REPORT OF THE CRISIS COUNSELLING TRAINING - Held at The Ministry of Health & Social Welfare (Department of Social Welfare) - November 2013

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Held at the Ministry Of Health & Social Welfare (Department Of Social Welfare)


Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ 1 Acronyms .... 2

Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................. 3

Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ 4

1.0 Aim and Objectives of the Training .............................................................................. 5

2.0 Summary of Training Sessions............................... ...................................................... 6

4.0 Closure of the Training................................................................................................. 14

Annex (i): Video Showing Commissioner D. Makalla Officiating the Training........... 16 Annex (ii): List of Participants................................................................... 16 Annex (iii): Picture showing issuance of certificates..16 Annex (iv): Copy of the Crisis Counselling Manual - Revised April 2013.16

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ACRONYMS 1. CHI 2. CHL 3. DSW 4. ICS 5. MCDGC 6. MoHSW 7. UNICEF 8. VAC Child Helpline International Child Helpline Department of Social Welfare Investing In Children & Their Societies Ministry of Community Dev.t Gender & Children Ministry of Health and Social Welfare United Nations Childrens Fund Violence Against Children

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like, on behalf of C-Sema, to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided C-Sema the possibility to complete this training. A special gratitude I give to the Commissioner for Social Welfare for taking time to personally officiate the training; the Assistant Commissioner for Social Welfare whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement, helped us in preparations for the training; the Head of Child Protection Section at the Department of Social Welfare for organising, coordinating and hosting this training. He worked with us from the time of writing invitation letters to participants till when he needed to ensure refreshments were available throughout the training period. Likewise I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role played by the leadership of Childline South Africa for allowing Nomfundo Majola and Reshma Singh to come train our people on crisis counselling, Childline South Africa gave us the permission to use their Crisis Counselling Manual and other necessary materials to complete the training. This is noted with much indebtedness. Very special thanks go to the facilitators Mrs. Reshma Singh (Training, Childline South Africa) and Mrs. Nomfundo Cynthia Majola (Senior Social Worker, Childline South Africa) for travelling away from their office and family responsibilities in Durban to partake a weeklong training in Dar es salaam, thank you! To my team mates, Zaria Mwenge (Senior Social Welfare Officer and CHL Focal Person, Department of Social Welfare), Michael Kehongoh (Child Protection & Outreach, C-Sema), Chris Mushi (CHL Focal Person, Children Development Department (MCDGC)), Mbelwa Gabagambi (Child Protection, UNICEF), Asha Mbaruk (Senior Social Welfare Officer, Kisutu Juvenile Court), Evance Mori (CHL Focal Person, UNICEF), Amin Ngomasere (CHL Counsellor, C-Sema), Thelma Cris Dhaje (CHL Counsellor, C-Sema), Rehema Kombe (Social Welfare Officer, Department of Social Welfare), Mmasa Masumai (CHL Counsellor, C-Sema), and Fatuma Kamramba (CHL Counsellor, C-Sema) who assembled themselves throughout the training and made it splendid by sharing their professional and personal experience. I appreciate the patronage given by all the seniors especially during presentations through their comments and advices to the juniors and young professional social workers. Lastly, to our partners who made the training possible by offering their resources that facilitated travels, meals and accommodations throughout the training period. ICS, UNICEF and CHI you are all appreciated and your contributions - highly valued. Thank you!

Kiiya JK Chief Executive

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C-Sema EXECUTIVE SUMMERY In its efforts to address Violence Against Children (VAC), the government of Tanzania through the department of social welfare embarked on an initiative to strengthening child protection systems. A multi-sectorial response to child protection is being piloted in six selected Districts throughout Tanzania to build knowledge and an evidence base that can be scaled up to generate a national Child Protection System. In these districts the child protection system is hinged on the following formal and informal structures. The formal structures include: Social Welfare; Police; Judiciary; Community Development; Health Services; Education Institutions; Local Government Administrative Structures at district, ward and village levels) and corresponding statutory committees. The informal structures include: Most Vulnerable Children Committees (MVCC); Community Justice Facilitators (CJF); Faith Based Organisations (FBOs); clan and kinship structures; children and youth groups notably children councils, youth networks and child rights clubs; child rights advocates and legal aid service providers; NonGovernmental Organisations (NGOs) and Community Based Organisations (CBOs); childrens homes, Informal fostering agencies; womens groups and para social workers. One of the key components of these child protection systems is a functional Child Helpline. It is for this reason that this training aimed at professional capacity building for the child helpline counsellors; officers from the Ministry of Community Development Gender and Children; and social welfare officers at the Department of Social Welfare was conducted. This report therefore provides information on how the five days workshop was conducted, and highlights lessons learnt and experiences shared during the training. It is hoped that the training has helped improve service delivery to clients at the call centre while planting a seed of future trainers for counsellors. The training was opened with remarks from the Commissioner for social Welfare Mr. Mr. Danford Makalla and proceeded to cover topics in the Crisis Counselling Training Manual including Child Abuse, Interviewing Skills and Problem Solving, Child Pornography, Child Labour, Domestic Violence, Guidelines for Crisis Counselling among many other important topics hoped to equip learners with skills needed to help them in effective service delivery and enhance best practices at the National Child Helpline call centre.

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1.0. OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGIES OF THE TRAINING The Crisis Counselling Training was facilitated by two experienced trainers from Childline South Africa. They both have immense experience on the subject drawn from their long professional crisis counselling careers in and outside the Republic of South Africa. Methodologies employed on the training have been tested and used in several other similar trainings successfully.

1.1 The Training Had Two Main Objectives:

(a) One of the objectives of the training was enhancing capacity of the helpline counsellors/team in handling crisis calls from clients contacting the helpline. (b) Training of Trainers was yet another important objective for the training. Officers from the Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children; and the social welfare officers from the Department of Social Welfare Headquarters were purposeful trained to be future trainers to the helpline counsellors.

1.2 Methodologies Used to Facilitate the Training.

The facilitators used contemporary methodologies throughout the training making learning relaxed and much fun. They included;

Role plays | Test Calls Visual Aids (Video Presentations and Picture Presentations) Group Work and Group Presentations Homework to the Participants Brain Storming Q&A Sessions Energizers Practical Experiences | Case Studies

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Day one was meant for setting the ground for the weeklong sessions of the training. Participants met with the facilitators and exchanged greetings for the first time. Formerly the training was officially opened by the Commissioner for Social Welfare Mr. Danford Makalla by giving his blessings to all participants and the facilitators wishing all, the best of time in the week long training.

LEFT: Commissioner for Social Welfare Mr. Danford Makalla Reading the Opening Remarks. RIGHT: Assistant Commissioner for Social Welfare Ms. Jeanne Ndyetabura following on Day One of Training at DSW

The facilitators then explained the main objective of the training which in nut shell as explained make the participants able to attend to clients / calls in the best ethical possible way. The facilitators also cited that this was a participatory training and they are also learning and expected to learn a lot from the participants. Participants having briefed on the objective of the training, were asked to mention their expectations. Each Participant gave out what they expected to come out with from the training.

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After all the ground settings was done. It was time to begin the sessions planned for day one.

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Each participant was asked to introduce themselves by their name, what they do at work, an animal they like & bear a resemblance to and their favourite colour. The facilitators led the process by first introducing themselves and sharing favourite colours and animals, respectively. Norms to guide participants during the training were agreed and written on the wall after all participants agreeing to each norm / rule. The Program for day one was also revealed to the participants by the facilitators

Facilitator, Reshma Singh (standing) introduces herself while her counterpart Nomfundo Majola (sitting) looks on.

Participants introducing themselves during the introduction exercise.

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Other learning topics during the first session included; How child helplines started in Tanzania? Why would a child call childline? Why does a counsellor need to help this child?

Drawing Exercise: Why Would a Child Call Childline?

Think back to your childhood and ask why you would have phoned child line.

This was a very interesting and also an emotional one since participants were taken back to their childhood days and recalled how they were denied their rights as children either by their parents or caregivers.

A drawing from a participant

Situational Exercise: Identity exercise; value indicators participants were to complete and discuss in class, what their values were: This exercise was meant to help participants reflect on themselves and try to identify their own-self, try to know who you are, how they feel put in different happy/sad situations and how you to handle situations. SESSION 2: CHILD ABUSE The following were the learning topics and activities for the second session: Definitions of child abuse presentations: Types of abuse Definitions; what constitutes and behavioural signs Causes and child abuse and Neglect Disclosure presentation; Disclosure and protection team (read at home - Homework) Evaluations: Smiley face This was a unique way to evaluate the day. Participants had to choose a smiley that represented how they felt at the end of day one. Homework was given at the end of the day: Read and understand the roles of the multi disciplinary team. Page | 9


Presentation on interviewing skills: Participants role played on interviewing skills as clients and counselors and vice versa. At the end of each role play other on-looking participants gave comments on what worked and what didnt during the role-play session(s) this helped to understand what one should do, or say during an interview with client and what one should not say.

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The above illustration helped participants understand how to be empathetic to a client rather than being sympathetic. A sympathetic person will go into the well where their client is seemingly is while an empathetic counsellor will throw a ladder or rope to help their client climb from whatever well they fell into. It was stressed that most counsellors always want to sympathies with clients instead of being empathetic professionally wrong!

According to AVERT, an international Aids charity, they estimate the number of people living with HIV has risen from around 8 million in 1990 to more than 33 million in 2007, and is still growing. Around 69% of people living with HIV are in sub-Saharan Africa. Furthermore, AVERT estimates that during 2007 around 2.5 million adults and children became infected with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), the virus that causes AIDS. By the end of 2007, an estimated 33.2 million people worldwide were living with HIV/AIDS. The year also saw more than two million deaths from AIDS, despite recent improvements in access to antiretroviral treatment. It is very clear that HIV and Aids is a reality all children have to live with, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa where statistics show that they are the most affected by the disease. This doesnt necessarily refer only to those infected, but those who live in households with HIV+ adults and /or other children. An informed counsellor on HIV facts would be better placed to handle clients questions including the most common ones, what is HIV?, how is the disease contracted?, the impact of HIV/AIDS on children, symptoms and early signs of AIDS in babies & children, dealing with prejudice and discrimination just to mention a few. DAY THREE

Child pornography refers to the exposure of young people under 18 to pornography or using young people under 18 in the making of pornography. Child pornography has been described as a form of child sexual abuse and is illegal in most countries, including Tanzania. To curb an increasing number of cases on exposure of children to pornography, participants covered topics including: child pornography & child abuse the link; how children are exposed and why; effects of pornography on children; legislation & policy dealing with the sexual exploitation of children; and safety tips for children viz. internet & cell phone influence on pornography.

The participants shared their experiences on the subject of Child Labour in the context of the Law of the Child Act in Tanzania. An explanation and legal distinction between child labour and child work and various forms of child labour was set. Participants also identified international instruments employed in curbing child labour AND lastly, the participants described the longterm effects of child labour on a child and the reasons for child labour.

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Picture & Video Presentations on Child Labour and Discussions

Participants following up the picture & video presentations on child labour led by the facilitators

SESSION 7: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Presentation on domestic violence thro Role plays Discussions Personal Revelations

SESSION 8: BULLYING Presented thro Homework & Role plays Evaluations Personal Revelations

SESSION 8: GUIDELINES FOR COUNSELLING CRISIS CALLS During this session facilitators revealed the importance of understanding child rights for own work context as a counsellor. Facilitators also demonstrated several ideas and appropriate responses to callers in crisis. In this section a number of problems and challenges children and family face were discussed and various resources were mentioned for referral purpose as provided by Tanzania laws. Test Calls: Role playing of test calls provided practical hands-on-lessons on topics covered throughout the week. Counsellors and facilitators challenged themselves on various roles as clients and counsellors respectively. This is always tough but very useful for learners. Page | 12

Participants during the test calls role playing. Looking keenly are the facilitators

SESSION 9: BEHAVIOUR, DISCIPLINE AND PUNISHMENT Participants were taken through the concept of behaviour in a child and youth care work context with discussions on discipline and punishment in relation to young persons at risk; how to identify and describe behaviour management strategies and techniques; how to respond to behaviour in routine child and youth care work contexts and lastly a discussion on how schools should deal with discipline and punishments especially alternative disciplinary measures to the prevalent corporal punishments.

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SESSION 10: CHILDREN IN CONFLICT WITH THE LAW Children in conflict with the law have often turned to crime because of economic need. Sometimes children act on their own but they are frequently very vulnerable to exploitation from adults who use children to commit crimes. This is considered by the International Labour Organisation to be one of the worst forms of child labour. Many children have turned to living on the streets, and become involved in criminal and physically dangerous endeavors, sometimes out of necessity and sometimes because of peer or social pressure. Street life perpetuates childrens involvement in gang culture, drug use, and sex work. Most of these children contact helpline for assistance. It is therefore vital for counsellors to be fully informed of the legal avenues around this topic. This was well elaborate during the session.

Participants enjoying group presentation

3.0. CLOSURE OF THE TRAINING On the last session the facilitators took the participants though the expectations that were established on the first day of the training to determine whether all the expectations were met. It was learnt that most expectations were met and therefore all participants agreed that the training was successful. Page | 14

The facilitator confirming with the participants whether the expectations were met The training was officially closed by the Assistant Commissioner for Social Welfare Ms. Jeanne Ndyetabura whereby she thanked the facilitators for travelling all the way from South Africa for the training and all the participants for attending the training and participating fully in every bit of training. Further she recommended that the Crisis Counselling Training Manual be domesticated and translated to Kiswahili language to be used to train counsellors in the future. She later issued certificates of attendance to all participants.

4.0. ANNEXES (i) (ii) List of Participants (Sample Day 2) Copy of the Crisis Counselling Manual - Revised April 2013

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