U.S. Corporate Index Factsheet

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Scott Atha scott.atha@barcap.com +1 212 526 9038 Sherwood Kuo, CFA sherwood.kuo@barcap.com +1 212 526 2490 Nikki Stefanelli nikki.stefanelli@barcap.com +1 212 526 6190

Index Products | 13 April 2011

www.barcap.com/indices live.barcap.com (keyword: index) General Inquiries: index_feedback@barcap.com

U.S. Corporate Index

The U.S. Corporate Index is a broad-based benchmark that measures the investment grade, fixed-rate, taxable, corporate bond market. It includes USD-denominated securities publicly issued by U.S. and non-U.S. industrial, utility, and financial issuers that meet specified maturity, liquidity, and quality requirements. Securities in the index roll up to the U.S. Credit and U.S. Aggregate Indices. The U.S. Corporate Index was launched on January 1, 1973.
Sector Composition (MV%) Trailing 5 Years (as of Dec 31, 2010)
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Quality Composition (MV%) Trailing 5 Years (as of Dec 31, 2010)

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0




35.7 11.5

35.8 11.3



















19.7 4.4 2006

22.2 4.4 2007 Aaa

12.1 4.9 2008 Aa A

15.8 .6 2009 Baa

16.8 .9 2010


2007 Industrial

2008 Utility

2009 Financial


Rules for Inclusion Amount Outstanding/ Minimum Issue Size Quality USD250mn minimum par amount outstanding.

Rated investment-grade (Baa3/BBB-/BBB-) or higher using the middle rating of Moodys, S&P, and Fitch after dropping the highest and lowest available ratings. When a rating from only two agencies is available, the lower (more conservative) is used. When a rating from only one agency is available, that is used to determine index eligibility. Expected ratings at issuance may be used when there are other index-eligible bonds from the same issuer that hold the same actual rating as the expected rating. At least one year until final maturity, regardless of optionality. For securities with coupon that converts from fixed to floating rate, at least one year until the conversion date. Fixed-to-floating perpetual securities are included in the index. These are included until one year before their first call date, providing they meet all other index criteria. Subindices based on maturity are inclusive of lower bounds. Intermediate maturity bands include bonds with maturities of 1 to 9.9999 years. Long maturity bands include maturities 10 years and greater.


Seniority of Debt Taxability

Senior and subordinated issues are included. Capital securities (hybrid capital) are eligible during their fixed-rate term and exit the index one year prior to their conversion to floating-coupon securities.

Only fully taxable issues are eligible. Dividend Received Deduction (DRD) and Qualified Dividend Income (QDI) eligible securities are excluded. London index-uk@barcap.com +44 (0)20 7773 3744 Singapore index-sg@barcap.com +65 6308 2225 Tokyo index-tk@barcap.com +81 3 4530 1760

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Barclays Capital | U.S. Corporate Index

Rules for Inclusion (continued) Coupon

Must be fixed-rate. Step-up coupons and those that change according to a predetermined schedule are also included. Capital securities with coupons that convert from fixed to floating rate are index eligible, given that they are currently fixed rate; the maturity date then equals the conversion date. Fixed-to-floating rate perpetual capital securities that do not have coupon rate step-ups on their first call date will remain index eligible for their fixed-rate term, provided they meet all other inclusion rules and exit the index one year prior to their conversion to floating-coupon securities.

Currency Market of Issue

Principal and coupons must be denominated in USD.

SEC-registered securities, bonds exempt from registration at time of issuance, or SEC Rule 144A securities with registration rights are index eligible. A security with both SEC Regulation S (Reg-S) and SEC Rule 144A tranches is treated as one security in par value; to prevent double-counting, the 144A tranche is used to represent the issue and comprises the combined amount outstanding of the 144A and Reg-S tranches. Issues with global market of issue are included. Bonds from issuers that have later de-registered remain index-eligible if they were previously SEC-registered or 144A with reg rights. Excluded Treasuries, government-related, securitized, covered bonds Bonds with equity-type features (e.g., warrants, convertibles, contingent capital securities) DRD and QDI-eligible securities Private placements Floating-rate issues Strips Inflation-linked bonds Securities with both Regulation S and SEC Rule 144A without Registration Rights tranches Fixed-rate perpetuals USD 25/USD 50 par bonds, retail bonds Structured notes, Loan Participation Notes (LPN), Pass-through certificates Illiquid securities with no available internal or third-party price source

Security Types

Included Fixed-rate bullet, putable and callable bonds Soft bullets SEC registered or exempt from registration at issuance, SEC Rule 144A with Registration Rights Original issue zero coupon and underwritten MTN Enhanced Equipment Trust Certificates (EETC) Certificates of Deposit Fixed-rate and fixed to floating capital securities

Historical Annual Returns, 1973-2010 (%)

45 39.2 40 35 30 24.1 22.2 25 19.3 18.7 18.5 16.6 16.5 16.7 20 14.1 12.2 15 10.28.6 10.18.2 9.3 9.2 9.0 9.110.3 8.7 7.1 10 5.4 4.3 4.6 3.3 3.2 3.0 2.6 1.7 1.5 5 .3 -.3 0 -5 -2.1 -2.0 -3.9 -4.9 -10 -5.9
19 81 19 83 19 73 19 75 19 77 19 79 19 85 19 89 19 91 19 93 19 95 19 97 19 99 20 01 20 03 20 05 20 07 20 09 19 87

Source: Barclays Capital Indices

13 April 2011

Barclays Capital | U.S. Corporate Index

Index History November 1, 2008 July 1, 2005 July 1, 2004 October 1, 2003 July 1, 2000 July 1, 1999 January 1, 1994 January 1, 1992 January 1, 1990 August 1, 1988 January 1, 1973 Rebalancing Rules Frequency The composition of the Returns Universe is rebalanced at each month-end and represents the fixed set of bonds on which index returns are calculated for the ensuing month. The Statistics Universe is a forward-looking version that changes daily to reflect issues dropping out and entering the index, but is not used for return calculation. On the last business day of the month (the rebalancing date), the composition of the latest Statistics Universe becomes the Returns Universe for the following month. During the month, indicative changes to securities (credit rating change, sector reclassification, amount outstanding changes, corporate actions, ticker changes) are reflected in both the Statistics and Returns Universe of the index on a daily basis. These changes may cause bonds to enter or fall out of the Statistics Universe of the index on a daily basis, but will affect the composition of the Returns Universe only at month-end, when the index is rebalanced. Intra-month cash flows from interest and principal payments contribute to monthly index returns, but are not reinvested at any short-term reinvestment rate in between rebalance dates to earn an incremental return. However, after the rebalancing, cash is effectively reinvested into the returns universe for the following month, so that index results over two or more months reflect monthly compounding. Qualifying securities issued, but not necessarily settled on or before the month-end rebalancing date, qualify for inclusion in the following months index if required security reference information and pricing are readily available. Index rebranded as Barclays Capital U.S. Corporate Index Fitch ratings added to Moodys and S&P to determine index eligibility and classification Liquidity constraint raised to USD250mn from USD200mn Liquidity constraint raised to USD200mn from USD150mn. Started using the most conservative rating of Moodys and S&P to determine index eligibility instead of Moodys only for split-rated securities Absorbed all Yankee Corporates into their respective industry and sector classification Liquidity constraint raised to USD150mn from USD100mn Liquidity constraint raised to USD100mn from USD50mn Liquidity constraint increased to USD50mn from USD25mn Liquidity constraint raised to USD100mn from USD25mn Liquidity constraint raised to USD25mn from USD1mn Data time series begins for U.S. Corporate Index

Index Changes

Reinvestment of Cash Flows

New Issues

Pricing and Related Issues Sources & Frequency Corporate: All bonds are marked by Barclays Capital market makers at mid-month and month-end. Up to 1,000 actively traded benchmark corporate securities continue to be priced by traders on a daily basis. Less liquid bonds are model/matrix priced daily using these actively traded benchmark securities to generate issuer pricing curves and populate a spread matrix algorithm that accounts for changes in the yield and swap curves. Bonds can be quoted in a variety of ways, including nominal spreads over benchmark securities/Treasuries, spreads over swap curves, or direct price quotes as a percentage of par. In most instances, the quote type used is a spread measure that results in daily security price changes from the movement of the underlying curve (swap or Treasury) and/or changes in the quoted spread. 3pm (New York time) each day. On early market closes, prices will be taken as of 1pm unless otherwise noted. If the last business day of the month is a public holiday in the U.S., prices from the previous business day are used. Bonds in the index are priced on the bid side. The initial price for new corporate issues entering the index is the offer side; after that, the bid side price is used.
T+1 calendar day settlement basis On month-end, settlement is assumed to be the first day of the following month, even if the last business day is

Pricing Quotes

Timing Bid or Offer Side Settlement Assumptions

not the last day of the month, to allow for one full month of accrued interested to be calculated. Verification Multi-contributor verification: The primary price for each security is analyzed and compared with other third-party pricing sources through statistical routines and scrutiny by the research staff. Significant discrepancies are researched and corrected, as necessary. The U.S. Corporate Index follows the U.S. bond market holiday schedule.


13 April 2011

Barclays Capital | U.S. Corporate Index

Subindices and Index Customizations Barclays Capital publishes numerous subindices of flagship indices and bespoke benchmarks created for specific index users. Several types of bespoke indices are available to select or customize the most appropriate benchmark for specific portfolio needs: Custom Index Type Enhanced Constraint Composites Description Applies a more or less stringent set of constraints to any existing index. Investors assign their own weights to sectors or other index subcomponents within an overall index. Examples

U.S. Corporate ex Baa U.S. Intermediate Corporate 50% U.S. Aggregate, 50% Euro Aggregate 30% U.S. Govt-Related, 20% Securitized U.S. Corporate 1% Issuer Capped U.S. HY 1.5% Issuer Capped ex Financials An index of zero coupon nominal swaps with weights matching the cash flows of a specific liability stream U.S. HY VLI Index U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted

Issuer Constrained Liability Driven

Indices that cap issuer exposure to a fixed percentage. Options available for applying issuer caps and redistributing excess MV to other issuers. Designed to match a specific investors liability stream or future cash flow obligations. Often built using swaps indices or strips. Chooses the largest and most recently issued bonds from a given issuer. Uses other rules-based weighting schemes instead of market value weights.

Very Liquid Alternative Weight

Bespoke indices can be published on Barclays Capital Live and Bloomberg. For more information about customizing indices please contact your regional index group or email index_feedback@barclayscapital.com.
Accessing Index Data Barclays Capital Live live.barcap.com (keyword: index)
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- LUACTRUU: Total Return Index Value - LUACYW: Yield To Worst - LUACOAS: OAS

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Barclays Capital Indices are also available from licensed third party distributors and analytical platforms. List of approved vendors available upon request.
Bloomberg Total Return Index Value Tickers for U.S. Corporate and Related Indices Ticker (USD Unhedged) LUACTRUU LF99TRUU LD06TRUU LD07TRUU Index U.S. Corporate U.S. 1-3 Corporate U.S. Intermediate Corporate U.S. Long Corporate Ticker (USD Unhedged) LCA3TRUU LCA2TRUU LCA1TRUU LCB1TRUU Index U.S. Corporate Aaa U.S. Corporate Aa U.S. Corporate A U.S. Corporate Baa

Total Return Index Values are available in other currencies and on a hedged basis. Other attributes, such as yield and duration, are also tickerized on Bloomberg using the first four characters of each ticker listed in the above table. For a full list of tickerized attributes for each index, type ALLX <Ticker>. Please refer to Historical Analysis Using Bloomberg Tickers for a full list of tickers.
Index Licensing

Barclays Capital requires index data licenses for services and products linked to the Indices

Index or Constituent-Level Redistribution Bond Pricing Service Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs) Index-Linked Insurance Products Mutual Funds

OTC Derivative Products Custom Index Solutions

For information on licensing opportunities and questions on data usage and redistribution of Barclays Capital Indices, please contact your regional index group or email index_feedback@barclayscapital.com.
13 April 2011 4

Analyst Certification(s) We, Scott Atha, Sherwood Kuo and Nikki Stefanelli, hereby certify (1) that the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect our personal views about any or all of the subject securities or issuers referred to in this research report and (2) no part of our compensation was, is or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this research report. Important Disclosures For current important disclosures regarding companies that are the subject of this research report, please send a written request to: Barclays Capital Research Compliance, 745 Seventh Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10019 or refer to https://ecommerce.barcap.com/research/cgibin/all/disclosuresSearch.pl or call 212-526-1072. Barclays Capital does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be aware that Barclays Capital may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Any reference to Barclays Capital includes its affiliates. Barclays Capital and/or an affiliate thereof (the "firm") regularly trades, generally deals as principal and generally provides liquidity (as market maker or otherwise) in the debt securities that are the subject of this research report (and related derivatives thereof). The firm's proprietary trading accounts may have either a long and / or short position in such securities and / or derivative instruments, which may pose a conflict with the interests of investing customers. Where permitted and subject to appropriate information barrier restrictions, the firm's fixed income research analysts regularly interact with its trading desk personnel to determine current prices of fixed income securities. The firm's fixed income research analyst(s) receive compensation based on various factors including, but not limited to, the quality of their work, the overall performance of the firm (including the profitability of the investment banking department), the profitability and revenues of the Fixed Income Division and the outstanding principal amount and trading value of, the profitability of, and the potential interest of the firms investing clients in research with respect to, the asset class covered by the analyst. To the extent that any historical pricing information was obtained from Barclays Capital trading desks, the firm makes no representation that it is accurate or complete. All levels, prices and spreads are historical and do not represent current market levels, prices or spreads, some or all of which may have changed since the publication of this document. Barclays Capital produces a variety of research products including, but not limited to, fundamental analysis, equity-linked analysis, quantitative analysis, and trade ideas. Recommendations contained in one type of research product may differ from recommendations contained in other types of research products, whether as a result of differing time horizons, methodologies, or otherwise.

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