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Obamas Terrible

Year In Review
A look back at the worst year in
Obamas Presidency.
Botched ObamaCare
RNC Research Republican National
December 30
, 2013
Foreign Policy
!"#$#%& ()**+",) -)#* ./ 0)1+)2
!"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+%& 34*+& 3+,,+55# ./ 6#$+/7 !"#$# 8& 9#1+/7 (4) :;*&< -)#* ./ :#&4+/7<;/=
>:4)/ 9+&<;*+#/& :*+<) (4) ?<;*@ !A B#*#CD !"#$#%& E*)&+F)/C@G HIJK :+,, B) 9+& L;&< -)#*MN
"When histoiians wiite the stoiy of Baiack 0bama's piesiuency, 2u1S will be his lost yeai. It openeu with
gieat piomise anu closeu with equally gieat uisappointment. In a yeai that coulu have been about
builuing his legacy, the piesiuent was insteau ieuuceu to salvaging the signatuie accomplishment of his
fiist teim." (Chiis Cillizza, 0p-Eu, "Woist Yeai In Washington," !"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+. 121S1S)
!"#$# :#&<)F 8 -)#* >(;*O)F;+/7N 9+& L)7#C@M "But 2u1S is almost gone anu with it the
piesiuent's best chance foi a lasting legacy. The uamage uone to 0bama's bianu will lingei well
beyonu this calenuai yeai. Theie aie no seconu chances in piesiuential tenuies. Baiack 0bama, foi
wasting a yeai toipeuoing youi legacy, you hau the woist yeai in Washington. Congiats, oi
something." (Chiis Cillizza, 0p-Eu, "Woist Yeai In Washington," !"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+. 121S1S)

P?6B3%& 34*+& P#<<4)2&= !"#$# .& (4) E;,+<+C#, L;&)* !A (4) -)#*M SCARB0R00uB: "Let me
ask you, loseis, political loseis of the yeai. Who--" NATTBEWS: "Teiiible, teiiible yeai foi the
piesiuent." SCARB0R00uB: "Can you go back a yeai, one yeai ago, the piesiuent was getting
ieauy foi his seconu inauguiation, so much hope." NATTBEWS: "Theie's anothei piece of it, which
is getting out. It's not just a bau yeai in teims of the iollout. Theie's an eiosion in inteiest. It feels
like a veiy long piesiuency now. It feels like the seventh oi eighth yeai of a piesiuency. It uoesn't
feel like the fifth. Theie wasn't that iejuvenation that comes with ie-election. Ceitainly theie
nevei was going to be a honeymoon fiom the othei siue, but, theie was no sense of wow anu I
think that's huit him a lot." (NSNBC's "Noining }oe," 122u1S)
(9Q !B8P8380Q 0!LL!R( P8SQ 9.?(!0-
-,.(+(/,0' T+$ U#/F)9)+= >(4+& V!"#$#3#*)W 9#& B))/ !/) !A (4) P;&< X,#2)F 0;,,;Y<& ./ (4)
9+&<;*@ !A P#/D+/FMN (NSNBC's "Noining }oe," 12191S)
(4) !"#$#3#*) L#Y/C4 :#& >0;CD@N 8& (4) X)F)*#, 8/F ?<#<)ZB#&)F Q[C4#/7) :)"&+<)&
Q[O)*+)/C)F \,+<C4)&M "0bamaCaie is off to a iocky stait. State-baseu insuiance exchange web sites
scheuuleu to launch this moining weie iiuuleu with glitches, ienueiing many unusable." (Kate Pickeit,
"0bamaCaie Exchanges Riuuleu With ulitches," !(/#, 1u11S)
3;/&Y$)*& X#C)F L;/7 :#+< (+$)& 8/F >E*;",)$& :+<4 (4) 8OO,+C#<+;/ E*;C)&&MN "Eaily issues
that some people aie seeing incluue long wait times foi accessing the site, pioblems with the application
piocess anu long waits to chat with customei seivice iepiesentatives online." (}ason Nillman, "BBS: 'Awaie' 0f Issues," -,0(+(1,, 1u11S)
>(4) P@*+#F Q**;*& R/F)*&C;*)N (4) 34#,,)/7)& X#C+/7 !"#$#3#*) Q[C4#/7)&M "The myiiau
eiiois unueiscoie the challenge foi feueial health officials in mounting the online maiketplaces,
which aie meant to enioll millions of patients in the next six months." (Elise viebeck, "Technical Pioblems Nai
Launch 0f 0bamaCaie Exchanges," !"# 2(003' Bealth Watch, 1u11S)
./ !"#$#3#*)%& X+*&< H] 9;Y*&G !/,@ ?+[ E);O,) Q/*;,,)F X;* 9)#,<4 3#*)M "The website launcheu on
a Tuesuay. Publicly, the goveinment saiu theie weie 4.7 million unique visits in the fiist 24 houis. But at
a meeting Weunesuay moining, the wai ioom notes say 'six eniollments have occuiieu so fai.'" (Shaiyl
Attkisson, "0bamaCaie Eniollment Numbeis veiy Small, Bocuments Show," CBS News, 1uS11S)
./ (4) X+*&< ]^ 9;Y*&G TY&< H]^ E);O,) :)*) 8",) (; ?+7/ RO !/ (4) !"#$#3#*) Q[C4#/7)
:)"&+<)M "By Weunesuay afteinoon, eniollments weie up to 'appioximately 1uu.' By the enu of
Weunesuay, the notes ieflect '248 eniollments' nationwiue." (Shaiyl Attkisson, "0bamaCaie Eniollment Numbeis
veiy Small, Bocuments Show," CBS News, 1uS11S)
!B8P8 Q806QS (9Q E0._QS >L.Q !X (9Q -Q80N 8:80S X!0 9.? E0!P.?Q (98(
8PQ0.386? :!RLS BQ 8BLQ (! `QQE (9Q.0 9Q8L(9 380Q EL86?
E;,+<+X#C< 9)#F,+/)= >L+) !A (4) -)#*= a.A -;Y L+D) -;Y* 9)#,<4 3#*) E,#/G -;Y 3#/ `))O .<M%N (Angie
Biobnic Bolan, "Lie 0f The Yeai: 'If You Like Youi Bealth Caie Plan, You Can Keep It,'" PolitiFact, 12121S)
!"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+%& X#C< 34)CD)*= !"#$#%& E,)F7) (4#< 8$)*+C#/& :4; L+D) (4)+* 9)#,<4C#*)
E,#/& 3#/ `))O (4)$ :#& >!/) !A (4) P;&< P)$;*#",) !A 9+& E*)&+F)/C@N 8/F >E;&&+",@
X;;,+&4MN "The piesiuent's pleuge that 'if you like youi insuiance, you will keep it' is one of the most
memoiable of his piesiuency. It was also an extiaoiuinaiily bolu anu possibly foolish pleuge, unless
he thought he simply coulu uictate exactly how the insuiance inuustiy must woik. At the time, some
obseiveis noteu the pioblems with 0bama's piomise." (ulenn Kesslei, "0bama's Pleuge That 'No 0ne Will Take Away' Youi Bealth
Plan," !"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+3' Fact Checkei, 1uSu1S)
!"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+%& X#C< 34)CD)* \+1)& !"#$#%& E,)F7) X;Y* E+/;CC4+;&M >The piesiuent's
piomise appaiently came with a veiy laige caveat: 'If you like youi health caie plan, you'll be able
to keep youi health caie plan if we ueem it to be auequate.' Foui Pinocchios." (ulenn Kesslei, "0bama's
Pleuge That 'No 0ne Will Take Away' Youi Bealth Plan," !"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+3' Fact Checkei, 1uSu1S)
b P+,,+;/ E);O,) (4#< EY*C4#&)F ./&Y*#/C) !/ (4) ./F+1+FY#, 9)#,<4 ./&Y*#/C) P#*D)< 9#1)
0)C)+1)F 3#/C),,#<+;/ 6;<+C)&M "They saiu the wiuespieau cancellations in the inuiviuual health
insuiance maiket ioughly S million anu counting - aie in line with what was piojecteu unuei
iegulations uiawn up by the auministiation in 2u1u, iequiiements that both insuieis anu businesses
objecteu to at the time." (Lisa Nyeis, "Insuieis, State 0fficials Say Cancellation 0f Bealth caie Policies }ust As They Pieuicteu," NBC News,
!"#$# ./ TY/) HIIc= >8/F (4#< P)#/& (4#< 6; P#<<)* 9;2 :) 0)A;*$ 9)#,<4 3#*)G :)
:+,, `))O (4+& E*;$+&) (; (4) 8$)*+C#/ E);O,)= .A -;Y L+D) -;Y* S;C<;*G -;Y :+,, B) 8",)
(; `))O -;Y* S;C<;*G E)*+;FM .A -;Y L+D) -;Y* 9)#,<4 3#*) E,#/G -;Yd,, B) 8",) (; `))O
-;Y* 9)#,<4 3#*) E,#/G E)*+;FMN 0BANA: "So let me begin by saying this to you anu to the
Ameiican people: I know that theie aie millions of Ameiicans who aie content with theii health
caie coveiage; they like theii plan anu, most impoitantly, they value theii ielationship with theii
uoctoi. They tiust you. Anu that means that no mattei how we iefoim health caie, we will keep
this piomise to the Ameiican people: If you like youi uoctoi, you will be able to keep youi uoctoi,
peiiou. If you like youi health caie plan, you'll be able to keep youi health caie plan, peiiou. No
one will take it away, no mattei what. Ny view is that health caie iefoim shoulu be guiueu by a
simple piinciple: Fix what's bioken anu builu on what woiks. Anu that's what we intenu to uo."
(Piesiuent Baiack 0bama, Remaiks To The Ameiican Neuical Association National Confeience, Chicago, IL, 61Su9)
8PQ0.386? 80Q ?QQ.6\ (9Q.0 9Q8L(9 380Q 3!?(? .630Q8?Q
X;* P#/@ 8$)*+C#/&G !"#$#3#*) .& >S*+1+/7 (4)+* E*)$+Y$& :#@ RO e ./ ?;$) 3#&)& S;Y",+/7
(4)$G !* P;*)MN "The few people who maue it thiough the website aie seeing theii options foi the fiist
time, anu some aie not happy about what they'ie seeing. Those with lowei incomes aie eligible foi
substantial subsiuies, but miuule income folks making 4uu peicent of poveity oi moie uon't get a thing,
anu the new insuiance maiket iules aie uiiving theii piemiums way up in some cases uoubling them,
oi moie." (Biett Noiman anu }onathan Allen, "0bamaCaie Beauaches: Noie Than The Website," -,0(+(1,, 1u281S)
(4) P+FF,)Z3,#&& X#C)& >9)A<@ ./C*)#&)& !/ (4)+* ./&Y*#/C) B+,,&N SY) (; !"#$#3#*)M "These
miuule-class consumeis aie staiing at hefty incieases on theii insuiance bills as the oveihaul iemakes
the health caie maiket. Theii iates aie iising in laige pait to help offset the highei costs of coveiing
sickei, pooiei people who have been shut out of the system foi yeais." (Chau Teihune, "Some Bealth Insuiance uets Piiciei
As 0bamaCaie Rolls 0ut," 4,' 5)*#0#' !(/#', 1u261S)
(4) L;&)*& R/F)* !"#$#3#*) 8*) >0),#<+1),@ 9)#,<4@ P+FF,)Z./C;$) ?$#,,ZBY&+/)&&
!2/)*&G 3;/&Y,<#/<&G L#2@)*& 8/F !<4)* ?),AZQ$O,;@)F :;*D)*& :4; BY@ (4)+* !2/
./&Y*#/C)MN "If the pooi, sick anu uninsuieu aie the winneis unuei the Affoiuable Caie Act, the
loseis appeai to incluue some ielatively healthy miuule-income small-business owneis,
consultants, lawyeis anu othei self-employeu woikeis who buy theii own insuiance. Nany make
too much to qualify foi new feueial subsiuies pioviueu by the law but not enough to absoib the
iising costs without haiuship. Some aie too olu to go without insuiance because they have
chiluien oi have minoi health issues, but they aie too young foi Neuicaie." (Aiiana Eunjung Cha anu Lena B.
Sun, "Foi Consumeis Whose Bealth Piemiums Will uo 0p 0nuei New Law, Stickei Shock Leaus To Angei," !"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+, 1121S)

>:;*D)*& 8*) ?))+/7 8 L#*7)* E;*<+;/ !A (4)+* E#@C4)CD ?,+C)F !AAN SY) (; 9+74)* 9)#,<4 3#*)
E*)$+Y$&M "That means that in many cases woikeis aie seeing a laigei poition of theii paycheck sliceu
off to covei health insuiance." (Tom Nuiphy, "Bealth Insuiance Costs 0utpace Wage uains, Suivey Says," !"# 5'',1(&+#6 -7#'', 82u1S)
>81)*#7) E*)$+Y$& ./C*)#&)F bf X;* ?+/7,) 3;1)*#7) 8/F ]f X;* X#$+,@ 3;1)*#7) ./ (4) L#&<
-)#*MN ("Employei Bealth Benefits; 2u1S Annual Suivey," The Kaisei Family Founuation, 82u1S)
R/F)* !"#$#G (4) 81)*#7) 3;&< !A X#$+,@ 9)#,<4 3#*) E*)$+Y$& 9#& ./C*)#&)F B@ gKGhiJ
X*;$ gJHGh^I (; gJhGKbJG 8 Hc E)*C)/< ./C*)#&)M ("Employei Bealth Benefits; 2u1S Annual Suivey," The Kaisei
Family Founuation, 82u1S)
R/F)* !"#$#G (4) 81)*#7) 3;&< !A ?+/7,) 3;1)*#7) E*)$+Y$& 9#& ./C*)#&)F B@ gJGJ^IG
X*;$ g]GiI] (; gbG^^]G 8 Hb E)*C)/< ./C*)#&)M ("Employei Bealth Benefits; 2u1S Annual Suivey," The Kaisei Family
Founuation, 82u1S)
:.(9 8LL !X .(? XL8:?G .(? 6!( E80(.3RL80L- ?R0E0.?.6\ (98( 8PQ0.386?
98UQ6%( ?.\6QS RE X!0 !B8P8380Q .6 S0!UQ?
(4) !"#$# 8F$+/+&<*#<+;/ 9#& B))/ (*@+/7 (; 0Y/ X*;$ (4) i P+,,+;/ E);O,) Q/*;,,)F \;#,
(4)@ P#F) X;* !"#$#3#*)%& X+*&< -)#* Q/*;,,$)/<&M "Bealth anu Buman Seivices Secietaiy Kathleen
Sebelius once uesciibeu 7 million new 0bamaCaie customeis in the fiist yeai as what 'success looks like.'
The White Bouse is now tiying to affix anothei label to the estimate: meaningless." (Caiiie Buuoff Biown anu }ason
Nillman, "7 Nillion 0bamaCaie Customeis," -,0(+(1,, 12111S)
>X;* P;/<4&G (4) !"#$# 8F$+/+&<*#<+;/ Q$"*#C)F (4) E*;j)C<+;/ k 8/F .<&%& 8 ?<))O
3,+$" (; 0)7+&<)* i P+,,+;/ E);O,) B@ (4) P#*C4 S)#F,+/)MN "It might be too late. Foi months,
the 0bama auministiation embiaceu the piojection by the nonpaitisan Congiessional Buuget
0ffice as a way to explain eniollment goals, boosting theii political significance. But the bioken website causeu the piogiam to lag fai behinu on signing up customeis, anu it's a
steep climb to iegistei 7 million people by the Naich ueauline." (Caiiie Buuoff Biown anu }ason Nillman, "7 Nillion
0bamaCaie Customeis," -,0(+(1,, 12111S)
>(4) 8F$+/+&<*#<+;/ 0)O;*< X;Y/F 8 (;<#, !A JKiGHI] E);O,) Q/*;,,)F ./ (4) ?<#<)& ?)*1)F B@
(4) X)F)*#, :)"&+<) B@ (4) Q/F !A 6;1)$")*G RO X*;$ HhGic] ./ !C<;")*MN (Ricaiuo Alonso-Zaluivai,
"0bamaCaie Signups Still 0nly A Thiiu 0f 0fficial Piojections," !"# 5'',1(&+#6 -7#'', 12111S)
BY< !"#$# >!AA+C+#,& Q&<+$#<)F (4#< ]c]GhHI E);O,) :;Y,F ?+7/ RO k B@ !C<;")* KJMN "In
the memo, officials estimateu that 494,62u people woulu sign up foi health insuiance unuei the
piogiam by 0ct. S1. Anu that was poitiayeu as a slow stait." (Ricaiuo Alonso-Zaluivai, "0bama Bealth Taiget:
Suu,uuu Signups By 0ct. S1," !"# 5'',1(&+#6 -7#'', 1u161S)
>(4) P)$; E*;j)C<)F Q/*;,,$)/< :;Y,F 0)#C4 KMK P+,,+;/ 6#<+;/#,,@ B@ S)CM KJMN (Ricaiuo
Alonso-Zaluivai, "0bama Bealth Taiget: Suu,uuu Signups By 0ct. S1," !"# 5'',1(&+#6 -7#'', 1u161S)
6;1)$")*%& Q/*;,,$)/< 6Y$")*& 8*) >X#* !AA (4) E#C) 6))F)F (; 0)#C4 i P+,,+;/MN "It's also fai off
the pace neeueu to ieach the 7 million total that officials hau pieuicteu woulu be signeu up via feueial- oi
state-iun insuiance maiketplaces by the Naich S1 eniollment ueauline foi neaily all Ameiicans to have
some kinu of health coveiage oi face a tax penalty." (Ban Nangan, "S64,682 Eniolleu In 0bamaCaie Exchanges, Fai Shy 0f uoal,"
CNBC, 12111S)
>(4) X+7Y*)& 8,&; .,,Y&<*#<) ?;$) ?)*+;Y& E*;",)$& 84)#FMN "But the figuies also illustiate
some seiious pioblems aheau: theie's a huge backlog of consumeis who have applieu foi a plan
but not yet pickeu one, anu electionic eiiois on the computei system's backenu may have left tens
of thousanus of eniollments in limbo." (Bevin Bwyei, "0bamaCaie Repoit Caiu: Piogiess, But Long Climb Aheau," ABC News,

(9Q !B8P8 8SP.6.?(08(.!6 98? 8L0Q8S- .??RQS 8 ?Q0.Q? !X SQL8-? 86S
QlQPE(.!6? (! .(? ?.\68(R0Q 839.QUQPQ6(G 86S (9Q0Q P8- BQ P!0Q (!
3!PQ .6 HIJ]
?+/C) !"#$#3#*) :#& Q/#C<)FG (4) !"#$# 8F$+/+&<*#<+;/ 9#& R/1)+,)F >8 L;/7 L+&< !A
Q[<)/&+;/&G S),#@& 8/F EY/<&MN "0n Thuisuay, the 0bama auministiation gave customeis peimission to
pay theii piemiums as late as Bec. S1 foi coveiage that staits }an. 1, anu officially gave customeis an
extia week until Bec. 2S to sign up foi }anuaiy coveiage. The move was just the latest in a long list
of extensions, uelays anu punts that have plagueu the health caie law." (Baviu Nathei anu }oanne Kenen, "0bamacaie: 0ne
Punt Aftei Anothei," -,0(+(1,, 12121S)
(4) 8F$+/+&<*#<+;/ >`))O& \+1+/7 .<&),A Q[<)/&+;/& !/ ?$#,,)* E#*<& !A (4) L#2G B)C#Y&)
(4)*)%& 8,2#@& ?;$) E+)C) (4#< .&/%< mY+<) 0)#F@MN "But piece by piece, the 0bama
auministiation keeps giving itself extensions on smallei paits of the law, because theie's always
some piece that isn't quite ieauy. It's an attempt to put out fiies but it's also a painful aumission
that, yes, theie aie fiies." (Baviu Nathei anu }oanne Kenen, "0bamacaie: 0ne Punt Aftei Anothei," -,0(+(1,, 12121S)
8/ !"#$# 8F$+/+&<*#<+;/ !AA+C+#, S+F/%< 0Y,) !Y< 8FF+<+;/#, (2)#D+/7 !A !"#$#3#*) .A ?$#,,
BY&+/)&&)& X#C) 9+74)* 3;&<& E*+;* (; (4) HIJ] P+F<)*$ Q,)C<+;/M "Next yeai, though, many of
those small businesses will have to upgiaue to health plans that comply with the new 0bamacaie iules.
0nlike the canceleu health policies which laigely hit this fall, those changes will be spieau thioughout the
yeai. But theie will be a clustei of Becembei ienewals, inuustiy officials say, anu those small businesses
will get the fiist look at theii new piices in 0ctobei iight at the height of an election that's incieasingly
being fiameu as a iefeienuum on the impact of 0bamacaie. . But an auministiation official saiu the
0bama team will be watching the small business situation closely as the time foi those ienewals
appioaches. 'I think that's something we'ie going to take a haiu look at anu see if theie aie things that can
be tweakeu' if theie is a lot of uisiuption, the official saiu." (Baviu Nathei, "Next 0bamaCaie Ciisis: Small-Business Costs," -,0(+(1,,
!"#$#3#*)%& ?$#,, BY&+/)&& 0#<) 9+D)& 8*) >8/;<4)* E;,+<+C#, (+$) B;$" LY*D+/7 (4#<
3;Y,F Q[O,;F)N B)A;*) (4) HIJ] P+F<)*$ Q,)C<+;/M "Think the canceleu health policies huit the
0bamaCaie cause. Theie's anothei political time bomb luiking that coulu exploue not too long
befoie next yeai's elections: iate hikes foi small businesses. Like the canceleu inuiviuual health
plans, it's anothei example of a tiaueoff that health caie expeits have long known about, as the
new iules foi health insuiance piices cieate winneis anu loseis. But most Ameiicans won't
become awaie of it until some small business employees leain that theii piemiums aie going up
because of a law calleu oops the Affoiuable Caie Act." (Baviu Nathei, "Next 0bamaCaie Ciisis: Small-Business
Costs," -,0(+(1,, 12171S)
.0? (80\Q(.6\ !X 3!6?Q0U8(.UQ !0\86._8(.!6?
?<#*<+/7 ./ P#*C4 HIJIG (4) 3+/C+//#<+ !AA+C) !A (4) .0? B)7#/ (#*7)<+/7 3;/&)*1#<+1)
!*7#/+5#<+;/& (4#< ?;Y74< (#[ZQ[)$O< ?<#<Y&G 8CC;*F+/7 (; 8/ ./&O)C<;* \)/)*#, 0)O;*<
0),)#&)F ./ HIJKM "The taigeting of conseivatives by the IRS staiteu eailiei anu was moie extensive
than the IRS acknowleugeu last week, accoiuing to a uiaft IRS inspectoi geneial iepoit obtaineu by ABC
News. As we iepoiteu on 'uoou Noining Ameiica' this moining, the IRS began taigeting 'Tea Paity oi
similai oiganizations' in Naich 2u1u. That was when the Cincinnati-baseu IRS unit iesponsible foi
oveiseeing the applications foi tax exempt status staiting using the phiases 'Tea Paity,' 'patiiots' anu
'912' to seaich foi applications waiianting gieatei sciutiny." (}onathan Kail, "IRS Iu Repoit: Taigeting Conseivatives Began In
2u1u," ABC News, S1S1S)
3+/C+//#<+ .0? Q$O,;@)) \#*@ PY<4)*< ?#+F 9+& !AA+C) B)7#/ (#*7)<+/7 ()# E#*<@ \*;YO&
8A<)* 9+& L;C#, P#/#7)* (;,F 9+$ >:#&4+/7<;/G SM3M :#/<)F ?;$) 3#&)&MN "The inteiview
tiansciipts suggest it began with a seaich foi tea-paity gioups by name among applications fiom
gioups seeking tax-exempt status. The Cincinnati employee who conuucteu the seaich, uaiy
Nutheit, saiu he staiteu gatheiing applications in Naich 2u1u, at the iequest of an uniuentifieu
local managei, who allegeuly tolu him that 'Washington, B.C., wanteu some cases,' accoiuing to the
tiansciipts. Ni. Nutheit fiist heaiu of tea-paity applications fiom anothei Cincinnati employee.
The cases weie hanueu off to Ns. Bofacie the following month, accoiuing to the inteiviews, which
weie conuucteu jointly by the Bouse 0veisight & uoveinment Refoim Committee anu the Bouse
Ways anu Neans Committee. Both Republican anu Bemociatic investigatois paiticipateu in the
inteiviews." (}ohn NcKinnon anu Bionne Seaicey, "IRS Staff Cite Washington Link," !"# %&00 8+7##+ 9,:7)&0, 6S1S)
./ P#*C4 !A HIJHG (4)/Z3;$$+&&+;/)* !A (4) .0? S;Y7,#& ?4Y,$#/ S)/+)F (4#< 3;/&)*1#<+1)
!*7#/+5#<+;/& :)*) B)+/7 (#*7)<)FG ?#@+/7 >(4)*) .& 8"&;,Y<),@ 6; (#*7)<+/7N !A ()# E#*<@
\*;YO& 8< (4) .0?M IRS C0NNISSI0NER B00uLAS SB0LNAN: "Fiist of all, I think it is veiy impoitant to
emphasize that all of these oiganizations came in voluntaiily. They uiu not neeu to engage the IRS in a
back anu foith. They coulu have helu themselves out, fileu a 99u, anu if we woulu have seen an issue, we
woulu have engageu, but otheiwise, we woulu not. The basic iules aiounu Su1(c)(4) oiganizations aie
they neeu to be piimaiily engageu in piomoting the common goou anu geneial welfaie of theii
community. They can be involveu in political anu campaign activity, but it cannot be theii piimaiy
puipose. When people apply foi Su1(c)(4) status, what we uo is engage them in a numbei of questions
about making suie we unueistanu theii piimaiy puipose aiounu this anu othei soits of engagement.
What has been happening has been the noimal back anu foith that happens with the IRS. None of the
allegeu taxpayeis, anu obviously, I cannot talk about inuiviuual taxpayeis, anu I am not involveu in these,
aie in an examination piocess. They aie in an application piocess, which they moveu into voluntaiily.
Theie is absolutely no taigeting. This is the kinu of back anu foith that happens when people apply
foiSu1(c)(4) status." (Bouglas Shulman, Committee 0n Ways Anu Neans, 0.S. Bouse 0f Repiesentatives, Testimony, S2212)
./ P#@ HIJKG L;+& L)*/)*G (4) 9)#F !A (4) S+1+&+;/ 0)&O;/&+",) X;* !1)*&))+/7 (#[ Q[)$O<
!*7#/+5#<+;/&G ./1;D)F (4) X+A<4 8$)/F$)/< 8/F 0)AY&)F (; ()&<+A@ !/ :4#< :)/< !/ 8< (4)
.0? R/F)* 9)* :#<C4M "A top IRS official in the uivision that ieviews nonpiofit gioups will invoke the
Fifth Amenument anu iefuse to answei questions befoie a Bouse committee investigating the agency's
impiopei scieening of conseivative nonpiofit gioups. Lois Leinei, the heau of the exempt oiganizations
uivision of the IRS, won't answei questions about what she knew about the impiopei scieening - oi why
she uiun't ieveal it to Congiess, accoiuing to a lettei fiom hei uefense lawyei, William W. Tayloi Siu.
Leinei was scheuuleu to appeai befoie the Bouse 0veisight committee Weunesuay." (Richaiu Simon anu }ospeh
Tanfani, "Top IRS 0fficial Will Invoke Fifth Amenument," 4,' 5)*#0#' !(/#'. S211S)
6?8 ?E-.6\ !6 X!0Q.\6 LQ8SQ0?
8/ ./<)*/#, 0)1+)2 ?4;2)F (4) 6?8 P;/+<;*)F 8< L)#&< Kb :;*,F L)#F)*&M "The National Secuiity
Agency enueu a piogiam useu to spy on ueiman Chancelloi Angela Neikel anu a numbei of othei woilu
leaueis aftei an inteinal 0bama auministiation ieview staiteu this summei ievealeu to the White Bouse
the existence of the opeiations, 0.S. officials saiu. 0fficials saiu the inteinal ieview tuineu up NSA
monitoiing of some SS woilu leaueis, in the 0.S. goveinment's fiist public acknowleugment that it tappeu
the phones of woilu leaueis. Euiopean leaueis have joineu inteinational outiage ovei ievelations of 0.S.
suiveillance of Ns. Neikel's phone anu of NSA's monitoiing of telephone call uata in Fiance." (Siobhan uoiman
Anu Auam Entous, "0bama 0nawaie As 0.S. Spieu 0n Woilu Leaueis: 0fficials," %&00 8+7##+ 9,:7)&0, 1u271S)
!"#$# P#@ 9#1) \;/) 8& L;/7 8& >X+1) -)#*& :+<4;Y< `/;2+/7 9+& !2/ ?O+)& :)*)
BY77+/7 (4) E4;/)& !A :;*,F L)#F)*&GN ./C,YF+/7 \)*$#/ 34#/C),,;* 8/7),# P)*D),M "The
White Bouse cut off some monitoiing piogiams aftei leaining of them, incluuing the one tiacking
Ns. Neikel anu some othei woilu leaueis, a senioi 0.S. official saiu. 0thei piogiams have been
slateu foi teimination but haven't been phaseu out completely yet, officials saiu. The account
suggests Piesiuent Baiack 0bama went neaily five yeais without knowing his own spies weie
bugging the phones of woilu leaueis." (Siobhan uoiman anu Auam Entous, "0bama 0nawaie As 0.S. Spieu 0n Woilu Leaueis:
0fficials," !"# %&00 8+7##+ 9,:7)&0, 1u281S)
P?6B3%& P+D# B*5)5+/&D+ ?#+F (4) 6;<+;/ (4#< !"#$# S+F/%< `/;2 8";Y< (4) P)*D), 8AA#+* .&
>Q$"#**#&&+/7 8/F 3;/C)*/+/7MN BRZEZINSKI: "If the piesiuent uoesn't know this is happening. That's
soit of embaiiassing anu conceining." (NSNBC's "Noining }oe," 1u281S)
-,.(+(/,%& P#77+) 9#")*$#/ ?#+F (4#< .<%& >8,#*$+/7N .A !"#$# S+F 6;< `/;2 8";Y< (4) P)*D),
8AA#+*M BABERNAN: "I think Nica's point - that this is something - what is woise. That the piesiuent
knew this oi uiun't know this. Anu the iuea that he uoesn't know about these things ovei anu ovei again -
- I imagine people aiounu him think it's a bettei explanation uomestically than saying he uiu know. That's
veiy haiu foi me to see how it's a positive anu how that sounus goou to say. If it is tiue that's alaiming."
(NSNBC's "Noining }oe," 1u281S)
!"# 1#2 3,45 !(6#'% E)<)* B#D)* ?#+F (4) 6;<+;/ (4#< !"#$# S+F 6;< `/;2 .& >S+&<Y*"+/7MN
NSNBC's ALEX WAuNER: "Fiist to talk about the news of the uay, which has been a iolling months long
news cycle, the Snowuen leaks. In youi time coveiing the White Bouse, which has been seveial yeais, uo
you think it's possible the piesiuent uiu not know the NSA was monitoiing the peisonal phone calls of SS
woilu leaueis." BAKER: "Is it possible, suie, it is possible. That's a uistuibing fact in itself. Anu the
Piesiuent is left in this awkwaiu position wheie neithei of the two main explanations is all that -- you
know, all that appealing." (NSNBC's "N0W," 1u281S)
S!T .??R.6\ ?Q30Q( ?RBE!Q68? (! 6Q:? !0\86._8(.!6?
./ P#@G 8$)*+C#/& L)#*/)F (4#< !"#$#%& TY&<+C) S)O#*<$)/< R&)F 8 >?)C*)< ?Y"O;)/#N (; !"<#+/
E4;/) 0)C;*F& X;* 8&&;C+#<)F E*)&& 0)O;*<)*& 8/F QF+<;*& >:+<4;Y< 6;<+A@+/7 (4) 6)2&
!*7#/+5#<+;/MN "The }ustice Bepaitment useu a seciet subpoena tonization, a senioi uepaitment official
tells NBC News, saying the step was necessaiy to avoiu "a substantial thieat to the integiity" of an
ongoing leak investigation." (Nichael Isikoff, "'Nixonian'. The }ustice Bepaitment Secietly Collecteu AP Repoiteis' Phone Recoius," NBC News,
(4) TY&<+C) S)O#*<$)/< ?)+5)F E4;/) 0)C;*F& X;* X+1) 0)O;*<)*&% 3),,O4;/)&G (4*)) 9;$)
E4;/)&G 8/F (2; X#[ L+/)&M "The }ustice Bepaitment's seciet subpoena foi AP phone iecoius
incluueu the seizuie of iecoius foi five iepoiteis' cellphones anu thiee home phones as well as
two fax lines, a lawyei foi the news oiganization tells NBC News." (Nichael Isikoff, "B0}'s Seciet Subpoena 0f AP
Phone Recoius Bioauei Than Initially Revealeu," NBC News, S2u1S)

(4) TY&<+C) S)O#*<$)/< !"<#+/)F 0)C;*F& X;* HJ E4;/) L+/)& ./ X+1) 8E !AA+C)&M "Baviu
Schulz, the chief lawyei foi the AP, saiu the subpoenas also coveieu the iecoius foi 21 phone lines
in five AP office lines -- incluuing one foi a ueau phone line at office in Washington that hau been
shut uown six yeais ago. The phone lines at foui othei offices - wheie 1uu iepoiteis woikeu
weie also coveieu by the subpoenas, Schulz saiu." (Nichael Isikoff, "B0}'s Seciet Subpoena 0f AP Phone Recoius Bioauei
Than Initially Revealeu," NBC News, S2u1S)

6B3%& 34YCD (;FF= >.<& 34+,,+/7 k (4)@ !2) R& 8/ Q[O,#/#<+;/MN T0BB: "It's chilling anu I
guess they owe us an explanation, but it's absolutely chilling because the bioau scope of what they
subpoenaeu in going aftei phone iecoius." (NSNBC's "Noining }oe," S141S)
!B8P8 98? 0Q3Q.UQS 86 8BR6S863Q !X 30.(.3.?P X!0 ?(86S.6\ !6 (9Q
?.SQL.6Q? SR0.6\ (9Q HIJK ?386S8L?
>!"#$# .& B*+)A)F Q#C4 S#@ !/ 8 :+F) 0#/7) !A S;$)&<+C 8/F ./<)*/#<+;/#, .&&Y)&G -)< :4)/ .<
3;$)& (; P#j;* 3;/<*;1)*&+)&G 9+& 8F$+/+&<*#<+;/%& 0)&O;/&) .& !A<)/ (4) ?#$)= (4) E*)&+F)/<
S+F/%< `/;2MN "Piesiuent Baiack 0bama is biiefeu each uay on a wiue iange of uomestic anu
inteinational issues, yet when it comes to majoi contioveisies, his auministiation's iesponse is often the
same: the piesiuent uiun't know." (}ennifei Epstein, "0bama's In-The-Baik Befense," -,0(+(1,, 1u281S)
>(4) B;<<;$ L+/) Q[O,#/#<+;/ ./ 8,, (4)&) ./&<#/C)& .& (4) ?#$)= E*)&+F)/< !"#$# S+F/%<
`/;2 8/@ P;*) 8";Y< (4) ?C#/F#, (4#/ (4) !*F+/#*@ E)*&;/ !/ (4) ?<*))<kN "The bottom
line explanation in all these instances is the same: Piesiuent 0bama uiun't know any moie about
the scanual than the oiuinaiy peison on the stieet, anu ceitainly wasn't involveu in uecision-
making piocesses at least, not until long aftei potential pioblems aiose." (}ennifei Epstein, "0bama's In-
The-Baik Befense," -,0(+(1,, 1u281S)
!"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+%& S#/# P+,"#/D= >X;* 8 ?$#*< P#/G E*)&+F)/< !"#$# E*;A)&&)& (; `/;2
U)*@ L+<<,) 8";Y< 8 \*)#< 6Y$")* !A (4+/7& \;+/7 !/ ./ 9+& 8F$+/+&<*#<+;/MN (Bana Nilbank, 0p-Eu, "What Biu
Piesiuent 0bama Know Anu When Biu Be Know It.," !"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+, 1u281S)
P?6B3%& 34*+& P#<<4)2&= >Q1)*@ (+$) ?;$)<4+/7 \)<& ?C*)2)F RO !Y< (4)*) (4)*)d& 8 ?)/&) 9)
P+74< 6;< 8C<Y#,,@ B) ./1;,1)FM . S;/%< (4+/D (4#<%& (4) :#@ .< !Y74< (; B)MN NATTBEWS: "What
he uoesn't seem to want to have is a chief executive stiategy anu a chief executive stiuctuie. Be's not only
the piofessoi in chaige, not only the visionaiy in chaige, he's not only the foieign policy gianu viziei, he's
in fact the chief executive of the 0niteu States goveinment iesponsible, yes foi the IRS anu all the
agencies unuei him. Naybe you consiuei that conceptual but it's ieal anu eveiy time something gets
scieweu up out theie theie's a sense he might not actually be involveu. I uon't think that's the way it
ought to be." (NSNBC's "Noining }oe," 1u291S)
P?6B3%& P+D# B*5)5+/&D+= !"#$# >.& ./C*)#&+/7,@ X#C+/7 8CCY&#<+;/& X*;$ 8,, ?+F)& !A B)+/7 8
P)*) !/,;;D)* ./ 9+& !2/ :4+<) 9;Y&)MN BRZEZINSKI: "It's still uncleai what exactly the White Bouse
knew anu when. The Piesiuent is incieasingly facing accusations fiom all siues of being a meie onlookei
in his own White Bouse." (NSNBC's "Noining }oe," 1u291S)
X!0Q.\6 E!L.3-
!UQ0 !6Q -Q80 8X(Q0 (9Q BQ6\98_. 8((83`?G (9Q ?R?EQ3(? ?(.LL 0QP8.6 8(
RM?M !AA+C+#,& ?#@ QAA;*<& 9#1) ?<#,,)F (; 3#O<Y*) ?Y&O)C<& 34#*7)F ./ (4) HIJH B)/74#5+ 8<<#CDM
"0.S. officials say effoits have stalleu to captuie about a uozen people secietly chaigeu in the 2u12 attack
on the Ameiican compounu in Benghazi that claimeu the lives of 0.S. Ambassauoi }. Chiistophei Stevens
anu thiee othei Ameiicans." (Auam uoluman Anu Saii Boiwitz, "0.S. Effoits Stall In Captuiing Suspects In 2u12 Benghazi Attacks, 0fficials Say,"
!"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+, 12S1S)
?; X#*G 6; ?Y&O)C<& 9#1) B))/ B*;Y74< (; (*+#, 8/F (4) L#CD !A E*;7*)&& 9#& X*Y&<*#<)F
./<),,+7)/C) !AA+C+#,&M "So fai, none have been biought to tiial anu the lack of piogiess in
captuiing Khattala has fiustiateu 0.S. intelligence officials anu lawmakeis who want to see him
anu the otheis piosecuteu." (Auam uoluman Anu Saii Boiwitz, "0.S. Effoits Stall In Captuiing Suspects In 2u12 Benghazi Attacks,
0fficials Say," !"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+, 12S1S)
!/) !A (4) ?Y&O)C<)F 0+/7,)#F)*& !A (4) 8<<#CDG 84$)F 8"Y `4#<<#,#G >3;/<+/Y)& (; !O)*#<) ./
Q#&<)*/ L+"@# :+<4 .$OY/+<@MN "The inuiviuuals have been chaigeu in sealeu ciiminal complaints fileu
in feueial couit by the 0.S. Attoiney's 0ffice foi the Bistiict of Columbia. They incluue one of the
suspecteu iingleaueis of the attack, Ahmeu Abu Khattala, a militia leauei with ties to al-Qaeua, saiu
seveial 0.S officials, speaking on the conuition of anonymity because they weie not authoiizeu to uiscuss
the case publicly...0ne official saiu that Khattala continues to opeiate in eastein Libya with impunity."
(Auam uoluman Anu Saii Boiwitz, "0.S. Effoits Stall In Captuiing Suspects In 2u12 Benghazi Attacks, 0fficials Say," !"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+, 12S1S)
RM?M !AA+C+#,= `4#<<#,# .& >8& X*)) 8& 8 B+*FMN "'Be's as fiee as a biiu,' the official saiu." (Auam uoluman
Anu Saii Boiwitz, "0.S. Effoits Stall In Captuiing Suspects In 2u12 Benghazi Attacks, 0fficials Say," !"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+, 12S1S)

>L#2 Q/A;*C)$)/< !AA+C+#,& ?#+F (4#< (4) R/+<)F ?<#<)& P+74< 9#1) P+&&)F .<& B)&< 34#/C)
(; 8**)&< `4#<<#,# Q#*,+)* (4+& -)#*MN (Auam uoluman Anu Saii Boiwitz, "0.S. Effoits Stall In Captuiing Suspects In 2u12
Benghazi Attacks, 0fficials Say," !"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+, 12S1S)
>(4) `4#<<#,# P+&&+;/ :#& ?C*#OO)FG 8/F 6;2 8/@ E,#/& (; 0)$;1) 9+$ X*;$ L+"@# 8*)
!/ (4) B#CD BY*/)*MN (Auam uoluman Anu Saii Boiwitz, "0.S. Effoits Stall In Captuiing Suspects In 2u12 Benghazi Attacks, 0fficials
Say," !"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+, 12S1S)

7(.(+&48 9): ;&2 <)=,4/#6#)+ >==(/(&.' ?&@# A##) B4C'+4&+#: A8 !"# >D&6&
9:6()('+4&+(,)E' F.,2 <==,4+' !, G&H+C4# !"# A#)*"&I( FC'H#/+'
P+,+<#*@ 8/F L#2 Q/A;*C)$)/< 9#1) B))/ X*Y&<*#<)F B@ (4) :4+<) 9;Y&)%& R/2+,,+/7/)&& (;
E*)&&Y*) (4) L+"@#/ \;1)*/$)/< !* P#D) 8**)&<& !A B)/74#5+ ?Y&O)C<&. "Some militaiy anu law
enfoicement officials have giown fiustiateu with what they believe is the White Bouse's unwillingness to
piessuie the Libyan goveinment to make the aiiests oi allow Ameiican foices to uo so, accoiuing to
cuiient anu foimei senioi goveinment officials. Ni. 0bama acknowleugeu last month at a news
confeience that the suspects hau been chaigeu but weie still on the loose." (Nichael S. Schmiut Anu Eiic Schmitt, "Libya
Thwaits Aiiests In Benghazi Attack," !"# ;#< =,7> !(/#', 991S)
?)/+;* XMBM.M !AA+C+#,& >B),+)1) (4) :4+<) 9;Y&) ?4;Y,F B) E*)&&+/7 9#*F)* X;* 8**)&<&MN
"Seveial senioi F.B.I. officials anu membeis of the F.B.I. team baseu in Tiipoli, Libya, who have
been builuing the investigation foi the past yeai believe the White Bouse shoulu be piessing
haiuei foi aiiests. Among the uecisions that the new F.B.I. uiiectoi, }ames B. Comey, will be
confionteu with in the coming weeks will be how haiu to lobby the White Bouse to exeit moie
piessuie on the Libyans." (Nichael S. Schmiut Anu Eiic Schmitt, "Libya Thwaits Aiiests In Benghazi Attack," !"# ;#< =,7> !(/#',

X;*$)* ?)/+;* !AA+C+#,= >(4)*)%& 8 9Y7) X*Y&<*#<+;/ !/ (4) .&&Y) 8$;/7 (4) 87)/<& 8";Y<
:4@ 6;<4+/7 9#& 9#OO)/)F (; (4)&) \Y@& :4; 9#1) `+,,)F 8$)*+C#/&MN "'Whethei he likes
it oi not, he is going to have to ueal with this issue,' saiu a foimei senioi Ameiican official,
iefeiiing to Ni. Comey. 'Theie's a huge fiustiation on the issue among the agents about why
nothing has happeneu to these guys who have killeu Ameiicans.'" (Nichael S. Schmiut Anu Eiic Schmitt, "Libya
Thwaits Aiiests In Benghazi Attack," !"# ;#< =,7> !(/#', 991S)
!B8P8%? ?-0.8 ?(08(Q\- :8? PQ( :.(9 !EE!?.(.!6 !6 8LL ?.SQ?
>B#*#CD !"#$#%& R/&<)#F@ 9#/F,+/7 !A (4) ?@*+# 3*+&+& 9#& B))/ 8/ 81)*<Z-;Y*Z\#5) P;$)/< ./
(4) 9+&<;*@ !A (4) P;F)*/ E*)&+F)/C@kN "Baiack 0bama's unsteauy hanuling of the Syiia ciisis has
been an aveit-youi-gaze moment in the histoiy of the mouein piesiuency highlighting his unsettleu
views anu unattiactive options in a way that has causeu his enemies to cackle anu suppoiteis to ciinge."
(Alexanuei Buins anu }ohn F. Baiiis, "The 0niteu States 0f Weakness," -,0(+(1,, 9191S)
8CC;*F+/7 (; 3Y**)/< 8/F X;*$)* !AA+C+#,&G (4) !"#$# 8F$+/+&<*#<+;/%& ?@*+# E;,+C@ 9#& ?YAA)*)F
B)C#Y&) !A 8 >S))O,@ 8$"+1#,)/< E*)&+F)/<MN "A close examination of how the 0bama auministiation
finus itself at this point baseu on inteiviews with uozens of cuiient anu foimei membeis of the
auministiation, foieign uiplomats anu Congiessional officials staits with a ueeply ambivalent
piesiuent who has piesiueu ovei a fai moie contentious uebate among his auviseis than pieviously
known. Those auviseis ieflecteu Ni. 0bama's own conflicting impulses on how to iesponu to the foices
unleasheu by the Aiab Spiing: whethei to siue with those battling authoiitaiian goveinments oi to avoiu
the iisk of becoming enmesheu in anothei messy wai in the Niuule East." (Naik Nazzetti, Robeit F. Woith, Anu Nichael
R. uoiuon, "0bama's 0nceitain Path Amiu Syiia Bloousheu," !"# ;#< =,7> !(/#', 1u221S)
>(4) 8F$+/+&<*#<+;/%& E#*#,@&+& L)A< .< R/O*)O#*)F X;* X;*)&))#",) Q1)/<& L+D) (4) 8Y7M
HJ \#& 8<<#CDMN "But otheis aie fai moie ciitical, saying that the auministiation's paialysis left it
unpiepaieu foi foieseeable events like the Aug. 21 gas attack. Becisive action by Washington, they
aigue, coulu have bolsteieu moueiate foices battling Ni. Assau's tioops foi moie than two yeais,
anu helpeu stem the iising toll of civilian ueau, blunt the influence of iauical Islamist gioups
among the iebels anu peihaps even uetei the Syiia goveinment fiom using chemical weapons."
(Naik Nazzetti, Robeit F. Woith, Anu Nichael R. uoiuon, "0bama's 0nceitain Path Amiu Syiia Bloousheu," !"# ;#< =,7> !(/#', 1u221S)

>Q1)/ 8& (4) S)"#<) 8";Y< 8*$+/7 (4) 0)"),& (;;D !/ 8 6)2 R*7)/C@G P*M !"#$# 0#*),@
U;+C)F ?<*;/7 !O+/+;/& SY*+/7 ?)/+;* ?<#AA P))<+/7&MN (Naik Nazzetti, Robeit F. Woith, Anu Nichael R. uoiuon,
"0bama's 0nceitain Path Amiu Syiia Bloousheu," !"# ;#< =,7> !(/#', 1u221S)
>BY< 3Y**)/< 8/F X;*$)* !AA+C+#,& ?#+F 9+& B;F@ L#/7Y#7) :#& (),,+/7= 9) !A<)/ 8OO)#*)F
.$O#<+)/< !* S+&)/7#7)F :4+,) L+&<)/+/7 (; (4) S)"#<)G ?;$)<+$)& ?C*;,,+/7 (4*;Y74
P)&&#7)& !/ 9+& B,#CD")**@ !* ?,;YC4+/7 8/F 34)2+/7 \Y$MN (Naik Nazzetti, Robeit F. Woith, Anu Nichael
R. uoiuon, "0bama's 0nceitain Path Amiu Syiia Bloousheu," !"# ;#< =,7> !(/#', 1u221S)

(4) !"#$# 8F$+/+&<*#<+;/%& X;*$)* E;+/< P#/ 8< (4) ?<#<) S)O#*<$)/< X;* ?@*+# .& 6;2 8
>XY*+;Y& 8F$+/+&<*#<+;/ 3*+<+CMN "Fieueiic Bof spent Piesiuent 0bama's fiist teim as the State
Bepaitment's point man on Syiia. Be is now a fuiious auministiation ciitic, anu a symbol of the giowing
consensus in the piofessional foieign policy community that the 0bama Auministiation no mattei how
its last-minute uetoui thiough Congiess tuins out has bauly bungleu its Syiia policy thiough two yeais
of populai upiising tuineu bloouy civil wai." (Niiiam Eluei, "What's The Point 0f 0bama's Syiia Policy." BuzzFeeu, 921S)
!"#$#%& ?<*#<)7@ .& >3;/&<+<Y<+;/#,,@ ?;Y/FG BY< ?<*#<)7+C#,,@ 8OO#,,+/7MN "'The iesults of this
mystifying lack of piepaieuness have been abysmal,' he wiote, calling 0bama's uecision to seek
congiessional appioval foi the stiikes 'constitutionally sounu, but stiategically appalling' anu
suggesting the White Bouse finu 'an objectives-baseu stiategy.'" (Niiiam Eluei, "What's The Point 0f 0bama's Syiia
Policy." BuzzFeeu, 921S)
3;Y/C+, !/ X;*)+7/ 0),#<+;/&% L)&,+) \),"= (4) !"#$# 8F$+/+&<*#<+;/ S;)& 6;< 9#1) 8 ?)*+;Y&
P+F)#&< E;,+C@ !* ?@*+# ?<*#<)7@M uELB: "I'll uo my best to be biief. The stait of any effoit to make sense
out of what we'ie uoing in Syiia is to have a seiious Niueast stiategy. We uon't have it. I just talkeu to the
leaueis of the nations in the aiea, anu you'll see that they'ie confuseu anu uismayeu anu theii willingness
to help us on Syiia, to follow oui leau on Syiia, will uepenu in goou pait about oui getting oui act
togethei in teims of uealing with Iian, Iiaq, Aiab-Isiaeli negotiations. These things all fit togethei in the
ieal woilu." (Leslie uelb, Beaiing Statements, 1uS11S)
\),"= :) 9#1) 6; ?<*#<)7@ ./ ?@*+#. "As fai as Syiia itself is conceineu, we uo have no stiategy. I
think all of you toucheu on that point veiy well." (Leslie uelb, Beaiing Statements, 1uS11S)

\),"= >:) S*)2 0)F L+/)& 8/F (4)/ S+F/%< S; 8/@<4+/7 8";Y< (4)$MN We uiew ieu lines anu
then uiun't uo anything about them, walkeu away fiom them. Anu now we'ie in a position wheie it
seems we'ie just going to let this wai uiag on with teiiible consequences that Fieu Bof uesciibeu
anu you know full well the hoiiois of it." (Leslie uelb, Beaiing Statements, 1uS11S)

SQ08.LQS 8\Q6S8
!B8P8 BQ\86 9.? ?Q3!6S (Q0P .6 8 3L!RS !X ?386S8L? (98( (90Q8(Q6QS
9.? 8\Q6S8
(4) !Y<"Y*&< !A 3;/<*;1)*&+)& 8< (4) ?<#*< !A 9+& ?)C;/F ()*$ EY< 8 S#$O)* !/ !"#$#%&
87)/F#M "An outbuist of contioveisies thieatens to swamp Piesiuent Baiack 0bama's seconu-teim
agenua, while giving Republicans new oppoitunities to galvanize theii base aheau of the battle foi contiol
of Congiess in the 2u14 elections." (Petei Nicholas anu }anet Book, "Contioveisies Thieaten Piesiuent's Agenua," %&00 8+7##+ 9,:7)&0.
SY*+/7 8 >3*+<+C#, P;$)/<N !A 9+& ?)C;/F ()*$G !"#$# >9#F (; P#D) 0)#, E*;7*)&& !/ 9+&
?)C;/FZ()*$ 87)/F# 8/F (4Y& X;*7) 9+& L)7#C@MN "This was the ciitical moment, the biief time
between his inauguial anu when the nation's collective focus tuins to whom his successoi will be, when
Piesiuent 0bama hau to make ieal piogiess on his seconu-teim agenua anu thus foige his legacy." (Fiank
}ames, "Contioveisies Risk Staiving 0bama's Agenua 0f Aii," NPR, S141S)
./&<)#F !A P;1+/7 9+& 87)/F# X;*2#*FG !"#$# :#& P+*)F ./ 3;/<*;1)*&+)&M "Insteau, the
piesiuent finus his auministiation, the public, Congiess anu the news meuia uistiacteu by
contioveisies ovei Benghazi, the Inteinal Revenue Seivice's taigeting of conseivative gioups anu
a leak investigation in which the }ustice Bepaitment secietly obtaineu months of phone iecoius of
Associateu Piess jouinalists." (Fiank }ames, "Contioveisies Risk Staiving 0bama's Agenua 0f Aii," NPR, S141S)
>(4) 0)&Y,<n E*)C+;Y& (+$) :4+<) 9;Y&) !AA+C+#,& 8/F !<4)* S)$;C*#<& 9;O)F (; ?O)/F
!/ EY&4+/7 (4) E*)&+F)/<d& \;#,& .& ./&<)#F B)+/7 ?O)/< !/ S#$#7) 3;/<*;,G 8/F :+<4
SY"+;Y& QAA)C< 8< (4#<MN (Fiank }ames, "Contioveisies Risk Staiving 0bama's Agenua 0f Aii," NPR, S141S)
>D&6&E' F#/,): !#46 F/&):&.' J#()@(*,4&+#: J(=+' K) !"# L#6,/4&+(/ -&4+8
>.<d& 6; ?)C*)< (4#< P#/@ S)$;C*#<+C L#2$#D)*& 9#1) 6)1)* B))/ Q/#$;*)F !A E*)&+F)/<
!"#$#MN "It's no seciet that many Bemociatic lawmakeis have nevei been enamoieu of Piesiuent
0bama. Be lacks schmooze, an element ciucial to builuing ielationships on Capitol Bill. It's something
he's moveu to iemeuy in the last few months, wining anu uining senatois in both paities aheau of ciitical
votes on his seconu teim agenua." ("The Euge: Foi 0bama, Relationships Woulu Belp," ;&+(,)&0 9,:7)&0, S1S1S)
./ (4) :#D) !A !"#$#%& >?C#/F#, (*+A)C<#GN S)$;C*#<& 9#1) 6;< 9)&+<#<)F (; 3;/F)$/
(4) 8F$+/+&<*#<+;/M "But this week's scanual tiifecta has maue it pietty cleai the chaim
offensive was too little, too late. Bemociats uiun't hesitate to conuemn the IRS's mishanuleu tea
paity piobing anu the }ustice Bepaitment's seciet seaich of Associateu Piess phone iecoius, all on
the heels of the Bouse inquiiies into Benghazi." ("The Euge: Foi 0bama, Relationships Woulu Belp," ;&+(,)&0 9,:7)&0,
(;O S)$;C*#<+C !AA+C+#,= >E!(R? 0)#,,@ S;)&/%< 9#1) 8/@ ?2#@ :+<4 0)FZ?<#<) S)$&MN "Be
will most likely get nothing on guns uespite his vow aftei Weunesuay's Senate uefeat that 'this
effoit is not ovei.' Be will most likely get nothing moie on a gianu baigain to lift the economy. Be
stanus a uecent chance of getting an immigiation ueal. But as one influential Bemociatic auvisei
tolu us, that's only because the piesiuent has laigely stayeu on the siuelines. 'P0T0S ieally uoesn't
have any sway with ieu-state Bems,' saiu a top Bemociatic official close to the White Bouse." (}im
vanueBei anu Nike Allen, "Behinu The Cuitain: 0bama, Boxeu In," -,0(+(1,. 4181S)
>S)$;C*#<+C ?)/#<;*&G (4) !AA+C+#, 8FF)FG a:;/ ./ ?<#<)& (4#< E!(R? L;&< o ?;$) B@ 9Y7)
P#*7+/&M 8,&;G Q1)/ ./ B,Y) ?<#<)&G P#/@ S)$;C*#<& 0#/ 84)#F !A E!(R?M%N (}im vanueBei anu Nike
Allen, "Behinu The Cuitain: 0bama, Boxeu In," -,0(+(1,. 4181S)

(9Q X8.LQS L8R639 !X !B8P8380Q P80`QS 8 >38(8?(0!E9.3 (R06N X!0
!B8P8%? 9!EQ? (! .PELQPQ6( 9.? 8\Q6S8
!"#$#%& X+A<4 -)#* ./ !AA+C) >(;;D 8 3#<#&<*;O4+C (Y*/ (4+& X#,,G :4)/ (4) X#+,)F
.$O,)$)/<#<+;/ !A (4) 8AA;*F#",) 3#*) 8C< 8,<)*)F L;/7Z()*$ E)*C)O<+;/& !A !"#$# 8& 8
3;$O)<)/<G E;2)*AY, 8/F (*Y&<2;*<4@ 34+)A Q[)CY<+1)MN "As foi 0bama, his fifth yeai ceitainly wasn't
looking goou between the enuless paitisan pie-fight with Republicans ovei the buuget, the scanuals
involving the NSA anu IRS, anu the auministiation's toituieu uelibeiations ovei the Syiia ciisis. But the
yeai took a catastiophic tuin this fall, when the faileu implementation of the Affoiuable Caie Act alteieu
long-teim peiceptions of 0bama as a competent, poweiful anu tiustwoithy chief executive." (ulenn Thiush,
"The Reboot," -,0(+(1, ?&*&@()#. 12171S)
.A !"#$# X#+,& (; P;1) B)@;/F (4) >!"#$#3#*) S)"#C,)k 9) P+74< 6)1)* B) 8",) (;
0)7#+/ X;;<+/7MN "The next six months coulu be uecisive: If the piesiuent can't move past the
0bamacaie uebacle to ieset the agenua thiough executive action anu taigeteu legislative
campaigns on climate change, immigiation anu the minimum wage, he might nevei be able to
iegain his footing. The West Wing also hopes Pouesta can help iestoie 0bama's slipping
ieputation as a piesiuent who can be tiusteu to iun his own goveinment competently. 'You always
come in with the peispective that the best way to uo things is to be an outsiuei in Washington, but
goveining is something insiueis uo, anu that's what }ohn uoes best,' says foimei White Bouse
piess secietaiy Nike NcCuiiy, who woikeu with Pouesta when he was chief of staff in Piesiuent
Bill Clinton's seconu teim. 'They neeueu him.'" (ulenn Thiush, "The Reboot," -,0(+(1, ?&*&@()#. 12171S)
!"# B&(.C4# >= >D&6&G&4# ?&' BC4+"#4 L(@(:#: !"# L#6,/4&+(/ -&4+8
>8/7)* 8$;/7 S)$;C*#<& !1)* (4) 0;,,;Y< !A !"#$#3#*) .& S))OMN "Angei among Bemociats ovei
the iollout of 0bamaCaie is ueep. The thiiu aiue, who woiks foi a senatoi up foi ieelection in 2u14, saiu
the White Bouse hau 's--t the beu.' Now, the staffei saiu, the piesiuent's sinking appioval iatings aie an
auuitional pioblem." (Amie Paines, "WB-BSCC 0bamaCaie Powwow," !"# 2(00. 12S1S)
!"#$#3#*)%& S+&#&<*;Y& 0;,,;Y< 9#& L)A< S)$;C*#<& >X*Y&<*#<)FG B+<<)* 8/F 8/7*@MN "They
aie letting it be known that Bouse anu Senate Bemociats aie incieasingly fiustiateu, bittei anu
angiy with the White Bouse ovei 0bamaCaie's botcheu iollout, anu that the piesiuent's mea culpa
in a news confeience last week faileu to soothe any ill will." (Amie Paines, "0bama Bits New Low With Bems," !"#
2(003' Bealth Watch, 112u1S)
>E*)&+F)/< B#*#CD !"#$#%& 3*)F+"+,+<@ P#@ 9#1) (#D)/ 8 B+7 9+< :+<4 U;<)*&G BY< 9)%& 8,&;
./ ?)*+;Y& S#/7)* !A E)*$#/)/<,@ L;&+/7 (4) (*Y&< !A S)$;C*#<& ./ 3;/7*)&&MN (}onathan Allen
Anu }ake Sheiman, "Tiust Fiays Between Piesiuent 0bama, Bemociats," -,0(+(1,, 11141S)
S)$;C*#<& ./ ?2+/7 S+&<*+C<& 8*) L+D),@ (; 81;+F !"#$# 8< 8,, 3;&<&M "The White Bouse
hasn't inuicateu just how much 0bama will help campaign foi those who aie up foi ieelection next
yeai. The piesiuent, who has been attenuing a stiing of funuiaiseis in iecent uays incluuing a
West Coast check-collecting tiip this weekenu is expecteu to help lawmakeis anu both
campaign committees thioughout 2u14. But as the healthcaie pioblems continue to peisist,
lawmakeis in swing uistiicts aien't suie that's the best iuea, especially because, accoiuing to one
Bemociat, 'systemically you have what is a long-teim pioblem.'" (Amie Paines, "0bama Bits New Low With Bems,"
!"# 2(003' Bealth Watch, 112u1S)

Q1)/ B,Y) ?<#<) S)$;C*#<& X#C+/7 0)),)C<+;/ 6)[< -)#* 9#1) T;+/)F 0)F ?<#<) S)$;C*#<&
(; S+&<#/C) (4)$&),1)& X*;$ (4) !"#$#3#*) 0;,,;Y<M "It's not just ieu-state Bemociats, like
Louisiana Sen. Naiy Lanuiieu, uistancing themselves fiom the law. It's blue-state senatois like
0iegon's }eff Neikley anu New Bampshiie's }eanne Shaheen -- anu top blue-state ieciuits like
Nichigan's uaiy Peteis anu Iowa's Biuce Bialey, who voteu foi u0P legislation Fiiuay that the
White Bouse saiu woulu 'gut' the law." (}osh Kiaushaai, "Why 0bamaCaie Is 0n Life Suppoit," ;&+(,)&0 9,:7)&0, 11181S)
!B8P8 Q6S? (9Q X.X(9 -Q80 !X 9.? E0Q?.SQ63- !6 8 L!: 6!(Q
8CC;*F+/7 (; 8 366p!03 ./<)*/#<+;/#, E;,,G !"#$#%& 8OO*;1#, 0#<+/7& X),, J] E)*C)/<#7) E;+/<&
!1)* (4) 3;Y*&) !A (4) -)#*M "Fouiteen points. That's how fai Piesiuent Baiack 0bama's poll numbeis
fell in CNN polling ovei the couise of what's been an especially tough yeai. 0bama's appioval iating
stanus at 41% in a new CNN0RC Inteinational suivey ieleaseu Fiiuay, which matches the all-time low
he fell to in CNN polling just last month. The Piesiuent's uisappioval iating iemains unchangeu at S6%,
which is an all-time high in CNN suiveys. In the afteiglow of his 2u12 ie-election victoiy, 0bama's iating
stoou at SS% in CNN polling in }anuaiy. That numbei iangeu fiom the uppei 4us to the low Sus thiough
Nay in CNN anu most othei national polling, but steauily ueclineu in the following months as 0bama uealt
with one contioveisy aftei anothei, fiom NSA suiveillance anu IRS taigeting of political gioups to the
uisastious staitup of anu the contioveisy ovei millions of Ameiicans being tolu they
woulu lose theii cuiient insuiance plans because they uiun't meet stanus manuateu by the new health
caie law." (Paul Steinhausei, "Piesiuent Enus Yeai At All-Time CNN Polling Low," CNN, 122u1S)
8CC;*F+/7 (; 8 %&'"()*+,) -,'+Z8B3 6)2& E;,,G !"#$# Q/F& (4) X+A<4 -)#* !A 9+& E*)&+F)/C@
P#<C4+/7 (4) :;*&< EY",+C 8OO*;1#, 0#<+/7& !A 9+& E*)&+F)/C@M "Piesiuent 0bama is enuing his fifth
yeai in office matching the woist public appioval iatings of his piesiuency, with iecoiu numbeis of
Ameiicans saying they uisappiove of his job peifoimance anu his once-hefty auvantages ovei
Republicans in Congiess eioueu in many aieas, accoiuing to a new %&'"()*+,) -,'+-ABC News Poll." (Ban
Balz anu Scott Clement, "0bama Suffeis Nost Fiom Yeai 0f Tuimoil, Poll Finus," !"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+, 12161S)
!"#$#%& X+A<4 -)#* 8OO*;1#, 0#<+/7 .& L;2)* (4#/ 8,$;&< 8,, !<4)* 0)C)/< (2;Z()*$
E*)&+F)/<&M "0bama enus his fifth yeai in office with lowei appioval iatings than almost all othei
iecent two-teim piesiuents. At this point in 2uuS, foi example, foimei piesiuent ueoige W. Bush
was at 47 peicent positive, S2 peicent negative." (Ban Balz anu Scott Clement, "0bama Suffeis Nost Fiom Yeai 0f Tuimoil,
Poll Finus," !"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+, 12161S)

bb E)*C)/< !A 8$)*+C#/& S+&#OO*;1) !A !"#$#%& T;" E)*A;*$#/C)G :4+,) TY&< ]K 8OO*;1)M
(!"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+-ABC Poll, 1,uuS A, NoE S.S%, 1212-1S1S)

8EZ\A` E;,,= "E*)&+F)/< B#*#CD !"#$#d& 8OO*;1#, 0#<+/7 :#& 6)7#<+1)= b^ E)*C)/< S+&#OO*;1) !A
(4) T;" 9)d& S;+/7 8& E*)&+F)/<G :4+,) ]H E)*C)/< 8OO*;1)MN (Chailes Babington anu }ennifei Agiesta, "AP-uFK Poll: Low
Appioval 0f Congiess, 0bama," !"# 5'',1(&+#6 -7#''. 12111S)
}Y&< J] E)*C)/< >?<*;/7,@N 8OO*;1)G :4+,) KH E)*C)/< >?<*;/7,@N S+&#OO*;1)M (AP-ufK Poll, 1S67A,
NoE S.S% 12S-91S)

6B3 6)2&p%&.. F+4##+ M,C4)&. E;,,= b] E)*C)/< !A 8$)*+C#/& S+&#OO*;1) !A !"#$#%& T;"
E)*A;*$#/C) e (4) 9+74)&< E*;O;*<+;/ X;* (4) E;,, Z :4+,) TY&< ]K E)*C)/< 8OO*;1)M "Both
peisonally anu piofessionally Ameiicans have uowngiaueu theii assessments of Ni. 0bama in ways that
complicate his ability to push thiough his policies, the suivey shows. Nost conspicuous lately have been
the pioblems with the iollout of the new health caie law, which compounueu uamage eailiei fiom
contioveisies ovei the National Secuiity Agency suiveillance piogiams anu the Inteinal Revenue Seivice.
The iesult: Ni. 0bama's appioval iating stanus at just 4S peicent, while S4 peicent uisappiove of his
peifoimancethe highest piopoition of his piesiuency. Ni. 0bama's stanuing, S2 peicent in }anuaiy
following his Nov. 2u12 ie-election, has eugeu uown all yeai." (}ohn Baiwoou, "0bama Suffeieu Buiing Fiist Yeai 0f Seconu
Teim: Poll," CNBC, 12111S)
mY+//+O+#C R/+1)*&+<@ E;,,= >!"#$#%& T;" 8OO*;1#, 8$;/7 U;<)*& 9#& S*;OO)F (; 8 6)2 L;2G 8
6)7#<+1) K^Zbi E)*C)/<MN >Piesiuent Baiack 0bama's job appioval among Ameiican voteis uiops to a
new low, a negative S8 - S7 peicent, as the outlook foi Bemociats iunning foi Congiess anu the 0.S.
Senate faues also, accoiuing to a national poll ieleaseu touay." (Quinnipiac 0niveisity Poll, 2692 Rv, NoE 1.9%, 12S-91S)
7/G.&+/"8ZP#*+&< E;,,= >!"#$#%& S+&#OO*;1#, 0#<+/7 3,+$")F (; bK E)*C)/< e (4) :;*&< ./ Hc
E;,,& ?+/C) 9) (;;D !AA+C) ./ T#/Y#*@ HIIcMN "0bama's uisappioval iating climbeu to SS peicent - the
woist in 29 polls since he took office in }anuaiy 2uu9 - while 4S peicent appioveu of his job
peifoimance. The uisappioval numbei was up shaiply fiom the 47 peicent ieauing in Septembei anu
tops the pievious high of S2 peicent in Septembei 2u11." (Baviu Lightman, "NcClatchy-Naiist Poll: 0bama uets Woist Ratings 0f
Bis Piesiuency," ?1A0&+1"B ;#<', 1291S)

bH E)*C)/< !A 8$)*+C#/& 9#1) 8/ R/A#1;*#",) .$O*)&&+;/ !A !"#$#G (4) >:;*&< 9)%&
Q/FY*)FMN "0bama's peisonal iatings weie also uown. By S2 peicent to 46 peicent, people hau an
unfavoiable impiession of him, the fiist time since Novembei 2u11 the negative numbei was
highei. The unfavoiable numbei was also the woist he's enuuieu." (Baviu Lightman, "NcClatchy-Naiist Poll:
0bama uets Woist Ratings 0f Bis Piesiuency," ?1A0&+1"B ;#<', 1291S)

!B8P8 98? L!?( \0!R6S 8P!6\ !6Q !X 9.? 3!0Q 3!6?(.(RQ63.Q?

NF9 !,:&8pE)2 0)&)#*C4 3)/<)* E;,,= B#&)F !/ 9+& 8OO*;1#, 0#<+/7&G !"#$# >8OO)#*& (; 9#1)
6)#*,@ 8& PYC4 :;*D (; S; :+<4 -;Y/7 E);O,) 8& 9) S;)& :+<4 !,F)* 8$)*+C#/&MN "Nillennials
have pioviueu invaluable political suppoit to Piesiuent 0bama ovei the couise of his piesiuency, voting
foi him by a ioughly 2-to-1 maigin in his two successful campaigns against Nitt Romney anu }ohn
NcCain. But as 0bama tiies to climb out of a 2-month-long malaise that saw his populaiity sink with the
fumbleu iollout of the feueial health caie exchange, the piesiuent appeais to have neaily as much woik
to uo with young people as he uoes with oluei Ameiicans." (Aamei Nauhani Anu }im Noiman, "0SA TouayPew Poll: 0bama
Stiuggles With Nillenials," C85 !,6&B. 121S1S)
>X;*<@ZX+1) E)*C)/< !A J^Z (; HcZ-)#*Z!,F 8$)*+C#/& ?#@ (4)@ 8OO*;1) !A (4) :#@ !"#$#
.& 9#/F,+/7 9+& T;"q ]hf S+&#OO*;1) !A 9+& T;" E)*A;*$#/C)G 8CC;*F+/7 (; 8 -)#*ZQ/F R?8
(!S8-pE)2 0)&)#*C4 3)/<)* E;,,." (Aamei Nauhani Anu }im Noiman, "0SA TouayPew Poll: 0bama Stiuggles With
Nillenials," C85 !,6&B. 121S1S)
8 9#*1#*F E;,, ?4;2& (4#< 8$)*+C#%& -;Y/7 E);O,) >8*) S+&+,,Y&+;/)F :+<4 !"#$#%& ()/Y*)N 8/F
S+&#OO*;1) !A 9+& 9#/F,+/7 !A (4) 3;Y/<*@%& P#j;* .&&Y)&M "The wiue-ianging poll of 18- to 29-yeai-
olus, ieleaseu Weunesuay moining by Baivaiu's Institute of Politics, founu that Ameiica's young people
aie uisillusioneu with 0bama's tenuie in office anu uisappiove of his hanuling of the countiy's majoi
issues." (Emily Schultheis, "Poll: Nillennials Bisillusioneu With Piesiuent 0bama," -,0(+(1,, 1241S)
>-;Y/7 E);O,) 9),O)F Q,)C< E*)&+F)/< !"#$# ./ HII^ 8/F HIJHG BY< (4)@%*) \+1+/7 9+$
L;2 P#*D& 6;2MN (Emily Schultheis, "Poll: Nillennials Bisillusioneu With Piesiuent 0bama," -,0(+(1,, 1241S)
>:4+,) bb E)*C)/< ?#+F (4)@ U;<)F X;* !"#$# ./ HIJHG !/,@ ]h E)*C)/< ?#+F (4)@ :;Y,F
S; ?; 87#+/MN (Ron Fouiniei, "Nillennials Abanuon 0bama Anu 0bamacaie," ;&+(,)&0 9,:7)&0, 1241S)
>X+A<@ZX;Y* E)*C)/< !A (4;&) ?Y*1)@)F S+&#OO*;1) !A !"#$#%& T;" E)*A;*$#/C)G 3;$O#*)F
:+<4 ]J E)*C)/< :4; 8OO*;1)MN "Fifty-foui peicent of those suiveyeu uisappiove of 0bama's
job peifoimance, compaieu with 41 peicent who appiove. Those numbeis aie an 11-point uiop
fiom Baivaiu's suivey in spiing 2u1S, anu almost the opposite of its fall 2uu9 poll, when S8
peicent of young people appioveu anu S9 peicent uisappioveu." (Emily Schultheis, "Poll: Nillennials Bisillusioneu
With Piesiuent 0bama," -,0(+(1,, 1241S)
8B3 6)2&p!"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+ E;,,= 8$;/7 -;Y/7 8FY,<&G !"#$#%& T;" 8OO*;1#, 0#<+/7 9#&
S*;OO)F HK E;+/<&G >9+& ?<))O)&< L;&& ./ 8/@ \*;YOMN "At the same time, theie's also one coie suppoit
gioup in which 0bama is huiting - young auults, a gioup he won by an histoiic maigin in 2uu8, anu
stiongly again in 2u12. The piesiuent's oveiall appioval iating has lost 2S points among auults age 18 to
29 since }anuaiy, his steepest loss in any gioup." (uaiy Langei, "Botcheu ACA Rollout Bammeis 0bama; }ob Bisappioval Reaches A
Caieei Bigh,"ABC News, 11191S)
!B8P8%? ?.\68(R0Q 839.QUQPQ6( 0QP8.6? 8 S08\ !6 SQP!308(?

!"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+p8B3 E;,,= 8 P#j;*+<@ !A 8$)*+C#/& S;/%< 8OO*;1) !A !"#$#%& 9#/F,+/7 !A
!"#$#3#*)%& .$O,)$)/<#<+;/M "The White Bouse has ueclaieu that the health-caie Web site is woiking
bettei now, but peiceptions of it as a flaweu system peisist. Noie than six in 1u Ameiicans say the Web
site is not woiking as it shoulu be anu moie than half say that is a sign of bioauei pioblems foi the
implementation of the piogiam. Six in 1u say the pioblems aie seiious enough that the auministiation
shoulu uelay the iequiiement that all Ameiicans have health insuiance." (Ban Balz anu Scott Clement, "0bama Suffeis
Nost Fiom Yeai 0f Tuimoil, Poll Finus," !"# %&'"()*+,) -,'+, 12161S)
8 P#j;*+<@ !A 8$)*+C#/&G hH E)*C)/<G S+&#OO*;1) !A !"#$#%& 9#/F,+/7 !A 9+& 6)2
9)#,<4C#*) L#2M (%&'"()*+,) -,'+-ABC Poll, 1,uuS A, NoE S.S%, 1212-121S)
!/,@ Jc E)*C)/< B),+)1) 9)#,<4C#*) ./ 8$)*+C# .& \)<<+/7 B)<<)* SY) (; !"#$#3#*) :4+,)
P;*) (4#/ (2+C) 8& P#/@G ]i E)*C)/<G B),+)1) .< 9#& \;<<)/ :;*&)M (%&'"()*+,) -,'+-ABC Poll, 1,uuS A,
NoE S.S%, 1212-121S)

8EZ\A` E;,,= hJ E)*C)/< !A 8$)*+C#/& S+&#OO*;1) !A (4) :#@ !"#$# .& 9#/F,+/7 9)#,<4C#*)G
:4+,) Kc E)*C)/< 8OO*;1)M (AP-ufK Poll, 1S67 A, NoE S.S%, 12S-91S)
mY+//+O+#C R/+1)*&+<@ E;,,= hH E)*C)/< !A U;<)*& S+&#OO*;1) !A !"#$#%& 9#/F,+/7 !A 9)#,<4 3#*)G
:4+,) K] E)*C)/< 8OO*;1)M (Quinnipiac 0niveisity Poll, 2692 Rv, NoE 1.9%, 12S-91S)
6B3p%&.. F+4##+ M,C4)&. E;,,= TY&< K] E)*C)/< !A 8$)*+C#/& B),+)1) !"#$#3#*) .& 8 \;;F .F)#G
:4+,) bI E)*C)/< ?#@ .<%& 8 >B#F .F)#N e (4) 9+74)&< P)#&Y*) X;* (4) E;,,M "0nly S4 peicent believe
the health law is a goou iuea (uown S points fiom late 0ctobei), while Su peicent say it's a bau iuea (the
highest peicentage on that measuie since the NBCWS} poll began asking this question)." (Naik Nuiiay,
"NBCWS} Poll: 0bama Enus Yeai 0n Low Note," NBC News, 121u1S)

E)2 0)&)#*C4pNF9 !,:&8 E;,,= b] E)*C)/< !A 8$)*+C#/& S+&#OO*;1) !A !"#$#3#*)G :4+,) ]J
E)*C)/< 8OO*;1)M (Pew ReseaichC85 !,6&B Poll, 2uu1A, NoE 2.6%, 12S-81S)

E)2 0)&)#*C4p NF9 !,:&8 E;,,= bI E)*C)/< !A 8$)*+C#/& ?#@ (4) X#+,Y*) !A !"#$#3#*)%& L#Y/C4
?4;2& >XY/F#$)/<#, X,#2& ./ (4) L#2N :4+,) ]] E)*C)/< ?#@ (4) E*;",)$& 3#/ B) X+[)F. "The
public is uiviueu ovei whethei the law's pioblems can be fixeu: 44% say the health caie law has faceu
shoit-teim pioblems that can be iesolveu, while Su% say the pioblems show 'funuamental flaws in the
law.'" (Pew ReseaichC85 !,6&B Poll, 2uu1A, NoE 2.6%, 12S-81S)
E)2 0)&)#*C4pNF9 !,:&8 E;,,= bb E)*C)/< !A 8$)*+C#/& ?#@ >X,#2& ./ (4) L#2 .<&),AN .& 8
>P#j;* 0)#&;/N X;* (4) !"#$#3#*) E*;",)$&G :4+,) Hi E)*C)/< ?#@ .< .& 8 >P+/;* 0)#&;/N
8/F TY&< JH E)*C)/< ?#@ .< .& >6;< 8 0)#&;/MN (Pew ReseaichC85 !,6&B Poll, 2uu1A, NoE 2.6%, 12S-81S)
E)2 0)&)#*C4pNF9 !,:&8 E;,,= bh E)*C)/< !A 8$)*+C#/& ?#@ >E;;* P#/#7)$)/< B@ (4)
!"#$# 8F$+/+&<*#<+;/N .& 8 >P#j;* 0)#&;/N X;* (4) !"#$#3#*) E*;",)$&G :4+,) Hh
E)*C)/< ?#@ .< .& 8 >P+/;* 0)#&;/N 8/F TY&< JK E)*C)/< ?#@ .< .& >6;< 8 0)#&;/MN (Pew ReseaichC85
!,6&B Poll, 2uu1A, NoE 2.6%, 12S-81S)

Paiu foi the Republican National Committee
Not authoiizeu by any canuiuate oi canuiuate's

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