Goals For Seawater Intake, Outfall and Pretreatment Improvement For Membrane and Thermal Desalination Systems

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Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

Goals G l for f Seawater S t Intake, I t k Outfall O tf ll and d Pretreatment Improvement for Membrane and Thermal Desalination Systems y


GFT Desalination GmbH Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger

Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

OVERVIEW 1 Seawater 1. S t System S t Classification Cl ifi ti 2. General Engineering Methodology 3 Hydraulic 3. H d li P Problems bl and dS Solutions l ti 4. Typical Intake Layouts 5. Goals

GFT Desalination GmbH Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger

Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

1. Seawater System Classification

Seawater Supply pp y Pretreatment and Pumping Return Pumping Cooling Water and/or Brine Return

Desal. PLANT (SW Consumer)

Open Channel Buried Pipes/Culverts Tunnel Combinations of above Beach Well None (direct intake)

Open Pit/ wet Well Closed Piping Combinations of above Screening Filtration Both in Combination

Open Pit/ wet Well Closed Piping Combinations None (gravity flow)

Open p Channel Buried Pipes/Culverts Tunnel Combinations of above None ( (direct outfall) )

GFT Desalination GmbH Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger

Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

2. General Engineering Methodology

Layout and Construction Location


Risk Assessment and Control Tender Seawater Intake Requirements and Outfall




GFT Desalination GmbH Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger

Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

2. General Engineering Methodology

Climate (Seawater and Air Temperatures, Rainfall, Wind, Ice) Seismic Activity Water Quality (Suspended Solids, Chemical Composition and Properties) Tide Levels Soil Conditions Bathymetry Environmental Regulations (Marine Life, Chemical Properties of Discharges, Noise) Neighborhood (Other SW Consumers, Industrial Area, nearby Villages) Marine Recirculation (Wind, Tidal Currents, Location of Intake/Outfall Points, etc. Oil Spill p Warning g and Protection System y Fish Protection System Sedimentation System Seawater Pre-Treatment (Chlorination, Screening, Filtering) Seawater Pumping (Flow, Pressure, NPSH, Approach Flow Conditions, Hydraulic Transients) Constructability C t t bilit (W (Weather, th W Waves, S Soil, il W Water t D Depth, th Si Size and dT Type of f St Structures) t ) Redundancy and Availability Effects during Construction (e.g. suspended solids) Other Main and Auxiliary Equipment (Crane, Ventilation, I&C, etc.) Material Selection and Corrosion Protection Time Schedule (Construction Time, Equipment Delivery Time) Damages during Construction (Experience of (Sub-) Contractor, Inherent Safe Design) Damages during Operation (e.g. Ship Traffic, Wave Action) Protection against un-authorized Access

GFT Desalination GmbH Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger

Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

2. General Engineering Methodology


CAPEX Analysis of Capital Expenditures OPEX Analysis of Operational Expenditures (over Plant Life Time, Contract Duration)

Analysis of PLANT LIFE CYCLE COSTS on a case by case basis

GFT Desalination GmbH Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger

Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

3. Hydraulic Problems and Solutions

Pump Approach Flow Problems

GFT Desalination GmbH Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger

Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

3. Hydraulic Problems and Solutions

Flow Optimization Through Physical Hydraulic Model Tests

GFT Desalination GmbH Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger

Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

3. Hydraulic Problems and Solutions

Sink and Sunk Effects
Transient Flow Conditions, Up- and Down-Surge
Issue I in i systems t with ith long l offshore ff h pipes i or culverts l t and d with ith pumps located l t d onshore h Severe flooding possible after emergency shut down of pumps Potential dry running of pumps during pump start-up phase To be carefully analysed in design phase in order not to render pump station operation impossible

GFT Desalination GmbH Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger

Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

3. Hydraulic Problems and Solutions

GFT Desalination GmbH Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger

Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

4. Typical Intake Layouts

Travelling Band Screen Installation

Drum Screen Installation

Seawater Screening and Pumping Plants for Medium to Large Scale Installations

GFT Desalination GmbH Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger

Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

4. Typical Intake Layouts

Pipe floated in and sunk on Seabed

Pipe laid by Horizontal Directional Drilling Method

Seawater Intake Arrangement for Small to Medium Scale Installations

GFT Desalination GmbH Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger

Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

4. Typical Intake Layouts

Seawater Intake Arrangement with Integrated Air Backwash Filters

GFT Desalination GmbH Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger

Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

5. Goals
Investment cost reduction Operational O ti l cost t reduction d ti No maintenance for offshore work for e.g. 20 years g environmental impacts p Minimizing Increase in availability to 99% Optimization of pumping power Optimum solution for each individual location and project required
(considering pollution, algae, seaweed, mussels, oil, wastewater contamination, etc.)

GFT Desalination GmbH Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger

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