Chapter 17 Notes

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Ch 15: The Maritime Revolution I0. Global Maritime Expansion Before 1 50 !0. The "a#ifi# $#ean 10.

$ver a perio% of several thousan% &ears' peoples ori(inall& from the Mala& "eninsula #rosse% the )ater to settle the islan%s of the East In%ies' *e) Guinea' the Melanesian an% "ol&nesian islan%s' the Mar+uesas' *e) ,ealan%' an% other "a#ifi# islan%s out to -a)aii. .0. "ol&nesian expansion )as the result of planne% vo&a(es un%erta/en )ith the intention of establishin( #olonies. "ol&nesian mariners navi(ate% b& the stars an% b& their observations of o#ean #urrents an% evi%en#e of lan%. B0. The In%ian $#ean 10. Mala&o0In%onesians #oloni1e% the islan% of Ma%a(as#ar in a series of vo&a(es that #ontinue% throu(h the fifteenth #entur&. .0. !rab seafarers use% the re(ular pattern of the monsoon )in%s to establish tra%e routes in the In%ian $#ean. These tra%e routes flourishe% )hen the rise of Islam #reate% ne) mar/ets an% ne) net)or/s of Muslim tra%ers. 20. The Chinese Min( %&nast& sponsore% a series of vo&a(es to the In%ian $#ean bet)een 1 05 an% 1 22. The Min( vo&a(es )ere #arrie% out on a (ran% s#ale' involvin( fleets of over sixt& lar(e 3treasure ships4 an% hun%re%s of smaller support vessels. 0. The treasure ships #arrie% out tra%e in luxur& (oo%s in#lu%in( sil/ an% pre#ious metals as )ell as stimulatin( %iplomati# relations )ith various !fri#an an% !sian states. The vo&a(es' )hi#h )ere not profitable an% inspire% opposition in #ourt' )ere en%e% in 1 22. C0. The !tlanti# $#ean 10. 5urin( the relativel& )arm #enturies of the earl& Mi%%le !(es' the 6i/in(s' navi(atin( b& the stars an% the seas' explore% an% settle% I#elan%' Greenlan%' an% *e)foun%lan% 76inlan%8. 9hen a #ol%er #limate returne% after 1.00' the northern settlements in Greenlan% an% the settlement in *e)foun%lan% )ere aban%one%. .0. ! fe) southern Europeans an% !fri#ans attempte% to explore the !tlanti# in the thirteenth an% fourteenth #enturies. 6o&a(ers from Genoa in 1.:1 an% from Mali in the 1200s set out into the !tlanti# but %i% not return. Genoese an% "ortu(uese explorers %is#overe% an% settle% the Ma%eiras' the !1ores' an% the Canaries in the fourteenth #entur&. 20. In the !meri#as the !ra)a/ from ;outh !meri#a ha% #oloni1e% the <esser an% Greater !ntilles b& the &ear 1000. The Carib follo)e%' first ta/in( over !ra)a/ settlements in the <esser !ntilles an% then' in the late fifteenth #entur&' rai%in( the Greater !ntilles. II0. European Expansion' 1 00=1550 !0. Motives for Exploration 10. The Iberian /in(%oms sponsore% vo&a(es of exploration for a number of reasons' in#lu%in( both the a%venturous personalities of their lea%ers an% lon(0term tren%s in European histori#al %evelopment: the revival of tra%e' the stru((le )ith Islam for #ontrol of the Me%iterranean' #uriosit& about the outsi%e )orl%' an% the allian#es bet)een rulers an% mer#hants. .0. The #it&0states of northern Ital& ha% no in#entive to explore !tlanti# tra%e routes be#ause the& ha% establishe% a s&stem of allian#es an% tra%e )ith the Muslims that (ave them a monopol& on a##ess to !sian (oo%s. !lso' Italian ships )ere %esi(ne% for the #alm )aters of the Me%iterranean an% #oul% not stan% up to the violent )eather of the !tlanti#.

20. The Iberian /in(%oms ha% a histor& of #enturies of )arfare )ith Muslims. The& ha% no si(nifi#ant share in the Me%iterranean tra%e' but ha% a%van#e% shipbuil%in( an% #annon te#hnolo(&. The& )ere open to ne) (eo(raphi#al /no)le%(e' an% ha% ex#eptional lea%ers. B0. "ortu(uese 6o&a(es 10. The "ortu(uese (aine% more /no)le%(e of the sour#es of (ol% an% slaves south of the ;ahara )hen their for#es' le% b& "rin#e -enr&' #apture% the *orth !fri#an #aravan #it& of Ceuta. "rin#e -enr& 73the *avi(ator48 then sponsore% a resear#h an% navi(ation institute at ;a(res in or%er to #olle#t information about an% sen% expe%itions to the !fri#an lan%s south of *orth !fri#a. .0. The staff of "rin#e -enr&>s resear#h institute in ;a(res stu%ie% an% improve% navi(ational instruments in#lu%in( the #ompass an% the astrolabe. The& also %esi(ne% a ne) vessel' the #aravel' )hose small si1e' shallo) %raft' #ombination of s+uare an% lateen sails' an% #annon ma%e it )ell suite% for the tas/ of exploration. 20. "ortu(uese explorers #autiousl& explore% the !fri#an #oast' rea#hin( Cape 6er%e in 1 an% learnin( ho) to return to "ortu(al faster b& sailin( north)est into the !tlanti# in or%er to pi#/ up the prevailin( )esterl& )in%s that )oul% blo) them ba#/ to "ortu(al. 0. The "ortu(uese vo&a(es )ere initiall& finan#e% b& in#ome from the properties hel% b& "rin#e -enr&>s $r%er of Christ. In the 1 0s' the vo&a(es be(an to pro%u#e a finan#ial return' first from tra%e in slaves' an% then from the (ol% tra%e. 50. Be(innin( in 1 ?: the pro#ess of exploration pi#/e% up spee% as private #ommer#ial enterprises be(an to (et involve%. The <isbon mer#hant @ernao Gomes sent expe%itions that %is#overe% an% %evelope% the islan% of ;ao Tome an% explore% the Gol% Coast. Bartolomeu 5ias an% 6as#o %a Gama roun%e% the tip of !fri#a an% establishe% #onta#t )ith In%ia' thus la&in( the basis for "ortu(al>s maritime tra%in( empire. C0. ;panish 6o&a(es 10. 9hen Christopher Columbus approa#he% the ;panish #ro)n )ith his proAe#t of fin%in( a ne) route to !sia' the "ortu(uese ha% alrea%& establishe% their route to the In%ian $#ean. The Bin( an% Cueen of ;pain a(ree% to fun% a mo%est vo&a(e of %is#over&' an% Columbus set out in 1 :. )ith letters of intro%u#tion to !sian rulers an% an !rabi# interpreter. .0. !fter three vo&a(es' Columbus )as still #ertain that he ha% foun% !sia' but other Europeans reali1e% that he ha% %is#overe% entirel& ne) lan%s. These ne) %is#overies le% the ;panish an% the "ortu(uese to si(n the Treat& of Tor%esillas' in )hi#h the& %ivi%e% the )orl% bet)een them alon( a line %ra)n %o)n the #enter of the *orth !tlanti#. 20. @er%inan% Ma(ellan>s vo&a(e a#ross the "a#ifi# #onfirme% "ortu(al>s #laim to the Molu##a Islan%s an% establishe% the ;panish #laim to the "hilippines. III0. En#ounters 9ith Europe' 1 50=1550 !0. 9estern !fri#a 10. 5urin( the fifteenth #entur& man& !fri#ans )el#ome% the "ortu(uese an% profite% from their tra%e' in )hi#h the& often hel% the upper han%. In return for their (ol%' !fri#ans re#eive% from the "ortu(uese mer#hants a variet& of !sian' !fri#an' an% European (oo%s in#lu%in( firearms. Intera#tion bet)een the "ortu(uese an% !fri#an rulers varie% from pla#e to pla#e. .0. The oba 7/in(8 of the po)erful /in(%om of Benin sent an ambassa%or to "ortu(al an% establishe% a ro&al monopol& on tra%e )ith the "ortu(uese. Benin exporte% a

number of (oo%s' in#lu%in( some slaves' an% its rulers sho)e% a mil% interest in Christianit&. !fter 152D' Benin purposel& limite% its #onta#t )ith the "ortu(uese' %e#linin( to re#eive missionaries an% #losin( the mar/et in male slaves. 20. The /in(%om of Bon(o ha% fe)er (oo%s to export an% #onse+uentl& relie% more on the slave tra%e. 9hen the Christian Bin( !fonso I lost his monopol& over the slave tra%e his po)er )as )ea/ene% an% some of his subAe#ts rose in revolt. B0. Eastern !fri#a 10. In Eastern !fri#a' some Muslim states )ere suspi#ious of the "ortu(uese' )hile others )el#ome% the "ortu(uese as allies in their stru((les a(ainst their nei(hbors. $n the ;)ahili Coast' Malin%i befrien%e% the "ortu(uese an% )as spare% )hen the "ortu(uese atta#/e% an% loote% man& of the other ;)ahili #it&0 states in 1505. .0. Christian Ethiopia sou(ht an% (aine% "ortu(uese support in its )ar a(ainst the Muslim for#es of !%al. The Muslims )ere %efeate%' but Ethiopia )as unable to ma/e a lon(0term allian#e )ith the "ortu(uese be#ause the Ethiopians refuse% to transfer their reli(ious lo&alt& from the patriar#h of !lexan%ria to the Roman pope. C0. In%ian $#ean ;tates 10. 9hen 6as#o %a Gama arrive% in Cali#ut in 1 :D he ma%e a ver& poor impression )ith his simple (ifts. *onetheless' the "ortu(uese )ere %etermine% to #ontrol the In%ian $#ean tra%e' an% their superior ships an% firepo)er (ave them the abilit& to %o so. .0. In or%er to assert their #ontrol' the "ortu(uese bombar%e% the ;)ahili #it&0states in 1505' #apture% the In%ian port of Goa in 1510' an% too/ -ormu1 in 1515. Exten%in( their rea#h east)ar%' "ortu(uese for#es #apture% Mala##a in 1511 an% set up a tra%in( post at Ma#ao in southern China in 155E. 20. The "ortu(uese use% their #ontrol over the maAor ports to re+uire that all spi#es be #arrie% in "ortu(uese ships an% that all other ships pur#hase "ortu(uese passports an% pa& #ustoms %uties to the "ortu(uese. 0. Rea#tions to this "ortu(uese a((ression varie%. The Mu(hal emperors too/ no a#tion' )hile the $ttomans resiste% an% )ere able at least to maintain superiorit& in the Re% ;ea an% the "ersian Gulf. ;ome smaller states #ooperate% )ith the "ortu(ueseF others trie% evasion an% resistan#e. 50. The "ortu(uese never (aine% #omplete #ontrol of the In%ian $#ean tra%e' but the& %i% %ominate it enou(h to brin( themselves #onsi%erable profit an% to brea/ the Italian #it&0states> monopol& on pepper. 50. The !meri#as 10. 9hile the "ortu(uese built a maritime tra%in( empire in !fri#a an% !sia' the ;panish built a territorial empire in the !meri#as. The reasons for the %ifferen#e are to be foun% in the isolation of !merin%ian #ommunities an% their la#/ of resistan#e to $l% 9orl% %iseases. .0. The !ra)a/ )ere an a(ri#ultural people )ho mine% an% )or/e% (ol% but %i% not tra%e it over lon( %istan#es an% ha% no iron. ;panish )ars /ille% tens of thousan%s of !ra/a)s an% un%ermine% their e#onom&F b& 150.' the remainin( !ra)a/ of -ispaniola )ere for#e% to serve as laborers for the ;panish. 20. 9hat the ;panish %i% in the !ntilles )as an extension of ;panish a#tions a(ainst the Muslims in the previous #enturies: %efeatin( non0Christians an% puttin( them an% their lan% un%er Christian #ontrol. The a#tions of #on+uista%ors in other parts of the Caribbean follo)e% the same pattern. 0. $n the mainlan%' -ernan Cortes relie% on native allies' #avalr& #har(es' steel s)or%s' an% #annon to %efeat the for#es of the !1te# Empire an% #apture the

Teno#htitlan. The #on+uest )as also ai%e% b& the sprea% of smallpox amon( the !1te#s. ;imilarl&' @ran#is#o "i1arro>s #on+uest of the In#a Empire )as ma%e possible b& the prior sprea% of smallpox amon( the In#a population' the %issatisfa#tion of the In#a Empire>s re#entl& #on+uere% peoples' an% b& ;panish #annon an% steel s)or%s. E0. "atterns of 5ominan#e 10. Three fa#tors #ontribute% to ;pain>s abilit& to establish a vast lan% empire in the !meri#as: 718 !merin%ians> la#/ of resistan#e to %iseases brou(ht from the Eastern -emisphereF 7.8 ;panish superior militar& te#hnolo(& 7s)or%s' armor' horses' an% some firearms8' #ombine% )ith a((ressive fi(htin( te#hni+ues an% lo#al alliesF an% 728 ;pain>s abilit& to appl& the pattern of #on+uest' for#e% labor' an% for#e% #onversionGa pattern %evelope% %urin( the re0#on+uest of the Iberian "eninsulaGto the !meri#as. .0. In the Eastern -emisphere' !fri#ans an% !sians share% the same %iseases as the Europeans an% ha% enou(h numbers to resist European for#es )hen ne#essar&. @urthermore' the "ortu(uese an% the ;panish )ere able to (ain profit b& en(a(in( in alrea%& existin( tra%e net)or/s' )hi#h meant that the& #oul% (ain )ealth )ithout #on+uerin( territor&.

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