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ASSIGNMENTS POEMS 1. Your assignment should be arranged in the following wa ! a. Poem b. About the author ".

Meaning of diffi"ult words d. Poeti"#literar de$i"es e. Stan%a b stan%a anal sis f. &riti"al a''re"iation of the whole 'oem g. (eading material h. )ibliogra'h *+ont 1, Times (oman # 1 in"h border all around # double s'a"ing # sent to"om/ on the dates s'e"ified0 1. Sonnet 12 Edmund S'enser A33 11#4 ,. Sonnet 15 6illiam Sha7es'eare A33 5. A Poison Tree 6illiam )la7e A33 8. The Solitar (ea'er 6illiam 6ordsworth A33 2. She 6al7s in )eaut 3ord ) ron A33 9. 3o$e-s Philoso'h P. ). Shelle A33 1. To Autumn :ohn ;eats A33 4. M 3ast <u"hess (obert )rowning :ESSIE 11#4 =. A )ird &ame <own Emil <i"7inson P(ESNA 11#4 1>. I 3oo7 into m Glass Thomas ?ard ISA)E33E 11#4 11. At Tea Thomas ?ard :ESSIE 18#4 1,. 6hen You are Old 6illiam )utler Yeats P(ESNA 18#4 15. Mending 6all (obert +rost ISA)E33E 18#4 18. After A''le@Pi"7ing (obert +rost :ESSIE 11#4 12. On Growing Old :ohn Masefield P(ESNA 11#4 19. Piano <. ?. 3awren"e ISA)E33E 11#4 11. Sna7e <. ?. 3awren"e :ESSIE ,>#4 14. i than7 ou God for most this ama%ing e.e. "ummings P(ESNA ,>#4 1=. The Mag'ies :udith 6right ISA)E33E ,>#4 ,>. Aunt :ennifer-s Tigers Adrienne (i"h :ESSIE ,5#4 ,1. 6arning :enn :ose'h P(ESNA ,5#4 ,,. <igging Seamus ?eane ISA)E33E ,5#4

S?O(T STO(IES 1. Your assignment should be arranged in the following wa ! a. About the author b. Meaning of diffi"ult words ". 3iterar de$i"es d. Themes e. Settings f. Main e$ents g. &hara"teri%ation h. Intera"tion of "hara"ter with others Ause m formatB i. (eading material C. )ibliogra'h *+ont 1, Times (oman # 1 in"h border all around # double s'a"ing # sent to"om/ on the dates s'e"ified0 1. ,. 5. 8. 2. 9. 1. 4. =. 1>. 11. 1,. (atnamuni Pasang A &ertain &r )irthda Through the 6all Pi"tures in M Mind The <ream of Dasantha The Touring &om'an No Disitors Allowed A 3o$e of the Past (emo$al in Pasir PanCang As the )uffaloes )athed ;.S. Maniam Pretam ;aur & nthia Anthon
M. Shanmugalingam

Pretam ;aur Pretam ;aur ;.S. Maniam Shirle 3im :ohn Ma"hado Stella ;on ;.S. Maniam Pretam ;aur


4#4 4#4 4#4 12#4 12#4 12#4 ,,#4 ,,#4 ,,#4 ,=#4 ,=#4 ,=#4

INST(E&TIONS A. Please tr to 7ee' to the dates s'e"ified ). (emember that I "annot see ou e$er da . Therefore ou must wor7 eFtra hard if ou want to eF"el. &. If we finish all the wor7 b end of August we "an seriousl 're'are for the eFams b attem'ting eFam Guestions.

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