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Missouri AIT Exam Practice Test 1 Questions 1 - 50


Giving Hearts Skilled Nursing Facility needs to pay their annual certification fee to participate in the Medicaid and Medicare programs. How much is the annual fee?

a. $400 annually.

b. $600 annually.

c. $800 annually.

d. $1000 annually.


Happy Jacks Skilled Nursing Facility is about to have it's Grand Opening. How soon does Happy Jacks need to submit it's application for an original license?

a. Not less than 30 days before opening.

b. Not less than 45 days before opening.

c. Not less than 60 days before opening.

d. Not less than 90 days before opening.


A class I violation means a violation of what type?

a. No actual harm with potential for minimal harm.

b. No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm that is not immediate jeopardy c. Imminent jeopardy to resident health or safety.

d. Actual harm that is not immediate jeopardy.


Michelle White is about to start her Nurse Aide training program at Happy Trails nursing facility. How many hours of classroom training can she expect?

a. 100 hours of classroom training.

b. 75 hours of classroom training.

c. 50 hours of classroom training.

d. No hours in a classroom, as she is attending training in a nursing facility.


Golden Hearts Nursing Facility is doing some renovations and adding a new break room for residents and staff. They have never had a break room. The new room is about 600 square feet. Would this be considered major renovations? a. Yes, because residents can access it.

b. Yes because it is a new type of room.

c. No, because it is only 600 square feet.

d. No, because it no one will be stationed in this room full-time (resident or staff).


Happy Trails nursing facility has 30 male residents and 20 females, how many bathrooms should they have?

a. 4 bathrooms at minimum.

b. 5 bathrooms at minimum.

c. 6 bathrooms at minimum.

d. 8 bathrooms at minimum.


For all residents at Happy Trails nursing facility, the mattresses must be in good repair, clean, and have a minimum thickness of ___ inches, for resident comfort.

a. 5 inches thick

b. 4 inches thick

c. 3 inches thick

d. 2 inches thick


Tony Hawk, the Administrator at Helping Hands SNF, has an emergency and will be absent for an extended amount of time. Mr. Hawk signs over responsibility to another person during his absence. At what point does that person need to be themself a licensed administrator?

a. After 14 consecutive days of being absent.

b. After 21 consecutive days of being absent.

c. After 30 consecutive days of being absent.

d. Immediately. You must be a licensed Administrator to cover for another Administrator for any amount of time.


Caring Hearts Skilled Nursing Facility has only been open for 2 years. How many beds can they have maximum per nurses station?

a. 90 beds per nurses station.

b. 80 beds per nurses station.

c. 70 beds per nurses station.

d. 60 beds per nurses station.


When someone is hired to work in a nursing facility and their job requires direct patient contact, how soon must the facility request a criminal background check?

a. Immediately.

b. Within 1 working day of being hired.

c. Within 2 working days of being hired.

d. Within 1 calendar week of being hired.


How often does the Department of Social Services/Division of Aging determine how many beds in every county are certified to participate in the Medicaid program?

a. Quarterly.

b. Every 6 months.

c. Annually.

d. Every 2 years.


Jim Patterson, a resident in a local SNF, has been smoking cigarettes for 30 years. He has been approved by the facility to smoke without supervision. If his condition remains the same, when will the facility reassess Jim about smoking unsupervised? a. Every 30 days he will be reassessed.

b. He will be reassessed quarterly.

c. Twice a year he will be reassessed.

d. Annually he will be reassessed.


How often should a resident that is in restrained, be check on?

a. Every 30 minutes.

b. Every 60 minutes.

c. Every 90 minutes.

d. Once every 2 hours.


How often must a residents drug regimen be reviewed?

a. Only at the attending physician's request.

b. When there is a change in resident status.

c. At least monthly.

d. At least quarterly.


Residents at Happy Trails nursing facility are given a minimum of 3 meals a day. How many of those meals must be hot?

a. All of them.

b. At least 2.

c. At least 1.

d. None, unless the resident wants a hot meal.


Hot water that is accessible to the residents, must be between what degree's Fahrenheit?

a. 95F and 110F

b. 100F and 115F

c. 105F and 120F

d. 110F and 125F


How many fire drills, at minimum, does Happy Trails nursing facility need to have each year?

a. 12 fire drills each year.

b. 9 fire drills each year.

c. 8 fire drills each year.

d. 3 fire drills each year, 1 for each shift.


Happy Trails nursing facilities' Dietary Department are reviewing their current stockpile of food. How many days worth of "staple" food must the have on the premises? a. At least 4 days worth.

b. At least 5 days worth.

c. At least 6 days worth.

d. At least 7 days worth.


Screens on windows and doors must be no less than ___ inch mesh.

a. 12 inch mesh.

b. 14 inch mesh.

c. 16 inch mesh.

d. 18 inch mesh.


When may nursing personnel perform non-nursing related job duties?

a. Never.

b. When there are 20 or fewer residents.

c. During the night shift only.

d. When there are 35 or few residents, and during the night shift.


It's Thanksgiving at Happy Trails nursing facility and they are having a stuffed turkey dinner. What temperature Fahrenheit does the inside of the turkey need to be for resident safety? a. 165F

b. 180F

c. 160F

d. 140F


How much light should there be in utensil storage area's?

a. 10 footcandels of light.

b. 12 footcandles of light.

c. 16 footcandels of light.

d. 20 footcandels of light.


Harry Henderson, a current resident at Stone Cliff Skilled Nursing Facility, is being transferred to another facility. According to his rights, as this is not an emergency, Harry must have been notified how far in advance to the transfer? a. 2 weeks.

b. 3 weeks.

c. 30 days.

d. 90 days.


Happy Trails nursing facility is about to be audited. They were asked by the IRS to come up with the last 3 years of financial records. What is the minimum amount of time a facility is required to keep financial records of facility operation for? a. 2 years.

b. 4 years.

c. 5 years.

d. 7 years.


Lake View Nursing Facility has 100 residents, 50 male and 50 female. How many bathing (showers or tubs) facilities must they have at minimum?

a. 5

b. 6

c. 7

d. 8


Happy Trails nursing facility is holding several resident monies for them. How often does Happy Trails need to give each of the residents a statement regarding their personal money? a. Monthly

b. Quarterly

c. Twice annually

d. Annually


Tony Gambino, the new Dietitian at Happy Trails nursing facility, is excited about creating new menu's for the residents. How far in advance does Tony need to make menu's for? a. 3 days in advance.

b. 1 week in advance.

c. 10 days in advance.

d. 2 weeks in advance.


Facilities that are for persons with Alzheimers disease or dementia or both, use what type of activity program?

a. Aging-In-Place

b. Memory and Recall

c. Reorder and remember

d. A very rigid type program.


What is the NFPA standard for Sprinkler Installation?

a. NFPA 2000

b. NFPA 13

c. NFPA 101

d. NFPA 10


Paul Bunion was a resident at Happy Trails nursing facility, but has transferred to another facility closer to his family. Paul has not received his final bill from Happy Trails yet. When should Paul expect his final bill? a. No later than 14 days after discharge.

b. No later than 21 days after discharge.

c. No later than 30 days after discharge.

d. No later than 60 days after discharge.


Mark Whalberg has just been admitted to Happy Trails nursing facility. Mark is not very good with money so he has asked the facility to hold his monies for him, and have some available for small purchases. How much petty cash can the facility hold? a. Up to $200 dollars petty cash for Mark.

b. Up to $150 dollars petty cash for Mark.

c. Up to $100 dollars petty cash for Mark.

d. Up to $50 dollars petty cash for Mark.


If someone that has an application to be a receiver has a change in their status, including a disqualifying change, they must notify the department in writing within how many days? a. Within 5 days.

b. Within 10 days.

c. Within 15 days.

d. Within 20 days.


Johnny Walker was admitted yesterday to Forest Manor Skilled Nursing Facility. Mr. Walker must have his assessment completed within how many days after his admission? a. Within 7 days after admission.

b. Within 10 days after admission.

c. Within 14 days after admission.

d. Within 21 days after admission.


There is a heat wave going through Missouri this year and Happy Trails nursing facility is caught right in the middle of it. What is the lowest temperature that the facility can be for resident comfort? a. 74 F

b. 72 F

c. 70 F

d. 68 F


Anyone found guilty of misappropriation of funds of the elderly or disabled, is guilty of what type of felony?

a. A class D felony

b. A class B felony

c. A class A felony

d. A class C felony


A nurse assistant that is hired to work in a nursing facility, must have either completed a training program, be completed with one within how long after employment begins? a. Within 2 months.

b. Within 3 months.

c. Within 4 months.

d. Within 6 months.


In a Hospice, how often does the Interdisciplinary group meet?

a. Quarterly

b. Once every 2 months.

c. Monthly

d. Every 2 weeks.


For a facility that was licensed on or after July 1, 1965, what is the minimum square feet per bed in a multi-resident bedroom?

a. 80 square feet per bed.

b. 100 square feet per bed.

c. 110 square feet per bed.

d. 115 square feet per bed.


How often should a resident that is physically incapable of changing positions, have their position changed?

a. At least once every hour.

b. At least once every 2 hours.

c. At least once every 4 hours.

d. At least once every 8 hours.


Battery operated lights must be tested how often?

a. Quarterly.

b. Every 2 months.

c. Every 60 days.

d. Every 30 days.


All exit doors in new facilities must be how wide?

a. 44" inches

b. 42" inches wide.

c. 40 " inches wide.

d. 38" inches wide.


Jimmy Sanders, a new resident at Lake Side Nursing Facility, wants to know how many hours between dinner and breakfast? What would you tell Jimmy?

a. No more than 10 hours.

b. No more than 12 hours.

c. No more than 14 hours.

d. No more than 16 hours.


A resident bedroom must not have more than ____ beds.

a. 5 beds

b. 4 beds

c. 3 beds

d. 2 beds


How many members are there on the State Board of Senior Services?

a. 4 members are on the board.

b. 5 members are on the board.

c. 6 members are on the board.

d. 7 members are on the board.


The dishwasher in the kitchen is sanitizing the food utensils and equipment used for cooking. He is using an emersion technique in hot water for 30 seconds. How hot does this water need to be? a. At least 200F

b. At least 185F

c. At least 170F

d. At least 155F


Any facility that is currently has a waiver with the department and has come time for renewal must submit the application for renewal along with any other documentation at least ____ days in advance. a. 60 days in advance.

b. 45 days in advance.

c. 30 days in advance.

d. 21 days in advance.


MaryAnn Pivovaroff is discharging from Happy Trails nursing facility tomorrow morning. How long does the facility have to return any money that they may be holding for MaryAnn? a. Within 5 days.

b. Within 4 days.

c. Within 3 days.

d. They must return the money immediately.


What is the NFPA standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers?

a. NFPA 2000

b. NFPA 13

c. NFPA 10

d. NFPA 101


Michelle White has just started her Nurse Aide training program at Happy Trails nursing facility. How many hours of On-the-Job supervised training will she need to complete? a. 120 hours on-the-Job training.

b. 100 hours of on-the-Job training.

c. 80 hours of on-the-Job training.

d. 75 hours of on-the-Job training.


Golden Hearts Living Center, a nursing facility, was having fried chicken for dinner the other night when a small fire broke out in the kitchen. There was minimal damage. How soon does the facility need to report the fire to the Department? a. Immediately.

b. Within 30 days.

c. Within 14 calendar days.

d. Within 7 days.

Missouri AIT Exam Practice Test 1 Answers 1 - 50

1. Answer is: D - $1000 annually.

19 CSR 30-81.010 General Certification (D) All SNFs or NFs certified to participate in the Medicaid or Medicare program(s) shall submit to the department an annual certification fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000) prior to October 1 of each year.

2. Answer is: A - Not less than 30 days before opening.

19 CSR 30-82.010 General Licensure Requirements (E) A new facility shall submit an application for an original license not less than thirty (30) days before the anticipated opening date. The department must approve the application before a licensure inspection is scheduled.

3. Answer is: C - Imminent jeopardy to resident health or safety.

19 CSR 30-82.020 Classification of Rules (3) A violation of a class I standard is one which would present either an imminent danger to the health, safety or welfare of any resident or a substantial probability that death or serious physical harm would result.

4. Answer is: B - 75 hours of classroom training.

19 CSR 30-84.010 Nurse Assistant Training Program (1) Definitions. (A) Basic course shall mean the seventy five(75) hours of classroom training

5. Answer is: C - No, because it is only 600 square feet.

19 CSR 30-85.022 Fire Safety Standards for New and Existing ICFs and SNFs (C) Major renovationshall include the following: 1. Addition of any room(s), accessible by residents, that either exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the total square footage of the facility or exceeds four thousand five hundred (4,500) square feet; or 2. Repairs, remodeling, or renovations that involve more than fifty percent (50%) of the building; or 3. Repairs, remodeling, or renovations that involve more than four thousand five hundred (4,500) square feet of a smoke section.

6. Answer is: A - 4 bathrooms at minimum.

19 CSR 30-85.032 Physical Plant Requirements for New and Existing ICFs and SNFs (17) Existing licensed facilities shall provide one (1) toilet for each ten (10) residents or fraction of ten. II/III (18) The facility shall provide separate toilet facilities for each sex. Where urinals are provided for men, a facility shall provide one (1) toilet and urinal for each fifteen (15) males or fraction of fifteen. III

7. Answer is: B - 4 inches thick

19 CSR 30-85.032 Physical Plant Requirements for New and Existing ICFs and SNFs (42) Mattresses shall be clean, in good repair, sized to fit the bed and a minimum of four inches (4") in thickness to provide comfort. II/III (43) The facility shall ensure that each bed has at least one (1) clean comfortable pillow. Extra pillows shall be available to meet the needs of the residents. III

8. Answer is: C - After 30 consecutive days of being absent.

19 CSR 30-85.042 Admin and Resident Care Requirements for New and Existing ICF & SNF (5) The licensed administrator shall not leave the premises without delegating the necessary authority in writing to a responsible individual. If the administrator is absent from the facility for more than thirty (30) consecutive days, the person designated to be in administrative charge shall be a currently licensed nursing home administrator. Such thirty (30) consecutive-day absences may only occur once within any consecutive twelve (12)-month period. I/II

9. Answer is: D - 60 beds per nurses station.

19 CSR 30-85.032 Physical Plant Requirements for New and Existing ICFs and SNFs (26) The facility shall provide either a nursing station or a nurses work area on each floor of a multistory facility. This area shall have chart storage space on current residents. Facilities licensed or with plans approved on or after July 1, 1965, shall have a nurses station for every sixty (60) beds.

10. Answer is: C - Within 2 working days of being hired.

19 CSR 30-85.042 Admin and Resident Care Requirements for New and Existing ICF & SNF (17) Effective August 28, 1997, each facility shall, not later than two (2) working days of the date an applicant for a position to have contact with residents is hired, request a criminal background check, as provided in sections 43.530, 43.540 and 610.120, RSMo.

11. Answer is: A - Quarterly.

19 CSR 30-82.030 Assessment of Availability of Beds (3) Once per quarter, the Department of Social Services/Division of Aging will determine the total number of licensed only beds and the total number of beds certified to participate in the Medicaid program in every county or locality in the state and the percentage of those beds which are occupied.

12. Answer is: D - Annually he will be reassessed.

19 CSR 30-85.022 Fire Safety Standards for New and Existing ICFs and SNFs (31) Smoking shall be permitted only in designated areas. Areas where smoking is permitted shall be directly supervised unless the resident has been assessed by the facility and determined capable of smoking unassisted. At least annually, the facility shall reassess those residents the facility has determined to be capable of smoking unsupervised and shall also reassess such resident when changes in his or her condition indicate the resident may no longer be capable of smoking without supervision.

13. Answer is: A - Every 30 minutes.

19 CSR 30-85.042 Admin and Resident Care Requirements for New and Existing ICF & SNF (76) Facility staff shall check residents requiring restraints every thirty (30) minutes and exercise the residents every two (2) hours. II/III

14. Answer is: C - At least monthly.

19 CSR 30-85.042 Admin and Resident Care Requirements for New and Existing ICF & SNF (53) At least monthly a pharmacist or a registered nurse shall review the drug regimen of each resident. Irregularities shall be reported in writing to the residents physician, the administrator and the director of nurses. There must be written documentation which indicates how the reports were acted upon.

15. Answer is: B - At least 2.

19 CSR 30-85.052 Dietary Requirements for New and Existing ICF and SNF (2) At least three (3) substantial meals or other equivalent shall be served daily at regular hours with supplementary feedings as necessary. At least two (2) meals shall be hot.II/III

16. Answer is: C - 105F and 120F

19 CSR 30-85.032 Physical Plant Requirements for New and Existing ICFs and SNFs (24) The facility shall ensure that plumbing fixtures that supply hot water and are accessible to the residents, shall be thermostatically controlled so the water temperature at the fixture does not exceed one hundred twenty degrees Fahrenheit (120F) (49C). The water shall be at a temperature range of one hundred five degrees Fahrenheit to one hundred twenty degrees Fahrenheit (105F120F) (41C49C). I/II

17. Answer is: A - 12 fire drills each year.

19 CSR 30-85.022 Fire Safety Standards for New and Existing ICFs and SNFs (D) A minimum of twelve (12) fire drills shall be conducted annually with at least one (1) every three (3) months on each shift. At least four (4) of the required fire drills must be unannounced to residents and staff, excluding staff who are assigned to evaluate staff and resident response to the fire drill.

18. Answer is: D - At least 7 days worth.

19 CSR 30-85.052 Dietary Requirements for New and Existing ICF and SNF (20) Supplies of staple food for a minimum of a one (1)-week period shall be maintained on the premises.

19. Answer is: C - 16 inch mesh.

19 CSR 30-87.020 Sanitation Requirements for New & Existing Long-Term Care Facilities (40) Openings to the outside shall be effectively protected against the entrance of rodents. Outside openings shall be protected against the entrance of insects by tight-fitting, selfclosing doors, closed windows, screening, control of air currents or other means. Screen doors shall be self-closing and screens for windows, doors, skylights, transoms, intake and exhaust air ducts, and other openings to the outside shall be tight-fitting and free of breaks. Screening material shall not be less than sixteen (16) mesh to the inch.

20. Answer is: B - When there are 20 or fewer residents.

19 CSR 30-85.042 Admin and Resident Care Requirements for New and Existing ICF & SNF (41) Nursing personnel in facilities with twenty (20) residents or less shall perform nonnursing duties only if acceptable infection control measures are maintained. II/III

21. Answer is: A - 165F

19 CSR 30-87.030 Sanitation Requirements for Food Service (26) Potentially hazardous foods requiring cooking shall be cooked to heat all parts of the food to a temperature of at least one hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit (140F), except that poultry, poultry stuffings, stuffed meats and stuffings containing meat shall be cooked to heat all parts of the food to at least one hundred sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit (165F) with no interruption of the cooking process.

22. Answer is: D - 20 footcandels of light.

19 CSR 30-85.052 Dietary Requirements for New and Existing ICF and SNF (94) Permanently fixed artificial light sources shall be installed to provide, at a distance of thirty inches (30") from the floor, at least twenty (20) footcandels of light in utensil and equipment storage areas and in lavatory and toilet areas, and at least ten (10) footcandles of light in walk-in refrigerating units, dry food-storage areas and in all other areas. This shall also include dining areas during cleaning operations.

23. Answer is: C - 30 days.

19 CSR 30-88.010 Resident Rights 15) No resident shall be transferred or discharged except in the case of an emergency discharge unless the resident, and the next of kin, or a legally authorized representative or designee, and the residents attending physician and the responsible agency, if any, are notified at least thirty (30) days in advance of the transfer or discharge.

24. Answer is: D - 7 years.

19 CSR 30-85.042 Admin and Resident Care Requirements for New and Existing ICF & SNF (105) Facilities shall retain all financial records related to the facility operation for seven (7) years from the end of the facilitys fiscal year. III

25. Answer is: C - 7

19 CSR 30-85.032 Physical Plant Requirements for New and Existing ICFs and SNFs (21) The facility shall provide one (1) shower or tub for each fifteen (15) residents or fraction of fifteen. II/III

26. Answer is: B - Quarterly

19 CSR 30-88.020 Residents Funds and Property (9) All written accounts of the residents funds shall be brought current monthly and a written statement showing the current balance and all transactions shall be given to the resident, his/her designee or legal guardian on a quarterly basis.

27. Answer is: D - 2 weeks in advance.

19 CSR 30-85.052 Dietary Requirements for New and Existing ICF and SNF (21) Menus for all diets shall be planned at least two (2) weeks in advance. If cycle menus are used, the cycle must cover a minimum of three (3) weeks and must be different each day of the week.

28. Answer is: A - Aging-In-Place

19 CSR 30-82.070 Alzheimers Demonstration Projects (1) For the purposes of this rule, Health care facilities for persons with Alzheimers disease or Alzheimers related dementia means facilities that are specifically designed and operated to provide elderly individuals who have chronic confusion or dementia illness, or both, with a safe, structured but flexible environment that encourages physical activity through a well-developed recreational and aging-in-place activity program.

29. Answer is: B - NFPA 13

19 CSR 30-85.022 Fire Safety Standards for New and Existing ICFs and SNFs (2) General Requirements. (A) All National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes and standards cited in this rule: NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.

30. Answer is: C - No later than 30 days after discharge.

19 CSR 30-88.010 Resident Rights (43) The resident, or his or her next of kin, legally authorized representative, or designee shall receive an itemized bill for all goods and services actually rendered. No later than thirty (30) days after the discharge or death of a resident.

31. Answer is: D - Up to $50 dollars petty cash for Mark.

19 CSR 30-88.020 Residents Funds and Property (5) A petty cash fund of up to fifty dollars ($50) for each resident for whom the facility is holding funds may be kept in the facility and shall be maintained separately from the facility's funds. II/III

32. Answer is: B - Within 10 days.

19 CSR 30-82.015 Long-Term Care Receiverships (4) If any of the information in an application changes, or if a qualified receiver has any change of status, including a change in disqualifying characteristics, that could affect his/her ability to serve as a receiver, he/she must notify the department in writing within ten (10) working days.

33. Answer is: C - Within 14 days after admission.

19 CSR 30-81.015 Resident Assessment (3) Resident assessments shall be documented on the MDS and the RAPs shall be utilized. (4) Frequency of Assessments. (A) A newly admitted resident to a certified bed shall have an assessment within fourteen (14) days of admission to the facility.

34. Answer is: D - 68 F

19 CSR 30-85.032 Physical Plant Requirements for New and Existing ICFs and SNFs (29) The facility shall heat all resident-accessible areas to ensure that the air temperature is not lower than sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit (68F). These areas shall be capable of being heated to not less than eighty degrees Fahrenheit (80F). At all times the reasonable comfort needs of residents shall be met. I/II

35. Answer is: A - A class D felony

198.097. 1. Misappropriation of funds of elderly or disabled residents, penalty. Any person who assumes the responsibility of managing the financial affairs of an elderly or disabled person who is a resident of any facility licensed under this chapter is guilty of a class D felony if such person misappropriates the funds and fails to pay for the facility care of the elderly or disabled person.

36. Answer is: C - Within 4 months.

198.082. 1. Nursing assistant training programs Each nursing assistant hired to work in a skilled nursing or intermediate care facility after January 1, 1980, shall have successfully completed a nursing assistant training program approved by the department or shall enroll in and begin the first available approved training program which is scheduled to commence within ninety days of the date of the nursing assistant's employment and which shall be completed within four months of employment.

37. Answer is: D - Every 2 weeks.

19 CSR 30-35.010 Hospice Program Operations The interdisciplinary group shall meet no less often than every two weeks. 2. The interdisciplinary group shall include at least the following individuals who are employees of the hospice: A. A doctor of medicine or osteopathy (may be contracted); B. A registered nurse; C. A social worker; and D. A spiritual counselor.

38. Answer is: A - 80 square feet per bed.

19 CSR 30-85.032 Physical Plant Requirements for New and Existing ICFs and SNFs In facilities licensed on or after July 1, 1965, rooms shall be a minimum of eighty (80) square feet per bed for beds that are over five (5) square feet in length in multiple bedrooms; II/III

39. Answer is: B - At least once every 2 hours.

19 CSR 30-85.042 Admin and Resident Care Requirements for New and Existing ICF & SNF (70) Residents who are physically or mentally incapable, or both, of changing their own positions shall have their positions changed at least every two (2) hours and shall be provided supportive devices to maintain good body alignment. I/II

40. Answer is: D - Every 30 days.

19 CSR 30-85.022 Fire Safety Standards for New and Existing ICFs and SNFs Battery-operated emergency lighting shall be tested for at least thirty (30) seconds every thirty (30) days, and an annual function test shall be conducted for the full operational duration of one and one-half (1) hours.

41. Answer is: A - 44" inches wide.

19 CSR 30-85.022 Fire Safety Standards for New and Existing ICFs and SNFs (17) All exit doors in existing licensed facilities shall be at least thirty inches (30") wide. II (18) All exit doors in new facilities shall be at least forty-four inches (44") wide. II

42. Answer is: C - No more than 14 hours.

19 CSR 30-85.052 Dietary Requirements for New and Existing ICF and SNF (10) A time schedule for service of meals to residents shall be established. Meals shall be served approximately four to five (45) hours apart and not longer than fourteen (14) hours from a substantial evening meal to breakfast.

43. Answer is: B - 4 beds

19 CSR 30-85.032 Physical Plant Requirements for New and Existing ICFs and SNFs (6) Facilities initially licensed after July 1, 1965 shall have no more than four (4) beds per room. II/III

44. Answer is: D - 7 members are on the board.

660.062.1 State board of senior services created, members, terms, duties. There is hereby created a "State Board of Senior Services" which shall consist of seven members, who shall be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate. 2. Each member shall be appointed for a term of four years; except that of the members first appointed, two shall be appointed for a term of one year, two for a term of two years, two for a term of three years and one for a term of four years.

45. Answer is: C - At least 170F

19 CSR 30-85.052 Dietary Requirements for New and Existing ICF and SNF (72) The food-contact surfaces of all equipment and utensils shall be sanitized by immersion for at least one-half (1/2) minute in clean, hot water at a temperature of at least one hundred seventy degrees Fahrenheit (170F);

46. Answer is: B - 45 days in advance.

19 CSR 30-81.010 General Certification (F) The facility shall cooperate with the department in providing the proper documentation. For renewal requests, the request and proper documentation shall be submitted to the department at least forty-five (45) days prior to the ending date of the current waiver period.

47. Answer is: A - Within 5 days.

19 CSR 30-88.020 Residents Funds and Property (10) The operator shall have a receipt for the funds and possessions returned to the resident, designee or guardian. Within five (5) days of the discharge of a resident, the resident or his/her designee or guardian shall be given an up-to-date accounting of the residents personal funds and the balance of the funds and all personal possessions shall be returned to the resident. II/III

48. Answer is: C - NFPA 10

19 CSR 30-85.022 Fire Safety Standards for New and Existing ICFs and SNFs (2) General Requirements. (A) All National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes and standards cited in this rule: NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.

49. Answer is: B - 100 hours of on-the-Job training.

19 CSR 30-84.010 Nurse Assistant Training Program (D) The on-the-job supervised component of one hundred (100) hours shall start after the student has enrolled and started the course curriculum and shall precede the final examination.

50. Answer is: D - Within 7 days.

19 CSR 30-85.022 Fire Safety Standards for New and Existing ICFs and SNFs (F) All facilities shall notify the department immediately after the emergency is addressed if there is a fire in the facility or premises and shall submit a complete written fire report to the department within seven (7) days of the fire, regardless of the size of the fire or the loss involved. II/III

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