Summary of Earth's Final Events - Biblical Perspective

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Summary of Earths Final Events Biblical Perspective

Created: 17 Oct 2008 / Modified: 25 May 2013 This information has been provided to aid those who would like to better understand the Biblical end-time sequence its not a strict timeline, per se. This covers a summary of the entire book of Revelation (chapters 1 22), plus a brief timeline supported by OT and NT scripture references. PLEASE NOTE: The Revelation of Jesus Christ is not a single vision, but a series of visions given to John in parts

End-Time Sequence (by chapter)

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapters 1 3: Jesus reveals Himself to John in a Sabbath day vision while John is exiled on the Isle of Patmos, giving the apostle some guidance for the churches, as well as an outline of the future. This guidance had an immediate application for the 7 literal Christian churches of Asia Minor which existed at that time, but it has an even more extensive message to Christianity as a whole today. The 7 churches also represent God's church in 7 different times/stages, from the early believers until our present time. Because of the nature of the message of the entire book, and the opposition of the Roman Empire to much of what was being taught, the events depicted are couched in symbolic language to avoid suppression of the message. The instructions to the churches pertain to the proper worship by Gods people. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapters 4 6: John is shown in vision, some scenes in Heaven that depict Jesus ministry and show that He is the only one who can execute redemption. Then, in chapter 6, they show another representation of the ages from the beginning of NT times, right up to the Second Coming. The scenes up through Revelation 6:13 have occurred, but 6:14 has not, so we're in between verses right now. :) Here we see the continuous worship in Heaven of God the Father (chap 4) and God the Son (chap 5). Eventually, even the wicked admit to the supremacy of God (Rev 6:15-17). The Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapter 7: This vision gets into a little detail about the scenes just before the close of probation and the tribulation (which are the 4 winds of strife) right up until Jesus comes. The angels are shown as holding things in check until God's people are sealed. The people of God are represented as Israelites, because for a major portion of Bible times, that's who God's people primarily were, but that does not refer to physical Israelites, because most of the tribes of Israel were dispersed during the Assyrian captivity. Gods people are sealed. After this, all those who have been saved, including those who have come through great tribulation, are giving God worship and praise and honor. Their robes of white represent the righteousness of Christ which now clothes them (Rev 7:9,13,14), just as Adam and Eve were originally clothed (Psa 104.2; Gen 1:26-27; Gen 2:25). The Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapters 8 10: This is a parallel to Revelation chapters 1-3, covering basically the same time periods. The primary difference is that whereas those earlier chapters focused on the spiritual condition of the church, these focus on the geo-political and socio-economic climate of the world. The prayers of the saints are offered to God (Rev 8:3-4) and the blasphemy of the wicked is also raised to God (Rev 9:20-21). During the trumpeting of the 7th angel, they mystery of God (Rev 10:7; Mar 4:11; Col 1:23-27; 1 Tim 3:16) will be finished, and Gods people will be called on to prophesy of the final events.

Biblical Summary of Earths Final Events

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The Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapter 11: The 42 months referred to here is the same prophetic time of 1260 days (or the time, times and half a time) spoken of in Daniel 7:25 and Revelation 12:6. It is the time of papal supremacy. This is a period where worship of man is substituted for the true worship of God, and Gods true believers are suppressed. The judgment is here again foretold (Rev 11:18). The temple of God is seen in Heaven (11:19), with the ark of His testament (which is the commandments a transcript of Gods eternal character), and God is worshipped in Heaven (11:15-17). The Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapter 12: This covers a lot of ground, but not in order. It talks about the birth of Jesus, the original war in Heaven between Jesus and Satan, the beginning of the Christian Church, and the persecution of the church in the Middle Ages, plus the springing up of the church in America as the pilgrims escaped from Europe. The fight in Heaven was originally over worship, and this has been the continued theme of the Great Controversy ever since. Gods people are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ, also known as Michael the Archangel (Rev 12:7; Dan 10:21; Dan 12:1; Jude 1:9). The Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapter 13: Also covers a lot of ground, sequentially. We start with the rise of the papacy and go all the way through to the rise of the next power which will support the papacy and use similar tactics in enforcing false worship. We are currently in the middle of this chapter we are still waiting for verses 12 and onward. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapters 14 16: The first 5 verses are essentially a continuation of chapter 7, and show a scene in Heaven after the Second Coming. Revelation 14:6-12 is a call to return to the true worship of the true God, and will be the final theme of messages which usher in the close of probation, depicted by verses 13 and onward. The rest of chapter 14, all the way through chapter 16, shows the final warnings for repentance, and the judgment that befalls those who do not accept the final call. The worship of the true God by Gods victorious people is seen in chapter 15. The 7 last plagues are here depicted. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapter 17: A brief interlude is taken to describe to John the false church (which is really the church that apostatized). A description of the church and the beast it rides upon is given so that the false church system and false worship system can be clearly identified. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapter 18: Back to the description of the plagues, particularly those that affect spiritual Babylon. The sins of Babylon include false worship and the leading astray of all nations and their earthly rulers. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapter 19: These events are post Second Coming events (explained later in the timeline). Gods people praise Him for His judgments against spiritual Babylon. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapter 20: A repeat of the Rev 19, from a different perspective. It speaks directly to the 1000 years which begin immediately at the Second Coming, and then end when Jesus comes back the 3rd time with all the righteous who were taken to Heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17), and then sin is ultimately destroyed. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapters 21-22: Everything is recreated and God relocates His headquarters from Heaven to Earth -- to the New Jerusalem. Once again, the entire universe is worshiping God in spirit and in truth! (Isaiah 66:23)

Biblical Summary of Earths Final Events

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Final Events Timeline

Signs of the Times -- Turmoil, Strife, and Calamities: Revelation 7 Daniel 12 Matthew 24 Mark 13 Luke 21 2 Timothy 3 Satan and his agents significantly increase their activities Revelation 16 Matthew 24 Mark 13 Final message of Salvation is proclaimed Three Angels Messages of Revelation 14 Revelation 14 & 18 Joel 2:28-29 The Final Test to Worship God or Worship the Beast (and the dragon behind the beast) is Given Revelation 13 (Historical Precedence: Daniel 3 & 6) Probation Closes for the Whole World Revelation 7 & 13 (Historical Precedence: Genesis 7:14) The final time of trouble ensues Revelation 12:17 Revelation 13:15 Daniel 12:1-4, Job 38:22-23 John 15:20 The Seven Last Plagues fall (but God's people are protected) Revelation 16 & 18 (Historical Precedence: Genesis 7-14 Psalms 91:5-8) Jesus Comes Again in the Clouds (the righteous dead are resurrected and the wicked are slain by the brightness of His coming) Revelation 1:7 Revelation 20 Mark 14:62 1 Thess 4:16-17 2 Thess 2:8-9 2 Peter 3 The Righteous are taken to Heaven for 1000 years (while Satan is confined to earth with no one to tempt because the wicked are all dead) Revelation 20 John 14:1-3 Matthew 5:3-10 Jeremiah 4:23-27 The Righteous reign in Heaven with Christ during the 1000 years (the saints judge the wicked, including Satan and his angels) Revelation 20 1 Thessalonians 4:17-18 1 Corinthians 6:3 Daniel 7:9-10, 26-27 Jesus returns to the Earth a 3rd time (with the New Jerusalem and all the righteous) Revelation 20-22 The wicked are resurrected in the "Second Resurrection" Revelation 20 & 21 Satan convinces the wicked to try and take the Holy City Revelation 20 Zechariah 14:3-5 Fire Comes down from God out of Heaven and destroys them all (Sin is permanently destroyed) Revelation 20 Malachi 4 Matthew 13:37-50 Nahum 1:7-9 Zechariah 14:3-5 The Earth is recreated Revelation 21 & 22 Isaiah 66:22-23

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