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1. Is there is any purchase committee in the unit?

Yes No Can’t say

2. What are the factors considered while placing a purchase order?

Safety stock Lead time
Availability Competition
Consumption Demand
Cost Other

Please specify if others, _______________________________

3. From where the unit purchase its inventories?

Own Subsidiaries
Local market
Domestic market (National)
International market

4. According to you, how many number of Godowns are there in the company?
0 to 5
5 to 10
10 to 15
15 & above

5. What factors are considered while storing te inventories in godown? Please give ranking
as per your viewpoint, 8 to the highest and 1 to the lowest….
Lighting Inventory types
Movement Codification
Standarization Space
Cleanliness Other

Please specify if others, _______________________________

6. Did proper records of these inventories are maintained by the company?

Yes No

7. Which method of accounting of inventories is being followed by the company?


Please specify if others, _______________________________

8. How do you managed the waste materials of the company?
Resale Disposed
Recycle Other

Please specify if others, _______________________________

9. Did the company followed any inventory policies?

Yes No

10. What factors are considered while framing inventory policies?

Degree of specialization Demand Forecaste
Capacities Opportunities
Production system Competitors strategy
Sales Cost associated
Please specify if others, _______________________________

11. Which of the inventory control techniques is/are being followed in the company?
EOQ ABC Re-order level
FSN VED ERP system
Inventory turnover ration
Please specify if others, ________________________________

12. Which of the following cost reduction measures are adopted by the company?
Safety stock
Reducing leadtime
Bulky purchase
Channels of distribution

13. Please give your opinion for the below statement. (“SD”- Strongly Diagreed, “D”-
Disagreed, “N”- Neutral, “A”- Agreed and “SA”- Stongly Agreed)

a. VSGM followed proper inventory managemtn system

b. Godowns maintained by the company are sufficient for storing inventories
c. Proper codification process are being followed for all class of inventories
d. ERP system is a suitable tool for managing inventories

Name of respondent: ________________________ Deptt.: ____________________

--- Thankyou for giving your valuable time in filling up the above questionnaire ---

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