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Tut 2 (Exam questions)-week 4 Q1.

The Victorian OHS ACT 2005 is a non-prescriptive legal statute, and in part defines the rights and responsibilities of members of the work force in a workplace. a) Describe with an example what you think the term non-prescriptive legislation means b) In any organisation what are the rights and responsibilities of the following people; i) Managing director ii) Supervisor of a worker iii) The worker. (2+2+2+2=8 Marks) Q2.Read carefully through the following series of events and answer the questions (a-e) at the bottom; A large piece of laboratory equipment was bought (at a discounted price as it is an older model) from an Australian manufacturer by a research institute. The machine was installed in their facility by a contracting electrician. The machine was used for the first time by an untrained staff member who received a mild electrical shock. The laboratory manager blames the staff member for being careless The laboratory manager then tells another staff member to use it this staff member also receives a mild electrical shock. This time the laboratory manager accuses the staff member of not having read the instructions which are kept in the laboratory managers office. The Health and Safety Representative is asked to investigate and tries to negotiate with management for a repair, management insist there is nothing wrong and that the staff must use the machine, but the staff refuse. After several weeks of inaction the fault was investigated and determined to be a faulty component in the machine itself. The managing director wants the installing contractor to repair it for free, the contractor refuses The faulty component did not meet Australian safety standards when the machine was purchased i) How is the health and safety representative chosen? ii) As the health and safety representative how would you resolve the conflict between management and staff? iii) Is the installing electrical contractor responsible for the incident (under the Victorian OHS ACT 2005), explain your reasoning. iv) Has the laboratory manager breached her duty of care under the act, if so explain how. v) Explain which people bear a proportion of the responsibility for the incidents. (1+3+3+3+5=15 Marks) Q3.Risk assessment procedure seeks to analyse a task and define the risk of that task to the operator. Describe the hierarchy of control used to reduce risk, in your response you should define the hierarchy and briefly state the nature of and rationale behind each control type. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each control type (4+3=7 Marks)

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