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Al-Hamra Hospital Database


• Introduction of Organization
• Analysis Supporting Document
• Design Phase
• Development Stage
• Testing & Debugging
• Implementation

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur sub campus

Rahim yar Khan 1
Al-Hamra Hospital Database

Al-Hamra Hospital
Hospital Road Rahim Yar Khan
(068) 5888888

Nature of Company

It’s a Partnership having three partners; the names of the partners are as follows:

Mr. Arslan Mazhar

Mr. Jamil Ahmed
Mr. Faizan Shahid

Nature of business

It’s a service type organization.

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Rahim yar Khan 2
Al-Hamra Hospital Database

Amount of investments

All of the partners will provide 30 million to start the new venture.
We have requested for a loan of 20 million from the Punjab Medical
Association (PMA) to be paid in 20 years without interest. This debt will cover
medical equipment costs, an ambulance and building’s leased cost.

Statement of confidentiality of report

This report is confidential and is the property of all the three partners. It is intended
only for use by the persons to whom it is transmitted with the consent of all the
partners. Any reproduction or divulgence of any of its contents without the prior
written consent of the company is prohibited. Violation of which may lead to certain
legal action.

Industry Forecast
In Pakistan every ninth child died before his/ her 5th birth day due to Malnutrition
(Imbalanced diet), (WHO survey 2005). During past three years growth rate of
diseases in children is approximately 60% percent due to lack of hygienic factors &
polluted atmosphere. But growth rate in hospital industry is just 15%, the reason is
that there is no technological advancement in hospital industry.

Size of the Business:

Our hospital is basically belonging from medium size business. Other clinics
situated in Rahim Yar khan are small in size and have not developed laboratories.
Capacity of our hospital will be `45 patients at once or 10 in emergency.

We purchased land and construction on hospital is nearly to complete. This building is

situated on hospital road and 10 feet away Shiekh Zayed Medical Hospital main Gate.
Area of building is twenty (20) Marla and building having 5 floors. It has fifteen
single rooms and ten double rooms. A visiting lounge, rooms for staff (doctors) and

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur sub campus

Rahim yar Khan 3
Al-Hamra Hospital Database
for paramedical staff are also included. On ground floor there is 30×40 square feet
hall, which is enough for a small children ward.


 Physician
 Medical officers (M.O)
 Anesthetic specialist
 Pharmacist
 Neurosurgeon
 Pathologist
 Psychiatrists

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur sub campus

Rahim yar Khan 4
Al-Hamra Hospital Database

We have four Entities in our database that are:

• Medicine Recommended
• Patient Body Record
• Patient Personal Record
• Switchboard Items

and the attributes under these entities are below:

Our main Table is Patient Personal Record

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Rahim yar Khan 5
Al-Hamra Hospital Database

• Patient Personal Record

o Patient No.
o Patient Name
o Phone No.
o Mobile No
o Home Address
o Gender

• Medicine Recommended
o Patient No.
o Tablets
o Capsules
o Cyrup
o Injection
o Drip

• Patient Body Record

o Patient No.
o Doctor Fees
o Height in Inches
o Age in Years
o Temprature
o Blood Preasure(Low)
o Blood Preasure(High))

and we create Relationship between these table one to many and our primary key is
Patient No. by the patient no unique no we create relationship between three tables.

• Patient Personal Record

Patient Personal Record

Patient No. Patient Name Phone No. Mobile No Home Address Gender
1 faizan 65655 464464 h89jsda male
2 Jamil 5886256 6544 ipj687 male
3 Arslan 5760 56750 gh67 male

• Medicine Recommended
Medicine Recomended
Patient No. Tablets Capsules Cyrup Injection Drip
1 lao kasok oasd CAROSINE FLUDAY
3 ayikc ttf kao ty fg

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Rahim yar Khan 6
Al-Hamra Hospital Database

• Patient Body Record

Patient Body Record
Patient Doctor Height in Age in Blood Blood
No. Fees Inches Years Preasure(Low) Preasure(High))
1 500 100 12 150 251 456
2 600 64 21 98 80 130
3 300 65 21 98 85 130

We have 2 forms

• Medicine Recommended
• Switchboard

Further details are in development stage

We have one Query

• Patient Personal Record Query

Further details are in development stage

Also we created switchboard from switchboard manager and set some
startup options for security purposes. We can display about switchboard in
development stage. It’s a way that we can create a easy and friendly
interference for user who use the database and there is no use to go in the
design or datasheet view.

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Al-Hamra Hospital Database

Our database Tables

Tables in Design View

Tables in Datasheet View

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Al-Hamra Hospital Database


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Al-Hamra Hospital Database

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Rahim yar Khan 10
Al-Hamra Hospital Database


Adding, Editing, Deleting Values

We have two ways to delete our record in our database

One is

design view

Other is

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Al-Hamra Hospital Database

So we done testing and debugging by adding, editing, deleting our records by

both methods and there is no error found now

Finally we implement our database and complete it to use it for it

we use switchboard function for friendly interference for user.

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Al-Hamra Hospital Database

So our final database look is this

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Al-Hamra Hospital Database

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Al-Hamra Hospital Database

 Al- Rehmat Children Hospital

 Assistant Laboratory Shiekh Zayed Medical Hospital,

Mr. SanuAllah.

 Mr. Sohail Aslam Medical Rap.

 ILYAS Waraich Cabel Operator Owner

 Mr. Zahid employee of Express News

 Mr. Rizwan Saleem, Current completed MBA from IUB.

 Internet Surfing, Prices of Different medical equipments.

 Dr. Saima Prof in Shiekh Zayed Medical College.

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