TheSun 2009-09-04 Page10 Keep A Watch On Our Youths

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thesun says

Business jargon and memory loss

THE ongoing revelations from the Public OC Phang’s claim of memory loss over certain various ministries, Phang should be more for mismanagement, incompetence, abuse of
Accounts Committee (PAC) hearing on the Port pertinent issues during Wednesday’s hearing. convincing if she wants to play dumb. power or even corruption, the PKFZ story should
Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) financial fiasco that is Even more so is her declaration that she She is, however, correct in one thing – that as continue to be told in years to come.
costing taxpayers in excess of RM5 billion, is a does not understand what the committee general manager she should take responsibility It should be a permanent case study of the
revelation of how some take a cavalier attitude meant by “cash flow projections” – prompting for the colossal losses incurred by the project. heavy responsibilities that come with being
towards the obligations of a job they are paid to PAC chairman Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid to give her And that includes the PAC’s, as well as the entrusted with a project which was meant to
do – in this case, a national project using public an impromptu tutorial. audit committee’s findings previously that PKA benefit all Malaysians, lest we forget and allow
funds. With a BA from University Malaya and a did not follow basic management principles another PKFZ in time to come. After all, the free
One finds it hard to stomach former Port Klang Cranfield School of Management graduate and when running the free zone. Even after the zone fiasco came at a time when the RM2 billion
Authority (PKA) general manager Datin Paduka years of working in the finance divisions of dust has settled and those responsible booked BMF scandal was all but a distant memory.

Keep a watch Who needs a social contract?

general election. Now, more than ever, we
need to address the race-baiting that goes
on in the Malay mainstream media, the

on our youths
by Kee Thuan Chye strategies that aim to threaten, frighten
and divide.
LAST week, I heard on BFM Radio an inter- Ironically, these media organisations
view with a Malaysian about the meaning are owned and controlled by the party
Down2Earth of Merdeka. When he was asked about that is led by the very man behind the
by Terence Fernandez the so-called “social contract” that was 1Malaysia slogan. The messages sent out
supposedly made by our founding fathers, by these media organisations and the
IT WAS just more than two weeks ago while walk- came to the conclusion that at least in Malaysia and whether he believed it existed, he said messages he himself is sending out are
ing down Oxford Street when we encountered a one does not need to cross the street to avoid an that if it didn’t, why don’t we make one at odds with each other. Whom are we to
group of about 40 youths – children of between approaching group of youngsters. now? listen to?
12 and 16 years, to be precise – marching along However, I pointed out that this was where they Who needs such a social contract? This is at the core of our problem. It is
London’s foremost shopping district. are wrong. “Don’t think these fellows are returning Why should there be one 52 years after the kind of thing that provokes demonstra-
One had a mongrel on a leash and they acted home from tuition,” I said as I articulated our own our nation attained independence? You tions like the one in Shah Alam last week
as if they owned the street, bumping into other worrying trend of more Malaysian youths going mean, after all these years of Malaysian in which the protesters publicly spat at
pedestrians and even walking into a Subway outlet down the dark path. citizens living together and co-developing and kicked a cow’s head to show their
to flick pocketfuls of snacks. Last year, 3,629 students aged between 13 this blessed land, we still need a social contempt for the Hindu religion. And all
They were ignorant of or could not care less about and 18 years were arrested for various offences contract? Whatever for? Because we don’t this witnessed by policemen who did
the closed-circuit television cameras (CCTVs), a including affray, theft, extortion, robbery, rape and trust one another? We need something nothing to stop what was apparently a
familiar sight in the city as part of the government’s drug-related offences. akin to a pre-nuptial contract? Hey, brother, seditious act.
battle against an ever-increasing crime rate. No Statistics released in April show that 295 youths the wedding took place 52 years ago! All this points to 2Malaysias. The home
one dared stop them and we did an about-turn and were detained in the first two months of this year. By now, we should have settled in minister’s meeting with the cow-head
headed for the nearest Underground station to take It seems these days the parang instead of the pencil nicely to the marriage, come to under- protesters, and saying they could not be
a train out of there. is becoming the accessory of choice. It does not stand one another better, respect one blamed as they had been victimised and
Walking back from the bus stop to a relative’s help when parents both of whom are breadwinners another’s rights and beliefs, feel secure in needed to voice their feelings – affirms
home about 20km from the city, one has to pass these days prefer to look the other way when told the partnership. And most of all, not take that divide. But Malaysians today are
Belvedere Road. Last year, the road sign was adorn of their children’s activities. each other for granted. surely aware of that.
with flowers in memory of a boy who was stabbed Having been to enough police lock-ups, I can I don’t think there ever was a nuptial At a time when the prime minister is
to death by another group of youths for, according vouch that every single parent waiting to bail out agreement … er, social contract. Our trying hard to win non-Malay hearts and
to the police, “staring”. their children believe they are innocent. founding fathers discussed the terms of minds with his 1Malaysia slogan, the
Just two weeks before the Oxford Street What more can you say when during the old agreement before independence could cow-head incident would have set his
incident, the police showed up at the front door of days one would get an extra slap from your dad if be achieved and most of that was incor- efforts back. Hindraf will surely be
our relative’s home to ask if we had heard anything you tell him that you were caned in school. These porated into the Constitution. It is only in mobilised more purposefully and Hindus
as a 13-year-old boy was stabbed by another 13- days, it is the teacher who gets slapped by the recent times, when certain parties began will rally behind it.
year-old. parent for disciplining the child! to feel a sense of insecurity in the face of But why are contradictory signals being
A few days after that, I had to get a bunch of kids In the end, how many times have you said, “we perceived contentious challenges, that this sent out by the ruling party? In the past
thrown off the bus as they were throwing pieces should slap the parent” when coming across an idea of a social contract has been touted. few months, a senior government leader
of paper at and mocking an elderly Muslim man unruly child or youth? This underscores the fact To me, it is merely a ploy to remind has called the opposition leader a traitor to
before turning their attention to me. that parental examples are paramount in how our certain groups that they should know the Malay race; defended an article in the
The state of the nation’s youths and violent kids turn out. their place and therefore not make any Malay press calling on the Malays to stop
crime involving the young are daily fodder for It is sad to view the video of the temple relocation demands. Thus, to give attention to such being cowards and rise up; and asserted
Britain’s newspapers. protesters in Shah Alam. Among those stepping on a ploy and go through the rigmarole of that Umno would fight to the last drop of
The people blame the government’s child pro- the severed cow’s head is a boy barely in his teens. working out a social contract would be blood to protect Malay rights.
tection policies for giving youngsters a free hand to He probably does not even understand why he is to engage in a messy – and unnecessary More than ever, what we need are
terrorise the rest of the community. Knife crimes there and what the fuss is all about. It is scary to – exercise. statesmen who have the guts to haul in
are on the rise but there is virtually nothing to stop think that he will be “enlightened” by a bunch of Our energy would be better chan- the disruptive elements that are out to
them unless they are caught red-handed. bigots and may grow up to be one himself. nelled towards focusing on what needs create chaos in the name of race and
To illustrate the ludicrousness of the policy, There is no point getting our children to recite to be done today. What is most pressing is religion. Do we have statesmen whose
one man who had been taunted by bicycle-riding the Rukunegara and pay attention during moral the here and now. Letters in the English- hearts are in the right place? If we don’t,
youths on his front yard could not get the police to studies if they are not protected from elements language newspapers lament that there no social contract will do us any good.
intervene unless the cops arrived at the point of outside the classroom – bad hats, bigots, parents are now reports of racism every day in
nuisance being committed. in denial mode and irresponsible politicians – who the press. Some call out to Malaysians
When he said that he will record the youths in are bent on undoing whatever values our educa- to “embrace our differences”, “make co- Kee Thuan Chye is the author of March 8:
the act, he was told in no uncertain terms that doing tion system hopes to inculcate in our children. existence our guiding light”, “uphold unity The Day Malaysia Woke Up, which just won
so is an offence as children cannot be photographed at all times”. Why are we still saying these 3rd Prize in the Popular Readers’ Choice
or recorded without their parents’ permission! after 52 years? Awards. It has also been translated into
Have a discussion at a pub with some friends on Terence is deputy editor special reports & investiga- Unfortunately, racism has, in fact, Chinese. Comment: letters@thesundaily.
this issue of youth crimes and misdemeanour; they tions and is reachable at escalated since the outcome of the last com.

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