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Name _________________________________ A (Excellent) PRE-THINKING




My Blog Exercises were completed with energy and interest. My Blog Responses My Blog Exercises were rushed and were detailed and varied. unfinished. My Blog Responses were brief. My Blog Exercises were incomplete. My Focus was PROCESS a priority. Friends, materials, homework, or devices did not distract me. I emphasized Politeness towards the teacher and my classmates. I did not interrupt the learning environment. My Communication with the Teacher was frequent throughout all steps of the unit.

I did not do my Blog Exercises.

PROCESS PROCESS PROCESS I showed some Focus, but friends, materials, Focus was difficult for me, and I was distracted by I had no Focus and was both distracting and homework, or devices distracted me. friends, materials, homework, or devices. distracted. I struggled with Politeness and I interrupted the learning environment. Sorry. I showed little Politeness and was disruptive.

I showed no Politeness and was rude.

My Communication with the Teacher was infrequent throughout all steps. I should I had little Communication with the Teacher and There was no Communication with the have checked-in more. only spoke to her when she redirected me. Teacher even through she tried to help.

My Participation in class was consistent My Participation in class was inconsistent and I was always working on something and sometimes I didnt feel like doing the My Participation in class was poor and there were photo related. work. many times that I just didnt do anything. My Participation in class was non-existent. I emitted Positive Energy and used positive language. PRODUCT I achieved all the Requirements as outlined on the website. My Composition and Design were interesting, creative, and innovative. My Craftsmanship was a priority and I paid attention to detail. ARTIST STATEMENT I had mostly Positive Energy but I slipped on my language in the art studio. PRODUCT I achieved most of the Requirements as outlined on the website. My Composition and Design were somewhat interesting, but lacked original creativity or innovation. My Craftsmanship was not priority and it looks a bit sloppy or rushed in areas. I did not show Positive Energy and was inappropriate. PRODUCT I achieved only some of the Requirements as outlined on the website.

Whats Positive Energy? I have none. PRODUCT I did not achieve any Requirements as outlined on the website.

My Composition and Design were not my own or lacked creativity. I did not do or post photos. My Craftsmanship was sloppy because I rushed I understand that I am forfeiting up to 100 to do it in the last few minutes. points of my unit grade. ARTIST STATEMENT I showed little Connection between my idea and my artwork in my writing. It was confusing or unclear. The Length of my statement was too short and limited the viewer in understanding the depth of the idea in my artwork. It was less than 3 sentences The Flow of my writing was very hard to understand. It was hard to read. My use of Grammar was inaccurate, inappropriate, or unprofessional. There were major mechanical issues. ARTIST STATEMENT

ARTIST STATEMENT I showed some Connection between my I showed clear Connection between my idea and my artwork in my writing, but it idea and my artwork in my writing. was still a little confusing or unclear. The Length of my statement enabled the The Length of my statement was a bit short viewer to understand the depth of the idea and limited the viewer in understanding the in my artwork. It was 8 or more depth of the idea in my artwork. It was 5 sentences. sentences. The Flow of my writing prevented the The Flow of my writing allowed the reader from understanding my idea. It was reader to understand my idea. hard to follow. My use of Grammar was sometimes My use of Grammar was accurate, inaccurate, inappropriate, or unprofessional. appropriate, and professional. I have a typo or two.

I did not write or turn in an artist statement.

I understand that I will receive a 0 for the entire unit.

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