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1. The following program is submitted: libname sasdata SAS-data-library; data sasdata.lonpilots; set sasdata.

pilots (keep = destination idnum); if destination = LONDON then vacation = 1; else vacation = ; !un; Which variables are reinitialized to missing with each iteration of the DATA step above? A. "#$#%&ON onl' B. "#$#%&ON and D()%&N#%&ON onl' . D()%&N#%&ON and &DN*+ onl' D. D()%&N#%&ON, &ND*+ and "#$#%&ON !. The following program is submitted: libname sasdata SAS-data-library; data sasdata.modif'; infile file-specification; input compan'-name . /a0e!ate /a0ecat state .; totpa' 1 /a0e!ate; !etain compan'-name; !un; Which variables are reinitialized to missing with each iteration of the DATA step above during e"ecution? A. all va!iables B. all va!iables e2cept the va!iable %O%3#4 . all va!iables e2cept the va!iable $O+3#N4-N#+( D. all va!iables e2cept the va!iables %O%3#4 and $O+3#N4-N#+( #. The following program is submitted: data num!eco!ds; infile ca!ds dlm = , ; input a0ent1 . a0ent5 . a0ent6 .; ca!ds; 7ones, ,b!o/n7ones, spence!, b!o/n ; !un;

What is the value for the variable named A$%&T! in the second observation? A. b!o/n B. spence! . (missin0 cha!acte! value) D. %he!e is no value because onl' one obse!vation is c!eated. '. The variable &%WDAT% contains the (A( date value for April 1)* !+++. The following program is submitted: libname temp SAS-data-library; data /o!; set temp.7obs; fo!mat ne/date mmdd''1 .;

8date = 8t!(ne/date); ddate = /eekda'(ne/date); !un; p!oc p!int data = /o!; !un; What output is produced if April1)* !+++ falls on a (aturda,? A. Obs ne/date 8date 1 19#3:5 5 B. Obs 1 . Obs 1 D. Obs ne/date ;<19<5 ne/date 19#3:5 ne/date 8date 5 8date 5 8date

). The value stored in a numeric variable is listed below: 11 = Which format is used to displa, the value as follows in a report? 11 ,= .
A. B. . D.

comma>.5 comma>. comma1 .5 comma1 .

-. An .T/0 file contains a (A( report. Which 1D( statement option is used to specif, the name of the .T/0 file? A. O*%= B. ?&L( = . @%+L= D. @%+L?&L(= 2. The following (30 step 4oins two data sets. Both data sets contain an 5D&6/ variable. 3!oc s8l; select a.idnum, name, sala!' f!om names as a, sala!ies as b /he!e b.idnum = a.idnum; 8uit; Which of the following is true regarding the program above? A. Nonmatchin0 &DN*+ values do not appea! on the !epo!t B. %he commas in the )(L($% statement a!e optional. . Aoth data sets must be so!ted o! inde2ed b' the &DN*+ va!iable D. %he p!o0!am fails to e2ecute because the column o!de! on the B@(:( clause does not match the table o!de! on the f!om clause. 7.. The following program is submitted: libname m'data SAS-data-library; data makecat (d!op = actual !ate);

set m'data.p!dsale(keep =p!oduct !e0ion !ate actual); do & = 1 to 9; do 7 = 1 to 15; capital 1 (actual 1 5 ) C (!ate < 15); end; end; !un; Which variables are stored in the /A8% AT data set? A. 3:OD*$% and :(D&ON onl'. B. 3:OD*$%, :(D&ON and $#3&%#L onl' . 3:OD*$%, :(D&ON, $#3&%#L, & and E onl' D. 3:OD*$%, :(D&ON, $#3&%#L, #$%*#L and :#%( onl' 9. The following program is submitted. Data /o!k.test; set /o!k.staff (keep = 7ansales febsales ma!sales); a!!a' diff-sales(6) difsales1 F difsales6; a!!a' monthl'(6) 7ansales febsales ma!sales; !un; Which new variables are created? A. E#N))#L(), ?(A)#L() and +#:)#L() B. +ON%@L41, +ON%@L45 and +ON%@L46 . D&?)#L()1,D&?)#L()5 and D&?)#L()6 D. D&??-)#L()1, D&??-)#L()5 and D&??-)#L()6 1+.The data set named W1:8.T%(T is listed below capacit' ai!planet'pe staff 19 la!0e 1 Which program created this data set? A. data /o!k.test; capacit' =19 ; if 1 le capacit' le 5 then ai!planet'pe = La!0e and staff = 1 ; else ai!planet'pe = )mall and staff = 9; !un; B. data /o!k.test; capacit' =19 ; if 1 le capacit' le 5 then do; ai!planet'pe = La!0e; staff = 1 ; end; else do; ai!planet'pe = )mall; staff = 9; end; . data /o!k.test;

capacit' =19 ; if 1 le capacit' le 5 then do; ai!planet'pe = La!0e; staff = 1 ; else do; ai!planet'pe = )mall; staff = 9; end; !un; D. data /o!k.test; capacit' =19 ; if 1 le capacit' le 5 then; ai!planet'pe = )mall; staff = 9; end; else; ai!planet'pe = La!0e; staff = 1 ; end; !un; 11.The following program is submitted: data flo/e!s; input t'pe . 1F9 11 colo! .; ca!ds; dais''ello/ ; !un; What are the values of the variables T;<% and 101:? A. t'pe colo! dais' 'ello/ B. t'pe dais' colo! ello/

. t'pe colo! dais''ello/(missin0 cha!acte! value)

D. No values a!e sto!ed as the p!o0!am fails due to s'nta2 e!!o!s

1!. A raw data file contains 1++ records. Which Data step would result in an output data set with onl, one observation?
A. data /o!;

infile file-specification end= eof; input name . sala!'; totsal 1 sala!'; if eof; !un;

B. data /o!; infile file-specification end= eof; input name . sala!'; totsal 1 sala!'; if eof = 4; !un; . data /o!; infile file-specification eof=end; input name . sala!'; totsal 1 sala!'; if eof; !un; D. data /o!; infile file-specification eof = end; input name . sala!'; totsal 1 sala!'; if eof = end; !un; 1#.The following program creates a (A( data set: libname sasdata )#)FdataFlib!a!'; p!oc s8l; c!eate table sasdata.test as select C f!om one.test /he!e test-va! = 1; 8uit; 5n what (A( librar, reference will the output data set be stored? A. ON( B. %()% . BO:G D. )#)D#%#

1'.Which of the following statements is true when (A( encounters a s,nta" error in a DATA step?
A. the )#) lo0 contains an e2planation of the e!!o! B. %he D#%# step continues to e2ecute and the !esultin0 data set is complete . %he D#%# step stops e2ecutin0 at the point of the e!!o! and the !esultin0 data set

contains obse!vations up to that point

D. # note appea!s in the )#) lo0 indicatin0 that the inco!!ect statement /as saved to a )#)

data set fo! fu!the! e2amination. 1).A raw data file is listed below: = = = = >= = = = 1+ = = =>= = = =!+= = =>= = = = #+ / a r i a # ) 21 ? u a n e 1 + '# T ho mas 1+ #2

The following program is submitted: data /o!k.home/o!k (d!op = a0e) /o! /o!k.!eti!ed; infile file-specification; input name . a0e hei0ht; if a0e L( 1> then output /o!k.home/o!k; else if a0e L( H5 then output /o!; else output /o!k.!eti!ed; !un; .ow man, data set@sA will be created?
A. B. 1 . 5 D. 6

1-.The following program is submitted data /o!k.test; ?i!st = &ps/itch, (n0land; $it'-$ount!' = subst! (?i!st, 1, >) II , II (n0land; !un; What is the length of the variable 5T;= 16&T:; in the output data set? A. H B. = . 1= D. 59

12.The data sets W1:8.D%<T1 and W1:8.D%<T! contain a character variable named ?1B 1D%. The variable ?1B 1D% has a length of ) in the W1:8.D%<T1 data set and a length of 2 in the W1:8.D%<T! data set. The following program is submitted: data /o!k.accountin0; set /o!k.dept1 /o!k.dept5; len0th 7obcode . 15; !un; What is the length of the ?1B 1D% variable in the output data set? A. 9 B. = . 15 D. 65 17. The following program is submitted: data /o!k.insu!e; do inde2 = 1 to H b' 5; claims 1 inde2; end; !un;

What is the value of the variable 5&D%B in the output data set? A. 9 B. H . = D. J 19. Bhich option cont!ols ho/ 3:O$ :(3O:% displa's column headin0s ove! multiple linesK
A. B. . D.

)3#$( = )3L&% = L#A(L= A:(#G= The W1:8.AWA:D( data set is listed below points ! 1 # # 1 !

!+. fname Am, Am, $erard Wang Wang Wang

The following program is submitted: p!oc so!t data = /o!k.a/a!ds; b' descendin0 fname points; !un; .ow are the observations in the data set sorted? A. #m' 5 #m' 1 De!a!d 6 Ban0 6 Ban0 1 Ban0 5 B. Ban0 Ban0 Ban0 De!a!d #m' #m' Ban0 Ban0 Ban0 De!a!d #m' #m' Ban0 Ban0 6 5 1 6 5 1 6 1 5 6 5 1 1 5


Ban0 De!a!d #m' #m'

6 6 1 5

!1.The following program is submitted: data num!eco!ds; infile file-specifications; input L1 patient ;19. :elative . 1HF5H L; if !elative = child!en then input L9; dia0nosis .19. L; else if !elative = pa!ents then input L5> docto! ;19. $linic . ;;F96 L9; dia0nosis .19.L; input a0e; !un; .ow man, row data records are read during each iteration of the DATA step during e"ecution? A. 1 B. 5 . 6 D. ; !!.The following program is submitted: data /o!k.buildin0; code = dal956; code = hous=61; code = sanf!an651; len0th code . 5 ; !un; What is the length of the 1D% variable? A. H B. = . 1 D. 5 !#.Which statement is true when (A( encounters a data error?
A. B. . D.

%he e2ecution phase is stopped an a s'stem abend occu!s. # missin0 value is assi0ned to the app!op!iate va!iable and e2ecution continues %he e2ecution phase is stopped, and a )#) data set is c!eated /ith Me!o obse!vations # missin0 value is assi0ned to the app!op!iate va!iable, and e2ecution stops at that point.

!'.The (A( data sets named W1:8.%/<01;%% and W1:8.(A0A:; are listed below BO:G.(+3LO4(( fname age Bruce #+ BO:G.(+3LO4(( fname salar, Bruce !)+++



Bruce Dan

#)+++ !)+++

The following program is submitted: Data /o!k.empdata; me!0e /o!k.emplo'ee /o!k.sala!'; b' name; totsal 1 sala!'; !un; .ow man, variables are output to the W1:8.%/<DATA data set? A. 6 B. ; . 9 D. H !).A raw data file is listed below: :A& .* 1!)+* !* 1* (heppard Avenue* CD-'*+++E (<05T* 119+* 1* 1* :and (treet* CD-)*7)+E 1&D1* 1'++* !* 1.)* /arFet (treet* C7+*+)+E TW1(T1:;* 171+* '* #* $arris (treet* C1+2*!)+E :A& .* 1)++* #* #* 8emble Avenue* CD7-*-)+E (<05T* 1-1)* '* #* West Drive* CD9'*')+E (<05T* 1#+)* #* 1.)* $raham Avenue* CD2#*-)+E The following program is submitted using this file as input. Data /o!k.condo-!anch; infile file-specification dsd dlm=,; input st'le . L; if st'le = $ONDO o! st'le = :#N$@ then input s8feet bed!ooms baths st!eet . p!ice N dolla!1 .; !un; .ow man, observations does the W1:8. 1&D1=:A& . data set contain?
A. B. 6 . 9 D. =

!- The following program is submitted: data test; <insert statement here> input idnum . name . a0e; ca!ds; 156; :od!i8ueM ;6 .. ; !un; The following values are stored in the output data set upon e"ecution of the DATA step above. 5dnum name age 1!#' :odriGuez '#

Which statement competes the program and produces the output above? A. label name .J; B. len0th name .J.; . va!len0th name .J; D. No statement is needed. !2. 6nless specified* what variables and data values are used to calculate in the /%A&( procedure?
A. Onl' nume!ic va!iables

Onl' nonmissin0 data values

B. Onl' nume!ic va!iables

Aoth missin0 and nonmissin0 data values

. $ha!acte! and nume!ic va!iables

Onl' nonmissin0 data values

D. $ha!acte! and nume!ic va!iables

Aoth missin0 and nonmissin0 data values !7. licF the e"hibit button to view the report produced b, the code below: p!oc !epo!t data = sasuse!.shoes no/d; column !e0ion sales; define !e0ion < 0!oup /idth = 6 ; define sales < sum fo!mat = commaJ. Bidth = 1 ; !un; Which statement would need to be substituted for the second D%H5&% statement above to displa, the variable (A0%( as I:egion (alesJ instead of ITotal (aFesJ? A. define sales < fo!mat = comma J. /idth = 1 label = :e0ion )ales;
B. define sales = :e0ion )ales < fo!mat = commaJ.

Bidth = 1 ;
. define sales < sum fo!mat = commaJ.

Bidth = 1 :e0ion )ales;

D. define sales < sum fo!mat = commaJ.

/idth = 1 sales = :e0ion )ales; !9.The following program is submitted: data test; input emplo'ee-name . 1F;; if emplo'ee-name = :uth then input idnum 1 F11; else input a0e =F>; ca!ds; :uth 6J 11 Eose 65 55 )ue 6 66

Eohn ; ;; ; !un; What value does the variable 5D&6/ contain when the emplo,ee name is C:uthE? A. 11 B. 55 . 65 D. . (missin0 nume!ic value) #+.The following program is submitted: data /o!; len0th /o!d .=; amount = ;; if amount = ; then /o!d = ?O*:; else if amount = = then /o!ld = )("(N; else /o!d = NON(OOO; amount = =; !un; What are the values of the A/16&T and W1:D variables? A. amount /o!d ; ?O*: B. amount = . amount ; D. amount = /o!d ?O*: /o!d )("(N /o!d )("(N

#1.A value for the variable ?1B 1D% is listed below EOA$OD( $@(+6 The following program is submitted using the above value as input: libname sasdata SAS-data-library; data test; set sasdata.chemists; if 7obcode = chem6 then desc!iption = )enio! $hemist; else desc!iption = *nkno/n; !un; What value does the variable D%( :5<T51& contain? A. chem6 B. *nkno/n . )enio! $hemist D. (missin0 cha!acte! value) #!. The following <:1 /%A&( step produces a report:

<insert ODS statement here> p!oc means data = sasuse!.shoes; /he!e p!oduct in ()andal, )lippe!, Aoot); !un; Which 1D( statement completes and sends the report to an .T/0 file? A. ods html = sales.html; B. ods file = sales.html; . ods html name = sales.html; D. ods html file = sales.html; ##. The following program is submitted: p!oc contents data = /o!k.-all-; !un; What is included in the output? A. the desc!ipto! po!tion of the BO:G.-#LL- data set B. the data po!tion of eve!' data set in the BO:G lib!a!' . the desc!ipto! po!tion of eve!' data set in the BO:G lib!a!' plus a list of data set names in the BO:G lib!a!' D. the data po!tion of eve!' data set in the BO:G lib!a!' plus a list of data set names in the BO:G lib!a!' #'. 5n the current (A( session* output is being sent to an .T/0 file. Which 1D( statement can be used to stop additional output from being sent to the same file? A. ods end; B. ods close; . ods html end; D. ods html close; #). The (A( data sets named (A(DATA.<:1D6 T( and (A(DATA.(A0%( referenced in the following programs both contain the <:1D=5D variable. Which DATA step returns onl, e"ceptions or nonmatches?
A. libname sasdata SAS-data-library;

data all; me!0e sasdata.p!oducts sasdata.sales; b' p!od-id; if ins = 1 o! inp = 1; !un; B. libname sasdata SAS-data-library; data all; me!0e sasdata.p!oducts (in=inp) sasdata.sales (in=ins); b' p!od-id; if ins = 1 and inp = 1; !un; . libname sasdata SAS-data-library; data all;

me!0e sasdata.p!oducts (in=inp) sasdata.sales (in=ins); b' p!od-id; if ins = and inp = ; !un; D. libname sasdata SAS-data-library; data all; me!0e sasdata.p!oducts (in=inp) sasdata.sales (in=ins); b' p!od-id; if ins = o! inp = ; !un; #-.The data set named (A(6(%:..16(%( contains a variable named <:5 % which has been assigned permanent label of CAsFing <riceE. Which program temporaril, overrides the te"t CAsFing <riceE with the te"t C(ale <riceE in the output? A. p!oc contents data = sasuse!.houses; label p!ice = P)ale 3!iceQ; p!oc p!int data = sasuse!.houses label; !un; B. p!oc p!int data = sasuse!.houses label; fo!mat p!ice = P)ale 3!iceQ; !un; . p!oc p!int data = sasuse!.houses label; label p!ice = P)ale 3!iceQ; !un; D. p!oc p!int data = sasuse!.houses label = P)ales 3!iceQ; !un; #2.Which option prevents the page number from appearing on a report? A. 3#D(NO B. NO3#D(N*+ . NON*+A(: D. N*+O?? #7. The observations in the (A( data set W1:8.T%(T are ordered b, the values of the (A0A:; variable. The following program is submitted: p!oc so!t data = /o!k.test out = /o!k.testso!ted; b' name; !un; What is the result? A. %he data set BO:G.%()% is sto!ed in ascendin0 o!de! b' values of the N#+( va!iable B. %he data set BO:G.%()% is sto!ed in descendin0 o!de! b' values of the N#+( va!iable . %he data set BO:G.%()%)O:%(D is sto!ed in ascendin0 o!de! b' values of the N#+( va!iable

D. %he data set BO:G.%()%)O:%(D is sto!ed in descendin0 o!de! b' values of the

N#+( va!iable #9.The contents of a raw data file named T%A/ are listed below = = = = >= = = =1+= = =>= = = = !+ ?an5ce 1+ .e n r 5 11 /i c ha el 11 (usan 1! The following program is submitted: data 0!oup; infile team; input name .19. #0e 5.; file fileFspecification; put name .19. 19 a0e 5.; !un; What output is created? A. # !a/ data file onl' B. # )#) data set named D:O*3 onl' . Aoth a )#) data set name D:O*3 and a !a/ data file D. %he p!o0!am fails to e2ecute due to e!!o!s '+.A raw data record is listed below = = = = > = = = = 1+= = = > = = = = !+ = 1999K1+K! ) The following program is submitted: data p!o7ectdu!ation; infile file-specification; input data . 1 F1 ; <insert statement here> !un; Which statement completes the program above and computes the duration of the pro4ect in da, as of toda,Js date? A. du!ation = toda' ( ) F put (date,ddmm''1 .); B. du!ation = toda' ( ) F put (date,''mmdd1 .); . du!ation = toda' ( ) F input (date,ddmm''1 .); D. du!ation = toda' ( ) F input (date,''mmdd1 .); '1.A raw data file is listed below = = = = > = = = = 1+= = = > = = = = !+ = 1+ !) !+ 1) The following program is submitted: data all-sales;

infile file-specification; input !eceipts; <insert statement(s) here> !un; Which statement@sA complete@sA the program and produce@sA a running total for the values of the :% %5<T( variable? A. total 1 !eceipts; B. total = sum (total, !eceipts); . !etain total ; sum total; D. total = sum (total, !eceipts); '!.The following program is submitted: data test; input supplie! .1 F1; pa!t-code .=F> stock .9; ca!ds; abcd4 ## 156;9 ef0h5 AA 9H=>J ; !un; Which statement is true regarding the 5&<6T statement? A. %he &N3*% statement does not contain e!!o!s B. #n e!!o! messa0e appea!s in the )#) lo0 because the fields /e!e not !ead se8uentiall' . # note appea!s in the )#) lo0 because the &N3*% statement must be0in !eadin0 in the fi!st column D. #n e!!o! messa0e appea!s in the )#) lo0 because the &N3*% statement skipped the fi!st po!tion of each data !eco!d. '#.The (A( data set named W1:8.(A0A:; contains 1+ observations for each department. The following program is submitted: data /o!; set /o!k.sala!' (keep = depa!tment /a0e!ate); b' depa!tment; if fi!st.depa!tment then pa'!oll = ; pa'!oll 1 /a0e!ate; if last.depa!tment; !un; Which of the following is true regarding the program above? A. %he A4 statement in the D#%# step /ill cause a s'nta2 e!!o!. B. ?&:)%.D(3#:%+(N% and L#)%.D(3#:%+(N% a!e va!iables in the BO:G.%O%#L data set. . %he values of the va!iable 3#4:OLL !ep!esent a total fo! all emplo'ees in the BO:G.)#L#:4 data set D. %he values of the va!iable 3#4:OLL !ep!esent a total fo! each depa!tment in the BO:G.)#L#:4 data set ''. The following program is submitted:

data /o!k.sets; do until (p!od 0t H); p!od 1 1; end; !un; What is the value of the variable <:1D in the output data set? A. ; B. 9 . H D. = ').The (A( data set (A(.%0<.<:D(A0% contain ' observations per region. The following program is submitted: data one; set sashelp.p!dsale; !etain temp; b' !e0ion descendin0 sala!'; if fi!st.!e0ion then do; temp = sala!'; output; end; if last.!e0ion then do; !an0e = sala!' F temp; output; end; !un; Hor each region* what is the number of observation@sA written to the output data set?
A. B. 1 . 5 D. ;

'-.A DATA step is shown below: data /o!k.combine; set /o!k.domestic (keep = idnum phone-numbe!) /o!k.inte!national (in = int keep = phone-numbe!); b' phone-numbe!; R.. more SAS statementsR !un; Which statement is true regarding the variable 5&T in the (%T statement? A. &N% is a nume!ic va!iable in the output data set B. &N% is a cha!acte! va!iable n the output data set . &N% is missin0 fo! obse!vations !ead f!om the BO:G.DO+()%&$ data set D. &N% has the value fo! obse!vations !ead f!om the BO:G.DO+()%&$ data set '2.The following program is submitted: data /o!k.!etail; cost = 5 ;

total = .1 C cost; !un; What is the value of the variable T1TA0 in the output data set? A. 5 B. 5 . . (missin0 nume!ic value) D. (missin0 cha!acte! value) '7.The following program is submitted: data stock; infile ca!ds dsd; input item1 . item5 . item6 .; ca!ds; chai!, , table chai!, couch, table ; !un; What is the value of the variable named 5T%/! in the first observation of the output data set? A. table B. couch . , (comma) D. (missin0 cha!acte! value) '9. A raw data file is listed below:

= = = = > = = = = 1+= = = > = = = = !+ = = = > = = = = #+ = = = > = = = = '+ = = = > = = = = T W1(T1:; 1+'+ ! 1 ( A&D%:( :1AD D ) ) * 7) + 1&D1 !1)+ ' ! . ) ? %A&( AL%&6% D 1!2 * 1) + The following program is submitted using the above as input: data /o!k.houses; infile file-specification; <insert IN !" statement here> !un; Which 5&<6T statement is needed to read the raw data correctl,? A. input L1 st'le >. 11 s8feet ;. 11 bed!ooms 1. L5 baths 6. )t!eet 1H. L; p!ice dolla!>.; B. input L1 st'le >. 11 s8feet ;. 11 bed!ooms 1. L5 baths 6. )t!eet .1H L; p!ice dolla!>.; . input L1 st'le .>.

11 s8feet ;. 11 bed!ooms 1. L5 baths 6. )t!eet .1H. L; p!ice dolla!>.; D. input L1 st'le > 11 s8feet ; 11 bed!ooms 1 L5 baths 6 )t!eet .1H L; p!ice dolla!>; )+.The following program is submitted: data test; input name . numbe!; ca!ds; Eoe 22 ; !un; What is the value of the &6/B%: variable? A. 22 B. Eoe . . (missin0 nume!ic value) F ans/e! D. %he D#%# step falls due to invalid data. )1.Which statement is true regarding the automatic =%::1:= variable?
A. B. . D.

&t contains the values 4() o! NO &t contains the value %:*( o! ?#L)( &t can be used in e2p!essions o! calculations in the D#%# step &t is automaticall' sto!ed in the )#) data set /hich is c!eated in the D#%# step

)!.When the following DATA step is submitted* the <%:/.?A&=(A0%( data set contains )++ observations. libname pe!m )#)FdataFlib!a!'; options fi!stobs = 1 obs = ma2; data pe!m.!epo!t-5 ; set pe!m.7an-sales (fi!stobs = 1 obs = 19 ); !un; .ow man, observations are written to the <%:/.:%<1:T=!+++ data set? A. 1; B. 1;1 . 19 D. 1H )#.The following program is submitted: data stats;

set !evenue; a!!a' /eekl' (9) +on %ue Bed %hu! ?!i; Sinse!t DO statement he!eT total = /eekl' ( & ) C .59; output; end; !un; Which D1 statement completes the program and processes the elements of the W%%80; arra,? A. do & = 1 to 9; B. do /eekl' (&) = 1 to 9; . do & = mon tue /ed thu! f!i; D. # DO loop can not be used because the va!iables !efe!enced do not end in a di0it. )'.Which action assigns a reference named (A0%( to a permanent (A( data librar,?
A. &ssuin0 the commandN

lib!ef )#L() SAS-data-library B. &ssuin0 the statementN libname )#L() SAS-data-library . )ubmittin0 the commandN lib!ef )#L() SAS-data-library D. )ubmittin0 thestatementN libname )#L() SAS-data-library )).The following program is submitted: data /o!; len0th cit' . 5 ; cit' = Ne/ 4o!k $it'; cit' = Dallas; cit' = 3hoeni2; cit' = $openha0en; !un; What is the value of the 5T; variable in the W1:8.&%W data set? A. Dallas B. 3hoeni2 . $openha0en D. Ne/ 4o!k $it'

)-.The following program is submitted: data test; input name . a0e; ca!ds; Eohn 169 ; !un;

Which values are stored in the output data set?

A. name B. Eohn

a0e 69 a0e (missin0 value)

B. name Eohn

. name a0e (missin0 value) (missin0 value)

D. %he Data step fails e2ecution due to data e!!o!s.

)2.5n the following program* the input data files are sorted b, the &A/%( variable libname temp SAS-data-library; data temp.sales; me!0e temp.sales /o!k.!eceipt; b' names; !un; Which result occurs when this program is submitted? A. %he p!o0!am e2ecutes successfull' and a pe!manent )#) data set is c!eated. B. %he p!o0!am e2ecutes successfull' and a tempo!a!' )#) data set is c!eated. . %he p!o0!am fails e2ecution because tempo!a!' and pe!manent )#) data sets cannot be combined. D. the p!o0!am fails e2ecution because the same )#) data set is !efe!enced fo! both !ead and /!ite options. )7.The first three records in a raw data file are listed below. The fields are delimited b, commas* pound signs* or a combination of the two. = = = = > = = = = 1+ = = = > = = = = !+ = = = > = = = = #+ 4 u d , Ms m 5 t h s al l,* 4 ones h 5l l*M l ong The following program is submitted. Data test; Sinse!t &N?&L( statement he!eT input fname . lname .; !un; Which statement completes the program so that the data records are read correctl,? A. infile file-specifications dlm = , U ; B. infile file-specifications dlm = ,U ; . infile file-specifications dlm = U , , , , U ; D. infile file-specifications dlm = U , , ; )9.A raw data value is shown below =Ean1JJ6

Which informat would read this value and store it as a (A( date value? A. dm'J. B. dateJ. . ddmon''J. D. mmdd''J. -+. licF the %"hibit button to view the report What change needs to be made to the program below to displa, the standard deviation with onl, two decimal places? 3!oc means data = sasuse!.houses std mean ma2; va! s8feet; !un;
A. B. . D.

#dd the statement ?O:+#% )%D =.5; in the 3:O$ +(#N) step. #dd the option +#VD($ = 5 in the 3:O$ +(#N) statement #dd the statement +#VD($ = =.5; in the 3:O$ +(#N) step #dd the option ?O:+#% = =.5 option to the 3:O$ +(#N) statement

-1.The following program is submitted: data test; input L1 hei0ht 5. L; /ei0ht 5; ca!ds; =5 J9 ; !un; What is the value of the variable W%5$.T in the output data set? A. 5 B. =5 . J9 D. . (missin0 nume!ic value) -!.Which T5T0% statement would displa, ?A&%J( D1$ as the te"t of the title?
A. B. . D.

title PE#N(Q) DODQ; title E#N(Q) DOD; title PE#N() DODQ; title E#N( ) DOD;

-#. The following DATA step is submitted. The variable ?1B= 1D% is a character variable with a length of - b,tes libname sasdata SAS-data-library; data test; set sasdata.chemists (keep = 7ob-code); if 7ob-code = chem6 then desc!iption = )enio! $hemist; !un;

What is the length of the variable D%( :5<T51& in the output data set? A. 9 b'tes B. > b'tes . 1; b'tes D. 5 b'tes

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