
Age Bracket 6nder = =%9 G%=0 ==%=H =G%/0 /=%/9 /G%A0 A=%A9 AG%H0 H=%H9 HG%90 9=%99 9G%G0 G=%GH -bove G9 &otal Female Frequency A @ C 9 H H A A / / / / = = A 9= % /!B> G!9> B!0> H!G> A!@> =!9> /!B> /!B> =!9> =!9> =!9> =!9> =!/> =!/> /!B> H@!C> Male Frequency / == G H @ 9 H A / A A A = = / 9@ % /!0> =0!/> 9!G> A!@> G!9> H!G> A!@> /!B> =!9> /!B> /!B> /!B> =!/> =!/> =!9> 9A!/>

"nterpretation: &he table above sho$s the number of male and females in each age bracket! -s $e can see, early in their lives, the male population is higher

than the female! -s they gro$ older, the number of males is almost e2uivalent to the number of females! .ater in their lives, especially in the age bracket of more than G9 y+o, female population is already higher than males! &his can be attributed to the nature of $ork and more on the lifestyle to $hich more population of males are indulged in unhealthy habits of smoking and drinking alcohol compared to females! Graphical Pre entation o! Age an" Sex #i tri$ution Chart /!=

12 10 8 6 4 2 0

7 3
Less tha 1 y/o

9 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 1 1
6-10 y/o 15-20 y/o 26-30 y/o 36-40 y/o 46-50 y/o 56-60 y/o 65 y/o& above

Male Female

III+ ECONO&IC INDICES A% #epen"ency ratio No! of pop! 0%=H y+o I G9 y+o above 'ormula: 53 E %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% No! of population of =9 J GH y+o 53 E 9/ + 9G F =00> 53 E 0!CA F =00> #epen"ency Ratio& '(% "nterpretation: =00>

5ependency ratio reflects the proportion bet$een the dependent population (those $ith ages 0%=H y+o and G9 y+o and above) and labor population $hich includes ages from =9%GH y+o! - dependency ratio of C9> is high, meaning the labor population of the 7aranggay (ioron must $ork harder to earn more for the upbringing of the children, daily finances of the family and also for the health related e penditures of the aged population! B* Occu%ational Status &able A!= 're2uency > 8overnment Employee = /!9> 'isherman 9 =/!9> 'armer H =0> 7oth fishing and farming =0 /9> .aborer / 9> 7usiness = /!9> House$ife @ =@!9> &O&-. H0 =00> &able A!= sho$s the occupation of parents! &his study revealed that most of the households rely in both farming and fishing to earn for a living $hich comprises /9> of the total occupational status! 'ishing alone comprises =/!9>, farming alone comprises =0>, laborer is 9>, those employed in the government and $ith business establishment each comprise /!9> and the remaining =@!9> is comprised by plain house$ives! #$a%hical $e%$esentation of the Occu%ational Status 8raph A!= 3% 23% 17%

Gover me t !m"loyee F#sherma Farmer

3% 7%


F#sh# $ & Farm# $ Laborer %&s# ess 'o&se(#)e


)% A*erage Monthly +ncome &able A!/ A*erage Monthly +ncome .ess than 900 =,00= J 9,000 9,00= J =0,000 =0,00= J =9,000 =9,00= -bove &O&-. "nterpretation and analysis: Frequency 0 =/ G = = /0 % 0 G0> A0> 9> 9> =00>

&he data above (&able A!/) sho$s the average monthly income of the family! &o $hich G0> of the households has an average income that ranges from =00=%9000 pesos per month! A0> of the sample population earns monthly income that ranges from 9,00=%=0,000 pesos! While there are also households $ith average monthly income that ranges from =0,00=%=9,000 pesos and =9,00=%/0,000 each comprise 9> of the respondents! Having these data, $e can safely assume that most of the families are not capable of sending their children even to secondary education and more so to college! &his is no surprise, (ioron is more or less 9%Gkm a$ay from the to$n and you need 90pesos for each person to go back and forth! &hat#s is $hy many of them $ould rather spend their money for purchasing medicines than go to 3H6 and $ill 4ust receive G tablets of paracetamol or -&7#s! &his small amount of monthly income may only suffice their most primary needs like food and shelter! Graphical repre entation o! the A*erage Monthly +ncome 8raph A!/
60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

* 500+h" 1,001-5,000+h" 5,001-10,000+h" 10,001-15,000+h" 15,001-20,000+h"

* 500+h"


5,00110,00115,00110,000+h" 15,000+h" 20,000+h"

#% Pro*i"ing the !amily Financially

&able A!A ;rovider 'ather ?other 7oth 'ather and ?other 'amily ?embers 3elatives &O&-. 're2uency =/ 0 @ 9 / /G HG!/ 0 /G!C =C!/ @!@ =00> >

"nterpretation and analysis: &he table above gives us the idea that still, it#s the father $ho provides most of their daily needs $hich comprises HG!/>! 'amily members represent the big sisters or big brothers of the family comprising =C!/>! &here are fe$ households $ho belong to an e tended type of family, so it#s not surprising to see that @!@> is provided by otherrelatives!

Graphical pre entation o! percentage o! Family mem$er that pro*i"e !inancially 8raph A!A

50-00% 45-00% 40-00% 35-00% 30-00% 25-00% 20-00% 15-00% 10-00% 5-00% 0-00% Father Mother %oth Fam#ly Members .elat#ves


+,- S.)+.-)/01/RA0 +2#+)3S A% 0iteracy Rate No! of pop! B y+o above $hom can read and $rite 'ormula: .3 E %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =00> &otal No! of pop! B years and above .3 E G=+GC F =00> .3 E 0!BB F =00> 0iteracy rate i "nterpretation and analysis: .iteracy rate reflects the capability of the population $ho can both read and $rite! 3eading is not only confined in articulating the $ords but more especially it about comprehending $hat you have read! - literacy rate of BB> is not bad for a far%flung community like (ioron! = 44%

B% 3"ucational Attainment 3"ucational attainment o! parent ! &able H!= Educational -ttainment College 8raduate College 6ndergraduate High (chool 8raduate High (chool 6ndergraduate Elementary 8raduate Elementary 6ndergraduate &O&-. ' = = == C =/ G H0 /!9 /!9 /@!9 //!9 A0 =9 =00> >

&able H!= sho$s the educational attainment of parents! &his study revealed that most parents are at least elementary graduate $hich comprises A0>, high school graduate /@!9>, high school undergraduate //!9>, elementary undergraduate =9> and, college graduate and college undergraduate /!9>! -gain, the data is not surprising! (ioron has an elementary school, but the secondary level is situated in the to$n of 8igmoto $hich is more or less 9%Gkm a$ay from

(ioron! ?ost of them $ould like their children be sent to school, but it is difficult for the family since their monthly income is 4ust enough for food! 7ut there are some very dedicated students $ho are $alking 4ust to go to high school! &hey don#t care about the burning heat of the sun or even by the distance that they are going to travel for as long as they can continue studying! Graphical pre entation o! 3"ucational Attainment Chart H!=
!leme tary 0 /er$ra/ !leme tary Gra/ '#$h 12hool 0 /er$ra/ '#$h 12hool Gra/ 3olle$e 0 /er$ra/ 3olle$e Gra/
2-50% 2-50% 15%




)% Religion &able H!/ Religiou A!!iliation 3oman Catholic "glesia ni Cristo 7orn -gain ;rotestant &O&-. +nterpretation an" analy i & -s $e can see, all of the respondents are 3oman Catholic! ;eople in (ioron are very religious, there is also a small church that is situated near the 7aranggay hall and sometimes serve as their temporary settling area $henever there is an impending strong typhoon! - mass is also held there once a $eek! Frequency /0 0 0 0 /0 =00 0 0 0 =00> %

#% 5ou ing 1% .6ner hip &able H!A &ype of O$nership O$ned 3ented (hared Others &O&-. 2% 1ype o! Built &able H!H f Wood 7amboo Concrete Others ( (emi%Concrete) &O&-. C @ = / /0 H9 A9 9 =0 =00> > f =B 0 / 0 /0 C0 0 =0 0 =00> >

(% 1ype &able H!9 f (trong .ight ?ake (hift &O&-. H =G 0 /0 /0 B0 0 =00> >

7% 0ighting Facilitie &able H!G f Electric Kerosene Others &O&-. 8% 9itchen: )ooking Facilitie &able H!@ f Electric (tove 8as (tove 'ire$ood Charcoal Others &O&-. 0 / =C A 0 /H 0> B!A> @C!/> =/!9> 0 =00> > =H G 0 /0 @0> A0> O =00> >

+nterpretation an" analy i & &able H!A sho$s the o$nership! &he data revealed that C0> of the households o$n their houses, =0> is shared, and rented is 0>! &able H!H sho$s type of built! &he materials used in building the house! &he data above sho$s that H9> of the houses are made up of $ood, houses made from bamboo is A9>, semi%concrete 9>, and concrete is 9> also! &able H!9 sho$s type of the house! &his study revealed that B0> of the houses can be considered to light and /0> of the houses can be considered strong! &able H!G sho$s the lighting facilities! &his revealed that @0> of the household respondents uses electricity and the remaining A0> uses kerosene! &able H!@ sho$s the kitchen! &he data sho$ that most of the respondents uses fire$ood for cooking $hich comprises @C!/>, charcoal =/!9>, gas stove B!A>, $hile none of the respondents use electric stove! With the follo$ing data at hand, most of the respondents don#t spend much for the construction, maintenance and daily operational e penses of their house, such that most of the households are o$ned, B0> of $hich are made from light materials ($ood and bamboo) and most of the respondents uses fire$ood to cook for their food! -ll of these predominantly e isting housing conditions suggest that the respondents are not likely to invest their money to strengthen their houses and not likely to have the lu ury of using gas stove for cooking but rather use the money for their primary need, $hich is food! &hey $ould rather be tired of a ing fire$ood than to use gas stoves! (ioron is bounded by the ;acific Ocean in East and on its $estern part is mountainous! &he area is at risks for storm surges, earth2uakes, possible tsunami and landslides! -dded to the fact that B0> of the houses are built from light materials, $e can conclude that $hen any of the above calamities mentioned happened, the result can be disastrous! &herefore, disaster management plan is empirical in this area!

G! 9in" o! Family &able H!B ' Nuclear 'amily E tended 'amily (ingle ;arent 'amily 7lended 'amily &O&-. =B / 0 O /0 C0 =0 0 0 =00> >

&able H!B sho$s the kind of family! &his data revealed that most of the family is of nuclear type $hich comprises C0> and the remaining =0> is an e tended type of family!

,- 32,+R.2M321A0 +2#+)3S A% Source o! 6ater upply &able 9!= (ource ;iped in Communal 3iver+ .ake 5eep $ell -rtesian Well Others &O&-. f 0 =H =H A = 0 A/ 0 HA!B HA!B C!A A!= 0 =00> >

Graphical pre entation o! ource o! 6ater upply Chart 9!=

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Fre4&e 2y +#"e/ # 5rtes#a (ell 6ee" (ell la7e/r#ver 2omm& al

+nterpretation an" analy i & &able 9!= and graph 9!= give us the idea $ith regards to the sources of $ater supply for drinking, for cooking, for bathing and other personal use of $ater! -s $e can see most of the respondents get their $ater supply from lake+river and communal sources $hich comprises HA!B> each of them! (ome resorted to deep $ell, comprising C!A> $hile others to artesian $ell $hich is about A!=> of the total respondents! Categorically speaking, sources of $ater supply are predominantly type = and type /, very high risk for contamination since no $ater treatment plant e ists to protect the sources and ensure its potability! B% 1ype o! 1oilet

&able 9!/ &ype Open pit privy Close pit privy 'lush &ype Water%sealed latrine ;ail (ystem None &O&-. f 0 A 0 @ = C /0 0 =9 0 A9 9 H9 =00> >

Graphical pre entation o! toilet type Chart 9!/

o e "a#l system (ater seale/ latr# e )l&sh ty"e 2lose "#t "r#vy o"e +er2e ta$e 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% "#t "r#vy

+nterpretation an" analy i & &able 9!/ sho$s the kind of toilet being used! &he data collected revealed that there is a high number families $ithout toilet, comprising H9> of the total respondents! &he remaining 99> or those $ith toilet are further subdivided or specified into $ater J sealed latrine $hich is A9>, close pit privy =9>, pail system 9>, and flush type and open pit privy 0>! Number of households $ithout toilet here is significant enough to start an outbreak of diarrheal cases, $orsen by the fact that there is no treatment plant available to maintain the source of drinking supply!

)% ;a te #i po al 1% )ontainer &able 9!A &ype of Container Covered Open Others ((acks) None &O&-. /! Metho" o! #i po al &able 9!H f Collected 7urial in ;it Composting 7urning Open 5umping Waste (egregation &O&-. 0 0 = =@ =C 0 A@ 0 0 /!@ H9!C 9=!H 0 =00> > f 0 =C H = /H 0 @C!= =G!@ H!/ =00> >

#% #ome tic Animal &able 9!9 -nimals 5og Cat ;ig Chicken &O&-. +nterpretation an" analy i & &able 9!A sho$s the $aste disposal using container! &his study revealed that open container @C!=>, using sack =G!@>, $ithout container H!/> and covered container 0>! &able 9!H sho$s the method of $aste disposal! &his study revealed that open dumping 9=!H>, burning H9!C>, composting /!@>, $ater segregation and collected and burial in pit 0>! &able 9!9 sho$s the kind of animals found in the house! &his study revealed that dog AA!A>, chicken A0!B>, cat /9!G> and pig =0!A>! f =A =0 H =/ AC AA!A /9!G =0!A A0!B =00> >

&he finding as above stipulated lead the interpretation that the barangay or community has no proper $aste disposal, thus implying that their daily taken food are open and easily contaminated by vectors or disease% carriers as flies, cockroaches that use to settle on food and due to contact $ith garbage and domestic animals as cat and dog usually fre2uenting places open to $aste disposal!


.EALT. )ROFILE/INDICES &able G!= &ype of (torage 7ag 7asket 3efrigerator Cupboard $ith (creen &O&-. f =B = = /0 C0 9 9 =00> >

1% Foo" Storage Practice

2% +n!ant Fee"ing Practice &able G!/ f 7reastfeeding 7ottle 'eeding ?i ed 'eeding &O&-. =9 0 9 /0 @9 0 /9 =00> >

(% +mmuni<ation Statu &able G!A f Complete "ncomplete &O&-. C A =/ @9 /9 =00> >

&able G!= sho$s ho$ food are kept and stored! &his study revealed that bag basket C0>, refrigerator 9>, and cupboard $ith screen 9>! &able G!/ sho$s the infant feeding practices! &his study revealed that breastfeeding @9>, mi ed feeding /9>! &able G!A sho$s immuni1ation to their under =0 years old children! &his study revealed that complete immuni1ation @9>, incomplete immuni1ation /9>! &he finding pertaining to health profile has been interpreted that the food storage or ho$ food are being kept and stored in the barangay are not safe from contamination, and also their food preparation is like$ise not safe from contact of disease carriers! &hat the lactating mothers and those $ho are not practicing breastfeeding

are not fully imparted kno$ledge on the very significance and advantages of breastfeeding! &hat not all mothers submit their children for immuni1ation due to fear of the slight fever, $hich is the first effect of vaccine in the body! &hat the parents, both father and mother are $orking and could not able to attend the monthly immuni1ation in the barangay, by $hich resulted on the failure to kno$ or understand the importance of complete immuni1ation to their children! 7% 5ealth Re ource : Facilitie &able G!H Health 3esources + 'acilities 5istrict Hospital Health Center 7arangay Health (tation &O&-. f H =0 G /0 /0> 90> G0> =00> >

Pie graph o! health Re ource :Facilitie Chart G!=

6#str#2t 'os"#tal 20%

%'1 30%

'ealth 3e ter 50%

"nterpretation and -nalysis: -ccording to the data above (table G!H), 90> of the total respondents prefer to have their check up in the 3H6#s, $hile A0> prefers to $ait until the health care provider visit the baranggay health stations and the remaining /0> prefers to visit the 5istrict hospital! 'actors that affect their choice of health facility are the availability of the physician and the availability of free medicines! &hat#s $hy, much of the population seek the services of the 3H6! 8% )ommunity Facilitie

&able G!9 f 7arangay Health (tation (chool ?arket ;ark (;la1a) Others (Church) &O&-. "nterpretation and -nalysis: -ccording to the data above (table G!H), 90> of the total respondents prefer to have their check up in the 3H6#s, $hile A0> prefers to $ait until the health care provider visit the baranggay health stations and the remaining /0> prefers to visit the 5istrict hospital! 'actors that affect their choice of health facility are the availability of the physician and the availability of free medicines! &hat#s $hy, much of the population seek the services of the 3H6! =% 5ealth Seeking Beha*ior Fir t per on con ulte" in time o! illne &able G!G f 5octor Nurse ?id$ives Hilot -lbularyo &O&-. 2% Birth Atten"ance &able G!@ f 5octor Nurse ?id$ives Hilot -lbularyo &O&-. 9 0 0 =9 0 /0 /9 0 0 @9 0 =00> > =0 0 0 / B /0 90 0 0 =0 H0 =00> > /0 /0 0 /0 /0 B0 /9 /9 0 /9 /9 =00> >

&able G!G sho$s the first person consulted in times of illness! &he data revealed that 90> of the respondents seek the services of physician first, albularyo is H0>, hilot =0>, nurse and mid$ives 0>!

&able G!@ sho$s the person attending birth delivery to pregnant mother! &his study revealed that hilot @9>, doctor /9>, nurse 0>, mid$ives and hilot 0>! &he finding hinted the interpretation that the people in the barangay still seek and consult the albularyo due to lack of financial means, they being al$ays at $ork and the condition of the road and the distance of the barangay to available health center or hospital 2uite far that needs considerable amount of time and money for medication or uncertainty available health care provider in the center! &hat being poor, attendant to pregnant mothers and birth delivery are still hilot!

A! Frequency o! )on ultation &able G!B ;rofessional Health Worker 5octor Nurse ?id$ives &O&-. (ervice ;ublic f > /0 AA!A /0 AA!A /0 G0 AA!A =00 > type ;rivate f > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 're2uency 're2uent (eldom "f Needed f > f > f > 0 0 == BH!G C =C!/ 0 0 = @!@ =C H0!H 0 0 0 0 = =A @!@ =00 > =C H@ H0!H =00 >

&able G!B sho$s the fre2uency of consultation and service preferences! &his study revealed that the public type doctor, nurse and mid$ives =00> and private doctor, nurse, and mid$ives 0>! ;ublic doctor, nurse, mid$ives fre2uent consultation 0>, public doctor seldom consultation BH!G>, public nurse and mid$ives seldom consultation @!@>! ;ublic doctor if needed for consultation =C!/>, public nurse and mid$ives if needed consultation H0!H>! &he finding interpreted the fre2uency of consultation $ith the doctor is very rare and as seldom as the check up on health problem! &he albularyo is most preferred on such cases, and only $hen consultation is badly needed that they go to for the doctor services! >% Metho" o! Family Planning

1% A6arene &able G!C

in Family Planning f Les No &O&-. C == /0 H9 99 =00> >

/% Fa*or !or Family Planning &able G!=0 f Les No &O&-. == C /0 99 H9 =00> >

Metho" o! Family Planning:)ontracepti*e &able G!== ?ethods 6sed "65 )asectomy ;ills &ubal .igation Condom Calendar ?ethod Withdra$al Others (None) &O&-. f 0 0 B 0 0 / 9 9 /0 0 0 H0 0 0 =0 /9 /9 =00> >

Graphical pre entation o! Metho" o! !amily planning Chart G!/

806 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% +er2e ta$e 9ase2tomy +#lls :&bal L#$at#o 3o /om 3ale /ar Metho/ ;#th/ra(al o e

+nterpretation an" Analy i & &able G!Bsho$s the a$areness of family in family planning! &his study revealed H9> of the total respondents are a$are of family planning and 99> are not a$are! &able G!=0 sho$s the family $ho are in favor of family planning! 99> are in favor of family planning and H9> are not in favor! &able G!==sho$s the family preferred contraceptives! &he data revealed that the most commonly used family planning in (ioron is pills, $hich accounted for H0> of the total respondets, $ithdra$al /9>, not using contraceptives /9>, ("65, vasectomy, condom, tubal ligation) 0>! "t is impossible to attain =00> acceptability of family planning methods, especially in sitio like (ioron! ;rimary reason is that, the predominant religion is 3oman Catholic $hich is the greatest hindering force for the acceptance of ';! -nother, there are many myths surrounding different methods of the modern ';! " fe$ $ant to increase a$areness and acceptability $e must advocate for ';, intense health education and collaborative efforts must be done and these myths must be e plained to the people and be 4ustified! "t#s not surprising to see that pills is the most common method used in '; since it#s readily accessible to 3H6#s!

4% M.RB+#+1? #A1A .F BRG?% S+.R.2 G+GM.1.@ )A1A2#/A23S@ 2AA>-2A12 1.P 1A 03A#+2G )A/S3S .F M.RB+#+1?

)A/S3S -3"+-63" Hypertension 8astritis (kin disease &uberculosis ;nuemonia+Cap )ertigo 5iarrhea Otitis ?edia 3heumatoid -rthritis+Osteoarthritis '% M.R1A0+1? #A1A .F BRG?% S+.R.2 G+GM.1.@ )A1A2#/A23S@ 2AA>-2A12 1.P 1A 03A#+2G )A/S3S .F M.R1A0+1?

)A/S3S C)Hypothermia 8eriatric 5ebility &O&-. 2/MB3R / = = H

2A1A RA13 90 /9 /9 =00>



7ased on my personal observation and data gathered during survey! " $as identified the basic primary needs of the community like portable $ater supply, proper nutrition of the family, education, hygiene and sanitation, toilet, proper $aste disposal $hich in its absence, bring about health problems and disease% carrying insects and $ater supply might be contaminated by human e creta, respiratory disease and close%contact transmitted disease as in the case of the poor $ith small house but $ith big number of members are easily transmitted to each family members! .o$ income of the family that is related to their lo$ level of education be addressed to the concerned authority!

PR.B03M +2#321+F+3# =! 6nsafe $ater supply /! "mproper $aste disposal A! Numerous family $ithout toilet H! .o$ level of education and insufficient income to sustain family needs! 9! 7irth attending practice by merely resorting to hilot G! Hygiene of the family and environmental sanitation


R3).MM32#A1+.2 =! Construction of public toilet nearest to those families $ithout toilet, each compartment to be shared by / to A families to facilitate management of its cleanliness and maintenance! /! Construction of $ater pump and or deep $ell to be regularly e amined by the sanitation inspector to ascertain cleanliness and its safe use! A! 7arangay officials need to coordinate other government agency+N8O for livelihood programs and pro4ects that $ould generate income of its constituents in the barangay! H! &o educate the people on segregating the $aste materials by $hich they could earn additional income and minimi1e garbage deposit or collection!

9! &o stress on the right manner of coughing and fre2uent hand $ashing to prevent spread or contact $ith transferable diseases! G! 'amilies $ith lo$ income should be accordingly persuaded on the importance and advantages of the family planning scheme!

(ample Muestionnaire 6sed 3egistered Nurses for Health Enhancement and .ocal (ervice 8igmoto, Catanduanes CO??6N"&L 5"-8NO("( (Home )isit) 'amily Number: NNNNNNN (urvey 7y: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 'amily Head: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 5ate: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN -ddress: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN "!'-?".L HO6(EHO.5 5-&-! Number of 'amily ?embers:NNNNNN 7! ?embership and Characteristics: N-?E ('rom No ! ;arent to Childre n and Other ?embe r) -g e Civil (tat us (e 'ami ly 3ole Educatio nal -ttainme nt L N .3 Occupati on 3eligi on

3emarks: ""! ECONO?"C(, EN)"3O?EN&-. "N5"C-&O3( -! ECONO?"C ("&6-&"ON =! Who provides for the family, financiallyO 'ather ?other

7oth 'ather and ?other /! What kind of family do you belong Nuclear 'amily E tended 'amily A! ?onthly "ncome .ess than ;900 ;=,00= J ;9,000 ;900= J ;=0,000 ;=0,00= J ;=9,000 ;=9,00= J -bove Others, pls! specify H! Housing condition a! O$nership O$ned 3ented (hared Others, pls! (pecify

Others pls! specify

(ingle ;arent 'amily 7lended 'amily

b! &ype of 7uilt Wood 7amboo Concrete Others, pls! specify c! &ype (trong .ight ?ake (hift .ighting 'acilities Electric Kerosene Others, pls! (pecify
d! Kitchen+ Cooking facilities Electric (tove 8as (tove 'ire$ood Charcoal Other, pls! (pecify

7! EN)"3O?EN&-. "N5"C-&O3( =! (ource of $ater supply ;iped in Communal 3iver+ .ake

/! &oilet Open pit privy Closed pit privy

5eep $ell -rtesian Well Others, pls! specify

'lush &ype Water%sealed latrine ;ail system A! Waste 5isposal A!= 3efuse and 8arbage a! Container: Covered Open Others, pls! (pecify NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN b! ?ethod of 5isposal Collected 7urial in pit Composting 7urning

7alot system None

Open dumping Waste (egregation Others, pls! (pecify

H! 5omestic -nimals 5og Cat ;ig C! HE-.&H ;3O'".E =! 'ood (torage 7ag 7askets 3efrigerator /! "nfant 'eeding ;ractices a! 7reastfeeding b! 7ottle 'eeding Evaporated Condensed c! ?i ed 'eeding (7reastfeeding and bottle feeding) ;o$dered Cupboard $ith screen Others, pls! (pecify Chicken ;ig Others, pls! (pecify

d! Others, pls! (pecify A! "mmuni1ation (tatus of Children Complete "ncomplete, 3eason H! Health 3esources+'acilities 5istrict Hospital Health Center 7arangay Health station Others, pls! (pecify 9! Community 'acilities 7arangay Health Center (chool ?arket ;ark Others, pls! (pecify G! Health (eeking behaviors a! 'irst person consulted in times of illness 5octor Nurse Hilot b! 7irth -ttendance Hilot -lbularyo Nurse ?id$ife 5octor Other, ;ls! (pecify -lbularyo ?id$ife Others, pls! (pecify

c! 're2uency of Consultation (E3)"CE ;rofessional Health Worker 5octors Nurses ?id$ives Others, pls! specifyNNNNNNNNNNN @! 'amily ;lanning a! -re you a$are of family planningO Les No b! -re you in favor of family planningO Les No c! What contraceptive or method of family planning do you use+preferO "65 )asectomy ;ills &ubal ligation Condom Calendar method Withdra$al &L;E ;ublic ;rivate 're2uent '3EM6ENCL (eldom "f Needed

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