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Assignment on ME-4021

!u"mitted "yShaikh Tan eer !ossain "oll # $%$&$'& Section # A Date # Septem(er )$, *$)'

!u"mitted toMd. Ashraful Islam Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KUET

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Khulna University of Engineering and echnology

1#0 ur"o $et%

Most modern passenger and militar+ aircraft are po,ered (+ gas tur(ine engines, ,hich are also called -et engines. The first and simplest t+pe of gas tur(ine is the tur(o-et. In tur(o-et engines a large amounts of surrounding air are continuousl+ (rought into the engine inlet. It is also called intake. Inlets come in man+ shapes and depending on the aircraft/s mission. At the rear of the inlet, the air enters the compressor. The compressor acts like man+ ro,s of airfoils, ,ith each ro, producing a small -ump in pressure. A compressor is like an electric fan. 0e ha e to suppl+ energ+ to turn the compressor. At the e1it of the compressor, the air is at a much higher pressure than free stream. In the (urner a small amount of fuel is com(ined ,ith the air and ignited. 2ea ing the (urner, the hot e1haust is passed through the tur(ine. The tur(ine ,orks like a ,indmill. Instead of needing energ+ to turn the (lades to make the air flo,, the tur(ine e1tracts energ+ from a flo, of gas (+ making the (lades spin in the flo,. In a -et engine ,e use the energ+ e1tracted (+ the tur(ine to turn the compressor (+ linking the compressor and the tur(ine (+ the central shaft. The tur(ine takes some energ+ out of the hot e1haust, (ut there is enough energ+ left o er to pro ide thrust to the -et engine (+ increasing the elocit+ through the no..le. 3ecause the e1it elocit+ is greater than the free stream elocit+, thrust is created as descri(ed (+ the thrust e4uation. 5or a -et engine, the e1it mass flo, is nearl+ e4ual to the free stream mass flo,, since er+ little fuel is added to the stream.

5ig. )9 Tur(o -et

5ig. *9 Tur(o -et, air entering to the inlet

1#1 Advantages of tur"o&et engines

6er+ high po,er7to7,eight ratio, compared to reciprocating engines8 Smaller than most reciprocating engines of the same po,er rating. 3. Mo es in one direction onl+, ,ith far less i(ration than a reciprocating engine. 4. 5e,er mo ing parts than reciprocating engines.
1. 2.

2o, operating pressures. 6. !igh operation speeds. 7. 2o, lu(ricating oil cost and consumption.

1#2 Disadvantages of tur"o&et engines

:ost is much greater than for a similar7si.ed reciprocating engine since the materials must (e stronger and more heat resistant. Machining operations are also more comple18 2. Usuall+ less efficient than reciprocating engines, especiall+ at idle. 3. Dela+ed response to changes in po,er settings. 4. 6er+ nois+.

1#' Applications%
Due to (ecome inefficient if flo,n (elo, a(out Mach * and (eing er+ nois+ the+ are not used in modern aircraft. 3ut still tur(o-ets are common in medium range cruise missiles, due to their high e1haust speed, lo, frontal area, and relati e simplicit+.

2#0 ur"o (rop%

To mo e an airplane through the air, thrust is generated ,ith some kind of propulsion s+stem. Man+ lo, speed transport aircraft and small commuter aircraft use tur"oprop propulsion. The tur(oprop uses a gas tur(ine core to turn a propeller. Propeller engines de elop thrust (+ mo ing a large mass of air through a small change in elocit+.

In the turboprop, a gas turbine core is used. There are two main parts to a turboprop propulsion

5ig. '9 Tur(o prop

the engine

5ig. ;9 Tur(o prop <,ith la(eling=

system, core and the

propeller. The core is ery similar to a basic turbo!et e"cept that instead o# e"panding all the hot e"haust through the no$$le to produce thrust, most o# the energy o# the e"haust is used to turn the turbine. There may be an additional turbine stage present, as shown in green on the diagram, %&ig. 3' which is connected to a dri e sha#t. The dri e sha#t, also shown in green, is connected to a gear box. The gear bo" is then connected to a propeller that produces most o# the thrust. The e"haust elocity o# a turboprop is low and contributes little thrust because most o# the energy o# the core e"haust has gone into turning the dri e sha#t.

2#1 Advantages%
The greatest ad antage of the tur(oprop engine is its high fuel efficienc+. It is more fuel7efficient than the t,o other t+pes of gas tur(ine engines that propel airplanes9 tur(o-ets and tur(ofans. A tur(oprop ac4uires this efficienc+ from accelerating a large mass of air to onl+ a slightl+ higher elocit+. Tur(o-ets accelerate a small mass of air to a much higher elocit+. 2ess energ+ from fuel is re4uired to affect mass than to affect elocit+. Se eral ad antages for using a tur(oprop engine to propel an airplane come from the propellers themsel es. Tur(oprops ha e the shortest takeoffs of an+ airplane. This capa(ilit+ is pro ided (+ the aria(le pitch of the propeller (lades. The use of aria(le7pitch (lades is similar to the use of lo, gears in a car at slo, speeds and the use of higher gears ,hen reaching higher speeds. Unlike a car, this (lade pitch is infinitel+ aria(le, so the propeller al,a+s has the perfect gear ratio. Tur(oprops can also put the propeller (lades into re erse pitch. Although the (lades continue to turn in the same direction of rotation, the pitch or angle of the (lades change from (lo,ing air (ack,ard to (lo,ing air in a for,ard direction, there(+ dramaticall+ slo,ing the aircraft during landing. 0hen the (lade pitch is re ersed, more fuel is sent to the engine to increase the amount of re ersed airflo,. This causes the engine to produce more noise during landing ,hen the (lades are re ersed. This increase in

noise and re ersed airflo, is similar to thrust re ersers used during landing ,ith tur(o-et and tur(ofan engines.

2#2 Disadvantages%
A tur(oprop airplane>s greatest disad antage is (eing limited in for,ard airspeed. This limit is imposed (+ the use of a propeller. 3+ the time the airplane has reached Mach $.?, ,hich is ?$ percent the speed of sound, the propeller (lades ha e lost much of their aerod+namic efficienc+. This efficienc+ is lost (ecause there is much greater drag on the (lade tips at high for,ard speeds than at slo, for,ard speeds. The com(ination of speed of the rotating (lade ,ith the for,ard speed of the airplane produces speeds at the (lade tips that are close to Mach ).$. Aerod+namic drag ,hen approaching Mach ).$ (ecomes e1tremel+ high. To keep the propeller (lade tips at slo, enough speeds to (e efficient, tur(oprops t+picall+ fl+ at speeds of less than Mach $.? <;)* miles per hour at *&,$$$ feet and minus '& degrees :elsius=. Since tur(o-ets and tur(ofans do not ha e propellers, most commercial and corporate -ets can easil+ fl+ at Mach $.@ to $.%. In the late )%%$As, some smaller airlines started replacing their tur(oprop7po,ered airplanes ,ith tur(ofan7 po,ered airplanes, e en though the fuel efficienc+ of tur(ofans is not 4uite as good. This replacement ,as for t,o ma-or reasons9 passengers feel more comforta(le fl+ing in B-etsC than in Bprops,C and more re enue7generating flights

2#' Applications%
Tur(oprops are er+ efficient at flight speeds (elo, D*& kmEh <;&$ mph8 '%$ knots= (ecause the -et elocit+ of the propeller <and e1haust= is relati el+ lo,. Due to the high price of tur(oprop engines, the+ are mostl+ used ,here high7performance short7takeoff and landing <STF2= capa(ilit+ and efficienc+ at modest flight speeds are re4uired. The most common application of tur(oprop engines in ci ilian a iation is in small commuter aircraft, ,here their greater relia(ilit+ than reciprocating engines offsets their higher initial cost. Tur(oprop airliners no, operate at near the same speed as small tur(ofan7po,ered aircraft (ut (urn t,o7thirds of the fuel per passenger.G*H !o,e er, compared to a tur(o-et <,hich can fl+ at high altitude for enhanced speed and fuel efficienc+= a propeller aircraft has a much lo,er ceiling. Tur(oprop7po,ered aircraft ha e (ecome popular for (ush airplanes such as the :essna :ara an and Iuest Kodiak as -et fuel is easier to o(tain in remote areas than is a iation7grade gasoline

'#0 ur"o )an%

A tur(ofan engine is the most modern ariation of the (asic gas tur(ine engine. As ,ith other gas tur(ines, there is a core engine, ,hose parts and operation are discussed on a separate page. In the tur(ofan engine, the core engine is surrounded (+ a fan in the front and an additional tur(ine at the rear. The fan and fan tur(ine are composed of man+ (lades, like the core compressor and core tur(ine, and are connected to an additional shaft. All of this additional tur"omachinery is colored green on the schematic <5ig. &=. As ,ith the core compressor and tur(ine, some of the fan (lades turn ,ith the shaft and some (lades remain stationar+. The fan shaft passes through the core shaft for mechanical reasons.

The incoming air is captured (+ the engine inlet. Some of the incoming air passes through the fan and continues on into the core compressor and then the (urner, ,here it is mi1ed ,ith fuel and com(ustion occurs. The hot e1haust passes through the core and fan tur(ines and then out the no..le, as in a (asic tur(o-et. The rest of the incoming air passes through the fan and "ypasses, or goes around the engine, -ust like the air through a propeller. The air that goes through the fan has a elocit+ that is slightl+ increased from free stream. So a tur(ofan gets some of its thrust from the core and some of its thrust from the fan. The ratio of the air that goes around the engine to the air that goes through the core is called the "ypass ratio. 3ecause the fuel flo, rate for the core is changed onl+ a small amount (+ the addition of the fan, a tur(ofan generates more thrust for nearl+ the same amount of fuel used (+ the core. This means that a tur(ofan is er+ fuel efficient. In fact, high (+pass ratio tur(ofans are nearl+ as fuel efficient as tur(oprops. 3ecause the fan is enclosed (+ the inlet and is composed of man+ (lades, it can operate efficientl+ at higher speeds than a simple propeller.

5ig. &9 Tur(o fan

'#1 ur"ofan

Advantages of a Engine%

). Since a fan is used, more amount of air is sucked into the engine pro iding more thrust *. The fan is enclosed (+ the co,ling and is thus protected and its aerod+namics can (e easil+ controlled '. The e1tra amount of air, ,hich (+passes the core of the engine, produces e1tra thrust than an+ the tur(oprop or tur(o-et engine. ;. Due to presence of fan, the fuel consumption is increased onl+ a little , thetur(ofan produces more thrust for same amount of fuel and is thus fuel efficient.

'#2 Disadvantages of a ur"ofan Engine%

). It is the most efficient at su(sonic speeds onl+ *. It has a greater comple1it+ due to addition of ducts and multiple shafts

'. The engine diameter is increased

'#' Applications%
The general uses of tur(ofan engines can (e di ided into t,o main categories9 militar+ and commercial.

'#'#1 Military%
0hile the ast ma-orit+ of militar+ fighter aircraft use lo, (+pass tur(ofans, high (+pass t+pes almost identical to their ci ilian counterparts are also used for transport aircraft. Most militar+ fighter aircraft applications sacrifice fuel econom+ for high specific thrust. The reason for these design elements are purel+ tactical. In an aerial dogfight the com(atant ,ith the most net energ+ has the ad antage. Energ+ comes in t,o main forms9 altitude <potential energ+= and speed <kinetic energ+=. A high thrust to ,eight ratio, and in turn more po,erful engines, is essential in order to 4uickl+ gain this energ+ ad antage. Although fuel econom+ directl+ effects the operational range of aircraft, the ad ent of aerial refueling has largel+ sol ed this issue.

'#'#2 *ommercial%
In the ,orld of commercial a iation, fuel econom+ is the dri ing force (ehind the operating costs of an airliner or cargo plane. :ommercial aircraft need to (e highl+ fuel efficient +et operate at high enough speeds to -ustif+ their use. The de elopment of high (+pass tur(ofans filled a need for a po,er plant that ,as compara(le in efficienc+ to piston dri en prop and tur(oprop planes, +et allo,ed for much higher air speeds and higher altitudes.

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