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Douglas High Alumni News Letter


Publisher Ed Grensky Volume No. I Issue No. 11 Date 9/05/09

Labor Day is a United States federal

holiday observed on the first Monday in This became the pattern for Labor Day
September (September 7 in 2009). celebrations Speeches by prominent men
The holiday originated in Canada out of and women were introduced later, as more
labor disputes ("Nine-Hour Movement") emphasis was placed upon the economic and
first in Hamilton then Toronto, Ontario in civil significance of the holiday. Still later,
the 1870's, which resulted in a Trade Union by a resolution of the American Federation
Act which legalized and protected union of Labor convention of 1909, the Sunday
activity in 1872. The parades held in support preceding Labor Day was adopted as Labor
of the Nine-Hour Movement and the Sunday and dedicated to the spiritual and
printers' strike led to an annual celebration educational aspects of the labor movement.
in Canada. In 1882, American labor leader
Peter J. McGuire witnessed one of these
labor festivals in Toronto. Inspired, he
returned to New York and organized the Posted by: Jeanette Gardner (Harty)
first American "labor day" on September 5
Edgar Guest had two poems that come to my
of the same year. mind as fitting for Labor Day. I fell in love with
Labor Day is celebrated September 5,1882 his poetry when I was 18 and love it still.
in the United States.[1] In the aftermath of
the deaths of a number of workers at the My Creed
hands of the US military and US Marshals To live as Gently as I can;
during the 1894 Pullman Strike, President To be, now matter where a man;
To take what comes of good or ill
Grover Cleveland put reconciliation with And cling to faith and honor still;
Labor as a top political priority. Fearing To do my best, and let that stand
further conflict, legislation making Labor The record of my brain and hand;
Day a national holiday was rushed through And then should failure come to me,
Congress unanimously and signed into law a Still work and hope for victory.
mere six days after the end of the strike.[2]
Life is a lot of work, it seems to me that work
Cleveland was also concerned that aligning ethics have been lost over the year. Once men
a US labor holiday with existing were proud to work and proud of the work they
international May Day celebrations would did, I hope many of us still believe in that.
stir up negative emotions linked to the
Haymarket Affair.[3] All 50 U.S. states have The other poem is it couldn’t be done and I just
made Labor Day a state holiday. wanted to share it to remind us never to give up
hope but just to keep going forward.

The form for the celebration of Labor Day Someone said that it couldn’t be done,
was outlined in the first proposal of the But, he with chuckle replied
holiday: A street parade to exhibit to the That “ maybe it couldn’t , but he would be one
public "the strength and esprit de corps of Who wouldn’t say so till he tried.
the trade and labor organizations," followed So he buckled right in with a trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
by a festival for the workers and their He started to sing as he tacked the thing
families. That couldn’t be done, and he did it.
Somebody scoffed : “ Oh you’ll never do that;

At least no one has ever done it;” “Featured Links,” and click on the
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat, newsletter you want to read.
And the first thing we knew he’d begun it.
With a life of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit, When you’re on the web site don’t forget to
That couldn’t be done and he did it, look at the message board for information
from classmates, also check the “family
The word quiddit was not a type O, it means news summary”, recipes, and more.
when work has meaning, so without doubt and
with meaning.

There is more to this poem but I felt that this

much gave us the jest of it; that throughout
life we can accomplish many things and we
are never too old to at least try. What a
blessing to us that we live in such a
wonderful country, where we have so many
great opportunities. If you would like to share your pictures
from the reunion, please send them to me at:
Newsletter Information The most important
photo I’m looking for is a close up of the
As you can see within this newsletter, the group in the gym.
information is dwindling pertaining to
what’s going on with you and other Just For Laughs
classmates. As I mentioned in the first
couple of newsletters this would probably
Posted by: Anne Worthley (McKay)
happen. Instead of cutting back on the
newsletter from weekly to by weekly or
monthly, as I said I would, I want to
Little John the Baptist
continue the weekly newsletter for the sake Matt.?18:4-5
of those who have written stating they enjoy "Therefore, whoever humbles himself like
the Bible study and lessons. this child is the greatest in the kingdom of
I will continue to give you as much heaven.
information about your classmates as I And who ever welcomes a little child like
receive it. this in my name welcomes me. "

If anyone has Judy Swift Mendenhall’s

contact information, would you please
email it to me?

Web Site Information

Something new that’s been added to the web

site is the convenience of reading current,
and past newsletters. To find them go to the
main page of the web site, and scroll down
looking on the right side until you see
Johnny's Mother looked out the window
and noticed him "playing church" with

their cat. book is listed for, from there you can read
He had the cat sitting quietly and he was some in depth critiques on the book.
preaching to it. She smiled and went
about her work. A while later she heard
loud meowing and hissing and ran back
to the open window to see Johnny
baptizing the cat in a tub of water.

She called out, "Johnny, stop that! The

cat is afraid of water!"
If you’re interested in end time Prophecy,
Johnny looked up at her and said, "He this is the best book I have read on Ezekiel
should have thought about that before he 38-39. Key questions relevant to
joined my church." understanding Gog & Magog, who’s who,
Gog’s Role in Gog & Magog, Israel’s roll,
the World’s roll, God’s roll, the aftermath,
parallel passage, timing and much more.

So if you have read a book that has stirred

you, please share it with us and add some
information about or critique the book.

Waldenbooks shrinking
David Wertheimer
, April 1, 2009 11:38 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) |
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Amid a "bleak book environment," Borders is

planning on closing most of its Waldenbooks
Books locations to cut its corporate costs. The
I’m starting this New addition to our company, which had been stratetgically closing
newsletter on books; the idea here is to list Waldenbooks stores since 2007, is now moving
toward a drastic reduction--as much as 80
books that you have read, that were so good percent of the current total.
you couldn’t put them down. When you
email me with the information, please Waldenbooks will have 50 to 60 doors when the
follow the example below; I will take care of closings are complete, down from 300 today,
and 564 as recently as 2007. Borders stores are
the books picture. concentrating on high-volume areas, like
children's and health and wellness books, while
Suggested reading by: Ed Grensky aggressively cutting costs.

Posted by: Ed Grensky

The Silence is Broken
For those who buy books on-line:
Ezekiel’s Gog & Magog
By: Douglas Berner
The following is a comparison of prices
Non-Fiction/ Christian
from three major on-line bookstores. I show
you this because of today’s economic
If you left click on the book’s picture, you
will be taken to Amazon’s page where the

Borders/Walden Books, BetterWorldBooks, You might be wondering by this time why I
and Amazon Books. talk about the shadowy things of the Bible,
in my opinion some people need the scary
These prices run across the board for these facts to move them from being Luke Warm
sites, which you can check out for yourself. to Hot, for me it took the book “The Late
I’m going to list the name’s of the books I Great Planet Earth” by Hal Lindsey and
have bought, and right under it the store, and C.C. Carlson. The book was printed in 1970,
under that the price for each book from that I was at a friends house and picked it up
store. from the end table, I opened the book and
started to read it and couldn’t put it down, I
Signature of the Cell: DNA Evidence For ended up taking it home to finish.
Intelligent Design by: Stephen Meyer From that day many, many, years ago, I
Borders Better World Amazon started growing spiritually, what will it take
$28.99 $21.98 $19.13 to move you? Below is a link to a sermon
outline on “Spiritual Growth,” if you are
Because The Time Is Near serious about growing as a Christian, study
By: John MacArthur Jr. the outline by clicking on the link below.
Borders Better World Amazon
$15.99 $13.48 $10.87 .htm
It’s the end of the World, as we know it. So! You just can’t bring yourself to take all
By: Jim Fletcher. this mumbo jumbo seriously, or you may
Borders Better World Amazon simply not care enough to think about it,
$14.99 $13.48 $11.24 don’t feel alone, you are among many.
I don’t want to get into a debate on Theism
Seven Fires: Grilling the Argentine Way. vs. Atheism, better men than I have tried.
By: Francis Mallmann. I’m simply going to deliver the Word of
Borders Better World Amazon God on the subject; my job is to see that you
$35.00 $25.98 $23.10 receive His message.

This is an apple to apple comparison, there John 3: 16

all new, same binding, printed the same
year, and other than Better World Books For God so loved the world, which He gave
which has free shipping anywhere in the His only begotten Son, that whoever
United States, the other two charge shipping, believes in Him shall not perish, but have
unless it’s over $25 per order. eternal life.

John 3: 36
He who believes in the Son has eternal life;
but he who does not obey the Son will not
see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.
Posted by: Ed Grensky
John 5: 24
Well! Last weeks lesson should have been Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My
an eye opener for some, if you missed it you word, and believes Him who sent Me, has
can go to the web site and read it, you will eternal life, and does not come into
find it listed under “Featured Links”.

judgment, but has passed out of death into Mark 16: 16
He who has believed and has been baptized
shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved
John 5: 37-40
shall be condemned.
Witness of the Father
37 And the Father Himself, who sent Me,
Barns Notes on Mark 16: 16 below.
has testified of Me. You have neither heard
His voice at any time, nnor seen His form. This is the whole of faith, Man is a sinner.
38 But you do not have His word abiding in He should act on the belief of this truth, and
you, because whom He sent, Him you do not repent. There is a God. Man should believe
believe. it, and fear and love him, and seek his favor.
The Lord Jesus died to save him. To have
Witness of the Scriptures 39 You faith in him, is to believe this is true, AND
search the Scriptures, for in them you think TO ACT ACCORDINGLY; i,e,. To trust
you have eternal life; and these are they him, to rely on him, to love him, to feel that
which testify of Me. 40 But you are not we have no merit, and to cast our all upon
willing to come to Me that you may have him. There is a heaven and hell. To believe
life. this, is to credit the account, and act as if it
The point here is the Word alone does not were true; to seek the one, and avoid the
save, you can be script ally smart, and yet other. We are to die. To believe this, is to act
spiritually dead. as if this were so; to be in readiness for it,
and to expect it daily and hourly. In one
Romans 2: 5-8 world, faith is feeling and acting as if there
5. But because of your stubbornness and were a God, a Saviour, a heaven, a hell; as if
repentant heart you are storing up wrath for we were sinners, and must die; as if we
yourself in the day of wrath and revelation deserved eternal death, and were in danger
of the righteous judgment of God, 6. who of it; and, in view of all, casting our eternal
will RENDER TO EACH PERSON interests on the mercy of God in Christ
ACCORDING TO HIS DEEDS: 7. to those Jesus. To do this is to be a Christian; not to
who by perseverance in doing good seek for do it, is to be an infidel. Is Baptized. Is
glory and honor and immortality, eternal initiated into the church by the application
life; 8. but to those who are selfishly of water, as significant that he is a sinner,
ambitious and do not obey the truth, but and needs the purifying influences of the
obey unrighteousness, wrath and Holy Ghost. It is worthy of remark, that
indignation. Jesus has made baptism of so much
importance. He did not say, indeed, that a
Rev. 21: 8 man could not be saved without baptism, but
he has strongly implied that where this is
But for the cowardly and unbelieving and neglected, knowing it is to be a command of
abominable and murderers and immoral the Saviour, it endangers the salvation of the
persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all soul. Faith and baptism are the beginnings of
liars, their part will be in the lake that burns a Christian life: the one the beginning of
with fire and brimstone, which is the second piety in the soul, the other of its
death. manifestation before men, or of a profession
of religion. And every man endangers his
eternal interest by being ashamed of Christ
before men.

It may be asked how it can be just in God to sure what you are being taught is the truth
condemn men forever for not believing the from the Word of God.
gospel. I answer; (1.) God has the right to It’s not easy to discern the difference
appoint his own terms of mercy. (2.) Man between a true teacher of the Word, and a
has no claim on him for heaven. (3.) The false teacher. Please don’t miss this lesson,
sinner rejects the terms of salvation which you can follow along with in your
knowingly, deliberately, and perseveringly. Bible.
(4.) He has a special disregard and contempt
for the gospel. (5.) His unbelief is produced
by the love of sin. (6.) He shows by this that An elderly woman died last
he has no love for God, and his law, and for
eternity. (7.) He slights the objects dearest to
month. Having never
God, and most like him; and, (8.) he must be married, she requested no
miserable. A creature who has no
confidence in God, who does not believe male pallbearers. In her
that he is true or worthy of his regard, and
who never seeks his favour, must be handwritten instructions for
wretched. He rejects God, and he must go her memorial service, she
into eternity without a Father and without a
God. And he has no source of comfort in wrote, 'They wouldn't take
God that can make man happy; and without
his favour the sinner must be wretched. me out while I was alive, I
Conclusion don't want them to take me
The condition of the man who will not
believe is fearfully awful. The Son of God
out when I'm dead..'
has solemnly declared that he shall be
damned. No excuse will be allowed for not Web site address below:
believing. Every man is to be offered eternal
life; and he rejects it at his peril.
Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked
should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that Ed’s email below.
he should return from his ways, and live?
Ezekiel 18:23 KJV

RC Sproul
Here, then, is the real problem of our negligence. We
fail in our duty to study God's Word not so much
Next Weeks Lesson because it is difficult to understand, not so much
because it is dull and boring, but because it is work.
Our problem is not a lack of intelligence or a lack of
I wanted to do this before now because it is passion. Our problem is that we are lazy.
so very important for you to know, that is,
your need to know about false prophet’s and
teachers with us today, and how to discern
the difference. For all you know I could be a
false teacher, that’s why I want you to know
how to verify the differences, and know for

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