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Genocide has to be compensated by separation: Sikh politician

Simranjit Singh Mann

[TamilNet, Wednesday, 25 December 2013, 22:30


Tamils cant live [in a united Sri Lanka] after the perpetration of the crime of genocide. I think the wounds are too deep historically there to be reconciliation. fter a State has committed genocide! there cant be any reconciliation!" says Simran#it Singh $ann! the president of Shiromani kali %al mritsar party! who advocates the formation of &halistan as an independent and sovereign State for Sikhs! in an e'change of views with Tamil (adu based $ay )* $ovement. +,irapaharan and his movement was too powerful for the Sri Lankan government!" he said! adding that +it was under the collaboration of -, .led /ongress government that the Sri Lanka government was able to achieve and crush the movement for freedom by committing a genocide on the Tamil people in Sri Lanka."

Object 1

" maj#r tactic de$l#yed by the %ndian State &as t# ma'e s(re that Tamil Nad( didn)t rise ($ t# e*ert $ress(re #n the %ndian #+ernment, This &as achie+ed thr#(gh &##ing c#llab#rat#rs -r#m Tamil Nad( &ith $#siti#ns and m#ney, he said, The Tamil $e#$le &#(ld ha+e listened in re+#lt and in -a+#(r #- &hat &as ha$$ening t# the Tamils in Sri .an'a [in 200/!, 0(t, -#r the -act that these Tamil leaders had been 1b#(ght #+er), this didn)t ha$$en,2 the Si'h leader t#ld Tamil acti+ists -r#m Tamil Nad(, #+ernment #- %ndia r(les Tamils #- Tamil Nad( and the Si'hs #- 3(njab thr#(gh c#llab#rat#rs, in 'ee$ing the Tamils and the Si'hs s(bd(ed and n#t letting in the nati#nalist -eelings be t(rned int# +#tes,2 Mr Simranjit Singh said dra&ing $arallels bet&een the gen#cide against Si'h $e#$le and the gen#cide against 4e5ham Tamils, % came acr#ss Mr 6ai'# &hile % &as in $arliament -r#m 1/// t# 2007, 0(t, #ther than that, the Tamils ha+e n#t ta'en ($ the ca(se #- the Tamil $e#$le in [%ndian! $arliament,2 Mr Simrajit Singh said, My e*$erience #- the Tamil $e#$le is that &hen the 8entral #+ernment #Mr Sastri [in 1/97:99! &anted t# im$#se ;indi all #+er %ndia and ab#lish 4nglish [as ling(a -ranca!, it &as the Tamil $e#$le &h# r#se ($ against it, They c#mmitted mass s(icides, The $ress(re &ent ($ that the ;indi: s$ea'ing N#rthern %ndian $e#$le had t# gi+e ($ their designs t# $#ise ;indi #n all #- %ndia,2 he said, The Si'h $#litician &as ad+#cating -#r the (se #- elect#ral $#litics as a means t# dem#nstrate the dem#cratic &ill #- the $e#$le [#- Tamil Nad(!, The Tamil Nad( State and the Tamil $e#$le in %ndia &ill ha+e t# hel$ Tamils in Sri .an'a t# achie+e their inde$endence,2 he said, Dem#cracy gi+es legitimacy, %- &e had elected re$resentati+es -r#m 3(njab and the #ther territ#ries, &e can $ass a res#l(ti#n and that &#(ld be acce$ted by the &#rld,2 he said, 0(t, i- y#( try any #ther meth#ds #- gaining inde$endence, the &#rld #$ini#n &ill g# against y#(, <#( &#(ld be cr(shed n#t #nly by the State -r#m &hich y#( &ant t# se$arate, b(t the -#rces, &hich are #$erated in the &#rld,2 he said, =nce, the "merican -#reign $#licy &as s# great and W##dr#& Wils#n &anted the right #- sel-:determinati#n and he created Nati#ns a-ter >irst

W#rld War #n the $rinci$le #- nati#nalities, 0(t t#day, "merica d#esn)t belie+e in h(man rights, it d#esn)t belie+e in the right #- sel-:determinati#n, in the right #- $e#$le being the masters #- their #&n destiny as s#+ereign states, "t the m#ment, #r e+en d(ring the 0ritish $eri#d, the ;ind(s g#t their inde$endence thr#(gh 8#ngress and the M(slims g#t 3a'istan thr#(gh the M(slim .eag(e, They did -ight the electi#ns and that &as the #nly determining -act#r #n e*$ressing &hat y#( &ant, %- the hist#ry #- #(r s(b: c#ntinent t# be -#ll#&ed, it &as the determinati#n #- the $e#$le thr#(gh the electi#ns that made their +#ice legitimate and acce$table t# the rest #- the &#rld,2 he said, =n a ?(esti#n #n &hether a $#licy change &as $#ssible in the %ndian establishment #n the ?(esti#n #- Tamil 4elam, he said: @The the#cratic State #- %ndia is +ery scared #- hel$ing inde$endence m#+ements, beca(se it is s# -ragile &ith the Nagas, &ith the Aashmiris, &ith the Mi5#s, &ith the Tamils and &ith the Si'hs, %- y#( see the $eri$hery #- %ndia, the the#cratic State #+er here r(les all these states &ith the hel$ #- the "rmy and drac#nian la&s, &hich gi+e im$(nity t# the "rmy and the $#lice -#rces t# c#mmit crimes #n the $e#$le, S#, % d#n)t thin' that the %ndian r(ling class, the the#crats, they &ill e+er hel$ the 4e5ham $e#$le t# se$arate,2 % d#n)t thin' the attit(de #- the BN is hel$-(l t# -reed#m m#+ements th#(gh #n its charter it all#&s -#r right t# sel-:determinati#n and the #bliterati#n #- the death $enalty and things li'e that, 0(t in $ractice, it is g#ing al#ng &ith the r(lers &h# c#mmit these crimes, &hether they be any&here, The BN at this m#ment #- time is g#ing al#ng &ith the re$ressi+e g#+ernments, Since the electi#ns are near, y#(r #rgani5ati#ns sh#(ld $(t ($ candidates &h# are Tamil nati#nalists, &h# &ant se$arati#n, s#+ereignty and inde$endence, Then #nly can the crime #- gen#cide $er$etrated in Sri .an'a &#(ld be rec#gni5ed, .i'e the "rmenian $e#$le and the "rmenian gen#cide, it t##' years and years -#r it t# be registered in the "merican 8#ngress and the Senate etc, S#, i- &e &ant Si'h gen#cide t# be registered in internati#nal -#r(ms, &e need t# ha+e inde$endent $e#$le in $arliaments and in the legislat(res t# s$ea' #n this, Tamil and Si'h $e#$le &h# are re$resented at these s#:called dem#cratic b#dies [in %ndia! d# n#t ta'e ($ these iss(es,

We &ant Ahalistan t# be an inde$endent and s#+ereign Si'h State, &hich &#(ld be a b(--er bet&een %slamic 3a'istan, 8#mm(nist 8hina and the#cratic ;ind( %ndian State, Ahalistan &#(ld ens(re $eace internally in S#(th "sia, beca(se the the#cratic ;ind( %ndia, c#mm(nist 8hina and %slamic 3a'istan, are deadly enemies [against each #ther! and a n(clear &ar can brea' #(t, What &#(ld be the battle-ield -#r the n(clear &arC %t is the Si'h territ#ries #- Dajastan, 3(njab, ;ariyana, 8handigarh, Eamm( Aashmir and ;imachal, %- a b(--er State is created, the Si'hs &#(ld als# be sa-e and the ;ind(s and M(slims &h# li+e here &#(ld be sa-e, "$art -r#m that it &#(ld create $eace in S#(th "sia, >#r a $lebiscite -#r the right #- sel-:determinati#n, &e are in -a+#(r #- an inde$endent and s#+ereign state, >(rther e*cer$ts -r#m the e*change #- +ie&s -#ll#&: The br(tality and the $er$etrati#n #- gen#cide #- the Tamil $e#$le has been s# se+ere by the Sri .an'an g#+ernment that there cann#t be any rec#nciliati#n a-ter this crime has been c#mmitted F j(st li'e it &as im$#ssible -#r the Ee&s t# li+e inside ermany a-ter &hat they &ent thr#(gh in the era #- the h#l#ca(st d(ring the sec#nd &#rld &ar and "rmenia &hich c#(ldn)t stay &ith T(r'ey #r any #ther c#(ntry F they ha+e t# be se$arated a-ter this, The Sri .an'ans ha+e c#mmitted en#rm#(s crimes #n Tamil $e#$le li+ing there, The Tamil Nad( State and the Tamil $e#$le in %ndia &ill ha+e t# hel$ them t# achie+e this, [G! The 13th "mendment d#esn)t g# as -ar as t#tal inde$endence and s#+ereignty, %t tal's ab#(t internal settlement [G! % d#n)t agree &ith that, The Tamil $e#$le #- Sri .an'a ha+e t# be inde$endent, They m(st be the masters #- their destiny a-ter &hat they ha+e g#ne thr#(gh,2 [G! %- there are electi#ns [(nder 13 "mendment!, the $e#$le &h# are elected and &h# &#(ld be $(t as administrat#rs #r chie- ministers #r &hate+er y#( call that, they &#(ld bec#me the c#llab#rat#rs #- Sri .an'a, [G!

We ha+e al&ays been 'een ab#(t the str(ggle #- Tamil $e#$le (nder 3ira$haran and the m#bili5ati#n -#r -reed#m and se$arati#n, =(r $arty has -#ll#&ed these e+ents +ery cl#sely, %- y#( see #(r &ebsite, &e ha+e tab(lated each and e+erything -r#m time t# time &hat has been ha$$ening in Sri .an'a and t# the Tamils, %t &as (nder the c#llab#rati#n #- %ndia (nder B3":led 8#ngress g#+ernment that the Sri .an'a g#+ernment &as able t# achie+e and cr(sh the m#+ement -#r -reed#m by c#mmitting a gen#cide #n the Tamil $e#$le in Sri .an'a, "nd the reas#n &as that the 8#ngress 3arty belie+ed, rightly #r &r#ngly, it &as the Tamil $e#$le, &h# had assassinated their leader Daji+ andhi, "nd, they had been &#r'ing in many &ays t# ha+e 3ira$aharan and s#me #ther $e#$le e*tradited -r#m Sri .an'a, Th#se in the Sri .an'an g#+ernment &anted t# 1hel$) %ndia, 0(t, the -act &as that 3ira$aharan and his m#+ement &as t## $#&er-(l -#r the Sri .an'an g#+ernment and its "rmy t# ca$t(re him ali+e and hand him #+er t# the %ndians, S#, in a $l#t and c#ns$iracy &ith the Sri .an'an g#+ernment, they -irst b#(ght #+er the Tamil [Nad(! $#litical leaders li'e Mr Aar(nanithy and Mr 8hidam$aram, Then, by bribing these Tamil leaders, they 'e$t the $e#$le #- Tamil Nad( -r#m n#t hel$ing the State m#+ement -#r the Tamil $e#$le in Sri .an'a, >#r instance, Mr Aar(nanidhi and the 8entral #+ernment had his da(ghter in an im$#rtant $#st, Mr Daja &as gi+en a ministerial $#st in &hich they made a l#t #- m#ney, Mr 8hidambaram had als# made a l#t #m#ney, That is h#& they s($$ressed [Tamil Nad(!, My $#siti#n is that the Tamil $e#$le &#(ld ha+e listened in re+#lt in -a+#(r #- &hat &as ha$$ening t# the Tamils in Sri .an'a, 0(t, -#r the -act that these Tamil leaders had been 1b#(ght #+er), this didn)t ha$$en,2 The Tamils c#nstit(te a se$arate Nati#n, They are a se$arate race, They ha+e their se$arate ;ind( religi#n, 0(t, they are #$$ressed by the 0rahmins, &h# ha+e been $riests -#r generati#ns F by the 0rahmanical system in %ndia, Tamils ha+e a se$arate lang(age, se$arate hist#ry, they ha+e a se$arate sch##l #- drama, m(sic, art, and in the hist#ry, they ha+e r(led their land and they ha+e been great c#l#ni5ers in S#(th 4ast "sia, "nd % d# belie+e that the Tamil $e#$le sh#(ld, li'e the Si'hs, be se$arated and sh#(ld ha+e their #&n s#+ereign State, li'e &hat &e Si'hs are -ighting

-#r, S#, &e st(died the Tamil m#+ement +ery cl#sely and ha+e been t# Tamil Nad( and ha+e gi+en s$eeches, We ha+e s$#'en +ery -reely that the #+ernment #- %ndia r(les Tamil Nad( and the 3(njab and the Si'hs thr#(gh c#llab#rat#rs, &h# c#llab#rate &ith the #+ernment #- %ndia in 'ee$ing the Tamils and the Si'hs s(bd(ed and n#t letting the nati#nalist -eelings be t(rned int# +#tes, Since the electi#ns are near, y#(r #rgani5ati#ns, sh#(ld $(t ($ candidates &h# are Tamil nati#nalists, &h# &ant se$arati#n, s#+ereignty and inde$endence, Then #nly can the crime #- gen#cide $er$etrated in Sri .an'a &#(ld be rec#gni5ed, .i'e the "rmenian $e#$le and the "rmenian gen#cide, it t##' years and years -#r it t# be registered in the "merican 8#ngress and the Senate etc,, S#, i- &e &ant Si'h gen#cide t# be registered in internati#nal -#r(ms, &e need t# ha+e inde$endent $e#$le in $arliaments and in the legislat(res t# s$ea' #n this, Tamil and Si'h $e#$le &h# are re$resented at these s#:called dem#cratic b#dies d# n#t ta'e ($ these iss(es,

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