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1. Using examples, discuss 3 factors which could be used to decide whether a drug should be available over the counter.

Drugs that you can buy without a prescription from a healthcare professional eg a pharmacist Used for minor ailments o Allergy o Cold and flu o Cough o Mild fever o Pain and aches Normally obtainable from pharmacies, healthcare stores etc. Different from Prescription Only Medicines

2. Briefly, and using examples, outline how modification of risk factors can be used in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular Diseases Hypertension Modify the risk factors that can be change to treat and prevent CVD Risk Factors that can be changed are Obesity salt intake Xs alcohol Physical inactivity Caffeine & smoking.

Smoking and using other tobacco products. When you smoke, you expose your heart and blood vessels to nicotine, carbon monoxide and other harmful substances contained in smoke. This causes blood vessels to constrict, blood pressure to go up and cholesterol levels to climb. In addition, smoking deprives the bodys tissues of oxygen, damages the inner lining of blood vessels, allows plaques to grow inside your arteries, and makes it more likely that dangerous blood clots will form. Obesity. Carrying around too much body weight not only puts a strain on your heart, it also makes it more difficult to control high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and diabetes. Obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular disease Physical inactivity. A lack of exercise weakens your muscles and makes it harder to control several other heart disease risk factors, including blood pressure, cholesterol levels, diabetes, obesity, and stress.

9. Define the term functional food. a. Briefly describe the difference between a natural and a fortified food, giving an example of each. Functional Food Any food or ingredient that has a positive impact on an individuals health, physical performance or state of mind, well-being and/or reduction of risk of disease, in addition to its nutritive value. Natural Food Fortified foods The term "natural food applies broadly to Fortified means that vitamins or minerals foods that are minimally processed and free have been added to the food in addition of synthetic preservatives; artificial to the levels that were originally found sweeteners, colours, flavours and other before the food was refined. artificial additives ; grow hormones; antibiotics ; hydrogenated oils; stabilizers ; Examples: and emulsifiers . milk (fortified with vitamin D) Salt (fortified with iodine). Examples: Fruits, Vegetables *taken from FDA

3. For the examples given, discuss the proposed benefits and mechanisms of action. Tak jumpa, err..macam xde dlm lecture notes je.. tp kalau ade sape jmp, let me know..

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