Design of Iec 61131-3 Function Blocks Using Sysml: Fabien Chiron, Khalid Kouiss

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Design of IEC 61131-3 Function Blocks using

Fabien Chiron

! "hali# "ouiss

Laboratoire #$Infor%ati&ue! #e Mo#'lisation et #$()ti%isation #es Syst*%es +LIM(S,

Blaise--ascal .ni/ersity of Cler%ont-Ferran#! B- 10112! 63133 4ubi*re! France
AbstractUML is almost inevitable when dealing with
software designing and intends to be extended to cover
many different disciplines. At the same time, control and
automation designers integrate further object oriented
concepts in their traditional programming behaviors in
particular with unction !loc"s. #hereas UML was not
adapted to model these $%& '(()( compliant items, an
important extension called *ysML has been proposed. +his
paper deals with evaluating the new modeling abilities of
this language according to programmable logical controllers
specific programming rules.
Key Words&ontrol and Automation, *ysML, $%& '(()(,),
unction !loc"s, M-A, UML.
4n i%)ortant issue for co%)anies 6hile #esigning
inno/ati/e )ro#ucts an# a))lications is to ensure the
ca)itali<ation of the s)ecification 6ork for future
#e/elo)%ents7 (ne %ain #ifficulty often encountere# is
the target en/iron%ent set of constraints that lea#s to take
into account technological as)ects in high le/el stages of
s)ecification7 -roble%s occur 6hen the technology
e/ol/es! an# re&uire %o#ification in the )re/ious #esign
e/en if the global )rocess re%ains the sa%e7
:o increase the reuse ca)acity of such #e/elo)%ents!
%o#eling techni&ues ha/e been i%)ro/e# in )arallel 6ith
ob=ect oriente# +((, #esign %etho#ologies! )articularly in
co%)uter science7
(ur )a)er #eals 6ith these t6o as)ects a))lie# to
auto%ation! an# re)resents a continuation of a %ore global
research )ro=ect about co%)onent-base# #esign for
#istribute# control syste%s >1?@7
A. Model-based engineering
4#/antages brought by %o#eling techni&ues are
no6a#ays 6i#ely recogni<e#7 :hey lea#e# to the release
of efficient #esign %etho#ologies in a /ast range of
#o%ains +A;4I! CIM(S4! -E;4! IDEF-3! etc777,7
Bo6e/er they usually stick to s)ecific areas or le/els of
conce)tion an# re%ain #ifficult to use outsi#e of their o6n
conteCt7 So #esigners ha/e to use %any %etho#s in
/arious stages of #esign or they change the se%antics of
so%e conce)ts in or#er to better fit their nee#s7
Mo#el Dri/en 4rchitecture +MD4, )ara#ig% >1@
reco%%en#s the s)litting u) of #esign %o#els into a
succession of %o#el refine%ents using -latfor%
In#e)en#ent Mo#els +-IM, an# then a))lying #ifferent
%a))ing to obtain -latfor% S)ecific Mo#els +-SM, at the
last ste)s of #esign7 4ccor#ing to this a))roach! integrity
of the high le/el %o#el is %aintaine# regar#less of the
)latfor% 6ith its s)ecific stan#ar#s! )atterns an#
:o gi/e concrete eC)ression to this )ara#ig%! the
(b=ect Manage%ent Arou) +(MA, has )ut in a lot of
effort for the s)ecification of a .nifie# Mo#eling
Language +.ML, >1@ allo6ing the #esign of soft6are
a))lications in#e)en#ently of a s)ecific )rogra%%ing
language7 :he final co#e i%)le%entation is %ainly
obtaine# using an .ML )rofile an# a %o#eling tool that
allo6s the co#e generation )rocess7
Bo6e/er! 6hereas .ML 6as 6ell-a#a)te# to soft6are
#esign! %o#eling of real-ti%e syste%s an# of
-rogra%%able Logical Controllers +-LC, )rogra%s 6as
har# to achie/e7 Many )a)ers un#erline# these lacks an#
)ro)ose# eCtensions to .ML! e7g7 B7 Selic in >2@! 6here
ne6 stereoty)es 6ere intro#uce# an# 6i#ely reuse# in
%ore recent )a)ers that #eal 6ith ti%e-#ri/en syste%s
%o#eling7 4ccor#ing to all these 6orks! an official
eCtension to the /ersion 170 of .ML has recently been
release# by the (MA! the Syste%s Mo#eling Language
+SysML, >?@7
B. Object Oriented Design
In soft6are #e/elo)%ent area! the (( )rogra%%ing
has un#oubte#ly been a %a=or re/olution! allo6ing a great
fleCibility insi#e the co#e structure an# breaking the
tra#itional %onolithic 6ay of )rogra%%ing7
Later! the (( conce)t has been intro#uce# in Control
an# 4uto%ation )rogra%%ing by the International
Electro-technical Co%%ission +IEC, through one of the
stan#ar# conce)t #escribe# in the IEC 61131-3
s)ecification >3@! the Functional Block +FB,7 Bo6e/er! a
FB #iffers by %any as)ects fro% a DclassE conce)t an#
coul#n$t be re)resente# using the %o#eling tools use# for
soft6are )rogra%%ing7
4 ne6 stan#ar# IEC 61?FF >6@ is currently un#er 6ork
an# re#efine# the FB conce)t! inclu#ing e/ent
%anage%ent7 4lthough this a))roach re)resents an
interesting i%)ro/e%ent for -LC )rogra%%ing! lea#ing
-LC solutions su))liers #i# not %ake i%)ortant efforts on
the integration of this ne6 a))roach! eCce)t ;ock6ell
4uto%ation an# its Function Block De/elo)%ent "it
+FBD", by G7 Christensen >1?@7 For the /ast %a=ority of
control engineers! orienting #e/elo)%ent 6ith this
stan#ar# is not rele/ant at the %o%ent7
In this )a)er 6e 6ill focus on the IEC 61131-3 stan#ar#
an# 6e 6ill sho6 ho6 the SysML eCtension )ro/i#es
great )ossibilities for integrating actual -LC )rogra%s
#esign using .ML7
Proceedings of the 15th Mediterranean Conference on
ControI & Automation, JuIy 27 - 29, 2007, Athens - Greece
II7F.9C:I(9 BL(C" FE4:.;ES
4 FB enca)sulates a kno6n beha/iour that 6ill react
#e)en#ing on the in)ut #ata /alues re)resente# on the FB
left si#e7 4n o/erall re)resentation is gi/en Fig7 17
Hhen instantiating a FB in a )rogra%! e/ery in)ut
/ariable %ust be linke# to an eCternal /ariable an# follo6s
its e/olution! the FB o6ning this /ariable cannot %o#ify
its /alue +rea#-only access,7 (n the contrary! a FB o6ning
an out)ut /ariable can 6rite or rea# it! 6hile the eCecution
en/iron%ent can only rea# it7 In)utI(ut)ut /ariable
inherits both features7
Intern /ariables can be rea# or 6rite by the o6ning FB
an# can usually be set )ublic or )ri/ate7 Intern beha/ior is
#escribe# 6ith the IEC 61131-3 languages an# can reuse
the o6ne# /ariables accor#ing to the )re/ious #escribe#
In -LC )rogra%s! co#e consists of sections starte# an#
eCecute# se&uentially7 9o call ser/ices are i%)le%ente#
by a FB an# intern beha/iour is acti/ate# #e)en#ing on its
)osition in a )rogra% section7 .ML JinterfaceK stereoty)e
is not rele/ant to eC)ress the eCtern link of FB 6ith its
en/iron%ent7 In#ee#! a FB #oes not eC)ose ser/ices to the
outsi#e but static #ata7 .ML class attributes #oes not
either fit to %o#el In)ut /ariables #ue to its s)ecific access
If 6e first focus on a structural /ie6! .ML 170
intro#uce# the J)ortK stereoty)e in the language an# %any
)a)ers #ealt 6ith the corres)on#ence bet6een this )ort
conce)t an# the FB /ariables interfaces like "7
:hra%bouli#is in >L@! >F@ an# >10@ 6ith the intro#uction of
J#ata )ortK 6hich are stan#ar# )orts 6ith attributes
6ithout ser/ices! an# connecte# to the Jca)suleK
stereoty)e intro#uce# in >2@7 :7 Be/erhagen in >3@! >11@!
>11@ )ro)oses a ne6 ite%! the Function Block 4#a)ter
+FB4,! that %ay contain at the sa%e ti%e stan#ar# )orts
an# in)utIout)ut /ariables on the sa%e re)resentation7
Hith this hybri# /ie6! he un#erlines the lacks for the
actual stan#ar# re)resentation 6hen trying to re)resent FB
in .ML7 :he SysML eCtension intro#uces a ne6 Jflo6
)ortK stereoty)e offering a stan#ar# 6ay to eC)ress #ata
interfaces 6ith a certain si%ilarity 6ith FB47
.ntil .ML 170! to eC)ress the s)ecific %anage%ent of
the tasks in a -LC! it 6as necessary to intro#uce ne6
stereoty)es7 For instance! .ML--4 >13@ )oints out
i%)ortant re)resentation nee#s in beha/ioral constructs
accor#ing to ;eal-:i%e constraints in a -LC7 .ML 170
brought i%)ro/e%ents at this le/el an# SysML eCten#e#
the .ML 170 acti/ity 6ith flo6 in)uts an# out)uts a%ong
actions! allo6ing #ee)er consi#eration 6hen #esigning
#ata flo6s7 :he neCt )arts #escribe the SysML eCtensions
enabling a FB #escri)tion in .ML7
A. Block Stereotype
SysML eCten#s the Class stereoty)e #efine# in the
.ML 170 Co%)osite Structure Diagra% by intro#ucing a
ne6 stereoty)e calle# JBlockK7 In our conteCt! blocks are
a rele/ant %anner to re)resent sub)arts of a syste% or
functions that belong to a )rocess! like Function Blocks in
the IEC 61131 stan#ar#7
:o eC)ress the structural relationshi)s bet6een blocks!
a Jblock #efinition #iagra%K +b##, is create#7 It can be
useful to #escribe generali<ations that are no6 allo6e# in
so%e -LC )rogra%%ing tools 6hen #esigning FB7
Interface /ariables are also #is)laye# on this #iagra%!
using a Jflo6 )ortK sy%bol7
Intern /ariables are #efine# as )ro)erties! like instances
of blocks )artici)ating in the intern beha/ior of the
o6ning block7 Internal structure 6ith intern relationshi)s
bet6een )ro)erties is #escribe# using an Jinternal block
#iagra%K +ib#,7 Connections bet6een Jflo6 )ortK are also
re)resente# on this #iagra%7
B. Flow Ports
Flo6 )orts re)resent the %a=or eCtension to .ML 170
inclu#ing ne6 gra)hical sy%bols7 4ccor#ing to the
stan#ar#! a flo6 )ort s)ecifies the in)ut an# out)ut ite%s
that %ay flo6 bet6een a block an# its en/iron%ent7 It is
)ossible to #efine %ulti)le ite%s flo6ing /ia a flo6 )ort!
such a )ort is calle# Jnon-ato%icK an# is linke# to a Jflo6
s)ecificationK that lists all the ite%s7 In our case 6e )refer
using the Jato%icK flo6 )ort in or#er to stick 6ith the IEC
6113-3 FB7 4n eCa%)le is gi/en Fig7 1! re)resenting a FB
that recei/es an in)ut bit /alue DeOSE an# sets an out)ut
bit /alue DsOSE to 1 if the ti%e inter/als bet6een in)ut
changes are rele/ant! #e)en#ing on an in)ut sensibility
/alue DeODelayE7 :o fulfill this task! the block #efines the
internal /ariables DO%e%S.E an# DO%e%SDE! an# the
internal block instances DOto)E! DOti%er.E an#
DOti%erDE7 :he block #efinition corres)on#ing to these
instances are also illustrate#! D:o)DE 6hich #etects rising
e#ge an# falling e#ge! an# D:(9E a ti%er 6ith a )reset
Figure 17 FB re)resentation
Figure 17 SysML block #escri)tion +co%)art%ent notation,
Proceedings of the 15th Mediterranean Conference on
ControI & Automation, JuIy 27 - 29, 2007, Athens - Greece
Co%)leting the ty)e s)ecification of a flo6 )ort! a
#irection )refiC %ust be eC)licitly s)ecifie# +inPoutPinout,
before the flo6 )ort na%e7 Fig7 3 #is)lays the ne6
gra)hical notation allo6e# in SysML7 Inout flo6 )orts are
#is)laye# 6ith t6o arro6s facing a6ay fro% each other
He #o not eC)lain ho6 to re)resent IEC 61?FF FB 6ith
SysML in this )a)er! but a block can o6n a##itional
stan#ar# )orts 6ithin the sa%e #iagra%! offering a 6ay to
)recise e/ent %anage%ent on the )re/ious /ie67
Flo6 )orts inherits fro% .ML 170 )ort an# can be set
as beha/ioral )orts or not7 In our case 6e choose to set the
%eta-attribute $$isBeha/ioral$$ to false7 In#ee#! 6e try to
stick to the FB structure conser/ing only one beha/iour
#escri)tion in our %o#el! the one o6ne# by the block7
C. Program implementation
-LC )rogra% eCecution )asses se&uentially through
sections containing sub)rogra%s #escribe# in one of the
IEC 61131-3 stan#ar# languages7 4 FB can be use# by
any of these languages but the Functional Block Diagra%
+FBD, is )articularly interesting 6hen asse%bling %any
FBs together7 It allo6s a gra)hical )rogra%%ing an#
#e/elo)ers can connect %anually in)ut an# out)ut
bet6een blocks as 6ell as 6ith syste% #ata like
to)ological a##resses7
:he SysML Internal Block Diagra% is a rele/ant 6ay
to re)resents FBD in .ML7 :he eCa%)le gi/en in Fig7 ?
illustrates the internal block #iagra% for DSensorCtrlE
task7 It #escribes ho6 flo6 )orts can be linke# to internal
)arts an# to eCternal #ata! it also intro#uces a ne6
stereoty)e $$Ite% Flo6$$7 Hhereas a flo6 )ort #efines 6hat
can flo6! an ite% flo6 #efines 6hat #oes really flo6 an#
#escribes connectors bet6een flo6 )orts7
M7BEB4MI(; ;E-;ESE9:4:I(9
4fter structural consi#erations! beha/ioral as)ect can
also be %anage# 6ith SysML in or#er to %o#el the
eCecution se&uences that o)erate in the -LC )rogra%7
:here are t6o %ain )oints to focus on7
First the global #escri)tion of the #ifferent tasks an#
their arrange%ent insi#e the %aster task7 In this )a)er 6e
6ill not #eal 6ith insertion of auCiliary an# fast tasks7 In a
/ast %a=ority of -LCs! eCecution %o#e can be cyclic! the
%aster task restarts 6hen it =ust en#s! or )erio#ic! if the
%aster task en#s before the )erio#ic ti%e that has been set
u)! syste% 6ait until ti%e has been ela)se#7
(ther )oint is the internal beha/ior associate# to a
block stereoty)e7
A. Actiities and Allocations
Marious 6ays of re)resenting beha/iour are a/ailable in
.ML 170! use cases at a high le/el of #escri)tion!
interactions insi#e se&uence #iagra% to eC)ress ser/ice
an# o)eration calls bet6een entities! state %achines
#iagra% for the #escri)tion of #iscrete beha/iours an#
transitions bet6een the%! an# finally acti/ities that are a
fleCible 6ay to s)ecify an# link tasks to blocks in SysML7
4nother a#/antage of using acti/ities in SysML is the
)ossibility to eC)loit crosscutting constructs intro#uce# in
SysML7 :he $$4llocations$$ %anage%ent in )articular
)er%its to allocate a beha/ior ite% to a structural ite%7 For
these reasons 6e choose the acti/ity #iagra% to #is)lay
beha/ior #escri)tion in the neCt sections of this )a)er7
(ne 6ay to #efine these links is to use the co%)art%ent
notation in a block #efinition #iagra% or internal block
#iagra% as sho6n in Fig7 27
Figure 37 SysML Block
Figure ?7 SysML Internal Block Diagra% illustration
Figure 27 4llocation Co%)art%ent notation
Proceedings of the 15th Mediterranean Conference on
ControI & Automation, JuIy 27 - 29, 2007, Athens - Greece
In a si%ilar 6ay! it is )ossible to allocate Ite% Flo6s
fro% (b=ect Flo6s in acti/ity #iagra%s! gi/ing %ore
coherence to the o/erall %o#el 6hen #esigning beha/ior
an# structure for FB in .ML7
4cti/ities are #escribe# 6ith %ore #etails in acti/ity
#iagra%s %ainly consisting in our case of action
se&uences an# ob=ect no#es7
B. Master !ask Decomposition
Consi#ering the first #eco%)osition le/el of a )rogra%!
6e ai% at i#entifying %a=or sub-tasks that belong to the
eCecution %o#el7 (nce this 6ork achie/e#! i%)ortant sub-
)rogra%s that ha/e been obtaine# 6ill be re)resente# as
blocks ele%ents7 4 block 6ill be #escribe# 6ith a block
#efinition #iagra%! #escribing a kin# of black boC /ie6
6ith so%e a##itional infor%ation about the intern sub-
ele%ents )artici)ating in its reali<ation7 4n internal block
#iagra% is associate# at the sa%e ti%e an# a %ain acti/ity
is #efine# for this block #uring the sa%e )hase7
During the )rocess! the %aster task gi/es eCecution
control to e/ery sub-task enabling its intern beha/ior until
the en# of the acti/ity )rocessing7 Master task acti/ity is
#escribe# Fig7 67 :he DSub:askE actions are %arke# 6ith
a rake-style sy%bol in or#er to s)ecify that they call
beha/ior %ore #etaile# at a lo6er le/el of #esign7 For this
reason they are associate# 6ith an acti/ity 6hich is itself
allocate# to a block7
:his scenario is re)eate# for each le/el of
#eco%)osition containe# in the block7
C. "SignalFilter# block e$ample
He use the block $$SignalFilter$$ #escribe# in Fig7 1 as a
sa%)le to illustrate a )ossible 6ay to #efine FB beha/ior
in .ML! resulting in the Fig7 3 acti/ity #iagra%7 If 6e
eCce)t the allocation s)ecification! SysML se%antics use#
in the acti/ity #iagra% re%ain the sa%e7 Control an#
ob=ect flo6s inclu#e# in the #iagra% acti/ate #ifferent
actions an# acti/ities in or#er to reali<e the o6ning block
In)ut /ariables associate# 6ith the FilterSignal block
are re)resente# as )ara%eter no#es on the left si#e of the
acti/ity! ou)ut /ariables on the right si#e7 :hree sub-
acti/ities are inclu#e# in the #iagra%7 :he D:o)E is linke#
by an allocation relationshi) to the D:o)DE block
illustrate# in Fig7 17
He reco%%en# only one acti/ity allocation for one
block7 It offers a %ore coherent corres)on#ence bet6een
in)uts an# out)uts #escribe# on the structural interfaces
an# the #yna%ic /ie6 )ro)ose# in the acti/ity7 If /arious
sections ha/e to be #efine# se)arately for a block! an
inter%e#iate acti/ity #iagra% 6ith sub-acti/ities %ust be
refine# in a si%ilar 6ay to Fig7 67
Intern /ariables #is)laye# for a block an# eC)resse# as
block )ro)erties )artici)ate to the internal beha/ior7
4cti/ity attributes %ust be link to block attributes for
better coherence in the %o#el7
It %ay ha))en cases 6here intern /ariables %ust be
linke# to syste% /alues or to eCternal blocks that are not
in the intern structure7 In this case acti/ity 6hich contains
ob=ect flo6s corres)on#ing to the /ariable shoul# be
allocate# to ite% flo6s as sho6n Fig7 L7
MI74B(.: :BE DE-L(NME9:
4 great interest 6hen using .ML to %o#el soft6are
a))lications is its ability to be re)resente# in a coherent
C%l #escri)tion7 4 #irect conse&uence is that %o#els
co%)liant to the .ML stan#ar# can be eCchange# fro%
one %o#eling tool to others7 Moreo/er! the
corres)on#ence bet6een the C%l #escri)tion an# a
s)ecific language #escri)tion can be fulfille# in a .ML
)rofile7 Many )lug-ins ha/e been i%)le%ente# for .ML
Figure 67 4cti/ity #escri)tion for the -LC %aster task
Figure 37 4cti/ity allocate# to SignalFilter block
Figure L7 (b=ect Flo6 4llocation in SysML
Proceedings of the 15th Mediterranean Conference on
ControI & Automation, JuIy 27 - 29, 2007, Athens - Greece
%o#eling tools an# allo6 generation of co#e in a 6i#e
range of )rogra%%ing language +CSS! Ga/a! Del)hi! 777,7
SysML is a recent s)ecification an# its integration in
%o#eling tools is not co%)lete# at the %o%ent7 4
)otential co#e generator 6oul# offer the )ossibility to
choose the IEC 61131 language targete#7
4 eCa%)le of such a )ossible generation for a block is
illustrate# Fig7 F7 :he first )art #escribes the structural
ite%s of the blocks like it 6as eC)licitly #is)laye# in the
block #efinition #iagra%7 :he neCt )arts translate the
allocate# acti/ity #e)en#ing on the selecte# -LC
language! in our case so%e Structure# :eCt +S:,7
It is i%)ortant to un#erline that so%e -LC su))liers
alrea#y inclu#e C%l re)resentation of FB /ia
eC)ortIi%)ort tools! Schnei#er an# its .9I:N )latfor%
for instance7 :hat %eans that 6ith a correct .ML )rofile
for the co#e auto%ation! it is concei/able to i%)ort FB
into -LC )rogra%%ing en/iron%ent by the inter%e#iate
of TML generate# files7 He currently 6ork on this kin#
of a))roach an# 6e e/aluate its )ossibilities an# rele/ance
to #e/elo) control an# auto%ation )rogra%s7
:he %ain )ur)ose of this a))roach is not to re)lace the
tra#itional )rogra%%ing en/iron%ents 6ith a .ML tool
for )ersons that are currently #e/elo)ing -LC )rogra%s7
:raining of this staff category in .ML utili<ation 6oul#
not be a /iable solution an# the release of tools offering
such )ossibilities is not )lanne# at the %o%ent a%ong
auto%ation co%%unity7
Bo6e/er #esigners co%)lain about a recurrent lack of
coherence bet6een the #ifferent ste)s of conce)tion 6hen
creating ne6 )ro#ucts or solutions an# )articularly 6hen
reaching the last conce)tion stages7 :hey also nee#
%etho#s an# tools to ca)itali<e their #e/elo)%ent for
future )ro=ects7 4 6ay to a/oi# #e)arting fro% the original
)lan is to use %o#el-base# engineering as far in the
conce)tion )rocess as it is )ossible7 :his )a)er inten#e# to
re=oin this )ara#ig% in or#er to integrate control an#
auto%ation #escri)tion at the %o#eling ste)! a%ong other
technical an# high-le/el consi#erations7
He sa6 that efforts ha/e been %a#e by the (MA in
or#er to integrate s)ecificities of ;eal-:i%e syste%s in
.ML /ia the SysML eCtension7 :his 6ork is recent but it
offers ne6 )ossibilities for %o#eling auto%ate# syste%s
6ith co%)onent-base# %etho#ologies7 In#ee#! e/ery
sub)art 6ill be re)resente# 6ith the sa%e set of #iagra%s!
each co/ering its o6n #e/elo)%ent target /ia a s)ecific
%o#el eCtension! but belonging to the sa%e co%)onent
global )ackage7
>1@ (b=ect Manage%ent Arou)! JMD4 Aui#e Mersion 17071K! 10037
>1@ (b=ect Manage%ent Arou)! J.nifie# Mo#eling Language Mersion
170! Su)erstructureK! 100?7
>3@ International Electro-technical Co%%ission! J-rogra%%able
Controllers U -art 3 V -rogra%%ing languagesK! 1FF37
>?@ (b=ect Manage%ent Arou)! J(MA Syste%s Mo#eling Language
S)ecificationK! 10067
>2@ B7 Selic! G7;u%baugh! J.sing .ML for Co%)leC ;eal-:i%e
Syste%sK! (b=ec:i%e Li%ite#! 1FFL7
>6@ International Electro-technical Co%%ission! :echnical co%%ittee
62 JIn#ustrial--rocess Measure%ent an# ControlK! Horking
Arou)6V Function Blocks7
>3@ :7 Be/erhagen! :7 :racht! ;7 Birschfel#! J4 -rofile for
Integrating Function Blocks into the .nifie# Mo#eling
LanguageK! S)ecification an# Mali#ation of .ML Mo#els for ;eal
:i%e E%be##e# Syste%s +SME;:S,! 10037
>L@ "7 :hra%bouli#is! J.sing .ML in Control an# 4uto%ationV 4
Mo#el Dri/en 4))roachK! International Conference on In#ustrial
infor%atics +I9DI9,! 100?7
>F@ "7 :hra%bouli#is! A7 Doukas! 47 Frant<is! J:o6ar#s an
I%)le%entation Mo#el for FB-base# ;econfigurable Distribute#
control 4))licationsK! International Sy%)osiu% on (b=ect-
oriente# ;eal-ti%e Co%)uting +IS(;C,! 100?7
>10@ C7 :ranoris! "7 :hra%bouli#is! JIntegrating .ML an# the
Function Block conce)t for the #e/elo)%ent o# #istribute# control
a))licationsK! International Conference on E%erging
:echnologies an# Factory 4uto%ation +E:F4,! 10037
>11@ :7 Be/erhagen! JIntegration of languages for )rogra%%able
controllers into the .nifie# Mo#eling Language through Function
Block 4#a)tersK +in Aer%an,! -hD :hesis! .ni/ersity of
Duisburg-Essen! Shaker 1003 7
>11@ :7 Be/erhagen! ;7 :racht! JIntegrating .ML-;eal:i%e an# IEC
61131-3 6ith Function Block 4#a)tersK! International Sy%)osiu%
on (b=ect-oriente# ;eal-ti%e Co%)uting +IS(;C,! 10017
>13@ .7 "at<ke! B7 Mogel-Beuser! J.ML--4 as an Engineering Mo#el
for Distribute# -rocess 4uto%ationK! 4%erican Control
Conference! 10027
>1?@ D7 Ser/at et al7! $$Cli)sV eC)eri%ents on %o#el-#ri/en engineering
for )ro#uction syste%s$$! International Conference on E%erging
:echnologies an# Factory 4uto%ation +E:F4,! 10027
Figure F7 FB TML #escri)tion
Proceedings of the 15th Mediterranean Conference on
ControI & Automation, JuIy 27 - 29, 2007, Athens - Greece

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