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JORDAN IS PALESTINE In March 31, 1977 interview with the Amsterdam-based newspaper Dagblad de Verdieping Trouw, March 31,

1977, a PLO (Organization for the Liberation of Palestine) executive committee member Zahir Muhsein said: The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct of Palestinian people to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with dened borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan. In December 2010, Geert Wilders, a politician of the Netherlands, recognized Jordan as Palestine: () Israel is an immense source of inspiration for me. When I came to your country for the rst time as a teenager, I lived here for a year. I am not ashamed to stand with Israel, but proud. I am grateful to Israel. I will always defend Israel. Your country is the cradle of Western civilization. We call it the Judeo-Christian civilization with good reason. Israel is often being treated unfairly. The world looks at the plight of the Palestinians in refugee camps in Lebanon, Gaza, and other places, and many blame Israel. The UN claims that there are over 4.7 million Palestinian refugees, and many blame Israel. These voices say the Palestinians should be allowed to return to Palestine. But where is Palestine? Many say Israel must solve the problems of Palestine. But is Israel guilty of the plight of the Palestinian refugees? My answer is No. The Arab leaders are to be blamed - and Islam is to be blamed. Let me rst tell you why, and then I will tell you where Palestine can be found. At the end of World War II, there were 50 million refugees. Today, all the refugee problems dating from before the 1950s have been solved. All, except one - the problem of the Palestinians. Why did this problem not get solved? The reason is simple: Because the Arab countries did not allow it to get solved. And because Islam does not allow it to get solved. In May 1948, the number of Jews in the Arab

countries was estimated to be close to 1 million. Today, fewer than 8,000 Jews are left in the entire Arab world. In 1948, the Arab countries forced the Jews out and conscated their properties. More Jews ed the Arab countries than Arabs ed Israel. Where are the Jewish refugee camps? There are none. So, why are there refugee camps for Palestinians in areas surrounding Israel? Because the Palestinians were not welcomed in the neighboring Arab countries. There was no Arab solidarity; the refugees were forced into camps and slums, where many of their descendants still linger today. Under international denitions the status of refugee or displaced person only applies to rst generation refugees. However, the UN makes an exception for Palestinians. Descendants of Palestinian refugees are granted the same refugee status as their ancestors. Consequently, the number of so-called Palestinian refugees registered with the UN increased from 711,000 in 1950 to over 4.7 million in 2010. These refugees are being used as a demographic weapon against Israel. Instead of blaming the inhospitable Arab regimes, many blame Israel. My friends, the blame should be laid where it belongs: with the Arab world. The Jewish refugees built new lives for themselves. They did what millions of refugees have done in the course of history, including, in the 20th century, the Germans who had to leave Sudetenland and the lands east of the Oder and Neisse rivers, the Hungarians who ed Transsylvania, the Greeks who were ejected from the Aegean coast of Anatolia, the Hindus who ed the Punjab. With each generation, the resentment of these refugees and their descendants slowly fades away. Time heals all wounds. Acceptance of the new situation is the norm. Islam, however, conditions Muslims to hate Jews. It is a religious duty to do so. Israel must be destroyed because it is the homeland of the Jews. Inuential Islamic scholars, such as Muhammad Tantawi, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar in Cairo, the most prestigious center of Muslim learning, call Jews enemies of Allah. Tantawi, who died last March, was generally considered a moderate by the Western media and policy makers. But how did this moderate address a delegation of Palestinian Muslims who visited him in 2002? He urged them to intensify suicide attacks against Israelis, stating that every so-called martyrdom operation against - I quote - any Israeli, including children, women, and teenagers, is a legitimate act according to (Islamic) religious law, and an Islamic commandment, until the people

of Palestine regain their land. Nizar Qabbani, one of the most revered poets in the Arab world, praised the madness of those who are blinded by an ideology of hatred. In his poem Ode to the Intifada, he wrote: O mad people of Gaza, A thousand greetings to the mad. The age of political reason has long departed. So teach us madness. That is the nature of the Islamic enemies confronting the Jews. Israel, on the other hand, is a beacon of light; it is like a Hanukkah menorah whose lights have been kindled in a region that until 1948 was engulfed by darkness. Friends, Israel is not to blame for the situation in the Middle East. The problem is Islam's rejection of Israel's right to exist. Only last month, Fatah concluded its convention in Ramallah by declaring its blatant refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. The problem is also our Western leaders' refusal to understand that Israel is the West's canary in the coalmine: If the Jews are denied the right to live in freedom and peace, soon we will all be denied this right. If the light of Israel is extinguished, we will all face darkness. If Israel falls, the West falls. That is why we are all Israel. But as long as the West refuses to understand how the Palestinians are used as a weapon against Israel, it will not be able to see who is truly to blame; it will not be able to see that it is not Israel's duty to provide a Palestinian state - for the simple reason that there already is a Palestinian state and that state is Jordan. Indeed, my friends, Jordan is Palestine. Take a look at the map of this part of the world after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire following World War I. Both contemporary Israel and contemporary Jordan were part of the British Mandate of Palestine. In 1922, the British partitioned Palestine into Cisjordan and Transjordan the latter comprising 78 per cent of the territory of Palestine. The British handed that territory over to their ally, the Hashemite strongman Abdallah ibn Hussein. Abdallah was the son of the emir Hussein bin Ali, guardian of the Islamic holy city of Mecca. The Hashemites belong to the Quraish tribe - the tribe of Islam founder Muhammad. They are a foreign body in Palestine. In 1946, Transjordan became an independent state under Hashemite rule. In November 1947, the United Nations proposed to partition the remaining 22 per cent of Palestine. The territory between the Jordan

River and the sea was divided into a Jewish and an Arab part. The Jewish representatives accepted the UN partition plan, but the Arab representatives refused. In an attempt to drive all the Jews into the sea, they began the 1948 war - which they lost. They took revenge, however, on the Jews in East Jerusalem and the rest of Cisjordan - the ancient provinces of Judea and Samaria - held by the Arab forces. This entire region was ethnically cleansed of all Jews. Even the names of Judea and Samaria were wiped off the map and replaced by the ridiculous term West Bank. A river bank of over 40 kilometers wide. I come from a country full of rivers, and there the river banks are only a few dozen meters wide. Israel, including Judea and Samaria, has been the land of the Jews since time immemorial. Judea means Land of the Jews. Never in the history of the world has there been an autonomous state in the area that was not Jewish. The Diaspora of the Jews, which began after their defeat by the Romans in AD 70, did not lead to the departure of all the Jews from their ancient homeland. Jews had been living in the Jordan Valley for centuries until the Arab invaders drove them out in 1948, when the provinces of Judea and Samaria were occupied by the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan, which abbreviated its name to Jordan in 1950. And until 1967, when Israel regained the ancient Jewish heartland of Judea and Samaria, no-one, not a single Islamic scholar or Western politician, ever demanded that there be an independent Palestinian state in the so-called West Bank. Must Israel trade land for peace? Should it assign Judea and Samaria to another Palestinian state - a second one, next to Jordan? My friends, let me be very clear: The conict in the Middle East is not a conict over territory, but rather an ideological battle. People are mistaken when they assume that giving up Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem and letting the Palestinians have it, will end the conict between Israel and the Arabs. In 2005, Israel sacriced the settlements in Gaza for the sake of peace. Did it get peace? On the contrary, because the conict is essentially ideological, the situation worsened. Because the conict is ideological, territorial concessions are counterproductive. Ideologies cannot be defeated by concessions. They are encouraged and emboldened by it. Ideologies must be confronted with the iron will never to give in, never, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty. That is the lesson which the world learned from Winston Churchill when he confronted the evil ideology of Nazism.

This conict here in the Middle East is not about land and borders, but about Islamic jihadism opposing Western liberty. From the moment that Israel was founded, the Arab leaders have rejected every partition plan and every initiative for a territorial settlement. The Islamic ideology simply does not accept the concept of a Jewish state. Neither Hamas nor Fatah are willing to recognize the right of the Jewish people to a state of their own in their historic homeland. No territorial concession on Israel's part can ever change that. Israel's ideological enemies want to wipe Israel out as a nation. They simply deny the Jewish state the right to exist and to live in peace, dignity and liberty. For the sake of its own survival and security, Israel needs defendable borders. A country that is only 15 kilometers wide is impossible to defend. That is the strategic reason why Jews need to settle Judea and Samaria. Therefore, the Jewish towns and villages in Judea and Samaria are not an impediment to peace; they are an expression of the Jewish right to exist in this land. They are tiny outposts of freedom, defying ideological forces which deny not only Israel but the entire West the right to live in peace, dignity and liberty. Let us never forget that Islam threatens not just Israel; Islam threatens the entire world. Without Judea and Samaria, Israel cannot protect Jerusalem. The future of the world depends on Jerusalem. If Jerusalem falls, Athens and Rome - and Paris, London and Washington - will be next. Thus, Jerusalem is the main front protecting our common civilization. When the ag of Israel no longer ies over the walls of Jerusalem, the West will no longer be free. However, a peaceful solution must also be found for the many Palestinians in the refugee camps in Lebanon, Gaza and elsewhere. Each year, hundreds of millions of euros and dollars are spent on the Palestinian refugees in international aid. The nancial assistance, however, did not provide the refugees a new home, a place to live and build a future for their children and grandchildren. It is obvious where this place should be. It should be Palestine, just as, after the Second World War, the obvious place for the German refugees from the East to go to, was Germany. Since Jordan is Palestine, it is the duty of the Jordanian government to welcome all Palestinian refugees who voluntarily want to settle there. Until the late 1980s, Jordan's Hashemite rulers did not deny that their country was Palestine. They said so on numerous occasions. In 1965,

King Hussein said: Those organizations which seek to differentiate between Palestinians and Jordanians are traitors. As late as 1981, Hussein repeated - I quote - Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan. In March 1971, The Palestine National Council, too, stated that - I quote what links Jordan to Palestine is a national bond () formed, since time immemorial, by history and culture. The establishment of one political entity in Transjordan and another in Palestine is illegal. - end of quote. By the late 1970s, however, the Arab authorities began to differentiate between Jordanians and Palestinians. What was previously considered to be treason and illegality suddenly became the propaganda line. In March 1977, PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein admitted in a candid interview in the Dutch newspaper Trouw: - I quote Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with dened borders, cannot lay claim to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan. - end of quote. In 1988, as the rst Intifada raged, Jordan ofcially renounced any claim of sovereignty to the so-called West Bank. In recent years, the Jordanian authorities have stripped thousands of Palestinians of their Jordanian citizenship. They do so for two reasons. First, because the alien Hashemite rulers fear that the Palestinians might one day take over their own country. And second, because stripping Palestinians of their Jordanian citizenship supports the falsehood that Jordan is not a part of Palestine. And that, consequently, the Palestinians must attack Israel if they want a place of their own. By arbitrarily reducing thousands of their citizens to statelessness, the Jordanian authorities want to force the Palestinians to turn their aspirations towards the establishment of another Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria. This decision is a great injustice committed by the Hashemite rulers of Jordan - this foreign clan which the British installed. I am not naive. I am not blind to the possibility that if Jordan were to be ruled by the Palestinians, this might lead to political radicalization in

Jordan. However, a continuation of the present situation will most certainly lead to radicalization. We need a paradigm shift. If we keep thinking along the same lines as we have done so far, no peaceful solution of the Palestinian problem is possible without endangering the existence of Israel and disrupting the social and economic fabric in Judea and Samaria. Resettling millions of Palestinians in these small provinces is simply impossible and is not going to happen. To the skeptics, I say: What is the alternative? Leaving the present situation as it is? No, my friends, the world must recognize that there has been an independent Palestinian state since 1946, and it is the Kingdom of Jordan. Allowing all Palestinians to voluntarily settle in Jordan is a better way towards peace than the current so-called two-states-approach (in reality a three-states-approach) propagated by the United Nations, the U.S. administration, and governing elites all over the world. We only want a democratic non-violent solution for the Palestinian problem. This requires that the Palestinian people should be given the right to voluntarily settle in Jordan and freely elect their own government in Amman. If the present Hashemite King is still as popular as today, he can remain in power. That is for the people of Palestine to decide in real democratic elections. My friends, let us adopt a totally new approach. Let us acknowledge that Jordan is Palestine. And to the Western world I say: Let us stand with Israel because the Jews have no other state, while the Palestinians already have Jordan. Let us stand with Israel because the history of our civilization began here, in this land, the homeland of the Jews. Let us stand with Israel because the Jewish state needs defendable borders to secure its own survival. Let us stand with Israel because it is the frontline in the battle for the survival of the West. We must speak the truth. The truth that Jordan is Palestine, the truth that Samaria and Judea are part of Israel, the truth that Jerusalem may not fall, the truth that Israel is the only democracy in a dark and tyrannical region, the truth that Israel is the linchpin of the West. Of course, I am just a foreign guest and should be modest. Israel is a democracy and I respect every decision which its people and government will make. But I am proud to be here and grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts and beliefs with you. Because it is here that our civilization is under attack as we speak. It is here that we, men and women of the West, must show our resolve to

defend ourselves. It is here that Israel has lit the light of freedom and that Europeans and Americans must help the Israelis to keep that light shining in the darkness. For Israel's sake and for the sake of all of us. Todah Rabah And Shalom to all of you. EDOM IN THE END TIMES

Jordan Palestinian Territories Kingdom of Edom Current border Ancient Kingdoms







Today, most of Palestinians are Edomites and Moabites; these territories are part of the modern Islamic Kingdom of Jordan.

Many Christians believe that the descendants of Edom fully disappeared, while Orthodox Jews compare Edom to the Occident! Prophets like Amos, Yoel, Yechezqel and Daniyyel prophesied the existence of descendants of Edom during the last days. So, the question is, Where could live Edomites Today? YHWH said to Abraham: I will conrm my covenant as a perpetual covenant between me and you. It will extend to your descendants after you throughout their generations. I will be your Elohim and the Elohim of your descendants after you. I will give the whole land of Canaan - the land where you are now residing - to you and your descendants after you as a permanent possession. I will be their Elohim. () YHWH said, No, Sarah your wife is going to bear you a son, and you will name him Isaac. I will conrm my covenant with him as a perpetual covenant for his descendants after him. As for Ishmael, I have heard you. I will indeed bless him, make him fruitful, and give him a multitude of descendants. He will become the father of twelve princes; I will make him into a great nation. But I will establish my covenant with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this set time next year. When he nished speaking with Abraham, YHWH went up from him. Genesis 17:7-23 YHWH made a perpetual Alliance with Abraham according to the generation, in other words the Lord will choose the generations to establish his next alliances. Abraham's sons are Isaac and Ishmael; YHWH chose to keep the perpetual Alliance with Isaac (Genesis 17:21). Isaac's sons are Esau and Jacob; the Lord chose the generation of Jacob. The passing of this blessing and land deed came down to Jacob because, as the Bible plainly says, Esau despised his inheritance (Genesis 25:30-34). That's why the Tanak and Renew covenant always refer to the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Exodus 3:6, Luka 20:37, Marc 12:26, Acts of the Apostles 3:16). The Bible never mentions these expressions: Elohim of Abraham, Ishmael and Jacob or Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Esau. Clearly YHWH did not make any Alliance with Ishmael and Esau (Edom). The Lord gave the Holy land to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel), (Genesis 35:10-12): And YHWH said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And YHWH said unto him, I am the Elohim Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins; And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, to thee I will give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the land. Genesis 35:10-12

When the time came for Rebekah to give birth, there were twins in her womb. The rst came out reddish all over, like a hair garment, so they named him Esau. When his brother came out with his hand clutching Esau's heel, they named him Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when they were born. Genesis 25:24-26 Isaac was the father of two twin brothers, Esau (Edom) and Jacob (Israel); the twinning of the two brothers is not a coincidence, but a biblical index that identies the following twin nations to Palestine and Israel. From Genesis to Revelation, the entire Bible is Prophetic! Esau exclaimed, Jacob is the right name for him! He has tripped me up two times! He took away my birthright, and now, look, he has taken away my blessing! Then he asked, Have you not kept back a blessing for me? Isaac replied to Esau, Look! I have made him lord over you. I have made all his relatives his servants and provided him with grain and new wine. What is left that I can do for you, my son? Esau said to his father, Do you have only that one blessing, my father? Bless me too! Then Esau wept loudly. () So Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing his father had given to his brother. Esau said privately, The time of mourning for my father is near; then I will kill my brother Jacob! Genesis 27:3641 Esau (Edom) lost the blessing of Isaac and lost the birthright, in other words, he lost the Promised Land. The inheritance passed into the hands of Jacob (Israel). Here will arise the perpetual conict between Israelites and Edomites known today as the Israeli-Palestinian conict. Comparing the story of Esau and Jacob to Palestinians and Israelis: The twinning of the two brothers - the twinning between the Land of Israel and Palestine. The perpetual heritage conicts - the perpetual conicts between Palestinians and Israelis about the Holy Land. The perpetual hatred of Edom against Israel - the perpetual hatred of Palestinians against Jews. Today, Palestinian children are taught to hate Jews, to glorify jihad (Holy War), violence, death and child martyrdom almost from birth, as an essential part of their culture and destiny. These children have to die for the cause of ALLAH. A very similar way to worship MOLOCH; the god who demanded children be sacriced to him (2 Chr. 28:3, 33:6). As captured on an Israeli video documentary produced in 1998, a Sesame Street-like children's program called the Children's Club complete with puppet shows, songs, Mickey Mouse and other

characters - focused on inculcating intense hatred of Jews and a passion for engaging in and celebrating violence against them in a perpetual jihad until the day the Israeli ags come down from above Palestinian land and the Palestinian ag is raised. In one song on the Children's Club, very young children are shown singing songs about wanting to become suicide warriors and to take up a machine gun to direct violence, anger, anger, anger against Israelis. During the show, which features children aged 4-10, one young boy sings, When I wander into Jerusalem, I will become a suicide bomber. Afterward, other children stand to call for Jihad! Holy war to the end against the Zionist enemy. In another segment, a boy who appears to be no more than 8 or 9 years old chants: My patience has run out. All Arab existence cries for revenge against the Jews in Israel. [1] Mother celebrates son's Martyrdom death by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik. Palestinian Authority TV news recently chose to feature a Palestinian mother promoting her son's death as a positive goal. Upon learning of her son's death in an Israeli air strike, the mother explained that she had always hoped for her son's Shahada - death as a Martyr - and recommended that other mothers likewise sacrice their child for Palestine. The words of another woman, chosen by PA TV news for the prerecorded news report, described how Palestinian society sees Martyrs as grooms. This is based on the Islamic tradition, promoted actively by the PA and Hamas, that Martyrs will marry 72 virgins in Paradise. PA TV news report: Mother upon news of son's death in an Israeli air strike: We had always hoped for his (my son's) Martyrdom (Shahada), knowing he wanted to die as a Martyr (Shahid). Every time he went out, we would say to him, 'May Allah be with you.' We knew that he wanted to die as a Martyr. Praise to Allah, he sought Martyrdom, and he achieved it. My message to every mother is to sacrice her child for Palestine. Second woman: By Allah, we welcome every Martyr as if he were a groom among us. [2]

[1] From [2] From PA TV (Fatah), Feb. 11, 2010


Young Palestinian conditioned to die as a martyr. At the time of the end shall the king of the south contend with him; and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overow and pass through. He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown; but these shall be delivered out of his hand: Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon Daniyyel 11:40-41 Most of biblical scholars agree that the "king of the north" or the "little horn" is the last anti-Messia (it can also be a dual prophecy). If we understand who the Edomites are, we can also understand the nature of the anti-Messia.


The anti-Messia will enter to Israel and will deliver from his hand Edomites, Amonites, Moabites; today these tribes are supposed to live round about or inside the Holy Land. All surrounded nations to Israel are Muslims, so these tribes must be Muslims. Could the anti-Messia deliver them from the blocus of Gaza and Palestinian refugee camps (Islamic Areas)? Could the anti-Messia be Muslim too? Palestine has no legitimacy in the Bible and the Koran, it is a ghost land claimed by Muslims because of the Al Aqsa Mosque built on the Holy Mount Zion. The name "Palestinians" is ofcially reappeared in 1964 with PLO Terrorist group created by Yaser Arafat (Organization for the Liberation of Palestine). In the spirit of the Arab world, the defense of an "Arab Palestine" allowed to legitimize war against Israel. That's why since the birth of the nation of Israel in 1948, many coalitions of Islamic nations tried to destroy Israel. Vision of Ezekiel about Edom: "And you, son of man, be a prophet about the mountains of Israel, and say, You mountains of Israel, give ear to the word of the Lord: This is what the Lord has said: Because your hater has said against you, Aha! and, The old waste places are our heritage, we have taken them: For this cause be a prophet, and say, This is what the Lord has said: Because, even because they have been glad over you and put you to shame on every side, because you have become a heritage for the rest of the nations, and you are taken up on the lips of talkers and in the evil talk of the people: For this reason, you mountains of Israel, give ear to the word of the Lord; this is what the Lord has said to the mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys, to the unpeopled wastes and to the towns where no one is living, from which the goods have been taken and which have been put to shame by the rest of the nations who are round about: For this cause the Lord has said: Truly, in the heat of my bitter feeling I have said things against the rest of the nations and against all Edom, who have taken my land as a heritage for themselves with the joy of all their heart, and with bitter envy of soul have made attacks on it: For this cause be a prophet about the land of Israel, and say to the mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys, This is what the Lord has said: Truly, in my bitter feeling and in my wrath I have said these things, because you have undergone the shame of the nations: For this cause the Lord has said, See, I have taken an oath that the nations which are round about you are themselves to undergo the shame which they have put on you. (...) And I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you: I will take away the heart of stone from your esh, and give you a heart of esh. And I will put my spirit in you, causing you to be guided by my rules, and you will keep my orders and do them. So that you may go on living in the land which I gave to your fathers; and you will be to me a people, and I

will be to you an Elohim. And I will make you free from all your unclean ways: and at my voice the grain will come up and be increased, and I will not let you be short of food. And I will make the tree give more fruit and the eld fuller produce, and no longer will you be shamed among the nations for need of food. And at the memory of your evil ways and your wrongdoings, you will have bitter hate for yourselves because of your evil-doings and your disgusting ways, O children of Israel. Not because of you am I doing it, says the Lord; let it be clear to you, and be shamed and made low because of your ways, O children of Israel. This is what the Lord has said: In the day when I make you clean from all your evil-doings I will let the towns be peopled and there will be building on the waste places. And the land which was waste will be farmed, in place of being a waste in the eyes of everyone who went by. And they will say, This land which was waste has become like the garden of Eden; and the towns which were unpeopled and wasted and pulled down are walled and peopled. Then the rest of the nations round about you will be certain that I the Lord am the builder of the places which were pulled down and the planter of that which was waste: I the Lord have said it, and I will do it. This is what the Lord has said: The children of Israel will again make prayer to me for this, that I may do it for them; I will make them increased with men like a ock. Like sheep for the offerings, like the sheep of Jerusalem at her xed feasts, so the unpeopled towns will be made full of men: and they will be certain that I am the Lord." Ezekiel 36 Since Genesis Edom has always wanted to take possession of the land of Israel: For this cause the Lord has said: Truly, in the heat of my bitter feeling I have said things against the rest of the nations and against all Edom, who have taken my land as a heritage for themselves with the joy of all their heart, and with bitter envy of soul have made attacks on it. Ezekiel 36:5 Today only Palestinians reclaim the Holy Land promised to Jacob! Since the creation of the states of Israel in 1948, the Islamic nations round about Israel help the Jordan-Palestinians through wars, terrorist attacks and media propaganda to take possession of the Holy Land. That's why during the great Day of the Lord, YHWH will judge the Islamics nations: "For this cause the Lord has said, See, I have taken an oath that the nations which are round about you are themselves to undergo the shame which they have put on you." Ezekiel 36:7 "Then the rest of the nations round about you will be certain that I the Lord am the builder of the places which were pulled down and the planter of that which was waste: I the Lord have said it, and I will do it" Ezekiel 36:36

All muslims nations are around Israel. The End Times vision of Obadiah. This is what the Lord has said about Edom: We have had word from the Lord, and a representative has been sent among the nations, saying, Up! and let us make war against her. See, I have made you small among the nations: you are much looked down on. You have been tricked by the pride of your heart, O you whose living-place is in the cracks of the rock, whose house is high up; who has said in his heart, Who will make me come down to earth? Though you go up on high like an eagle, though your house is placed among the stars, I will make you come down from there, says the Lord. If thieves came, attacking you by night, [how are you cut off!] would they not go on taking till they had enough? if men came cutting your grapes would they take them all? How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his secret stores looked for! All the men who were united with you have been false to you, driving you out to the edge of the land: the men who were at peace with you have overcome you; they have taken their heritage in your place. Will I not, in that day, says the Lord, take away the wise men out of Edom, and wisdom out of the mountain of Esau? And your men of war, O Teman, will be overcome with fear, so that every one of them may be cut off from the mountain of Esau. Because you were the cause of violent death and because of your cruel behaviour to your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame and will be cut off for ever. Because you were there watching when men from other lands took away his goods, and strange men came into his doors, and put the fate of Jerusalem to the decision of chance; you were like one of them. Do not see with pleasure your brother's evil day, the day of his fate, and do not be glad over the children of Judah on the day of their destruction, or make wide your mouth on the day of trouble. Do not go into the doors of my people on the day of their downfall; do not be looking on their trouble with pleasure on the day of their downfall, or put your hands on their goods on the day of their downfall. And do not take your place at the cross-roads, cutting off those of his people who get away; and do not give

up to their haters those who are still there in the day of trouble. For the day of the Lord is coming quickly on all nations: as you have done it will be done to you; the reward of your acts will come on your head. For as you have been drinking on my holy mountain, so will all the nations go on drinking without end; they will go on drinking and the wine will go down their throats, and they will be as if they had never been. But in Mount Zion some will be kept safe, and it will be holy; and the children of Jacob will take their heritage. And the children of Jacob will be a re and those of Joseph a ame, and the children of Esau dry stems of grass, burned up by them till all is gone: and there will be no people living in Esau; for the Lord has said it. And they will take the South, and the lowland, and the country of Ephraim, and Gilead, as their heritage. And those of the children of Israel who were the rst to be taken away as prisoners, will have their heritage among the Canaanites as far as Zarephath; and those who were taken away from Jerusalem, who are in Sepharad, will have the towns of the South. And those who have been kept safe will come up from Mount Zion to be judges of the mountain of Esau; and the kingdom will be the Lord's. Obadiah 1:1-21 Today the Palestinian mosque Dom of the Rock (the sanctuary of ALLAH) stands above the Holy Mountain of Zion; that's why the Lord says: For as you (Edom) have drunk on my Holy Mountain. Obadiah 1

The temple mount is a place of eternal conict between Israelis and Palestinians.

And those who have been kept safe will come up from Mount Zion to be judges of the mountain of Esau; and the kingdom will be the Lord's. Obadiah 1:21 This End Times Prophecy is very clear! Unequivocally, this verse identies the prophecy of Obadiah for the End Times. The Mount Zion is shared by Israelis and Muslims of Palestine: the mosque "Dom of the Rock" stands above the Holy Mountain; During the "Day of the Lord", YHWH will rise from his throne to judge Esau (Edom) and destroy the Sanctuary of ALLAH that stands above his Holy Mountain! That's the reason why, after the judgment of Edom, the Vision of Obadiah tells us: () and the kingdom will be the Lord's. In other words, This will be the begining of the Millenium. Once again the Edomites match perfectly with the Palestinians (Immigrants from Jordan). The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining. The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel.So you will know that I am YHWH, your Elohim, dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain. Then Jerusalem will be holy, and no strangers will pass through her any more. It will happen in that day, that the mountains will drop down sweet wine, the hills will ow with milk, all the brooks of Judah will ow with waters, and a fountain will ow out from Yahweh's house, and will water the valley of Shittim. Egypt will be a desolation, and Edom will be a desolate wilderness, for the violence done to the children of Judah, because they have shed innocent blood in their land. But Judah will be inhabited forever, and Jerusalem from generation to generation. I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed: for YHWH dwells in Zion. Yoel 3:15-21 Yoel prophecied the last days, the Day of the Lord! No strangers will pass through Jerusalem any more. In other words, the millions of Palestinians (non-israelites) that live in Israel and worship another Elohim would never live any more in the Holy City. (Oracle about Edom - North part of Arabia) For it is the day of the Lord's vengeance, and the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion. And the streams thereof shall be turned into pitch, and the dust thereof into brimstone, and the land thereof shall become burning pitch. It shall not be quenched night nor day; the smoke thereof shall go up forever: from generation to generation it shall lay waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever. Isaiah 34:8-10 Pitch is a name for any of a number of viscoelastic, solid polymers. It can be made from petroleum products or plants. Petroleum-derived pitch

is also called bitumen or asphalt. It was traditionally used to help caulk the seams of wooden sailing vessels. Pitch was also used to waterproof wooden containers, and is sometimes still used in the making of torches. The land of Edom that spreads from the South of Jordan to the North of Saudi Arabia shall burn from generation to generation and none shall pass though it for ever and ever. Clearly this prophecy didn't happen yet (Esaiah 34:8-10). The North of Saudi Arabia near Jordan is a land rich in oil and minerals. Once again, the South of Jordan and Palestinian Territories t perfectly with Edom.

Burning oil wells in Kuwait. The Persian golf after the war by Thomas Canby: after the Iraqis blew up the wells in Kuwait, the oil res, and the monstrous plume they exhaled, riveted the world's attention. Each day relentless ames devoured about ve million barrels of oil, generating more than half a million tons (500 metric tons) of aerial pollutants, including sulfur dioxide, the key component of acid rain. [1]
[1] The Persian golf after the Storm by Thomas Canby.


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