Innovative ECE Final Projects List

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Innovative E CE Final projects list

1. GPRS Mobile internet
2. Touch screen.
3. G lobal Positioning Syste !GPS" technology.
4. GSM technology.
5. MM C#S$ car% &ith F'T()* + F'T(,- .ile syste
6. /ireless technology.
7. MEMS acceleroeter.
8. 0eartbeat sensor.
9. 1luetooth technology.
10. RFI$# Sart#Mi.are car%.
11. R212TICS .
12. Speech recognition.
13. Finger print recognition.
14. C ontroller 'rea 3et&or4 !C'3" protocol.
15. RS(567.
16. Google 'n%roi% obile 2S. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
ECE Final projects list
SET(-*8. Radar Velocity-measuring System esign and !ig! s"eed alert intimation
t!roug! S#S
SET(8). esign and de$elo"ment o% &ouc! screen #o'ile "!one using #odem( )ra"!ical *+(
,u--er and &ouc! Screen 'ased .ey"ad.
SET(8-. esign and construction o% #/#S 'ased tilt o"erated touc! %ree mo'ile "!one.
SET(,7). 0ireless 1inger"rint 2++/SS +34&R3* System ,ased on 5ig,ee &ec!nology
SET(8,. +onstruction o% 6ntelligent mo'ile "!one 7it! )8S ena'led %eatures.
SET(85. +onstruction o% +entral +ontrol 9nit %or 6rrigation 7ater "um"s. +ost e%%ecti$e met!od
to control entire $illager:s 7ater "um"s 7it! user le$el aut!entication. 6lliterate:s
%riendly system.
SET(87. Voice o"erated intelligent *i%t or /le$ator
SET(8*. 2utomatic geo-"ositioning and S#S alerts on road tra%%ic density.
SET(,5-. 1inger "rint and .ey"ad 'ased security access control system.
SET(,5,. 133& S&/8 830/R )/4/R2&634 S;S&/#.
SET(,5*. 0!eel c!air mo$ement control using tongue
SET(-77. )8S-)S# 6ntegration %or /n!ancing 8u'lic &rans"ortation management
SET(-76. 3'stacle 2$oidance and #an!ole detection /lectronic tra$el aid Ro'ot %or
SET(89. )ra"!ical *+ and memory stic. 'ased tilt o"erated &e<t'oo. reading system
SET(86. =ead mo$ement 'ased $oice ena'led 7ireless de$ice s7itc!ing %or "!ysically
SET(8:. &ouc! screen and 5ig'ee 'ased 7ireless communication assistant %or um' and
illiterates in 2irlines
SET(--,. #issile detection and auto destroy system
SET()8. 5ig'ee 'ased 7ireless Voice to &e<t translator in 2irlines>=os"ital assistant system %or
SET()). 0ireless )8S tra$el location data logger using ,luetoot!>5ig'ee.
SET():). Voice actuated !os"ital 'ed control system and =eart ,eat monitoring and alerting
system Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
SET()-. ,luetoot! 'ased ad$anced 7ireless !ome automation system.
SET(-5. 2ndroid Smart 8!one o"erated 6ntelligent =ome.
SET(-,. 6ntelligent train security system and auto controlling.
SET(),. Smart +ard and )8S 'ased automatic 'us tic.eting system %or tra$eled distance.
SET()5. R16 and )S# 'ased intelligent courier mail'o< system 7it! automatic deli$ery
SET()7. +onstruction o% Smart mo'ile "!one 7it! dri$ing mode selection to a$oid accidents.
SET()*. +ardiac Sentinel? 2 smart )S# 'ased em'edded solution %or continuous remote
monitoring o% cardiac "atients.
SET()9. )8S and )S# 'ased Real-time =uman =ealt! #onitoring and 2lert System %or
+ardiac "atients.
SET()6. &ouc! screen 'ased ad$anced menu dis"lay and 3rdering System %or Restaurants.
SET():. &ouc! screen and 5ig'ee 'ased ad$anced automation system %or ne<t generation
SET(-8. 2d$anced Ve!icle Security System 7it! &!e%t control and 2ccident 4oti%ication.
SET(-). )8S 'ased $e!icle tra$el location data logger 7it! 2), ##+>S #emory card.
SET()79. S"eec! recognition 'ased "ass7ord ena'led de$ice s7itc!ing %or 'lind and "!ysically
SET()76. Voice commands 'ased 7!eel c!air %or "!ysically c!allenged.
SET()6*. ,luetoot! /nergy #eter.
SET()69. )oogle 2ndroid Smart "!one o"erated #otor +ontrol System.
SET()66. 2ndroid o"erated 6ntelligent 230$ 2+ *am" immer.
SET()6:. Smart "!one 'ased data logger
SET()7:. #/#S 2ccelerometer controlled 8+.
SET()65. ,luetoot! 'ased security ena'led "o7ered de$ices control system.
SET(--. 0eara'le &ec!nology 'ased secure access control system 7it! motion 'ased "ass7ord.
SET():6. S"eec! recognition 'ased 7!eel c!air o"eration and 7ireless !ome de$ices control
system Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
SET(,57. Voice acti$ated multi "ur"ose ro'ot
SET(-7. & &ouc! =ome @&&=A.
SET(-*. #icrocontroller and 5ig'ee 'ased 7ireless c!at>communication system 7it! &ouc!
screen .ey'oard.
SET(-9. &ouc! screen and Smart +ard 'ased "re"aid & ' system 7it! automatic seat
SET():5. #icrocontroller and &ouc! screen 'ased 7ireless li'rary 'oo. catalog system
SET(,55. &ouc! screen 'ased !ome automation 7it! door controlling.
SET(8). esign and de$elo"ment o% &ouc! screen #o'ile "!one using #odem( )ra"!ical *+(
,u--er and &ouc! Screen 'ased .ey"ad.
SET(8:. &ouc! screen and 5ig'ee 'ased 7ireless communication assistant %or um' and
illiterates in 2irlines
SET()6. &ouc! screen 'ased ad$anced menu dis"lay and 3rdering System %or Restaurants.
SET():. &ouc! screen and 5ig'ee 'ased ad$anced automation system %or ne<t generation
SET(-6. &ouc! screen and 5ig'ee 'ased li'rary automation using R16.
SET(-:. &ouc! screen 'ased 7!eel c!air control system.
SET(,8. 6mage 'ased "ass7ord aut!entication %or 6lliterates 7it! &ouc! screen.
SET(,). &ouc! screen 'ased 4urse>attendant calling system %or "!ysically im"aired.
SET(,-. &ouc! screen 'ased igital Slate %or ne<t generation elementary sc!ool c!ildren.
SET(,,. &ouc! screen 'ased remote controlled ro'ot 7it! 7ireless $ideo camera.
SET(,5. 5ig'ee>,luetoot! and &ouc! screen +ontrolled 8+.
SET(,*. +onstruction o% &ouc! screen 'ased "orta'le igital +loc..
SET(,9. &ouc! screen controlled lam" dimmer %or ne<t generation a"artments.
SET(,6. &ouc! screen o"erated Volumetric 3il is"enser.
SET(,:. &ouc! screen 'ased tem"erature monitoring and control system 7it! gra"!ical *+. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
GPRS base% project
SET()::. *ocation a7are mo'ile "!one signal strengt! logger into 2), memory card
@##+>S>#icro SA
SET(--8. )8RS 'ased real time data logger onto li$e 7e'site @777.soo<ma.comA 7it! S#S
'ased real time de$ice control
SET(,,9. Remote !ome monitoring t!roug! internet and controlling using R1.
SET(76. )8RS 'ased real-time =ome>6ndustrial critical de$ices status in%ormation logger into
SET(-5,. 3nline data logging o% de$ice status and tem"erature using )8RS.
SET(:5. 3nline li'rary 'oo. catalog 7it! R16 tec!nology.
SET(55. )8S and )S# 'ased real-time $e!icle on )oogle /art! @7it! t7o )S#
SET(:,. Student data logging system into college 7e'site 'ased on R16.
SET(7:. #edical "arameters monitoring on li$e 7e'site 777.soo<
SET(*8. Student data logging system into college 7e'site 'ased on R16.
SET(*). 3nline li'rary 'oo. catalog 7it! R16 tec!nology.
SET(:5. 3nline li'rary 'oo. catalog 7it! R16 tec!nology.
SET()67. Voice recognition and $oice guidance 'ased )8S turn-'y-turn na$igator %or 'lind 7it!
ultrasonic o'stacle a$oidance.
SET(8,. +onstruction o% 6ntelligent mo'ile "!one 7it! )8S ena'led %eatures.
SET(58. )8S 'ased data logger and real time $e!icle 7it! )S#.
SET(,,6. )8S ,2S/ S&2&634 42#/ 6S8*2; 24 33R +34&R3*
SET(5). )8S and )S# 'ased o%%ice ca' monitoring( alerting and logging system.
SET(-85. )8S 'ased na$igator 7it! location dis"lay on )ra"!ical *+. &!is "ro$ides user to
!a$e t!e location in%ormation dis"layed in any language
SET(-87. 2d$anced )8S 'ased na$igator %or illiterates Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
SET(-8-. )8S and )ra"!ical dis"lay 'ased tourist-guiding system 7it! &ouc! screen .ey'oard
in"ut %or dynamic location recording. &!is can 'e used any 7!ere in t!e 7orld
including Sea and 1orest locations
SET(-86. 0ireless ,luetoot! ena'led )8S recei$er data logger
SET(-),. )8S ata *ogger 7it! *ongitude( *atitude( S"eed( &ime( 4um'er o% satellites into
%at16>%at32 %ile system on 2), memory card
SET(5-. 2utomatic ta<i &ri" Sensing and 6ndicating System t!roug! )S#.
SET(5,. )8S 'ased train location system 7it! S#S %acility.
SET(55. )8S and )S# 'ased real-time $e!icle on )oogle /art! @7it! t7o )S#
SET(57. #ilitary "ersons training system t!at monitors t!e s"eed at 7!ic! t!ey mo$e and records
t!e calculated tra$eled distance 7it! t!e time.
SET(5*. Virtual distance measuring ta"e 7it! )8S and )*+. Very use%ul %or roads and
'uildings de"artment. 3ne man o"era'le and 7or.s any7!ere on /art!.
SET(59. #icrocontroller and )8S 'ased geogra"!ical ma" dra7ing instrument. Very use%ul %or
+i$il engineers.
SET(56. =uman tra$el location system 'y using )8S.
SET(5:. #icrocontroller 'ased $irtual 'oundary>%encing %or 2nimal #o$ement +ontrol.
SET(78. )8S 'ased station name announcement and dis"lay system %or &rains>'uses.
SET(7). 6m"lementation o% location 'ased ad$ertisement system using )8S and )ra"!ical *+.
SET(7-. )8S 'ased 'order alert system %or %is!ermen 7it! 'oat s"eedometer.
SET(7,. *ocation dri$en car music "layer. @8lays de$otional songs near tem"les( s!uts at !ome
SET(75. &ra$el assistant %or 'lind 7it! dynamic user in"ut %or location 'ased alerts.
SET(77. 2utomated 'us-sto" alert %or "assengers using )8S.
SET(7*. )8S 'ased 7ireless S"eedo meter %or 'oat>s!i" 7it! s"eed and location limit alerts.
SET(79. )8S 'ased uni$ersal cloc.. )ets t!e time %rom satellites and dis"lays on )*+. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
SET()::. *ocation a7are mo'ile "!one signal strengt! logger into 2), memory card
@##+>S>#icro SA
SET(6). Smart card and )S# 'ased ad$anced security system.
SET(,,9. Remote !ome monitoring t!roug! internet and controlling using R1.
SET(76. )8RS 'ased real-time =ome>6ndustrial critical de$ices status in%ormation logger into
SET(-5-. )S# 'ased S+22 im"lementation %or industrial a""lications 7it! %encing security
SET(-5,. 3nline data logging o% de$ice status and tem"erature using )8RS.
SET(:5. 3nline li'rary 'oo. catalog 7it! R16 tec!nology.
SET(55. )8S and )S# 'ased real-time $e!icle on )oogle /art! @7it! t7o )S#
SET(8). esign and de$elo"ment o% &ouc! screen #o'ile "!one using #odem( )ra"!ical *+(
,u--er and &ouc! Screen 'ased .ey"ad.
SET(8-. esign and construction o% #/#S 'ased tilt o"erated touc! %ree mo'ile "!one.
SET(8,. +onstruction o% 6ntelligent mo'ile "!one 7it! )8S ena'led %eatures.
SET()5. R16 and )S# 'ased intelligent courier mail'o< system 7it! automatic deli$ery
SET()7. +onstruction o% Smart mo'ile "!one 7it! dri$ing mode selection to a$oid accidents.
SET()9. )8S and )S# 'ased Real-time =uman =ealt! #onitoring and 2lert System %or
+ardiac "atients.
SET(5). )8S and )S# 'ased o%%ice ca' monitoring( alerting and logging system.
SET(-57. Real-time industrial automation 'ased on )S# and 7ireless 5ig'ee
SET(-5*. 6ndustrial tem"erature and /lectrical data into 2), ##+ 7it! real time monitoring
using )S# tec!nology
SET(7:. #edical "arameters monitoring on li$e 7e'site 777.soo<
SET(*8. Student data logging system into college 7e'site 'ased on R16.
SET(*). 3nline li'rary 'oo. catalog 7it! R16 tec!nology.
SET(*-. )S# 'ased sc!ool c!ildren security system 'ased on R16. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
SET(*,. 2 mo'ile agent 'ased distri'uted intelligent control system arc!itecture %or !ome
SET(*5. Real-time !ome automation 'ased on )S# and 7ireless 5ig,ee.
SET(*7. 0ireless )oogle /art! control system at Rail7ay>,us Stations %or tourist:s route ma"
SET(**. )S# and 2), ##+ card 'ased data logger 7it! real time monitoring.
SET(*9. 2 Remote #easurement and +ontrol System %or )reen!ouse ,ased on )S#-S#S.
SET(*6. /lectronic eye-dial-u".
SET(*:. )S# 'ased S+22 im"lementation %or industrial a""lications 7it! 6R sensor.
SET(98. )S# 'ased student data acBuisition.
SET(9). S#S ,ased + #otor S"eed +ontroller 7it! "ass7ord "rotection.
SET(9-. =ome a""liances monitoring and controlling system using )S# 7it! %encing auto
SET()*7. )as lea.age detector C auto dialing controller system
SET():9. )S# 'ased instantaneous $e!icle registration details e<traction system $ery use%ul %or
&ra%%ic "olice
SET(9,. =ig! 8o7er */ 'ased intelligent streetlig!t controlling system 7it! )S# 'ased
Ve!icle +ounter.
SET(95. #o'ile tec!nology @)S#A 'ased remote monitoring and control o% digital /nergy
SET(97. =ome security System 'ased on *8) gas( Smo.e and 1ire Sensors 7it! S#S 'ased
SET(9*. )S# 'ased digital 4otice 'oard 7it! dis"lay on )*+ dis"lay.
SET(99. )S# 'ased digital 4otice 'oard 7it! dis"lay on 8+ #onitor.
SET(96. )S# 'ased digital 4otice 'oard 7it! dis"lay on Scrolling */ is"lay.
SET(9:. )S# 'ased S+22 @Su"er$isory +ontrol and ata 2cBuisitionA im"lementation.
SET(68. ual )S# #odems 'ased irrigation 7ater "um" controller %or illiterates.
SET(6-. Voice ena'le de$ice s7itc!ing %or "!ysically c!allenged and emergency alerts t!roug!
SET(6,. S#S 'ased remote S6# card:s address 'oo. access system.
SET(65. )S# and ##+>S #emory +ard 'ased Remote #essage Storage e$ice. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
SET(67. #icrocontroller ,ased &!ermometer and S#S 'ased alerts.
SET(6*. Security 6ntegrated system 'ased on 7ireless access "rotocol %or industrial a""lications
7it! S#S alert system using )S# modem
SET(69. 3-"!ase irrigation motor monitoring and 2uto-controlling 'ased on )S# tec!nology.
SET(66. )S# 'ased "re-"aid /nergy #eter 7it! lo7 'alance alert..
SET(6:. &em"erature 'ased 1an S"eed +ontroller and S#S alerts using )S# modem.
SET(:8. 98S 'attery monitoring system o$er )S# %or !ig! a$aila'ility systems
@'>%inance>medical etcA.
SET(-)). +ontrol "o7ered de$ices 7it! mo'ile "!one %or %ree o% cost. &!is secure system 7or.s
only %or "rede%ined "!one num'ers @eg? o7ner num'erA
SET(85. +onstruction o% +entral +ontrol 9nit %or 6rrigation 7ater "um"s. +ost e%%ecti$e met!od
to control entire $illager:s 7ater "um"s 7it! user le$el aut!entication. 6lliterate:s
%riendly system.
SET(-*). Smart card 'ased Security 2ccess +ontrol System.
SET(),. Smart +ard and )8S 'ased automatic 'us tic.eting system %or tra$eled distance.
SET()5. R16 and )S# 'ased intelligent courier mail'o< system 7it! automatic deli$ery
SET(:). R16 and )S# 'ased 2d$anced Ve!icle " slot ' system.
SET(:-. R16 and 5ig'ee 'ased Voice ena'led calling 'ell.
SET(6). Smart card and )S# 'ased ad$anced security system.
SET(:,. Student data logging system into college 7e'site 'ased on R16.
SET(:5. 3nline li'rary 'oo. catalog 7it! R16 tec!nology.
SET(:7. )S# 'ased sc!ool c!ildren security system 'ased on R16.
SET(:*. R16 and 2), S>##+ card 'ased "atient data monitoring system 7it! 8+ inter%ace.
SET(:9. Ve!icle count and S"eed is"lay System %or =ig! 7ays and !ig! s"eed alerts 7it!
$e!icle num'er using R16.
SET(:6. &ouc! screen and R16 'ased & ' system.
SET(-6. &ouc! screen and 5ig'ee 'ased li'rary automation using R16. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
SET()88. esigning o% 24 !ours digital li'rary and 'oo.s data logger in to 8+.
SET()8). R16 7are!ouse ro'ot.
SET()8-. R16 'ased 'us identi%ication system %or 'lind 7it! $oice.
SET()8,. R16 +ard 'ased security access control systems.
SET()85. R16 'ased digital li'rary system and alerts.
SET()87. R16 'ased =ig!7ay toll collection
SET()8*. R16 'ased S!o""ing trolley.
SET()89. R16 'ased em"loyee login system and identi%ication dis"lay on 8+.
SET()86. 2 smart card 'ased "re"aid electricity system.
SET()8:. R16 'ased automatic car " system.
SET())8. R16 'ased animal system.
SET())). R16 'ased "re"aid card %or "etrol station.
SET())-. R16 'ased medical in%ormation system.
SET(,,7. 2uto-+redit /nergy #etering System using mi%are card
SET()),. 6nno$ati$e +ongestion +ontrol System %or 2m'ulance 9sing 56),//
SET())5. 5ig'ee 'ased 7ireless /lectronic 4otice ,oard 7it! #ulti 8oint Recei$er.
SET())7. 5ig'ee de$ice access control and relia'le data transmission in 5ig'ee 'ased !ealt!
monitoring system.
SET())*. &7o-7ay 0ireless ata #essaging System %or Rural 2reas using 5ig,ee &ec!nology.
SET(--:. 0ireless igital +amera +ontroller. 9sing t!is "roDect t!e digital camera can 'e
controlled remotely using R1 &ransmitter and Recei$er. &!e controls include
"icture sna"s( s7itc!ing on t!e %las! lig!t( c!anging camera direction using ste""er
motor etc
SET(-,8. 0eara'le tec!nology %or 7ireless gadgets control
SET(,,:. +ost /%%ecti$e 0ireless 2ttendance and 2ccess +ontrol System
SET(,,9. Remote !ome monitoring t!roug! internet and controlling using R1. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
SET())9. 0ireless $i'ration monitoring system o% industrial eBui"ments @2lso use%ul %or 'ridges
SET())6. 6m"lementation o% 7ireless sensors net7or. %or 0ild 1ire monitoring system.
SET(-89. Radio 1reBuency 7ireless remote controlled digital camera 7it! !ig! "o7er */
'ased %ocusing lig!t. &!e camera direction can 'e controlled remotely and t!e $ideo
images can 'ed seen li$e on &V
SET()):. 2 4o$el 0ireless Sel%-"o7ered #icrocontroller-'ased #onitoring +ircuit %or
8!oto$oltaic 8anels in )rid-connected Systems
SET()-8. 0ireless &em"erature Sensor 6ntegrated +ircuits
SET()-). 0ireless =eart'eat #onitoring and 2lert system
SET()--. e$elo"ment o% 5ig'ee 'ased Street *ig!t
SET()-,. &rain automation using R1 7it! $oice announciator %or t!e stations
SET()-5. /m"loyee login and logout details 7it! dis"layed on 8+ 'ased on R1.
SET()-7. +! C 2uto +ontrol 0ater *e$el 9sing 0ireless Sensor.
SET()-*. 0ireless 3 8!ase #otor Starter using R1 &ec!nology 7it! %eed'ac. indicators.
SET()-9. 2ccident identi%ication "roDect using R1.
SET()-6. 1inding o% missing o'Dect 'ased on R1 tec!nology.
SET()-:. #icrocontroller 'ased 0ireless matc!'o< 7it! digital lantern.
SET(),8. Virtual 7ireless dancing 'ells %or classical dancers.
SET(),). +!ild>,lind system C alerts to our !and !eld de$ice.
SET(),-. =ome security system ,ased on 7ireless R1 tec!nology
SET(),,. 0ireless Ste""er #otor +ontrol using R1 +ommunication.
SET(),5. &V Remote +ontrolled 8+ and e$ices 7it! 8ass7ord "rotection
SET(,78. 9S64) #3,6*/ R3,3&S &3 =2RV/S& 2&2 1R3# S/4S3R 16/*S
SET(,5:. 3mni irectional Ro'ot 7it! )S# +onnecti$ity %or Remote 2ccess
SET(-)*. 5ig'ee controlled ,oat 7it! 7ireless $ideo and $oice transmission 7it! nig!t $ision
ca"a'ility Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
SET(),7. 5ig'ee 'ased remote controlled ro'ot 7it! 7ireless $ideo camera mounted on it.
SET(),*. esigning "ainting ro'ot using s"ray gun tool.
SET(),9. esigning and construction o% #o$a'le ro'otic arm.
SET(),6. Solar 8o7ered Ve!icle>+ar 7it! ultrasonic sensors @*+ $oltage dis"layA.
SET(),:. #/#S 2ccelerometer 'ased =ands )esture controlled Ro'ot
SET(-8,. 3 ) #o'ile "!one controlled li$e !uman 'eing detection
SET()58. &ouc! screen 'ased remote controlled ro'ot 7it! $ideo camera.
SET()5). =ead-mo$ement controlled ro'ot 7it! $oice and 7it! $ideo camera.
SET(-)5. E2#/ Ea$a /na'led mo'ile "!one controlled ,luetoot! Ro'ot
SET()5-. 1ire %ig!ting R3,3.
SET()5,. R3,3 leg %or "!ysically c!allenged.
SET()55. =and )estures controlled 6ntelligent 0!eelc!air.
SET()57. #/#S controlled ro'ot 7it! 7ireless $ideo camera mounted on it.
SET()5*. &#1 controlled *i$e =uman ,eing etection 7it! and $ideo camera mounted on it.
SET()59. Ro'ot +ontrol 'y 8+ 7it! =ead *am" and 4ig!t Vision.
SET()56. #icrocontroller 'ased Visi'le *ig!t 1ollo7er Ro'ot
SET()5:. &#1 'ased !uman less 'oat control %or ocean researc! a""lications.
SET()78. #o'ile "!one controlled %our-legged ro'ot 7it! s"eed and direction control.
SET()7). 8+ controlled 7ireless Ro'ot 7it! li$e !uman detection.
SET()7-. #icro /lectro #ec!anical Sensor @#/#SA 2ccelerometer 'ased sel%-'alancing ro'ot.
SET()7,. *i$e =uman 'eing detection 7ireless remote controlled Ro'ot. @9se%ul %or detection o%
terrorists !iding inside 'uildingsA
SET()75. Radio 1reBuency 'ased remote controlled ro'ot 7it! 7ireless $ideo camera mounted
on it.
SET()77. 2utonomous Ro'ot 7it! arti%icial $ision %or o'stacle detection.
SET()7*. &#1 controlled li$e !uman 'eing detecting R3,3.
SET(-,,. *ine 1ollo7er Ro'ot
SET(-,5. 0all 1ollo7er Ro'ot
SET(-,7. 3'stacle detection ro'ot 7it! mec!anical sensing s7itc!es. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
SET(,59. ,om' detecting ro'ot 7it! metal detection sensor.
SET(,56. #ine detecting ro'ot 7it! !el" o% "ro<imity sensors.
MMC#S$ car% projects
SET(-). )8S 'ased $e!icle tra$el location data logger 7it! 2), ##+>S #emory card.
SET(58. )8S 'ased data logger and real time $e!icle 7it! )S#.
SET(5). )8S and )S# 'ased o%%ice ca' monitoring( alerting and logging system.
SET(-),. )8S ata *ogger 7it! *ongitude( *atitude( S"eed( &ime( 4um'er o% satellites into
%at16>%at32 %ile system on 2), memory card
SET(57. #ilitary "ersons training system t!at monitors t!e s"eed at 7!ic! t!ey mo$e and records
t!e calculated tra$eled distance 7it! t!e time.
SET(59. #icrocontroller and )8S 'ased geogra"!ical ma" dra7ing instrument. Very use%ul %or
+i$il engineers.
SET()::. *ocation a7are mo'ile "!one signal strengt! logger into 2), memory card
@##+>S>#icro SA
SET(**. )S# and 2), ##+ card 'ased data logger 7it! real time monitoring.
SET(65. )S# and ##+>S #emory +ard 'ased Remote #essage Storage e$ice.
SET(:*. R16 and 2), S>##+ card 'ased "atient data monitoring system 7it! 8+ inter%ace.
SET()*). ##+>S .ey security system.
SET()*-. )ra"!ical *+ and #emory stic. @##+>S cardA 'ased te<t'oo. reading system.
SET(--9. Standalone =eart'eat ata *ogger @#+9FS>##+ 1), +ardF SensorsA. @&!e
"ur"ose o% t!is "roDect is to log t!e !eart'eat data into t!e ##+ memory stic.. &!e
data %or t!e duration u" to 3ne #ont! can 'e logged continuouslyA
SET(--6. Solar data logger into ##+>S #emory +ard Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
MEMS acceleroeter projects
SET(86. =ead mo$ement 'ased $oice ena'led 7ireless de$ice s7itc!ing %or "!ysically
SET()*8. 2utomatic %all detection and acti$ity monitoring %or elderly.
SET(-88. #/#S 2ccelerometer 'ased digital "!oto %rame 7it! automatic "osition>$ie7
adDustment system @similar to digital camerasA
SET(8-. esign and construction o% #/#S 'ased tilt o"erated touc! %ree mo'ile "!one.
SET()7:. #/#S 2ccelerometer controlled 8+.
SET(--. 0eara'le &ec!nology 'ased secure access control system 7it! motion 'ased "ass7ord.
SET(-,8. 0eara'le tec!nology %or 7ireless gadgets control
SET())9. 0ireless $i'ration monitoring system o% industrial eBui"ments @2lso use%ul %or 'ridges
SET(),:. #/#S 2ccelerometer 'ased =ands )esture controlled Ro'ot
SET()57. #/#S controlled ro'ot 7it! 7ireless $ideo camera mounted on it.
SET()55. =and )estures controlled 6ntelligent 0!eelc!air.
SET()7-. #icro /lectro #ec!anical Sensor @#/#SA 2ccelerometer 'ased sel%-'alancing ro'ot.
SET(-88. #/#S 2ccelerometer 'ased digital "!oto %rame 7it! automatic "osition>$ie7
adDustment system @similar to digital camerasA Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
Speech recognition syste projects
SET(87. Voice o"erated intelligent *i%t or /le$ator
SET():). Voice actuated !os"ital 'ed control system. Very use%ul in o"eration o% selected 'ed
mo$ements and room en$ironment %unctions associated 7it! a "ro$ided multi-%unction
!os"ital 'ed
SET()8. 5ig'ee 'ased 7ireless Voice to &e<t translator in 2irlines>=os"ital assistant system %or
SET()79. S"eec! recognition 'ased "ass7ord ena'led de$ice s7itc!ing %or 'lind and "!ysically
SET()76. Voice commands 'ased 7!eel c!air %or "!ysically c!allenged.
SET():6. S"eec! recognition 'ased 7!eel c!air o"eration and 7ireless !ome de$ices control
SET(,57. Voice acti$ated multi "ur"ose ro'ot
SET()67. Voice recognition and $oice guidance 'ased )8S turn-'y-turn na$igator %or 'lind 7it!
ultrasonic o'stacle a$oidance.
SET(6-. Voice ena'le de$ice s7itc!ing %or "!ysically c!allenged and emergency alerts t!roug!
SET(-)7. S"eec! recognition system 'ased "o7ered de$ices control system Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
0eartbeat sensor projects
SET()*. +ardiac Sentinel? 2 smart )S# 'ased em'edded solution %or continuous remote
monitoring o% cardiac "atients.
SET()9. )8S and )S# 'ased Real-time =uman =ealt! #onitoring and 2lert System %or
+ardiac "atients.
SET(:*. R16 and 2), S>##+ card 'ased "atient data monitoring system 7it! 8+ inter%ace.
SET()-). 0ireless =eart'eat #onitoring and 2lert system.
SET(-7-. =/2R& ,/2& #346&3R64) 06&= 6S8*2; 34 *+.
SET(:,. #icrocontroller 'ased =eart'eat #onitor 7it! is"lay on "c.
SET():,. 0ireless touc! screen 'ased !eart'eat monitoring o% multi"le "atients
1luetooth projects
SET()-. ,luetoot! 'ased ad$anced 7ireless !ome automation system.
SET(-5. 2ndroid Smart 8!one o"erated 6ntelligent =ome.
SET()6*. ,luetoot! /nergy #eter.
SET()69. )oogle 2ndroid Smart "!one o"erated #otor +ontrol System.
SET()66. 2ndroid o"erated 6ntelligent 230$ 2+ *am" immer.
SET()6:. Smart "!one 'ased data logger
SET(-8:. E2#/ Ea$a "!one controlled =ome 2utomation
SET(-)5. E2#/ Ea$a /na'led mo'ile "!one controlled ,luetoot! Ro'ot Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
RS(567 projects
SET(-8*. RS485 'ased S+22 system %or longer distance "o7ered de$ices.
Controller 'rea 3et&or4 !C'3" projects
SET():7. +24 "rotocol ena'le multi-region monitoring and control system
Finger print recognition projects
SET(,5-. 1inger "rint and .ey"ad 'ased security access control system.
Google 'n%roi% obile projects
SET(-)6. 2ndroid 'ased real time lam" dimmer o$er ,luetoot!
SET(--5. Smart "!one 2ndroid 3"erated Ro'ot
SET(--7. 2ndroid "!one 2ccelerometer sensor 'ased Ro'ot 4a$igator
SET():-. Soo<maGs 2ndroid "!one tem"erature data logger o$er ,luetoot!
SET(--*. )oogle 2ndroid o"erated Smart =ome
2ther ebe%%e% projects
SET(,,*. 2 multi agent multi sensor 'ased security system %or intelligent 'uilding
SET(,5). 2utomatic *R 'ased 7indo7 'lind control system
SET()*,. Solar & Street *ig!t System.
SET()*5. +all ,ased =ome 2""liance +ontroller
SET()**. &#1 controlled soil-moisture sensor. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
SET()*9. Sa%ety im"lementation %or 3-"!ase irrigation motor using Soil-moisture sensor and
tem"erature sensor.
SET()*6. 8+ 'ased igital 4otice ,oard 7it! is"lay on *+ is"lay.
SET()*:. 8+ +ontrolled 6ndustrial e$ices 7it! 8-relay 'oard.
SET()98. 1eed'ac. +ontrolled e$ices 7it! 2d$ance Security using #o'ile 8!ones.
SET()9). #icrocontroller 'ased #ulti"le e$ice +ontrol 'ased on one 6n"ut S7itc!.
SET()9-. esign o% +o%%ee +u" %or 2lerting @Vi'rations C 'u--erA ,lind 8eo"le.
SET()9,. #icrocontroller 'ased ,an. *oc.ers Sa%ety System using igital Hey 8ass7ord 7it!
oor 2ccess 1acility.
SET()95. Secure 8ass7ord 8rotected ,an. * +ontrolling using #o'ile &ec!nologies.
SET()97. 2utomatic 2cti$e 8!ase selector %or single "!ase load %rom t!ree "!ase su""ly.
SET()9*. 8etroc!emical *e$el 6ndicator and +ontroller %or 2utomation o% cotton "uri%ication
"rocess in s"inning mills.
SET()99. 6n%rared @6RA remote controlled #uscle Stimulator 7it! duration and intensity control.
SET()96. #o'ile 8!one controlled 8+ 7it! e$ices +ontrol
SET()9:. #icrocontroller 'ased digital cloc. 7it! )ra"!ical *+ and Sans.rit %ont @or 2ny
regional %ontA 4um'ers.
SET()68. Real-time =eart'eat #onitoring system 7it! dis"lay on )ra"!ical *+ and alerting
SET()6). &elugu &utor 7it! dynamic te<t and 6mages identi%ication %or elementary sc!ool .ids.
SET()6-. 6nno$ati$e .ey'oard construction 7it! only one in"ut "in.
SET()6,. Voice ena'led de$ices s7itc!ing %or $isually im"aired.
SET():8. =uman 'ody tem"erature and =eart rate monitoring on mo'ile screen o$er ,luetoot!
7ireless tec!nology
SET():7. +24 "rotocol ena'le multi-region monitoring and control system.
SET():*. #icrocontroller 'ased online e<amination system 7it! dynamic Buestions Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.
18 Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2
loor, !"re#$ co"rt, %e&'de (m$ge ho&p't$l, Ameerpet, )*+!,A-A+ . 73.
Santoshnagar: /pp: 0$gn$ )yperm$r#et, 1$nto&hn$g$r 2-,o$d&, )*+!,A-A+ . 39.

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